On the messy clearing, Link stood with a gloomy complexion.

Black’s escape made him feel extremely bad.

The dementor, who is very sensitive to human emotions, has already fled at this moment, unwilling to anger the current Link.

Even Arkham and Yo-Yo, who were closest to Link in the past, secretly made excuses to go to Whoping Willow.

After a long time, Link took a deep breath, turned his head and looked towards Hogwarts Castle behind him.

Although the battle just now was very fierce, he still sensed that the black shadow that rescued Black was flying out of the castle through the super-sensing curse.

Obviously, this is a traitor hidden in Hogwarts, and his strength is good.

As for why dementors suddenly appear here.

This question is also easy to answer.

“si si hiss!~” (Link, we caught a cat at Whomping Willow!)

Arkham climbed onto Link’s thigh like an invitation , And the yo-yo by its side was flying in the air, and Hermione’s Kluk Mountain was still held in its paws.

Obviously, those dementors are attracted by this cat.

As for why it should help Black, then only heaven knows.

Perhaps it is for love?

Link couldn’t help but gave birth to such an idea.

Link glanced at the ugly ginger yellow cat, nodded and said:

“Good job.”

He said he carried it with one hand. From Kluk Mountain, moved towards Hogwarts and walked inside the castle.

At this moment, the Hogwarts castle is already brightly lit, and everyone is once again gathered in the auditorium under Dumbledore’s order.

Link caught everyone’s attention as soon as he entered the hall, and Dumbledore waited for the surrounding Sects to walk up directly.

There is no reason. The professors have been looking for him, the missing person, for a long time.

“Link! Where did you go?”

Professor Sprout took the brunt of it, and immediately jumped up and grabbed Link. , Check if he is injured.

Link didn’t resist, and after throwing Klukshan into the auditorium, he left it to Professor Sprout to check it.

At the same time, he turned his head and moved towards Dumbledore and explained:

“Black infiltrate Hogwarts and attacked me. I was chasing him before.”

As soon as Link said this, the crowd in the auditorium exclaimed.

The expressions of the professors changed suddenly.

Professor McGonagall looked back at the excited students. Instinctively felt that this was not a good place for questioning, so he immediately proposed to bring Link back to the office for questions.

Just before she could really speak, Snape on the side could not wait to say first:

“So did you catch him?!”

” “Just a little bit,” Link turned his head and stared at Snape. “You know who was shrouded in dark shadows and saved him.”

“Who is that person!”

Snape became more excited, and asked two steps forward.



As soon as Snape spoke, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall silenced him.

Then Dumbledore looked back at the crowd that was already gathering towards them, and then continued:

“Go back to my office and continue talking.”

After saying that, before Snape nodded, he took Link and a surrounding Sects back to the headmaster room on the eighth floor.

Dumbledore’s office is still the same as when Link came last time. The only difference is that Harry and Ron are also inside.

When everyone entered the door, the two of them were arguing with the portrait of the previous headmaster on the wall, and they stopped after they found Dumbledore.

“Harry, Ron, you can go back and rest first.”

“Huh? But…”

Listening to Dumbledore’s instructions, Harry concluded. Baba said, obviously a little unwilling.

Especially Ron, he has been winking at Link with concerned eyes, seeming to be asking why Link was brought here by such a professor.

Only facing Dumbledore, the two of them obviously had no right to refuse, and they were eventually kicked out.

Until this time, Dumbledore finally sat behind his eagle-leg table and said to Link:

“You are not the only one attacked by Black tonight, but There are Harry and Ron. When Ron woke up in the middle of the night, he found that Black was holding a sharp knife and was about to attack him. Fortunately, Black retreated for some reason.”

Link clicked blankly. Nodded, what Dumbledore said was similar to what he had guessed.

The only problem with Dumbledore’s knowledge is that Black is not going to attack Ron and Harry at all. His real goal is the Scabbbers, the rat sleeping in Ron’s arms, which is Pettigrew Peter. .

