At the same time, John was standing in front of the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room, preoccupied.

Ravenclaw has a tower of its own, and like other houses, the entrance to the common room also has a special doorman mechanism-an eagle-shaped door knocker.

Everyone who wants to open the entrance of Ravenclaw common room needs to answer a question raised by the eagle head door knocker, and the door will open only when it is correct.

At the same time, the eagle head door knocker can also perceive your knowledge reserve, so as to select special customized questions.

It will not let you off with no difficulty just because you are knowledgeable, nor will it not give you a chance to go in because you are unknown and incompetent.

Does this sound fair?

But this is not the case.

Because the difficulty of the problem of the eagle head door knocker is just at the limit of your knowledge accumulation.

It is very difficult to answer this kind of question.

Therefore, in front of Ravenclaw’s door, a group of people can often be seen around the eagle head knocker anxiously waiting for a certain champion who can open the door.

John encountered this situation at this time.

He originally wanted to wait here to take Lily’an back to the common room, and then go up by himself, as Link said, to send the pendant and confess.

But now there are more and more people gathered in front of the Ravenclaw common room gate. If Lily Ann comes back at this time, do you really have the guts to talk to Lily Ann in front of so many people?

Thinking about this, John’s face became deathly white nervously.

“John? What are you doing here if you don’t go to the Quiddich stadium to train?”

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang from behind him, and he almost jumped in fright. stand up.

He looked back and found that it was Cedric, which was relaxed.

“No, nothing.”

John lowered his head and stammered. He had just had a big fight with Cedric over the Hogsmeade Open Day two days ago. Now Still not letting go.

Cedric is not as careful as John. His eyes swept across the ribbon carton that John held tightly in his arms, and then he reminded him of his previous deeds in Defense Against the Dark Arts and When I quarreled with myself, I immediately understood what was going on.

Cedric clicked nodded, lowered his head and asked softly:

“Are you here to find Lily Ann? You quarreled with me because you were going to buy this gift?”

hearing this John stared wide-eyed suddenly raised his head, then lowered it again, silent.

‘This is the default! ‘

Cedric thought silently, turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the overcrowded Ravenclaw common room, and immediately took John and ran downstairs.

“This is not a good place for you to send things, come with me!”

John originally wanted to break free, but when he heard Cedric say this, he immediately obeyed.

The two ran all the way downstairs, and finally came to a small classroom that had been abandoned.

“Wait here first, I’ll bring people back for you in a while!”

With this sentence off, Cedric ran out again.

Leave only John not knowing what to do holding the paper box standing in the classroom.

John knows that Cedric is a man who does what he said!

He said he would bring Lily An over, so he would definitely bring him over!

This means that John will soon face the ultimate challenge.

“gu lu!~”

John swallowed heavily, and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead was tense.

In order not to make himself nervous enough to faint, John can only start trying to recall some other things to divert his attention.

But somehow, John’s mind was full of images of Lily Ann, and his thoughts returned to the scene when he first met Lily Ann.

That was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class last year, and Lockhart was still in class at the time.

At that time, Link somehow got in the wrong seat and sat in the Ravenclaw’s area.

Because there were rumors that Link was Slytherin’s heir at the time, it was raging in Hogwarts, and the girl sitting beside Link was so scared that she was about to cry, and the other Ravenclaws were afraid to speak.

Then John shot.

He took the initiative to change seats with the girl.

John swears that he was just looking at Link and was in a bad mood at the time, so he wanted to get closer to persuade, and he didn’t mean to hook up with a little girl at all.

Since then, the Ravenclaw girl named Lily Ann will go to the Quiddich stadium from time to time to watch him practice, give him sweets and snacks, and give him greeting cards for the New Year and New Years, including even Includes a photo of Lily Ann herself.

That photo…It’s so beautiful!

This series of things made John, who originally only wanted to play Quiddich, also had a ripple in his heart, and finally turned into the current heaven overflowing giant wave!

“It would be great if I hadn’t attended the Professor Lupin class.”

John couldn’t help but said.

If things didn’t cause trouble to such an extent, he believes that with the current progress, he and Lily An must be able to be together.

It’s a pity…

“John! What are you stupefied!”

Cedric’s voice suddenly sounded, and John was frightened again, and This time this trembling not only didn’t abate because of his regaining consciousness, but on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Because, he found that Lily Ann had been taken into the classroom by Cedric and Cho Chang for some time, and he was standing less than 2 meters in front of him at the moment!

“Then I will leave it to you first!”

Cho Chang blinked mischievously, then smiled and closed the wooden door with Cedric.


The classroom fell into silence again.

John felt that he could hear the loud heartbeat on the other side.

Lily Ann also silently tightened the hem of her robe.

The two stood opposite each other, bowing their heads in silence.

After a while, John took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and took a step forward, using his hands in a motion similar to a bow, he handed the cardboard box that was almost soaked by his sweat. past.

“Send, give it, give it to you!”

John’s sudden approach made Lily Ann instinctively take a few steps back, but after reacting, she went forward and took the paper. box.

Take off the ribbon and open the carton. The moment Lily Ann’s eyes lit up when he saw the twisted 8-shaped pendant.

“This is…”

Lily murmured, meanwhile the right hand had already brought the pendant in front of her.

“This is a potion pendant! The liquid in it is a concentrated and purified liquid of champagne rose. Its flower, flower language is me, I only love you, you are alone…”

John said.

He originally wanted to imitate Link’s tone of voice, but he just stuttered unconsciously in the face of the high pressure Lily Ann gave him, and the tone he spoke became similar to The pupils of Tianchao were pulled by the teacher to recite English texts.

This makes John’s heartbeat faster.

“Ah, the concentrated and purified liquid of champagne rose, I know, it is still one of the raw materials for making love potion.” Lily sees his appearance, said with a smile in the corner of her mouth,” John, are you here, do you want me to confess?”

“Ah! I am not, uh, yes! No…”

Hearing this John was taken aback. Immediately he explained it happily.

It’s a pity that what I said was all vague and unintelligible.

Fortunately, the courage he developed in the Quiddich stadium saved him.

John took a deep breath and finally roared as he did in Defense Against the Dark Arts that day:

“Yes! I like you! Lily Ann! Please be my girlfriend!”

John’s sudden roar shocked Lily Ann, and almost threw the pendant in his hand.

But after reacting, she still blushed and silently nodded.

As soon as he saw it, an ecstasy burst out of John’s lower abdomen, making his brain go blank.

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