The Hogwarts kitchen is actually located below the auditorium. Four long tables are placed inside the kitchen, directly facing the long tables of the four houses in the auditorium.

But in fact, these long tables are not used by house elfs to eat, but four’transportation tracks’ with special magic applied.

Every time the meal is served, the house elfs will put the food on the long table, and then send it to the auditorium through the long table in the kitchen.

The place where the house elfs actually cook is actually on the edge of the wall not far from the four long tables.

Various ovens, braziers, sinks, workbenches and other facilities are embedded in the walls there.

When they are at work, the hundreds of house elfs stationed in Hogwarts will work together to make reasonable use of the kitchen equipment and their own magic for cooking.

Link once had the privilege of seeing house elfs cooking. The scene reminded Link of the circus juggling performances he had seen.

It’s a pity that it’s already past dinner time, so when Link and Emily enter the kitchen with a large group of Sgars, there are only a few houses left here. elf is washing the dishes.

Of course, it’s washing dishes, but in fact they are more like chatting.

Because they only need to wave their fingers, those tableware and rags will dive into the foamy water and start washing.

Because of her family’s not at all house elf, Emily is very curious about everything in the Hogwarts kitchen, she just kept looking around as soon as she came in, especially the ongoing house elf Is very interested in washing dishes.

And these house elfs were stunned when they saw Link and the others, and then they screamed and turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

This made Emily frowned.

Link explained:

“The house elfs are pursuing to complete all the work in Silencio without being discovered, so most of them are very scared of life. Just now they must be I was shocked by us. But don’t worry, someone will come out to receive us soon.”

Link tone barely fell, a house elf with a cane walked out of the corner.

His face is full of wrinkles and looks very old, with a pillowcase printed with the Hogwarts shield emblem, and some oil stains on it.

“Young Hufflepuff, my name is Guogai. Did you miss dinner? It doesn’t matter, we can start the fire again and make some servings for you now.”

Old house elf said tremblingly, but there was a sincere smile on his face.

As soon as he said this, many house elfs sprang out from the kitchen all around.

They restarted the oven and the boiler quickly, and started working again in a burst of happy laughter and cheerful voices.

“Ah! Old Mister, we don’t need to…”

Emily immediately stopped when she saw it, but Link reached out and stopped her.

“Working in the mind of house elf is everything. If you stop them now, I bet they will not thank you, but will feel lost.”

Link in Ai Mili explained in a soft voice, and then moved towards the old elf with a smile and said nodded, “Then trouble you, Old Mister.”

“Oh hoho! You are welcome, little Hufflepuff, it’s all. We should do it!”

Hearing this pot cover, hehe said, the smile on his face has become a bit brighter, with those folds, it looks like a blooming chrysanthemum .

When Emily saw this, she closed her mouth decisively and decided not to speak any more.

She really knows too little about house elf. Talking nonsense is likely to be unhelpful.

Link was chasing after victory, and said:

“Mr. Guoli, we are actually here to find a lost pet of one of my students. My hound told me It may be hidden here, can you let us search for it?”

“Of course! Of course! We will never reject any Hufflepuff!”

The lid is excited Said.

hearing this Link slightly smiled, waving his arms, the Skalls who were already hungry and thirsty around it rushed out.

They jumped up and down in the kitchen, sniffing this for a while, sniffing that for a while, and from time to time they stole the ingredients prepared by the house elf, messing up the entire kitchen.

But all the house elfs didn’t mean to stop them, and some even fed the dishes they had just made to the Sgars themselves, and then made them again.

And the Sgars did not disappoint Link.

Soon after all the Sgars gathered around a cupboard on the east side of the kitchen, and moved towards Link called’Wang Wang’.

Link and Emily leaned in immediately, and they saw a big gray mouse that had been pushed under the cupboard by a group of Sgars, shiver coldly.

“Less your strength! Wingardium Leviosa!”

When the two spells went down, the mouse instantly lost resistance and floated in front of Link.

Looking at the other mouse that obviously lacked the ring finger of the left paw, Link clicked nodded with satisfaction.

Many people, including Dumbledore, are curious, since Black has the ability to jailbreak the top secret without wand, why choose to jailbreak now after more than ten years in Azkaban? ?

Know that the environment of Azkaban is simply hell!

And the real answer is now caught by Link.

The mouse Scabbers are actually Pettigrew · Peter, the friend of Black and James Mutter.

At the beginning, after betraying Mr. and Mrs. Potter, he and Black fought a battle, and finally suspended himself at the cost of self-determination.

Since then, due to Voldemort’s downfall, Pettigrew Peter has been dormant in the Weasley Family for more than ten years, acting as their little pet.

This is also the reason why the mouse, Scababbers, can live for more than ten years. He was originally a man.

The reason why Black chose to escape at this time was because he saw a report on the Daily Prophet about the Weasley family winning the grand prize, which published a family portrait of the Weasley family, and the mouse Scabbbers were among them. .

Sirius · Black, this time he came out as an avenger.

He wants to send Pettigrew Peter to the place he should have gone more than ten years ago-hell!

So, as long as the mouse is controlled, the half-crazy Avengers Black is basically controlled.

Thinking so, Link smiled and stuffed the mouse Scabbbers, or Pettigrew Peter, and the dirty handkerchief into the kraft paper bag.

At this time, the pot lid that came with it has begun to scream holding head.

A mouse was found in the kitchen. This is simply a sign that they have not done a good job of hygiene!

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