Quiddich started the season with rainstorm as Cho Chang had expected.

Even in the Link in Hogwarts Auditorium, you can hear the muffled thunder from the sky, the rustle of the strong wind hitting the castle wall, and the creak of the branches in the Forbidden Forest in the distance being broken by the storm.

“Should we really go to see Quidditch match in this weather?”

Beside Link, Emily wiped her mouth with an elegant napkin and said, then Zhang refined’s little face was filled with reluctance.

It’s not difficult to understand, Emily has never liked storms since growing her hair, which will make her hairstyle messy.

“No way, I really can’t refuse Cedric’s invitation.” Link comfortingly pulled Emily’s hair behind her ears, “but don’t worry, I will protect you from the wind and rain. “

Emily smiled charmingly at Link, then clicked on her chin, and the Gryffindor Quiddich team, who was walking out of the castle in a mess, said:

“What magic power do you think Quiddich has? It’s worth their madness? It’s too dangerous to compete in such a big rainstorm.”

“Well, who knows. “

Link agreed.

He also doesn’t understand what is good about Quiddich. In the end, it can only be attributed to the lack of entertainment of the wizards.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why such a Quidditch match in a storm can also attract all the teachers and students of the school to watch the game.

Sighed, Link took Emily’s hand and moved towards Quiddich stadium together.

Outside the castle, strong winds and raindrops are constantly beating on everyone.

Many people’s umbrellas have been scraped away, and they can only rush towards the stadium with their heads as most people do.

Compared to these guys, Link and Emily are much more relaxed.

As soon as Link came out of the hall, he took out the wand, propped up a layer of Protego curse and wrapped him and Emily in it.

This was not enough. He later released a thermal insulation and moisture-proof curse on their clothes.

Under this double protection, the attitude of the two of them walking towards the stands can almost be described as walking in a leisurely courtyard.

Many students who saw this scene showed envy, but they only could envy that’s all.

Because the magic power required to continuously deploy such a large-scale Protego spell is extremely huge, even the upper grades can’t support it for long, let alone the lower grades.

Link estimates that in the entire Hogwarts school, besides the professors, there are only a few 7-year-old students who have obtained the status of quasi-Auror.

“Please sit down, my dear.”

Use wand to dry the water stains on the seat, Link reached out and invited Emily into the seat.

Their deeds are located at the top of the entire stand, with the best view.

In the past, Link and Emily were never able to grab such a good position, but thanks to the storm, today everyone else ran to the lower stands where the wind and rain were less severe.

After Link and Emily were seated, the players of both sides also came to the stadium and started shaking hands with each other.

The two groups of people, one red and one yellow, are very conspicuous even in the wind and rain.

But compared with Hufflepuffs, Gryffindor team members are much thinner.

This is not to say that the Hufflepuff team member is stronger than the Gryffindor team member, but that Cedric did a lot of preparations after they learned that there would be a rainstorm on the day of the game.

There are not only moisture-proof goggles, but also a full set of cotton clothes, strong grip gloves, and leak-proof rain boots that have been cursed with water…

I took a look at fully armed , The Hufflepuffs with fighting intents turned their heads and looked at the Gryffindor team members who were already shivering in the wind and rain beside them,

Captain Wood of the Gryffindor Quiddich team looked ugly. Up.

If possible, Wood really wants to report Hufflepuff violations to Madam Hooch.

It’s a pity that Quiddich’s rules are so weird. Any behavior that is not written into the hundreds of pages of parchment rules is allowed.

And this Wood’s expression was naturally seen by Link and Emily holding the magic telescope.

Emily smiled and turned her head and said:

“The Hufflepuff team is really well prepared, but can they really win with these external forces? I heard that the Hufflepuff team except Outside Cedric, there are some stinky fish and shrimps.”

“We will definitely win.”

“en? How do you say?”

“Look Go down to find out.”

Link bought a pass, and Madam Hooch below also blew the whistle to represent the start of the game.

Two team members, one red and one yellow, immediately lifted off. Harry and Cedric climbed to the top of the field from the very beginning, staring at the entire stadium from a pitch angle, looking for golden snitch.

Below them, the players of the two teams are also fiercely fighting for quaffle.

They are like schools of fish in the sea, sometimes gathering together in a storm, and sometimes quickly spreading out.

The spectators in the stands who had been shrinking like quails under the storm were also excited at this moment, and they started to yell at their best to cheer.

It’s a pity that this passion is only temporary. With the passing of a little bit of time, the stands return to the calm of at first.

This is unavoidable. The average duration of Quidditch match is on the long side. In history, there are even matches played for two days and two nights. The main tactic of Hufflepuff this time is still defensive delay. It’s really boring.

Moreover, the long time of the game is even more unbearable for the shiver coldly spectators in the wind and rain, and even many people have already started to leave the field.

“Your house team’s play style is still too restrictive. The performance of Nimbus 2000 can’t be played out at all in this weather, and Harry Potter’s physical fitness is not strong.” Link’s side is already boring. Emily yawned and said, “If it was my command, I would have sent someone up to fight Harry Potter and exhausted his energy.”

This is Emily. Standard Slytherin thinking.

Link smiled and said:

“Although I think so, but that is Hufflepuff’s Cedric!”

“It is indeed the same. It’s, ah, Cedric ah Cedric, always so magnificent, this is like those heroes in ancient Greek mythology!” Emily smiled and clicked nodded, and said meaningfully, “Just ah, Link… The endings of heroes like Prometheus and Achilles are not so good.”

“But isn’t this the greatness of heroes? And I firmly believe that Cedric will have a perfect ending. Yes.”

“Oh? Really? It’s just that the current situation doesn’t seem to be good for Cedric? Look, Harry Potter has discovered golden snitch.”

Emily laughed pointing to the sky and looking in the direction she was pointing, it can be seen that Harry has moved towards the zenith, a faintly visible point among the dark clouds, golden has started to accelerate, and Cedric is obviously slow to react and can only be stuck in Harry chased hard behind him.

It’s just that the two of them rode the same Nimbus 2000. With the same broomstick, Cedric couldn’t catch up with Harry.

Scales of Victory began to tilt, and many Hufflepuffs in the stands also covered their eyes in pain.

In their view, this game has been lost.

At this time, Link is holding Emily, mysteriously said with a smile:

“I don’t think so.”

next At the moment, a flash of thunder flashed across, illuminating the sky and the countless black shadows hidden in the billowing clouds.

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