On Halloween, the whole Hogwarts was jubilant.

Today is surprisingly a sun shone brightly good weather.

As a man, Link waited early in the hall.

There are still many people who arrived early like him. Most of them are in groups of three or four. Chirp chirp twitter twitter looks very excited when they get together.

A small number of senior students are still telling the younger students about the Hogsmeade village, which has won a lot of envy and jealousy.

“Link, sorry for keeping you waiting!”

“Ah, I haven’t been here for long.”

I heard a familiar voice and smiled Then it bloomed on Link’s face.

He turned his head, and involuntarily swept Emily’s body with his gaze.

When Link saw this, two red clouds appeared on Emily’s face immediately, she lowered her head and combed a strand of long hair behind her ears shyly, which happened to reveal a daisy ear on her earlobe. Decorated.

Today’s Emily at first glance looks at how much the difference in dressing and dressing is not at all on weekdays, but she has a fresh and soft temperament inexplicably, which dilutes her strength in the past and makes her more It’s a bit more like a pretty daughter in a humble family.

This kind of temperament change can be felt by ordinary people, but it is absolutely impossible to tell the reason.

Fortunately, Link is not an ordinary person.

And Emily has already hinted.

I saw the blue light flashed in Link’s eyes, and then smiled and attached to Emily’s ear and whispered:

“This set of earrings is so beautiful. It suits you very well, I like it very much.”

hearing this Emily not at all speaks, but the smile on her face becomes brighter, and her body is closer to Link.

This makes Link puff up his chest somewhat proudly.

Super-sensation curse, eternal god!

“Students who are going to Hogsmeade Village, come and gather here!”

At this time, Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly came from outside, and the messy crowd was also at the other side Under the command, he finally moved.

Everyone slowly walked out of Hogwarts Castle and formed a long line in front of a huge cast iron gate.

Before going to Hogsmeade Village, every student must be checked with the application form signed by their parents to prevent anyone from sneaking out.

The person in charge of checking at the door today is Filch.

He seems to have dressed up seriously, not only washing his face, wearing a tuxedo that doesn’t fit well, but even wearing a tall gentleman hat.

But compared with his appearance, his behavior is not so gentle.

I saw him domineeringly snatch every student’s application form, and with his sharp eyes like a falcon, he kept coming back and looking between the application form and the students, and finally made a few more difficult words, really messing up. It won’t be released.

This makes many students in line a little embarrassed.

However, when it was Link and Emily’s turn to undergo the examination, he did not at all ask Link to present the application form.

Not only that, he rarely took off his top hat and smiled and gave a salute to Link.

“I wish you a happy playing, Mr. Foley, Victoria Young Lady.”

“Thank you!”

moved towards Filch and clicked nodded, Link and Emily walked quickly out of the fence gate.

A Gryffindor boy behind him opened his mouth in surprise, as if he wanted to question why Link didn’t need to be checked.

But before he could speak, Filch fiercely stared back at what he hadn’t said yet.

“Do you have a good relationship with Filch?”

Walking on the path leading to Hogsmeade Village, Emily took Link’s arm and said.

“This is the friendship left over from the past night tour,” Link pursed his lips. “Filch is actually quite pitiful. He lives in the magic school of Hogwarts, but he can’t release a single magic. “

hearing this Emily’s smile narrowed slightly, nodded in agreement.

I am also very sympathetic to Squib Emily, which was influenced by Mr. Victoria, a great philanthropist.

And at this moment, a few tall and strong Hufflepuff suddenly leaned over, said with a laugh:

“Good afternoon Link!”

“Thanks to you for persuading Cedric this time, otherwise we can still train on the stadium now!”

“Ah, this is not all my credit,” Link responded with a smile, ” The main thing is that Cedric itself has more important things to do.”

“We understand, we understand! Look over there!”

One of Hufflepuff winked and pointed to the side. Pointing, Link and Emily followed and saw Cedric walking with a petite girl.

