“Link, did you hear it?” John stared wide-eyed said, “It seems to be Dumbledore’s voice.”

“Anyway, go back to the auditorium first.”

In the dim corridor, the corner of Link’s mouth rises unconsciously.

The two ran back to the auditorium.

In the auditorium at this moment, only the Gryffindors are standing alone.

When Harry and Hermione saw Link, they rushed over quickly.

Link originally wanted to inquire about the situation, but before he could speak, Hermione, headed by him, said: “Something happened to Link! Black! Sirius · Black, he infiltrates the school! “

As soon as these words came out, Link had not had time to say something, and John on the side was already screaming.

Ron was obviously very satisfied with John’s reaction. He said in an enthusiastic tone:

“As soon as we went back to the door of the common room, we found the guard at the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. ——The fat lady disappeared, and the magic portrait she was staying there was cut into several pieces! Then Peeves told us that the terrifying Sirius Black had sneaked in! The fat lady was unwilling to let him in. Attacking!”

hearing this John became even more flustered.

And Link calmly clicked nodded, and Black really did the first infiltrate attempt just like in the plot, so that his plan can continue.

In a short while, other students also came to the auditorium one after another.

Most of them are puzzled, not knowing what happened.

But it’s okay. Ron, who rarely has such an opportunity to show off, is directly responsible for explaining the work for everyone.

John, who had been panicking since just now, was also relaxed at this time, because he found that Lily Ann had also returned to the auditorium safely with the Ravenclaw group.

“There are some emergencies, and the professors and I need to conduct a full search of the castle.” Seeing the crowds there, Dumbledore stood up and said, “For your own safety, I am afraid you can only stay here overnight. . I hope Prefect will guard the entrance of the auditorium. I entrust the chairman of the Boys and Girls Student Union to manage it. If anything happens, report it to me immediately. By the way, you should still need this…”

Dumbledore waved wand , The original long tables and chairs in the auditorium came alive, and they ran to the wall to line up.

The orange-yellow banners that were originally hung on the ceiling of the auditorium also fell on the ground and turned into orange-yellow sleeping bags.

After finishing all this, Dumbledore left the auditorium surrounded by other professors and senior Prefects.

This year’s newly promoted Grade 5 Prefects were left behind and organized everyone to sleep in sleeping bags.

In this work, most of the Prefects are mainly to appease the students.

For example, Cedric, this guy comforted the panicked lower grades over and over again, and it was so gentle.

Compared with him, Gryffindor’s new Prefect Percy is simply the other extreme.

He warned every Gryffindor loudly and sternly to deduct points without sleeping after turning off the lights.

Percy raised her head high when she spoke, and the Prefect badge on her chest gleamed under the faint moonlight under the magic ceiling mapping, which looked bigger than the Ministry of Magic style.

However, the brave lions obviously didn’t buy his account very much, and they were still talking quietly about what happened just now.

In fact, Hufflepuff and other houses are doing the same thing here. When this happens, no one can fall asleep immediately.

A professor will appear in the auditorium every once in a while to see if everyone is safe.

At this time, the auditorium will return to calm, everyone pretends to sleep, and will continue to discuss after the professor leaves.

Link not at all participated in this discussion, but waited quietly.

He knew very well that Snape and Dumbledore would definitely be under tremendous pressure if such a thing happened.

On the premise that he had previously revealed that he would use seizing Black as a condition to make a deal with Snape, Snape estimated that he would come to him soon.

Thinking about this, Link closed his eyes and went into a false sleep state.

And not long after, he felt someone standing at his feet, blocking the moonlight at the zenith.

Link eyes opened, and as expected, Snape was looking at himself expressionlessly.

These two people don’t need any language communication at all. Snape just tilted his head in the direction of the hall, and Link understood what he meant, got up and followed Snape and left the auditorium.

Many people in the auditorium saw this scene, and many people even held breath cold air surprised when they saw it.

The reaction of these people, Link, is all in the’eye’ through the super-sensing mantra.

‘When the students came to me before they all fell asleep, it seemed that Snape was really anxious. ‘

Thinking about this, the corners of Link’s mouth could not help but rise.

And Snape, who was walking in front, seemed to have also noticed Link’s pride. He turned his head and glanced coldly, and was so scared that Link quickly reduced his smile.

Link followed Snape through corridor after corridor, and only then saw Dumbledore in a passage surrounded by many Roman columns.

He is talking to Professor McGonagall. Through the moonlight, Link can see Professor McGonagall’s lips tightly pressed.

This habitual action when she is angry.

“The fat lady is hiding in the map of Argyll County on the third floor. It seems that she did not let Black in without hearing the password, so Black moved her hand.”

She said, “She is still in a bad mood. After she calms down, I will ask Mr. Filch to fix her.”

Dumbledore clicked nodded and said:

“Is the third floor searched?”

“The first to third floors have been searched, but none was found.” Professor McGonagall said, “And…I don’t think he will stay here. This is totally It’s courting death!”

“oh! Just look for it first.”

Dumbledore sighed, Professor McGonagall hearing this turned his head and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

It wasn’t until long after she left that Dumbledore turned and looked towards Link and Snape.

“Good evening, Link.”

Dumbledore said with a smile, “Severus told me that you might have some key information about Black?”

Link glanced at Snape, neither admitting nor denying, but said:

“I can catch Sirius Black, this is beyond doubt. But I have a few in my heart I also hope that Professor Dumbledore can answer my doubts. I am afraid that Professor Snape has already told you about the specifics of these doubts?”

Dumbledore did not speak, just a smile on his face It’s a bit thicker.

And Snape, who had been silent before, suddenly opened the mouth and said:

“Headmaster Dumbledore, remember the conversation we had before school? Just like me As worried, there is a traitor in our school. It is he who helped Black, otherwise Black can’t get in at all.” Snape paused, looked at Link and said, “And now, this The traitor may have shown his feet.”

As soon as he said this, Dumbledore also looked towards Link without saying a word, and the atmosphere between the three suddenly became a little tense.

But Link is still standing still, without even the slightest change in expression.

Snape’s suspicion of him is full of loopholes. It is clear that two old foxes are frightening himself.

The facts are just as Link expected.

Seeing that Link was not fooled, Dumbledore finally said decisively:

“I don’t believe there is anyone in this castle who can help Black break in. That’s it for this topic. So far.”

After saying that, Dumbledore looked towards Link again:

“Link, I can indeed answer your doubts about you. It’s just…you should also Prove your ability?”

“I will prove it to you, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape.”

Link said with a smile, habitually using Snape ‘Personal tone accentuated ending’.

This made Snape’s unsightly face even more ugly, and Dumbledore couldn’t help laughing.

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