The screen is transferred back to the Link side.

After telling Emily everything, Link devoted himself to the work of nurturing the’Sgars’.

This is not an easy job, because the old Klie has made some improvements on the original incubator, which makes it more efficient, but at the same time the magic power it needs in the Early-Stage stage is also More, and this kind of magic power instillation has to be continued.

This kind of consumption even if Link’s magic power far exceeds that of peers, it is really unbearable.

Fortunately, Emily supports Link very much, and she often instills magic power into the machine with Link after class.

This greatly reduces the workload of Link, and soon ends the’incubation’ phase of Early-Stage, allowing the embryos to enter the catalytic phase that does not require the maintenance of magic power.

Link was only relaxed until this time, and the recent consumption of such high-intensity magic power made his whole person haggard.

Compared with Link, John is much more chic.

This guy is now everyday all happily, he smiles when he meets everybody, and then disappears every time the get out of class is over.

At the same time, he was also hit with chicken blood on Quidditch training.

According to Cedric, this seems to be because Lily is watching the game.

Link was not surprised at all about John and Lily getting together.

Although the method he gave is old-fashioned, it is for the past and modern, and it is just right now.

And John was excited to find Link on the 2nd day of the successful confession and described all the details of yesterday’s confession to him.

Of course, there must be an exaggeration.

For example, John perfectly pronounced that paragraph of flowery words, and he didn’t believe it when he killed Link. After all, if John had such a thick face, he wouldn’t need him to act.

But after listening to the whole process, Link also discovered another thing.

That is the Ravenclaw girl named Lily Ann, who seems to be much higher in rank than John.

This can be seen in the process of guiding John to formally say the confession.

John, maybe he will suffer from love when he looks back.

But Link won’t tell John about this kind of thing. Knowing that the other party is currently in love, it is really disappointing for him to say such a thing.

It is worth mentioning that after being urged by Link to confess his success, John seems to regard Link as a love master.

Every day when he and Lily Ann return from a date, they will look for Link to review and ask for advice, which makes Link unbearable.

“Link! Do you think I am holding her hand a bit abrupt today? I always feel that I don’t respect her so quickly.”

On the way to Defense Against the Dark Arts On the way to the surgery class, John still whispered to Link.

This made Link rolled the eyes, and said irritably:

“It doesn’t exist, maybe people would have hoped you could follow along.”


“Stop it! John!” Seeing John still want to continue Link, I finally couldn’t help it. “Merlin’s beard, I just learned from endless potion tutoring (this is Link to myself Recently busy excuse, no one would dare to really go to Snape for verification anyway.) After being liberated, can’t you let me live for a while?”

Link once said this, John immediately covered his mouth with his mouth. Silenced.

Link then relaxed to speed up the pace and continue to move forward.

And not long after Link left, John let go of his hand, showing a silly smile on his face.

Their next class is the Defense Against the Dark Arts which is closed with Ravenclaw. Thanks to Professor Lupin’s usual relaxed education concept, John has almost one class to continue fighting with Lily An Sorry.

Thinking about this, John couldn’t help but laugh, and then he chased the back of Link in front of him.

The two of them went to Defense Against the Dark Arts, one after the other, as a professor.

But as soon as he walked into the classroom, the foolish smile on John’s face disappeared, and he stood at the door.

Because, at the moment, it is not the Professor Lupin who is always laughing at hehe who is standing on the podium, but the gloomy Snape who is like water.

“Don’t block the door stupidly like a stake. Get out of the way.”

On the podium, Snape said coldly.

And John, who had reacted to hearing this, took two steps excitedly, approaching Snape and questioned:

“Why, what about you? What about Professor Lupin?! “

“Lupin? He said he was very sick today and couldn’t come to class.” Snape sneered, “Also, yelling at the professor, Hufflepuff deducts 5 points!”

John hearing this, who originally wanted to continue to question, immediately closed his mouth.

Based on what he knew about Snape, as long as he dared to keep asking, Snape would dare to deduct Hufflepuff points.

The’brave’ Gryffindors have proven this point with their actions countless times.

“Okay, let’s get back to the seat.”

Link opened his mouth and took John back to his seat.

Seeing that Snape had no chance to continue deduct points, he also returned to the podium. After everyone was there, Snape said:

“Today, I will act as your substitute professor. Regrettably, Professor Lupin did not leave any record of what you have learned. So what I decided to discuss is—werewolf!”

After that, Snape turned his attention to the corner. In Link, a smirk was also pulled out from the corner of his mouth.

See Link shook the head.

He knew exactly what Snape had made.

He just wanted to take the opportunity of giving Lupin a substitute to teach the students how to distinguish werewolf and try to maximize the danger of werewolf in the eyes of the students.

So that students can discover and hate Lupin by themselves.

As for why Lupin himself did not come to class, this is also a good explanation.

The day of the full moon is approaching, he must now hide somewhere after drinking wolfbane potion and concentrate on his transformation.

Just can Snape’s plan really succeed?

Link has no hope for this.

Knowing that the knowledge about werewolf is quite complicated, and ordinary people can’t learn to recognize the identity of Lupin werewolf just based on these two lessons.

It is clearly written in the original work. Although Snape has worked very hard, in the end, only Hermione was the one who distinguished Lupin’s true identity.

In addition, Snape itself belongs to the type that people hate and hate ghosts. In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class he attended, can everyone hear it or talk about it.

Thinking so, Link returned Snape with a smile.

It’s just that the sneer in this smile is a bit rich, so that John on the side couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed when he saw it, and was afraid that Link would be punished for it.

Fortunately, Snape hasn’t been so frenetic yet. After being stunned by Link, he was just coldly snorted and picked up the textbook.

“Now, turn the textbook to page 314 and read each word carefully! Then! Tell me how to find the werewolf hidden in muggle and wizard!”

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