Although the two did not hold hands like Link and Emily, they were talking and laughing, and they seemed to have a good chat.

Emily covered her mouth and snickered:

“Yo! Cedric was so shy before, but now it looks like there are two brushes!”

“Of course, anyway, Cedric is also Hufflepuff’s Prefect and Hufflepuff Quiddich’s Captain. EQ will definitely not be low.”

“Emotional intelligence?”

“Oh! This is a vocabulary invented by muggle, which refers to the IQ of doing things for people.”

Link quickly explained, but his eyes deviated from Cedric and Cho Chang and turned to the side of the trail. .

There, John was running sneakily towards Hogsmeade Village.

“What are you looking at?”

Emily turned Link’s head around in dissatisfaction, facing herself.

And Link is shook the head, and said with a sigh of relief:

“It’s nothing, but I just feel that spring is here.”

“What nonsense Now! It’s obviously winter coming soon!”

“My spring is not the same spring as you think.”

With this sentence off, Link is no longer Continue to explain to Emily who is still inquiring, and continue walking with a smile.

After walking for a while, Link and Emily passed through a cast iron fence and finally entered Hogsmeade Village.

As the only pure wizard village existing in the territory of the country, Hogsmeade Village is also regarded as a well-known scenic spot in Europe.

Perhaps it is to create the quaint and mysterious feeling specially, the overwhelming majority buildings in the village are all classical wooden, and the height is not very high.

Speaking nicely, such a design has a medieval charm, but to put it bluntly, it is tattered.

But after all, it is a wizard village, and there are traces of magic in many places inside it. Link and Emily are holding hands and strolling around are still quite enthusiastic.

Especially after passing a shop that constantly exudes a sweet and greasy fragrance around, Link and Emily stopped by coincidence.

“Honeydukes Sweetshop.”

Link muttered the name on the shop sign, and his eyes lit up.

This shop Link can be said to be well-known for a long time.

It is the largest candy shop in the magic circle in the country. It sells a variety of magic candies, including the common bibidu beans that have a variety of weird flavors, and they can make the teeth tremble. The ice mouse, the soft candy that will explode slightly when eaten…

Among them, their signature candy Honey Flavoured Toffee is the favorite of the old bee Dumbledore. It is said that Dumbledore will order it here at least every year. Dozens of catties.

Of course, it’s not such sweet stuff that really attracts Link.

It is a pumpkin soda and pumpkin pie in the specialty store of Honeydukes Sweetshop.

“si si hiss!~” (Link! Good smell! Go buy it! Go buy it!)

Arkham who smelled the fragrance also drilled from the neck of Link Came out and couldn’t wait to say.

hearing this Link swallowed, turned his head and tentatively asked Emily:

“Or, let’s go in…ah, let’s forget it.”


In the middle of the conversation, Link suddenly changed the subject.

Because he saw with his own eyes a big student rushing into Honeydukes Sweetshop like crazy, he directly overwhelmed the shop that was not too small to support.

“Or, let’s walk from the innermost part of Hogsmeade Village to the entrance direction, right?”

Link suggested.

This is the experience he accumulated from visiting the amusement park in his previous life. It is very easy to use.

And Emily hearing this also smiled happily and said:

“Yes, I just need to be with you. It’s the same everywhere.”

Emily’s smile was like a Cupid’s arrow, hitting Link’s chest, causing him to breathe quickly, and after a while, she said:

” Okay, okay.”

The two continued to move forward, but in the end they were disappointed to find that it was not only Honeydukes, but also the Zonko’s Joke Shop (magic mischief props monopoly) and the literati in the brush shop (stationery). ), Fengya brand wizard clothing store, and even the wizard post office was occupied by bored students who came to see the owl.

This is the smell of a tourist group going out to buy it more than ten years ago.

Link in the heart murmured silently, but his eyes focused on a coffee shop called’Madam Puddifoot Tea House’.

Different from other shops, although people enter this shop from time to time, it is generally quite deserted.

