Ten minutes later, Link and Snape left the unmanned classroom.

Link took the thick black note and walked forward, looking through it as he walked, looking quite excited.

And Snape’s followed him. Although the expression on his face was still cold, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He is in a good mood.

The frank conversation in the unmanned classroom just now made his relationship with Link reconciled.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Link’s approach is a bit excessive, but it is also forgivable.

It was Snape when he was young, and maybe he would do it even more in order to learn the truth.

And Link can at least repent at the last minute, which is already very good. Snape feels that he hasn’t hurt Link for so many years.

As for the notebook, give Link to Link.

Anyway, his knowledge will be taught to Link sooner or later, so it doesn’t matter if you give it in advance.

Besides, it’s not that easy to learn the things in that book…

Only one thing that makes Snape unhappy is that Link thought he didn’t send it out because he was angry. Link Christmas gifts.

This is all slander!

How could he, Severus · Snape, be such a careful person? !

He clearly didn’t know what to give Link and didn’t give it as a gift in the end!

He can’t be blamed for this!

He was not good at giving gifts since he was a child!

As for the flower delivery to Lily, it was completely blessed!

Of course, Snape will never tell Link the real reason.

Because he knows very well, with Link’s bad character, if he knows the truth, he will definitely what a joke him!

Snape kept thinking about it, but he suddenly realized that Link, who was walking in front of him at some point, had already turned his head, and was now looking at him with a faint smile.

‘Oops! Forget this kid will be super curse! Maybe he didn’t see me laughing just now, right? ‘

Snape secretly thought it was bad, and the expression on his face immediately returned to ice coldly said:

“What are you looking at!?”

Link waved his hand, smiled and said perfunctorily:

“Ah, it’s nothing, just keep going, leave me alone.”

‘This kid has appointed you to see it! ‘

Thinking about this, Snape started Occlumency with all his strength, which suppressed the urge to go up and beat Link.

“Let’s talk about it! How are you going to catch Sirius Black?”

“Don’t worry about this. I’ve already planned it! As for now, I’m going to Go and get a good night’s sleep.”

Hearing Snape’s question, Link closed the note in his hand and chuckled lightly.

Although Black escaped from the last fishing operation, the key bait is still in his hands, isn’t it?

If this is the case, just catch it again.

Link is very confident about the attraction of Harry and Pettigrew Peter, as long as you upgrade your fishing method, Black will still be fooled this time.

And he didn’t let go of the ugly cat Crookshanks for no reason.

Thinking so, Link turned his head and looked towards the direction of Hogsmeade Village through the arched bay window in the corridor.

He always feels that the wind and snow there seems to be getting bigger.

At the same time, a dark shadow was cautiously circumventing the dementors on the street in the wind and snow, and flew towards a dilapidated house in the wilderness.

That is the great and famous Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade Village.

Since 1971, there will be mournful wailing sounds from time to time in this abandoned old thing.

As a result, the villagers in Hogsmeade village felt that it was haunted and they dared not approach it, and they also enthusiastically warned everyone who wanted to explore.

But their kindness made this place the most famous haunted house in the entire Wizarding World!

Many people who have been here insist that they have seen ghosts here!

At this moment, the black shadow was not afraid of Shrieking Shack at all, and directly smashed through its wooden door, and rushed in.


Sirius ·Black was thrown like rubbish on the dusty wooden floor, and after all this was done, the black shadow slowly faded, and finally revealed hiding inside Silhouette-Remus · Lupin!

“cough cough! Remus! Can’t you be gentle? ha ha ha ha!”

Sirius, lying on the floor, struggled to get up, and after a few complaints Then he laughed madly.

After that, he moved towards Lupin and opened his arms, as if he wanted to come forward and give Lupin a hug.

However, Lupin raised wand with a cold face and pointed it at his eyebrows.

This made Sirius stiff, pointing to his face incredible: “Don’t you know me, Remus? I am Black! Sirius ·Black!”


“Of course I know you! You killed James and Lily!”

Lupin said coldly, but his hand holding Wand trembled.

