“Relax your strength! Stupefy! Notepad Accio!”

Along with Emily’s chanting, the finished fonts of the three spells moved towards George and Fred De flew away.

This scene directly surprised the other guests in the teahouse.

The Ravenclaw study tyrant couple sitting not far from Link and Emily seemed to bite each other’s tongue in fright, and started crying out in pain.

As for George and Fred, the two of them obviously didn’t expect Emily to be so angry that they would shoot directly, and they froze for a while before hurriedly taking out the wand.


As soon as the translucent shield rose up in front of the two of them, Emily’s two curses arrived.

The collision between the two burst out a burst of brilliant brilliance, and finally disappeared.

This makes the Weasley brother a little relaxed.

But Emily has cast three spells before.

The remaining Accio curse bypassed the shields of George and Fred De, and directly acted on the notebook on the desktop, causing it to fly into Emily’s hands.

I stretched out my hand and opened it, and I saw that it recorded the names of almost every couple in the teahouse at the moment in messy handwriting, as well as the affectionate actions they were doing and the love words they said.

For some particularly fierce cases, there are even simple graphic and detailed descriptions, such as the Ravenclaw study tyrant couple.

Link and Emily are naturally among them.

However, it seems that due to time constraints, the complete volume has not yet been written.

Emily’s expression instantly cooled down, and her eyes lost the highlights.


A trace of scarlet rays of light disappeared in a flash.

George and Fred de complexion greatly changed, Link also stood up.

Confringo curse, this is an attack curse that can cause continuous violent explosions. The formidable power is very scary.

And now the person who releases this curse is still Emily, a Slytherin house tyrant, and the formidable power of this curse will have a huge increase.

Of course, it’s not this that really makes the Weasley brother and Link’s face changed dramatically.

It’s that Confringo is prone to ricocheting in such a small area as the teahouse, so Hurt other innocent people.

“Run away!”

Almost without hesitation, George and Weasley screamed and ran away.

The other people in the teahouse also reacted at this time and fled in embarrassment.

At this moment, Link finally waved wand.


The wind is rising!

An invisible curse force gushes out from the Link tip, instantly enveloping the scarlet bullet.

Then everyone saw that the light bomb suddenly detonated in midair, and a series of explosions caused pain in the eardrums of the people.

But the flames of the explosion seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand, contained within a very small range.

“Well, what the hell is going on!?”

Madam Puddifoot, a large-sized Phra, ran out and said hurriedly.

hearing this Link tore off the part of the notepad about him and Emily, and threw it to each other.

“It’s a good thing done by the Weasley brother, see for yourself!”

After all this, Link hugged Emily and said.

The lovers in the teahouse all gathered around Madam Puddifoot, and when they read the contents of the notepad, everyone changed their faces.

“This is so bad!”

Madam Puddifoot’s angry hands were shaking, “They are all! Get them!”

“I saw them running to the basement!”


“Catch them to death!”


For a while, the crowd in the teahouse was angry, and everyone walked to the basement under the leadership of Madam Puddifoot.

Link and Emily were among them, and the two of them moved faster under the blessing of the spell, almost the first to rush into the basement.

However, they were greeted by a silent underground warehouse full of goods.

Link has swept this place no less than ten times with a super-sensing spell, but still no trace of the Weasley brother was found.

The students who came later turned the basement upside down again, but still to no avail.

“Disapparation! Those two Weasleys must have used Disapparation!”

Emily’s gnashing teeth said, apart from various magic spells that can move instantaneously, she couldn’t think of other possibilities Up.

But Link shook the head:

“George and Fred are impossible to disapparation. There should be a secret passage here. They escaped through the secret passage.”


After that, Link looked towards Madam Puddifoot.

As the owner of a teahouse, she should know best if there is a secret passage.

The other students on the side also thought about this and looked at it.

“I, I really don’t know if there is a secret passage here!”

Madam Puddifoot said with difficulty, sweat has soaked her thick bangs.

This incident was almost devastating for her teahouse.

The reason why lovers like to come to her for tea is not only because of the powdery decoration here, but also because it is relatively pure. Everyone is basically a couple who come together, no one will say who .

But now George and Fred are doing things like two bt.

The signboard of Napa Defu Teahouse also collapsed!

Thinking so, Madam Puddifoot’s fat body trembled, and she said angrily:

“I want to find Dumbledore myself! I want him to know the students he teaches What a good thing did you do!”

After speaking, Madam Puddifoot didn’t even change his clothes, so he left the teahouse angrily and walked towards Hogwarts.

Behind him, there were also many couples who turned into anger, as well as the crowds watching the fun.

Looking at their back, Link clicked nodded with satisfaction.

Dumbledore impossible will not accept such a massive complaint.

It is estimated that the Weasley brother will spend every weekend in the second half of the semester in confinement.

Thinking about this, the anger in Link’s heart for being broken by the Weasley brother was also slightly diminished.

However, Emily still looks like a bulging air, Link blew her nose which was reddened by the cold wind outside and said:

“Okay, don’t get angry. I’ll say hello to Professor Dumbledore when I look back and ask him to give the Weasley brothers all the confinement time to Professor Snape. I believe that Professor Snape will spoil them well.”

Link’s voice was not small, and the few passing Hufflepuff hearing this were all beaten up by the Hufflepuff hearing this, bowed their heads and hurriedly left.

Contained under Snape’s hands, in this world there is nothing more terrifying than this.

But Emily seemed to be a little dissatisfied. She gave a cute hum and turned her head to prevent Link from scraping her nose.

Link retracted his hand, leaned over and whispered in Emily’s ear:

“Don’t worry, we will still have a chance to make friends in the future.”

As soon as he said this, Link could feel Emily’s body stiffen again.

“Who, who wants to have sex with you!”

Because of shyness and expectation, Emily’s voice is a little hoarse.

She lightly punched Link in the chest and ran away without looking back.

Seeing this, Link couldn’t help laughing twice before hurriedly chasing him.

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