After initially explaining the situation, Dumbledore finally got to the point and said with a serious expression:

“Then it’s your turn now, let’s talk about Link, that’s the rescue Is there any characteristic of you know who who walks Sirius Black?”

“He was covered in black mist at the time, and I didn’t even see a single piece of his hair.”

Link said so, everyone present at hearing this was disappointed.

But at this moment, Link’s conversation turned around:

“But if I guessed correctly, it should be Professor Lupin.”

This Everyone was excited again, especially Snape.

Dumbledore raised his hand to stabilize the scene and said:

“Why do you say that?”

“Lupin, Sirius, Pettigrew and Harry’s father James · Potter was very good friends when he was a student. It is reasonable for them to help each other?”

“But Sirius betrayed the James and his wife, Remus is impossible to help such a traitor!”

hearing this Link grinned.

Of course he was impossible to tell the truth about the traitor Pettigrew Peter, because he couldn’t explain how he knew it.

But this doesn’t mean that he couldn’t prove that it was Sirius who was rescued by Lupin.

“We don’t need to argue about these things.” Link said with a smile, “If you want to know if it’s Lupin, just check if he is still in Hogwarts.”

Link’s words, Snape rushed out of the office before Dumbledore told him.

And when Dumbledore and the other professors saw this, they became silent and waited silently.

After a while, Snape returned.

“Lupin is gone!”

He announced the result first, and then looked towards Dumbledore with those deep pool eyes, and said angrily:

“I told you a long time ago that Lupin’s wolf pup must not be allowed to enter Hogwarts! Are you okay now? They have become Sirius Black’s rape on our side! Dumbledore! You must be responsible for this. !” After speaking, Snape slammed the door and left, leaving only Dumbledore with an expressionless face and a silent surrounding Sects.

Professor McGonagall took the first few steps to comfort Dumbledore, but the latter shook the head and refused.

Afterwards, I looked towards Link calmly said:

“Link, you should go back and rest first. We will take care of this matter.”

Link did not refuse, but left quickly after nodded salute.

He returned to Hogwarts Castle this time to find out whether Lupin is still in school, and to prove whether his guess is correct.

Now that the goal is achieved, it is natural to do serious things.

The so-called serious business is to start the arrest of Black in advance.

After all, Black obviously knows the secrets of his body’s past, so there is no need for Link to do business with Snape and the others.

Just as Link went downstairs, he saw Snape standing in the shadow of the corner.

The other party didn’t speak, but just scratched his head blankly, and then each minding their own business walked into the unmanned classroom on the side.

Link chuckled when he saw it, followed along.

If Snape wants to continue trading with him, he will not refuse.

At that time, I can make a reference with the Black version.

In the unmanned classroom where Mirror of Erised was placed, Link and Snape stood opposite each other.

At this time, Snape has returned to the usual calm and composed demeanor, apparently turning on Occlumency.

“I need you to catch Black.”

Without the slightest greeted, Snape immediately stated his purpose.

Out of respect for Professor Snape, Link not at all chuckled back as it did in the past, but also turned on Occlumency, and said blankly:

“This Of course I can do it. My cute hounds can’t wait any longer.”

Link turned around, “It’s just, should you tell me what I want to know now? What?”

hearing this Snape was silent, and it took a while before coldly said:

“Sorry, I can’t say it.”

“Huh!” Link I moved my neck and sighed, “Then you just want to have sex for nothing.”

“Are you going to have sex? A good analogy, but I don’t know how to do this kind of thing.”

Snape took out a black notebook thick as a dictionary from the pocket of his robe and said, “This is a note that summarizes all my potion recipes and experimental records in the past two decades.

You and I have studied potion for so long, and I should know its value.

I can give it to you now, as long as you promise me to catch Sirius·Black.”

Snape’s words made Link’s Occlumency almost broken.

In the magic world, Knowledge is Power is not a simple sentence of chicken soup for the soul, but something that can be seen and felt tangibly.

