Angry to anger, Link and Emily did not rush back to Hogwarts, but bought the pumpkin soda and pumpkin pie when everyone was watching the excitement.

It is worth mentioning that the Honeydukes Boss with a moustache at Link’s checkout was still very puzzled by Link’s purchase of so many pumpkin products.

Because today is Halloween, this is a pumpkin festival.

The facts are just as he said.

As soon as Link and Emily returned to Hogwarts, they found that the entire castle had changed a lot.

Especially the auditorium.

There are no longer suspended candles, but hundreds of pumpkin lanterns.

There are many orange-yellow banners hanging near the magic ceiling. They are floating like a colorful Horned Serpent, with large groups of bats flying by from time to time in the middle.

The students who had just returned from Hogsmeade Village were quickly organized and thrown into the Halloween dinner.

Countless pumpkin pies and barbecues are piled up on the long tables of the four houses. Most of these foods are specialties of Halloween. It happens once a year. It’s a pity that most of the upper-grade students are already full. Honeydukes’ candies and various snacks in Hogsmeade Village can only be cheaper for the lower grades.

Of course, out of caring for the lower grades, everyone also took out a part of the candy and snacks purchased from Hogsmeade Village and piled it up on the table to share.

This makes Rove and the others happy.

Looking at Cedric who was distributing sweets to everyone, Link suddenly turned his eyes, and harboring malicious intentions said:

“Cedric, the feeling of dating Cho Chang today How?”

The long table fell silent immediately, and everyone turned their attention to Cedric.

Among them, John and several Quiddich team members are laughing seriously.

Cedric’s mouth opened and closed a few times, as if he was organizing the language, and after a long time he finally said:

“Very good!”

The crowd immediately became a sensation, and they surrounded Cedric and began to ask more details about the date.

Know that Cho Chang is the only female Seeker of Ravenclaw’s Seeker and Hogwarts, that is Goddess, who is called the “Pearl of Ravenclaw” by the Kitty!

Whether it is muggle world or magic circle, youngsters are always particularly interested in melons from Goddess.

Fortunately, Cedric’s double quotient is extremely high, not only did not reveal any privacy about Cho Chang, but also dealt with everyone very happily.

This makes Link unable to learn.

At the end of the Halloween dinner, there is a regular performance session.

Unfortunately, because Fudge used dementor to close the relationship between Hogwarts, this year’s banquet show Dumbledore not at all invited trend icons such as the Banshee band that often appear on wizard radio.

So the Halloween performance became the talent performance of the ghosts in Hogwarts school.

They got out of walls, tables and even other people’s bodies one after another, forming a square array to perform sliding,’Nearly Headless Nick’ also repeated the scene of his beheading.

To be honest, their performance is not wonderful, because even without this public performance opportunity, they will still show the same to everyone who meets them every year.

Everyone is tired of watching it.

But on this great day, everyone still gave them a round of applause.

At the end of the dinner, everyone happily returned to the common room of their house.

Neither the Weasley brother nor Professor McGonagall showed up for the entire dinner.

This made Link very satisfied, and he burped and left with everyone.

Only a few steps away, Link noticed that John had sneaked out of the line and got into the dark corridor again.

This made Link frowned.

John has been acting very strange lately. First he quarreled with Cedric about the development day of Hogsmeade, and he looked sneaky today.

Although John’s character is cheerful, he is also prone to overexpression.

Link didn’t want to get to the bottom, but his intense curiosity has forced him to follow along involuntarily.

“Hey, John.”

Following John into a small fork, Link finally couldn’t help but speak.

This frightened John and his whole body trembled violently. When he turned his head to see Link, he patted his chest and complained:

“Link! A scary person will scare everyone to death!”

“Yo! You can still speak Chinese proverbs!”

Link couldn’t help but ridicule.

“Understand a little.”

“Okay, I won’t talk nonsense with you,” Link patted John and said, “What are you doing sneaky with Heavenly Ghost today? ?”

hearing this The smile on John’s face disappeared in an instant.

He froze in place and tangled for a while, then took out a black wooden box tied with a ribbon from his arms. After opening it, it was filled with a bell and whistle, which is very Lockhart. The charming peacock quill.

The vulgar is dying!

“The quill made by the sparrow tail feathers cost me most of my pocket money.” John lowered his head and said in a low voice, “I want to give it to Lily Ann and begging her to forgive me. , It’s just me, I don’t know if she would like to accept it.”

“Lily Ann?”

Link whispered the name, and then the previous section came up in his mind The Ravenclaw girl who was indirectly confessed by John in the Defense Against the Dark Arts technique class and then died socially.

Immediately, Link was surprised:

“Have you not yet officially confessed to others?”

“What do you confess! What happened? She must hate me!” John knocked on his head angrily, “I only ask her to forgive me now.”

“Stupid hat.”

“en? Link why are you scolding me?”

“Because you are indeed a fool!” Link gave him a blank look, “I ask you, your Lily is in Defense Against the Dark. Have you explicitly expressed disgust and rejection after Arts class?”

“I haven’t dared to look for her since then, but she does not seem to have expressed that.”

“This is not enough. The first thing a normal person does when encountering this kind of thing is definitely to put aside your relationship! Doesn’t she do it that means you still have a chance?”

hearing this John’s expression became very exciting.

He was surprised at first, then doubted, and the last smile of excitement that could not be suppressed appeared.

“I’ll find her now! Give her a gift!”

John yelled and was about to run, but Link caught him back.

“You are really a fool!” I read hate iron for not becoming steel’s scolding, “Do you want to make others uglier with this Lockhart gift?”

“Then, what should I give?”

John’s expression was sluggish, and expressions all fell apart.

Seeing his appearance, Link stopped teasing him, smiled and took out a bottle of viscous medicinal liquid like flowing gold, and poured it into a twisted figure-eight glass vial Inside, a special pendant is formed.

“Bulgaria’s national flower-the concentrated and purified liquid of champagne rose, one of the raw materials of love potion, the flower language is, I only love you. Meeting you is the greatest blessing of my life, without you. It’s like a ship that has lost its course.”

Link said in a poetic tone, and when he spoke a flowery language, John fiercely shivered.

“Give this, just say that you did it yourself, she specified that you can understand your mind!”

John took the pendant with a trembling hand and stammered:

“Lin, Link! You are my best friend in my life!”

Link didn’t reply, just raised his head and smiled triumphantly.

At this moment, Dumbledore’s familiar and serious voice rang from both Link and John’s brains at the same time!

“Everyone! Go back to the auditorium to gather!”

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