After a little taste of house elf’s snack, Link, Emily and the group of Sgars with round belly eating were taken out of the kitchen by the lid.

Of course, it might be more appropriate to use the word’rush’ to describe it.

Because the lid is anxiously like a child looking forward to a Christmas gift, as soon as Link and the others left, he directed the rest of the house elfs to start cleaning.

Vow to eliminate all mice and cockroaches in all kitchens!

After leaving the kitchen, Emily has been smiling and looking at Link.

Link had already told her all about the grievances between Black and Peter some time ago.

Emily knows very well the value of Scabbers, which is Pettigrew Peter.

Leave aside, even if Peter is handed over to the Ministry of Magic Link, he can get a lot of rewards from the transaction, such as tax exemption for the Foley family.

After all, if the world knows that Peter, the hero who was pursued by Order of Merlin, First Class, is not dead and is still a betrayer, the reputation of Ministry of Magic will fall drastically.

For this reason, Emily is now wondering what Link will do with this mouse.

After thinking about it for a while, Emily did not hesitate too much, and asked directly:

“Link, what are you going to do with this mouse?”

“Give it back to Ron.”


A hint of surprise appeared on Emily’s face.

In her opinion, this is really an incomprehensible bad move.

After all, Black has been staring at Peter outside Hogwarts for revenge.

Peter will definitely run away, and next time he will not be so easy to catch.


Black? !

Emily’s eyes widened, and she suddenly said as if she was trying to understand something:

“You are going to use this mouse to fish Sirius ·Black.”

Link didn’t answer, but smiled and gave Emily a gesture of silence.

Seeing this, Emily closed her mouth, but the lack of smile on her face became brighter.

She just forgot one thing, that is, the purpose of Link from start to finish is to know the secret of her body.

So it makes sense to keep Peter to attract Black to infiltrate Hogwarts again.

Link and Emily looked at each other, and then quickened their pace, moved towards Harry, the infirmary where the three of them were located and walked over.

There are many people gathered in the infirmary at this moment. Ron, Hermione, and many Gryffindor Quidditch team members, and even Lupin, who has not been able to come to class for a long time, are all around Harry who has just awakened. Talking about the previous game.

Of course, most of what they said was bad things about Hufflepuff, after all, the previous game was a shame.

And the arrival of Link and Emily made the originally lively ward become silent in an instant.

Everyone looked at Link with embarrassment, because they were really not sure whether the previous conversation was heard by Link.

This kind of embarrassing atmosphere is obviously not something everyone can tolerate. After a while, most people left the ward.

Lupin is no exception, but the look he looks at Link at the moment is a little weird.

And before leaving, he stuffed Hermione’s pocket very secretly.

Link didn’t care about these things, so he took out the parchment bag and said to Ron:

“Your Scabbers, I found them.”

“What? Really?”

Ron jumped up with excitement as soon as he heard it, and took out the mouse Scabers and said, “Thank you so much Link! It’s just… it doesn’t move. ?”

“I made a little spell for it, you just use Finite Incantatem.”

“Oh oh! Thank you! Thank you so much!”


Ron took the mouse Scabbers in his arms and kept rubbing his chin.

This made Emily who already knew that Scabbbers was a middle-aged uncle like Pettigrew Peter frowned disgustingly.

Unknowingly, Harry and Hermione were very happy, especially Hermione. During this time, Ron and her were making a lot of trouble with the rat Scabbbers. Now she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s just that she obviously underestimated Ron’s stinginess, she just wanted to walk in to congratulate Ron, so Ron turned the mouse Scabbbers around and said vigilantly:

“Your cat smell stay away from us! Or the Scabbers will be scared away again!”


Hermione couldn’t help being scolded, but Ron didn’t. Be outdone stared at Hermione.

A war is about to break out.

And just then, Madam Pomfrey suddenly walked into the ward.

She looked at the mouse in Ron’s arms and screamed first, then shouted angrily:

“Everyone! Get out of me! Especially you! The Weasley holding the mouse! I want McGonagall to close your confinement!”

Ron is quite loyal, hearing this he is not at all arguing, and he gratefully glances at Link before leaving. classroom.

He also went out with him, Hermione, this girl has been frigid irony and scorching satire in Ron’s ears, looks very, very much like a girl’s version of Snape.

Link and Emily smiled at each other and left.

But at this moment, Harry suddenly shouted:

“Link! You, can you keep it? I have something to say to you alone.”

Link did not answer, but looked at Mrs. Fred as if asking, and when the latter was nodded did Emily go first, and he sat beside Harry.

“What’s wrong, Harry,” Link cracking a joke said, “If I want me to repair Nimbus 2000, I can’t do it. It has been torn to pieces by Whoping Willow.”

“Of course I know this.”

Harry helpless’s shook the head, and his expression became serious, “What I want to say is, I saw an ominous sign again!”

“Ominous signs?”

“Oh! This is what the Divination Professor gave. She always said that people will see some signs before they die.”

Harry said, “I’m pretty sure, my sign is a big dirty black dog! The first time I saw it, I was almost killed by a Knight bus! And in the game just now, I I saw it again!”

“You mean you saw a big black dog during the game just now?”

“That’s it! Hey! Link, I’m not crazy! You Would you believe me? The only person I can tell now is you!”

Harry said a little anxiously, while Link remained silent.

After a long time, he grinned and said:

“To be honest, I can hardly believe these things.”

Harry’s expression darkened, and Link’s Then said:

“But I can personally provide you with some extra protection, so that you can avoid those bad luck as much as possible.”

“Extra protection?”


“Yes, like a large group of hounds.” Link said, “They will change shifts around the clock in the infirmary, Gryffindor common room, and your dormitory wherever you will appear. I believe this way, You should feel relieved too.”

“But, the hound…”

Harry looked a little embarrassed. He is very sensitive to creatures like dogs.

But Link did not give him the opportunity to refuse, but quickly finalized the matter.

This is also part of his plan. As long as the Sgars can guard Harry and Ron twenty-four hours, then there is no need to fear things like the scabbbers escaping.

At the same time, in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione had already finished Ron, and returned to the bedroom to start studying.

But when she took off her coat, a parchment fell out of it.

Hermione bent over to pick it up, and the complexion changed immediately.

Because it clearly says:

Be careful of Link!

——Your friend, Remus · Lupin.

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