After taking care of helping Hagrid, Link escorted the three of Harry back to Hogwarts before dark.

As for Hagrid himself, he is still drinking and lying in the cabin.

Ron originally wanted to stay in the cabin to comfort Hagrid, but was forcibly pulled away by Link.

Hagrid was greatly stimulated today, and it is far from being solved by a few words of comfort.

Link thinks it is better to leave him alone.

And after dealing with Harry trio, Link immediately approached Emily and asked about Draco.

“The person who accompanied him to the infirmary said that he just suffered some skin injuries, and he should be able to raise it for two days. However, he said that he would make Hagrid and Harry pay the price. It is estimated that I will pretend to be sick for a while to put some pressure on the school.”

After listening to Link’s account, Emily said hesitantly, “Well, I’ll hit him again when I look back. Let him directly cut off those messy thoughts.”

“no! You must not interfere in this matter, just handle the condolences as usual, and I will solve the other things.”

Link said hurriedly.

Help Hagrid return to Hagrid, he doesn’t want to make Emily difficult.

Think carefully and you will know.

Emily, as a Slytherin tycoon, was injured when the student of her house was injured. Instead of condoning and helping her, she warned that person not to fight back and retaliate?

What will other people think?

Emily understands naturally, she is sweetly smiled, and she leans closer to Link.

At her feet, Arkham was using the tail as a dog toy, teasing Doug, making it constantly biting up and down.

Doug really deserves to be a silly dog. As a Basilisk for a thousand years, Arkham has a high-level aura itself, and ordinary animals can’t even run when they see it.

Doug played vigorously with Arkham, and he was not afraid that Arkham would bite it and send it away.

Emily and Link are so close together in the night, watching the interaction between Arkham and Doug silently, no one wants to speak.

But what is strange is that the two of them are not embarrassed at all.

On the contrary, I felt extremely peaceful and happy.

Sometimes feelings are so simple.

As long as you are there, that’s enough.

One noon a week later, Link was eating lunch with John and Cedric as usual, and there was a lot of noise around.

Especially on Slytherin’s long table, Draco was bragging about directing Harry Ron to do this and that under the name of Professor Snape.

His storytelling ability is obviously much better than Ron, so the Slytherins around will make deafening laughter from time to time.

Put a piece of salt and pepper potato into the walk, Link shook the head disdainfully.

What Emily guessed really happened.

This guy Draco started his career as an actor.

Hanging his arms in a bandage, he went around proclaiming that he had been injured by Hagrid’s stupid animals. He also used himself as a wounded as an excuse to toss Harry and Ron to help him do this and that. People are miserable.

This made Link very much doubt whether Draco was given Obliviate during the vacation, and then he forgot the shadow of being hanged last semester and became so jumpy.

But doubt is doubtful, but Link not at all goes to Draco’s trouble.

After all, Link only promised to help Hagrid deal with the troubles from the upper echelons, but he didn’t say that even the relationship dispute between Harry and Draco should be resolved.

Happily watched Draco perform a show again, and then Link took John to the floating stairwell.

Later they will have their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of this semester.

Although there is still a period of time before the class, I still met many Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw who were also going to class.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they are quite excited.

This is as it should be.

Because Professor Lupin taught other grades last week, and it is said that the effect is very good, everyone said it was good!

“Link, did you say that Professor Lupin will attend the courses he taught in other grades?”

Half way, after hearing the descriptions of other students, John asked excitedly .

“There is a high probability,” Hearing this Link raised an eyebrow and analyzed, “After all, the two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors before him are really bad, which makes students We are naturally biased towards him as a professor, and everyone’s desire to learn is not too strong. If he wants to break this situation, he needs to use a special debut to change himself and Defense Against the Dark Arts. The impression of the course in everyone’s minds. And for now, his debut is very successful, so he has a high probability of continuing to copy this model to expand the impact.”

Maybe he did not expect Link Will explain so much, hearing this John froze in place for a while before revealing a look of surprise.

Because Link’s explanation is a bit unclear, but it makes sense in general.

This means that he is likely to see the mysterious course that everyone has praised today.

The surrounding students also heard Link’s explanation about today’s course. Everyone was beaming and looking forward to walking to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

When the entire group such as Link arrived, there were already many people in the classroom. Today’s classroom is different from the past.

All the desks and chairs were piled up to the wall all around, so a large area was left in the classroom.

And above this open space is a dilapidated wooden wardrobe, which was used by professors in the past to place their own clothes.

Professor Lupin just stood by the closet, chatting and laughing with a crowd of enthusiastic students.

The arrival of Link and the others naturally attracted Lupin’s attention. He first blinked at Link, then looked at the vertical pendulum clock in the corner and waved and shouted:

“Well, students, although there is still a period of time before the class, but since everyone has arrived, I will take some time to explain it.”

Lupin this As soon as the words came out, the classroom that was still lively quieted down, and the expectant people all looked at Lupin silently, waiting to take his next speech.

When Lupin saw this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

He moved towards everyone bowed, and then continued:

“First of all, I want to introduce myself, I am Remus · John Lupin, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Once again, I would like to thank everyone for your support. I am really flattered that everyone can come so early. I think all the professors in Hogwarts who can let the students arrive in the classroom ten minutes earlier except our respectable Professor McGonagall There is only a certain professor who doesn’t like shampooing much.”

The students suddenly laughed.

Everyone obviously knows who the professor who doesn’t like shampooing is.

Lupin continued:

“Let’s get back to business next. In fact, I originally intended to help you advance the course quickly. After all, you will be facing the OWL exam next year. And your previous two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors are obviously not very concerned about your grades.”

“But considering that this is the first class of our semester, so After asking the opinions of several students, I decided to introduce you to this creature called Boggart!”

Lupin said, Wand pointed at the old wardrobe suddenly, and it was immediately inside. There was a series of collision sounds.

It’s as if there is something in the closet struggling to escape.

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