In the slightly messy cabin, Hagrid was sitting slumped on a small bench the size of an Imperial Tutor chair and crying, while Harry and Hermione were sitting around him with a look Looking at him worriedly.

“What’s the matter?”

Link, who opened the door, asked suspiciously.

Hearing this Harry’s eyes all lit up.

“Link, you are here! There was an accident when we were in class this afternoon!”

“When Hagrid was in class, we were exposed to Hippogriff. Well, Harry even managed to make Hippogriff ride a winged beast in a circle!”

“But Malfoy deliberately angered Hippogriff’s winged beast, and as a result, his arm was caught by fiercely! “

“It’s definitely not Hagrid’s fault! Hagrid has already warned Malfoy to be polite to Hippogriff, but he doesn’t listen!”

Harry and Hermione, the three of you gave me an overview of what happened.

Hearing this Link also suddenly realized that there is indeed such a plot in the original work, but unfortunately, because of the lack of contact with the main line, I didn’t take it seriously, so I didn’t remind Hagrid.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Link opened his mouth to speak.

But before he could say anything, Hagrid beside him cried even more sadly.

“This time it’s all over! This is just the first day of school I got into such a big trouble! Lucius Malfoy is the school manager!” Hagrid cried, “in case he goes to the school manager I will be disqualified as a professor! Even, maybe I might be sent back to Azkaban!”

When it comes to Azkaban, Hagrid, a man who is close to five meters tall, seems to think Something terrible, forgot to cry, and trembles there.

At the same time, Harry was overreacted because of Azkaban, because the Death Eater named Black, who was going to kill him, came out of Azkaban!

Now Harry is very curious about everything about this Black!

He brushed a bit and stood up, looking at Hagrid with piercing eyes and asked:

“Azkaban! By the way! Hagrid, you have been to Azkaban! Can you tell me? Tell me what place it is?”

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the few people on the side were all on Harry. As for the questioned Hagrid, he shook his head and didn’t want to say anything.

When Harry saw this, his expression darkened, and he realized that he had said something wrong, and he quickly apologized.

Link is naturally Harry wanted and so on. He shook the head and said:

“Azkaban is the most rigorous wizard prison in the magic circle in Europe. I believe you have all I know. But you may not have made any specific changes to how strict and terrifying it is, so let me talk about it.”

Harry and the others nodded.

“Azkaban is located on a small island in the Northern Sea that is not even marked on the map. The Sea Territory around it cannot be approached by the muggle due to the influence of the spell. At the same time, it is also arranged with a large number of mirrors. Disapparation and other protective spells. In addition, it is completely constructed of a kind of anti-magic stone. Usually the wizard can’t destroy even one of the handrails on it. But the above are actually just dispensable facilities. The most powerful thing about Azkaban is that all the jailers in it are dementors!

These monsters do not need to sleep and can patrol the cell 24 hours a day. Of course, the patrol of the cell is only nominal, but in fact , They are looking for food! They are wandering in the prison rooms at all times, devouring every bit of positive emotions of the prisoners!

Normal people will go crazy if they stay in Azkaban for a month, two You will try to commit suicide after a month, and you will die in despair after half a year. As for trying to escape from it, it is almost impossible, because under the guard of dementor these prisoners are always in the deepest level of despair. For this point , I think you guys should understand it.”

Link finished explaining, each minding their own business took a bottle of Butterbeer from the Hagrid wine box and drank it.

His description of Azkaban is not exaggerated, even he said it in a small way.

Azkaban, is such a scary place.

When the Ministry of Magic tried Voldemort’s old ministry, none of them were killed. It was either collected money or thrown into Azkaban. This is known to all European wizards.

But until today, the main focus of everyone’s criticism of Ministry of Magic is that Ministry of Magic collects money and releases people, but there is no objection to Ministry of Magic not killing people.

This is naturally because everyone knows that being imprisoned in Azkaban is definitely better than death!

In the hut, everyone fell into a strange silence.

Hagrid himself has been irritated into a trance state, and Harry is cold in his heart.

He has a clear understanding of how strict Azkaban is.

After all, he is a person who has personally experienced the horror of dementor.

So how terrible is Black who can escape from such a prison?

Harry was a little afraid to continue thinking about it.

Ron and Hermione are not bad, the latter sneaked up to Link’s side after calming down, and said softly:

“Link, don’t mention Azkaban anymore. It’s about Hagrid. Do you have any idea?”

As soon as these words came out, the other two people in the hut, except Hagrid, also woke up.

They gathered here today to help Hagrid solve the problem.

And Link hearing this chuckled slightly:

“Don’t worry, Hagrid will be fine. Isn’t Draco Malfoy’s father, the school manager on which Draco · Malfoy depends? My mother became a school manager this year, so I’ll just go back and tell her.”


Harry and Ron screamed in unison. “Really? Why have you never mentioned it?”

Link shrugged his shoulders and said:

“I am not Malfoy, so naturally I won’t talk about this kind of thing all day long. Edge.”

As soon as the words came out, Harry and the three of them clicked nodded in a daze, thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Unlike some people, Link really doesn’t like to promote his identity as a pure-blooded nobleman.

Harry and they just know that Link’s family is pure blood, and they are richer that’s all.

After all this was figured out, their three people immediately fell into ecstasy.

Because this indicates that Hagrid has a high probability of passing this level safely.

Looking at the three laughing people, Link is the helpless shook the head.

To be honest, Link doesn’t think Hagrid needs his help.

After all, this fact is too small.

That is, in the past few years, Dumbledore has raised students very good.

You must know that the previous headmasters were all militarized management, iron-blooded teaching mode.

Don’t mention injuries at the time, because students who died in various teaching accidents were not a minority.

Draco is like this. If you die, you will be given a day of sick leave. On the 2nd day, you will have to drag you out to continue to class.

And Hagrid is still Dumbledore’s hard-core supporter, Link doesn’t think Dumbledore will sit back and watch Hagrid be bullied by the Malfoy Family!

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