In theory, people with a knowledge system with a stronger sense of feedback should learn more spontaneously and then become stronger.

However, such a strange phenomenon often appears in the magic world.

For many wizards at the bottom of society, the moment they graduate from school is the peak of their personal strength.

In the future, the strength of most wizards will not only not be improved, but will gradually decrease as the body ages.

Many people who are new to the magic circle think that this is due to the limited talent of these wizard innate or not enough hard work.

But is this really the case?

Not really!

The reason why these people can’t be improved is that various advanced magic potion knowledge (xx data) are monopolized by the Ministry of Magic and various Great Family!

People will not learn from you for no reason!

Take Disillusionment Charm and advanced potion knowledge as examples.

Ordinary young wizards have only one chance to learn the above two kinds of knowledge in their lifetime.

The magic curse requires you to obtain at least 10 courses of NEWT excellent transcripts when you graduate, and then join the Ministry of Magic, and you can learn it through Auror training. The difficulty is comparable to the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses cross the single-plank bridge.

For advanced potion knowledge, you need to get at least an’exceeding expectations’ grade in the potion learning OWL exam before you can continue to participate in Snape’s advanced potion class in your senior year.

With such a high degree of difficulty, the overwhelming majority cannot do it.

In such a closed environment, the note that Snape is holding now is even more precious.

This is a lifetime study of a potions grandmaster!

Putting a note like this outside will definitely cause all potion divisions to snatch wildly.

Everyone knows that as long as you can get it, even if you don’t understand the above esoteric knowledge, the potion formulas in it can become well-known figures among potion teachers!

It’s just that Link gradually calmed down after being excited for a while.

He surprisingly discovered that if he really took this notebook, the nature of this transaction has changed from the original pursuit of truth, compelled by circumstances, to a coercive interest exchange.

This will greatly hurt the relationship between him and Snape!

In all fairness, Link really doesn’t want this.

Because Snape is really good to him.

Whether it was teaching him Sectumsempra or helping him at a critical moment, Snape basically did what he could do.

In the face of such an elder, Link really does not want to hurt him.

So, after struggling for a long time, Link, who often calls himself a refined egoist, sighed and said softly:

“Sorry, I can’t ask for it.”


Snape was angry, he clenched his fist a little bit of lost self-control and said, “You want the truth, I can’t tell! I and Dumbledore stood up at the beginning I’ve passed the’unbreakable oath’!”

Snape stepped forward and forced the note into Link’s arms and said:

“This is the best thing I can give Go! Take it away quickly, and then grab Sirius Black’s rubbish! You, it’s for the sake of our teachers and students!”

Speaking of the last Snape’s Occlumency has not been maintained Living.

What he said is the lowest posture he can assume.

And hearing this Link closed his eyes in pain.

Because he found out that he was fooled!

An unbreakable oath, this is an extremely rare wizard contract.

Those who breached the contract were killed immediately!

After making such a terrible oath, Snape and Dumbledore certainly couldn’t tell him anything.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier? If you say it earlier, everything will be gone? You see you are doing it now. Isn’t this a waste of my feelings?”

Link Pulling his hair and constantly complaining.

The expression on Snape’s face was a bit sluggish, as if he hadn’t reacted yet.

“Oh! Don’t say anything, I’ll catch Sirius Black.” Link sighed said, “Of course, I didn’t do it for this book, but because of Professor Snape. You did it just now. Please.”

“Who, who is begging you! Is your ear deaf by Hu Meizi?”

Snape cursed in anger.

Link also shut his mouth in due course.

Because he knew that a proud person like Snape would really hit others if he kept teasing him.

With a grin, Link puts the note into the non-marking stretch pocket.

At this moment, Snape suddenly grabbed Link’s hand and said with an annoyed expression:

“Don’t you want it?”

hearing this Link scowled and asked:

“Why, some people haven’t given me Christmas presents this year. Shouldn’t I be compensated?”

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