Hearing this Black is the redness of the eyes, and he rushes forward as if he is sick, and put his forehead on the Lupin tip, crazy yelled:

“yes! I killed James! You kill me! Remus! Please! Kill me!”

Lupin’s hands are shaking more.

He didn’t want to kill Black from the very beginning, at most he just wanted to send him back to Azkaban.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t save Black.

This is the brother who has spent his entire youth with him!

And he can see that the current Black is not clamoring, but sincerely begging for death!

He wants to use his death to repent and make up for the mistakes he made!

Lupin took a deep breath and decided to hand over Black to the Ministry of Magic.

Because there are some things that don’t mean that you can confess and treat it as not happening!

But at this moment, Sirius’s crazy eyes slowly became sober again.

He took a few steps back as if suddenly remembering something, and screamed:

“No! You can’t kill me! At least not yet! Remus! Go and save! Harry! Harry is in danger now! Peter has always been hiding by Harry’s side! Go kill him first and then kill me!”

“Peter? What are you kidding on?! Peter as early as 12 years ago He died! You killed him! You dare to mention him in front of me!?”

Lupin also became excited, and wand in his hand touched Sirius’ forehead again.

But Sirius was not afraid at all. He took out a parchment from the tattered jacket pocket and opened it:

“I can prove it!”

“Marauder’s Map?! How could it be with you?”

Sirius ignored Lupin and pointed to the overlapping footprints above:

“You said Peter is dead? Then who is this?”

Lupin took a closer look and found that there were also several names overlapped above those footprints, namely Hermione · Granger, Ron · Weasley , Harry Potter and-Pettigrew Peter!

“This, how is this possible? If he is still alive, why hasn’t he been seen before? Unless…”

Lupin stepped back in disbelief, and then Lifts the head again and looked at Sirius and said, “Unless he is the traitor who betrayed James and Lily! Did you secretly change the identity of the secretman to him?!”

Sirius is a bit painful Nodded, those sunken eyes stared at Lupin, and tears flickered faintly.


Lupin groaned, and hugged Sirius.

The sudden hug made Sirius couldn’t hold himself any longer.

He hugged Lupin tightly, tears gushing out with wailing, and two white tears flowed out on his dirty face.

The two of them held together in tears. After a while, Sirius pushed Lupin away, half crazy and half solemnly saying:

“Remus, it’s not a reminiscence now When. Do you remember what I just said? You have to go back and kill the traitor!”

Lupin shook the head a little languidly:

“I can’t go back. , Dumbledore, they must have discovered that I am not in the castle.”

“You said you were chasing me! Let’s do it! I cut a hand for you to take back so they can always believe you That’s it!”

After saying that, Sirius was about to cut his hands with a dagger.

Lupin hurriedly stopped him, pointing to the names of Link and Snape on Marauder’s Map and said:

“Don’t waste your time, Link is very smart. He and Snape will never be affected by this Method lied to the past.”

Sirius glanced at Marauder’s Map, fiercely said:

“Link · Foley! That monster!”

this time Lupin not at all rebutted Sirius. After discovering so many anomalies in Link, he also somewhat agreed with Sirius’ point of view.

And just when the two of them were helpless, a horrible meow and door slamming suddenly rang in the room.

Lupin immediately raised wand vigilantly.

But Sirius looked happy and hurriedly opened a trap door in the corner of the room.

Immediately afterwards, an ugly ginger yellow cat was taken out by him.

This makes Lupin a little confused.

Of course he knew that the ugly cat whose face looked like it had been hit by a hammer was Crookshanks raised by Hermione, but the question was, why did it appear here?

And look familiar with Sirius?

“Remus, I figured out a way.”

Sirius first made friends with Crookshanks for a while, then looked at Lupin and said, “The child named Ron protects Peter very well. Crookshanks can’t catch Peter directly. But that doesn’t prevent Crookshanks from attracting Harry and Peter here!”

“Uh, are you sure this works? It’s just a cat… …”

“Crookshanks of course! You are right? Crookshanks!”

Crookshanks answered Black with action.

Seeing it leaped slightly, it returned to the trapdoor again.


