The school bell finally rang.

Many people in the classroom are relaxed.

Snape spent the entire class desperately telling the knowledge of how to distinguish werewolf and how to kill werewolf, regardless of whether the students could fully understand it.

The teaching speed is so fast that even a whole werewolf topic was finished in one lesson.

Be aware that this is the content of the usual 3 lessons!

But it’s not over yet, it means Snape not at all wants the students to leave immediately after the bell rings.

I saw him slightly raised his head and said in a tone of harboring malicious intentions:

“Everyone wrote a paper and gave it to me, the content is how to identify and kill werewolf. I ask you to write two volumes of parchment on this topic and hand them in next Tuesday morning. This class needs someone to take care of it.”

After saying this, he finally left the classroom. It is very rare before leaving. Raised an eyebrow at Link.

“This is really a bastard who believes oneself infallible.”

Link shook his head with emotion.

If in the past this time, John would definitely echo the sentence, “Who said no?, but this time John, who had been sitting next to Link, was nowhere to be seen.

Link turned his head and found that John had already reached the Ravenclaws, talking and laughing with the girl named Lily Ann.

It seems that this whole lesson has suffocated John.

Link was thinking so, but saw John and Lily Ann suddenly get up and walk towards him.

“Link, let’s go back.”

John said with a smile on his face.

hearing this Link not at all immediately responded, but looked up and down Lily An lap.

Although the temperature has cooled down, the girl still wears a combination of shirt and gown, not at all wearing sweaters.

His slightly yellow golden hair is neatly draped behind his head, it looks like it has used magic softener, the surface is still shiny, and there are traces of makeup on his face.

This is a relatively’refined’ little girl. In appearance, Link can score at least 7 points.

Well, Emily and Hermione are both 9 points.

As for 10 points, it is no longer in the category of human beings. Veela is probably the only one who can achieve this score in the world.

While feeling Link’s sight, Lily Ann shrank behind John in fear, not even daring to look at Link.

This made John a little embarrassed, and he hurriedly explained:

“Uh, don’t care about Link, Lily is more afraid of you, this is the repercussions left by the previous incident.”

John didn’t say the specific incident, and Link didn’t care, he directly nodded and said:

“Do you want to go back to the common room today? I always remember that the Defense Against the Dark Arts course was finished. Later, you will all go out to find a place to date alone.”

Old John blushed, but he didn’t deny it. He just waved his hand and said:

“It’s Cedric! He asked me to You have to go to the common room after class. Of course, Lily Ann can also go.”

“Let’s go.”

Link clicked nodded, and then went with John and Lily An went downstairs to the Hufflepuff common room.

A few people along the way kept happy laughter and cheerful voices, and John kept talking about various topics, a large part of which was about Snape.

According to him, Snape and Lupin have an antagonism.

In a class in the past, Lupin used Neville to turn Boggart into a female version of Snape, which made Professor Snape lose a lot of people and was very angry.

The reason why Snape came to substitute the class this time to talk about werewolf was actually to mess up Lupin’s teaching progress, so that after Professor Lupin came back, it would take more time to adjust, otherwise the teaching progress would be It is very likely that you will miss the exam.

His conjecture made Lily Ann, who had only dared to hide behind Link, poked out his head.

Link also listened quietly, and sometimes it’s interesting to listen to these brain-fixing ideas.

even more how John’s analysis is very logical.

In fact, this is exactly one of John’s strengths.

He is very good at information acquisition or gossip. Some time ago, when Link was busy cultivating the “Skall”, he used John to learn about Hogwarts’ gossip to relieve fatigue.

There are also some really interesting things.

For example, two brothers, George and Fred De, were sent to the infirmary to scrub the potty directly by Snape after they were found to be lazy in cleaning the prize display room and insulting medals, and they were not allowed to use magic.

Several people talking and laughing all the way, finally returned to the Hufflepuff common room.

At this moment, the common room is brightly lit under the shining of the fireplace and various magic lights, and a large group of Hufflepuff sits abnormally around a long table near the fireplace, with a very serious expression. .

“In terms of my experience of playing against you, your scoring ability is relatively weak, but Cedric is indeed very good as a Seeker. So I think you should focus on defense in the next game, for Cedric is fighting for the time of the golden snitch.”

“In addition, I asked the astronomy professor, and she said that there will be a rainstorm on the day of the competition!”

“I suggest you all wear good guards Eyepieces, and cast a moisture-proof curse on the mirror! Don’t worry, it’s not a foul!”


In the crowd The discussion sounded very intense.

Link walked up and took a look, only to find that sitting in the middle of the crowd was Cedric, beside him was a beautiful young girl in Ravenclaw school gown-Cho Chang.

“What are you guys?”

Link asked curiously, and after hearing that everyone finally discovered Link entire group.

Cho Chang got up very politely and smiled nodded to Link, Cedric immediately stood up and smiled: “Ah, Link and John, and Lily Ann, you are here. Sit down, we are having a tactical meeting on Quiddich’s season opener next week.”

Speaking of this, Cedric seemed to be thinking of something and hurriedly pointed to Cho Chang. To Link:

“By the way! I haven’t told you yet? Because of Draco Malfoy’s arm injury, the professor temporarily changed the match table. Now our first round competition is no longer the opponent Ravenclaw, but Gryffindor. Well, so Cho Chang came here, not at all. She just came to help us.”

“What! Why don’t you wait for me so important? Me? But Beater!”

John shouted excitedly, and everyone driving him before he came would make him feel abandoned.

“Don’t be so excited, John.” Cedric smiled and pointed to the fully automatic quill on the desktop, which was working hard. “We have meeting minutes. You can just check it later. Uh. , Because there are more typos, you may look more strenuous.”

“This is different! You broke my heart! Cedric!”

John complained, while still complaining Sit down obediently.

And Lily Ann had already ran to Cho Chang at this time and began to whisper. The two of them spoke and glanced at Link from time to time. They seemed to have a good relationship.

Seeing them look like a big enemy, Link spreads out:

“You don’t have to be like this. If I want to say, you will definitely win the next game.”

“Thank you for Link!” Cedric said sincerely, “You must come and watch it on the day of the game!”

“Got it.”

Link swing After waving his hand, he dragged a soft chair to the fireplace and lay down.

He is really not interested in Quiddich and so on. It is better to have a meeting with them.

The firewood inside the fireplace crackles, and fire stars bounce up from time to time, but they are blocked by the baffle of the fireplace mouth, preventing them from jumping outside.

The tiredness gradually hit, Link closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Hufflepuffs who noticed this not far away also lowered their voices.

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