“Let’s go there and sit down and chat with coffee.”

Link pointed to the door decisively and suggested.


Emily looked in the direction Link was pointing, and she couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

The red cheeks have also become more rosy, and the red clouds almost spread to the base of her ears, which is very beautiful.

Emily rubbed the hem of her robe, lowered her head and hesitated for a while, then said in a soft voice:

“Okay, okay.”

Emily’s reaction made Link a little confused, but Link instantly understood when they actually entered the teahouse.

I saw a misty piece of tea in this teahouse. Almost everything was decorated with pink frills and bows, which looked greasy.

The most important thing is that all the people sitting in the teahouse are couples.

They looked blurred in the dimly lit teahouse, holding hands and whispering.

What’s more, they kissed directly here.

For example, the Ravenclaw couple who are slightly closer to the entrance.

Link vaguely recognized them as the best-studied pair of male and female study tyrants in Ravenclaw Seventh Year. It is said that others secretly call them nerds.

But what they did today has subverted Link’s impression of them.

I saw them hugging each other enthusiastically, constantly gnawing each other’s faces, and their movements were so intense that Link and Emily could hear a series of’huh huh huh’ sounds far away.

Link can clearly feel Emily’s grip on him tightly.

The corners of his mouth rose involuntarily.

Looking at Emily’s reaction, she obviously knows this teahouse.

But she followed Link in without objection.

This behavior alone can explain a lot of things.

For example, maybe Emily does not reject Link doing the same thing to her?

Thinking about Link, he couldn’t help but feel a little hot in his heart, pulling Emily to sit down at a remote round table.

In the whole process, Emily lowered her head, her body stiff at Link’s mercy.

“What are the two important points?”

Madam Puddifoot, who is obese and combed with a shiny black hair, walked over and said cordially.

“Two cups of lemonade, one strawberry cream cake and one mango ice cream. Thank you.”

While waiting for refreshment, Link forced himself to try to comfort Emily’s Emotions, instead of looking at the Ravenclaw couple who are getting more and more on the side.

This process is very difficult.

Emily, who is in a state of extreme tension, often fails to respond to Link in time.

Fortunately, after Link’s efforts, Emily’s emotions are no longer so tight after all.

At this time, what Link ordered finally came.

Link pushed the cake in front of Emily and said:

“Try it now, this cake looks very good.”

“Yeah. ……”

Emily, who was relaxed, didn’t refuse, she took a very small bite with a spoon.

Then her eyes lit up.

“It’s really good!”

“Oh? Really?” Link crafty said with a smile, “Can I taste yours? Just a little bit of cream Good!”

“Of course!”

Emily pushed her cake toward Link again without the slightest hesitation.

It’s just that Link’s line of sight never looked towards the cake, but concentrated on Emily’s bright lips like flames.

There, there is some cream that Emily hasn’t had time to wipe off.

“wu! ”

Emily let out a meow, her body collapsed instantly, even with the water mist covering Link, she could see that the flushed red on her face had spread. To the entire neck!

“Can it be?”

Link struck the iron while it was hot, and continued to ask in a soft voice.

Emily closed her eyes and said in a vaguely audible voice even if she used Link to turn on the Transcendent Charm:

“Yes, you can…”

Under the mist, Emily’s eyebrows trembled slightly.

It seems that she wants eyes opened but she doesn’t dare.

Hearing this Link no longer hesitated, and went straight to it.

However, just as the lips were about to meet, Link stopped his movements.

Because he suddenly discovered that at a round table not far behind Emily, the brothers George and Fred were constantly winking at him.

At the same time on the desktop in front of them, an automatic quill is still struggling to write, seeming to record this situation.


Link lightly coughed, quickly sat back.

Emily, who could not feel the soft touch in her imagination, also opened her eyes in confusion.

And when Link’s suggestion found George and Fred De, who had almost passed out of laughter, a slender wand appeared in her hand.


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