“What? Do you want to use Harry Potter as bait? I will never allow it!”

In the Hogwarts Castle the next morning Snape roared as soon as he heard of Link’s plan.

When Link walking in front saw this, he smiled from the corner of his eyes and said:

“When did you care about Harry so much? Isn’t it you who bullies Harry most often?” ? And ah, his father James Potter bullied you back then.”

As soon as Link said this, Snape was at a loss for words. After a while, he insisted:

“This, this is different! I am a professor! I am responsible for the safety of the students!”

Link whistled and taunted:

“Wow! Professor Snape you I really love his job!”

Snape’s face was flushed with anger, and he reached out to grab Link, but Link was flexible and avoided.

He also knew very well that he could no longer tease Snape’s careful eye, and hurriedly said:

“Don’t worry, the two of us will follow them to protect, they will never get into trouble. ! Besides, isn’t there Dumbledore?”

Snape was already digging out the wand, and stopped when he heard the words Dumbledore, looking at Link with a gloomy expression:

“Okay, what do you plan to do?”

“pa! This is too easy!”

Link snapped his fingers and said, and then Go down the corridor and enter the foyer.

Snape originally wanted to follow, but Harry and Hermione suddenly walked into the auditorium from the other side, which made him hurried back into the shadows.

Looking at Link, he didn’t even cover up, and walked directly towards the three of Harry.

“Hey! Harry, Ron and Hermione, good morning!”


Harry said hello instinctively, it looks muddleheaded .

And Ron stepped forward and asked with concern:

“Link! Are you all right! What happened last night? Why were you taken to the headmaster room?” “

As for Hermione, she froze the moment she saw Link, lowered her head and remained silent.

Link didn’t pay attention to her at all, and said with a smile:

“In fact, I was attacked by Sirius Black last night, but he was obviously not my opponent. Later he To escape, I went after it.”


Ron’s wide-eyed eyes were already flashing little stars.

Although Link’s speech just now has the taste of Lockhart’s boasting, Ron just wants to believe it.

No way, since Link helped him retrieve the Scabbers, he has always felt that there is nothing in this world that Link can’t do.

Harry’s focus is completely different from Ron’s, hearing this he jerked his spirits abruptly, and hurriedly asked:

“Then you caught him?”

Link stared at Harry for a while before sighing:

“Unfortunately, Harry, he ran through an unknown secret passage.”

Harry did not speak, one With a frustrated face and clenched his fists, Ron on the side also reacted and started to comfort him.

Link saw it and said again:

“But, I came up with an idea with the professors last night. If it goes well, I should be able to catch Black.”

“What is it!?”

“Harry, the secret passage is located near Whomping Willow. Sirius Black can infiltrate Hogwarts because of it. I need the three of you Bring the rats Scabbers and Crookshanks and pretend to play over there, so Sirius · Black may not be able to resist coming out and attacking you. And the professors and I will observe from the side, as long as he dares to show up, we will catch him. !”

Link said seriously, “Of course, you can refuse, Harry. After all, this plan will have certain risks, and no one knows whether the frenzied Sirius · Black will hurt you first. So I think I have to ask for your opinion.”

“Do you want to use Harry as a bait? Harry! You can never agree!”

Hermione, who has been silent, slammed lifts the head, speaking in disbelief.

However, Harry didn’t even look at her, clenched his fist and said:

“I promise you! As long as I can catch the bastard who betrayed my parents, I will do everything. Promise you!”

“Then, the plan will start as soon as you finish class this afternoon. Good luck to you!”

After that, Link patted Harry’s shoulder and turned around again. Turned out from the hall.

And this turn, I ran into Snape who was hiding in the shadows.

At this moment, he is staring intently at the three Harry in the auditorium who are already arguing again.

Perhaps he noticed the arrival of Link, and he said quietly:

“What a reckless fool who believes oneself infallible! It was so simple that he was overwhelmed by the anger of revenge. , It’s just like…”

“Just like his father.” Link interrupted with a smile, “Are you right?”

Snape glared at Link. Turned around and left without anything.

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