Black’s words caused Link’s action to be stagnant, and he narrowed his eyes and said:

“en? What do you mean?”

“Monster is monster, even human Don’t you understand me?”

Black said with a malicious smile, “But it’s also true. You were young at the time. You don’t remember all the things your father did to you, right? “

As soon as Black said this, Link’s eyes lit up instantly.

Because the other party obviously also knows the secret hidden in him.

Then the next plan needs to be changed.

“si si hiss!” (Catch him!)

Link made a neigh, and hearing this, Arkham and Yo-Yo turned into two balls apparition, rushed towards Black!

Black is crazy, but he is not stupid.

Not only that, but maintaining the Animagus form for a long time not only allows him to approach animals, but also allows him to obtain a dangerous perception ability similar to that of animals.

So when Link released the attack, he felt the strong sense of danger, and turned into a black dog again without hesitation. An incredible speed drilled through the narrow round window on the wall.

“sī sī sī sī hiss!” (Make me bigger! Make me bigger! I’m going to kill him!)

Arkham, who was hitting empty, climbed to Link Roar was irritated, while Yo-Yo was more pragmatic and chased after nothing else.

“Yeah, it’s quite flexible.”

Link said softly, and at the same time two bottles of potion were drunk by him, the whole person instantly became illusory.

Next moment, Link directly smashed the outer wall of Hufflepuff common room with the force of a curse, and chased it out.

At the same time, the originally quiet Hogwarts Castle gradually became noisy.

This must be that the professors finally got the news and came out to hunt Black.

Link didn’t care about the changes in Hogwarts Castle, and continued to move towards the mark left by the yo-yo first.

He knew very well that because of the changing nature of Animagus, the big black dog that Black became was completely an ordinary dog.

As long as you chase, you will be able to catch up.

And this is indeed the case. Just after moving towards Herbology’s greenhouse, Black’s silhouette appeared in Link’s field of vision.

At this moment, he is running suddenly left, suddenly right in a zigzag pattern chased by the yo-yo of the curly-winged demon, and he hides behind the debris from time to time, looking very embarrassed.

This is already yo-yo show mercy.

If it wasn’t for the order issued by Link to capture it alive, the yo-yo, a dangerous creature of xxxXX, could crush Black’s skull at any time.

The following Link catching up was a bit speechless.

Yo-yos are obedient to obedient, but some are too dull and not smart enough.

If you call it alive, it really won’t even touch the other side’s hair.

Thinking like this, Link raised wand shot an invisible blade, and shouted at the same time:

“Don’t play, yo-yo, it’s the same for abandoning his two legs. Catch it alive!”


The yo-yo responded to Link, and then the excitement turned into an afterimage and dived down.

At this crucial moment, Black turned around, behind a low wall.

next moment, the invisible blade and the yo-yo arrived at the same time!


Stones and dirt are flying all over the sky!

And Black was blown out while whimpering.

Link, who had chased to the front, was not satisfied when he saw it, and another invisible blade flung out.

The idea of ​​Link is simple.

Anyway, the Sectumsempra curse has an anti-curse, so he simply cuts Black to death and uses the anti-curse to restore it afterwards.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

A dementor dressed in cloak suddenly emerged from the Whomping Willow not far away, and headed towards Link and Black’s Accio.

And one of them happened to be in front of Black.


The moment the Sectumsempra curse, composed entirely of cursing power, touched the dementor, an inaudible muffled sound came out.

Then the dementor who was accidentally wounded covered his face as if he had been frightened, and screamed silently.

Looking at this scene, Black’s dirty dog’s face was very humane with a hint of joy.

The dementors will not attack his black dog, but Link is different.

even more how Link just attacked one of the dementors.

Presumably soon, that monster will absorb all the hope of the dementors, and will eventually be given a kiss of dementor with an effect comparable to the Avada Kedavra curse, die in pain, right?

Thinking about this, there was a trace of pity and guilt in Black’s heart.

After all, he knows very well that Link is also very poor. He originally wanted to warn the other party, but he didn’t expect to cause such a result in the end.

But soon he remembered the cruel methods the opponent showed when they chased him.

The last trace of pity in my heart disappeared instantly.

Such a vicious monster, if he dies, he will die!

Getting up with difficulty, Black limped and walked into the distance.

Just a few steps out, Black turned his head instinctively, wanting to check the situation behind him.

But just like that, Black was stunned by what happened before his eyes!

I saw Link surrounded by dementor not only not afraid, but also speeding up and rushing towards him.

As for the nightmare-like dementors, at this moment, all of them are like soldiers who have encountered the king, kneeling on the ground!

‘monster! ‘

Black screamed frantically in his heart, and immediately ran at full speed regardless of the wound on his body.

Unfortunately, Link’s speed is too fast.

Black didn’t even fully stretch out his body, and a Stupefy instantly knocked him out.


relaxed, Link hurried forward and wanted to capture Black.

The professors have awakened at this moment. Link knows that his top priority now is to bring Sirius Black back to the responsive room as soon as possible.

As for the subsequent torture, it is much simpler.

If the half-lunatic Black is unwilling to cooperate, Link still has a bottle of Veritaserum stolen from Snape in his hand.

This kind of controlled potion can make people unconditionally tell the truth, but the side effect is that the user becomes an idiot.

Although it is a pity that a popular character like Black has become an idiot, Link feels that this is nothing compared to knowing the secret of his body.

However, as soon as Link reached out and was about to catch Black, a black shadow made up of magic power rushed out of Hogwarts Castle.

And knocked off Link at an extremely fast speed, and flew towards the Hogsmeade village with Black.

“Yo-yo! Stop him!”


The curled-winged demon soars into the sky, its speed is faster than the shadows, In an instant, he chased him to the side of the black shadow.

But next moment, a scarlet beam cut through the night sky and knocked it down directly.

Black was rescued by you know who!

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