Because Sirius Black just invaded the relationship last night.

The atmosphere at Hogwarts was tense throughout the day.

Students mostly walk in groups and are in a hurry. They will never leave the common room if it is not necessary to have a meal in class.

The professors are tense one by one, vigilant all around, and everyone looks like bad guys.

Not only that, but the parents outside the school are also very nervous.

The animal messengers in the owl tower have not rested today, they are mailing letters all the time. It is said that the red howler is now filled with the entire headmaster office.

Link’s mentality was maintained very well. He went to class as usual, and then took Emily and a large group of Skalls to hide in the castle room near Whoping Willow, looking into the distance. Together with Harry, the three came to the side of Whomping Willow and began to play.

Said it was playing, but their three people were obviously too nervous. Not only did their expressions become stiff, but the expressions on their faces were even more ugly than crying.

Whoever sees such a scene will only feel that they are kidnapping and threatening.

This makes Link not help but think of a stalk in his previous life.

If you are kidnapped, wink!

Although it’s a mess, such a true reproduction still caused Link to laugh unconsciously.

Emily, who was beside him, withdrew her gaze when she saw this, and looked at Link strangely:

“What are you laughing at?”

“Hmm , I thought of funny things.”

Emily not at all keeps asking.

She has gradually gotten used to Link suddenly saying something amazing or doing something strange.

Without understanding, she can only attribute this to the repercussions of polysomnia.

She shook the head and changed the subject:

“But I still don’t understand why Dumbledore and Professor Snape would allow you to capture Black in such a dangerous way? Send Auror directly. Wouldn’t it be easier and faster for the troops to come?”

“You don’t understand! Dumbledore, the old bee is a well-known habit. He is worried that he won’t have a chance to let Harry Potter go out to fight monsters. Upgrade, so I won’t stop it!”

Link put his hands on the window sill, smiled hehe, “As for Snape, I told you quietly, he wanted to kill Sirius·Black and Remus·Lupin and then hurry up. The reason is that…”

“cough cough!”

As Link was talking, Snape’s short cough sounded from behind them.

The psychological qualities of Link and Emily are not comparable to those of ordinary students. In such an embarrassing situation, the two of them face doesn’t change, looking out the window silently, as if nothing happened just now. It happened the same.

Snape himself was also very cooperative, and without saying a word, the two of them also looked towards Whomping Willow.

Then his face went dark.

“Are you sure those three Trolls can lead to Sirius ·Black?”

Link glanced at the three people who were still acting outside and explained:

“Actually, don’t look at their poor acting skills, but in fact, it doesn’t matter. Sirius Black is a semi-lunatic. If he goes crazy, Professor Lupin can’t stop him. He will definitely be fooled.”

Link tone barely fell, and the three of Harry outside had an accident.

At first, the Crookshanks in Hermione’s arms suddenly went mad as if they had to catch the scabbbers in Ron’s pocket, and then the cat and dog rushed into the atmosphere of Whoping Willow’s attack.

They dodge the branches of Whoping Willow flexibly. The mouse Scabbbers got into a tree hole directly below Whoping Willow, and Crookshanks appeared to be deliberately on a tumor of the Whoping Willow tree. Jumped, and then chased in.

The three of Harry followed closely from behind, yelling and sneaking into it.

What’s amazing is that at this time Whomping Willow was stunned as if he had been subjected to a fixation technique, and he did not intend to attack their three people in the slightest.

When he saw this, Link raised his eyebrows, and gave Snape and Emily a look at them.

Emily was very supportive and stared wide-eyed, but Snape’s performance was a bit strange.

He stared at the Whomping Willow, his mood changed so drastically that even a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Seeing this, Link also condensed the expression on his face, did not choose to tease Snape, but waited for a while, and confirmed that he waved his hand and said:

“Then, let’s go. Come on!”

After saying that, dozens of Skallhounds ran out from behind him instantly.

Snape also seemed to be awakened by the movement, and walked out of the room with Link and Emily without saying a word.

At the same time, Harry and the three are holding the Lumos curse and walking forward in a long and dark secret passage.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Harry would have never believed that there would be such a long secret passage below Whomping Willow.

In fact, when things have progressed to the present situation, Ron, who was originally the weakest, is the bravest one.

He has such a deep affection for the mouse Scabbers, a pet that has accompanied him for almost his entire childhood, that he has forgotten what fear is and rushed to the forefront.

Hermione also not to be outdone, falling behind him.

Instead, Harry, who had the most determined attitude at the beginning, took a step forward at this moment.

His footsteps are vacant, his complexion is deathly white, and he will look back from time to time, as if he is confirming whether Link they have followed.

But anyway, none of them stopped.

It’s a pity that this passage is still too narrow after all. Although the three of them have tried their best, the speed is still not fast.

Fortunately, the Crookshanks ran fast and slow as if they were deliberately guiding them, which made the three of them persevere.

Slowly, the tunnel began to slope upwards, and Crookshanks disappeared after a turn.

The three of Harry gritted their teeth and rushed out, finally bathing in the light again.

Besides the secret passage, there is a messy and gray room.

Everything here is broken, wallpaper, floor, furniture, doors and windows…

Everything is as messy as if it was attacked by some terrifying monster, even A wall is densely packed with deep claw marks!

This made the three Harry feel intensely uneasy.

They are back to back, holding the wand and moving slowly.

Then, a little thing rushed into Ron’s arms.

“Oh! Scabbers! You’re okay, really very good!”

Ron yelled in surprise, and his mouse looked panicked and kept moving Ron got stuck in his clothes, and the momentum seemed to have to get into Ron’s body before letting go.

At the same time, a series of footsteps rang from the next room.

Harry and Hermione sniffed the prestige, and they saw Crookshanks stepping into the room first on graceful catwalks. It was Lupin and a skinny skeleton-like man who appeared following closely from behind.

“Sirius ·Black!”

Harry recognized the man’s identity in an instant, and raised his wand gnashing teeth.

But at the next moment, Lupin made a move.


red light appears!

Harry, Hermione and even Ron’s wand were all knocked off and fell into Lupin’s hands.

“Professor Lupin! I trust you so much,” Harry stared at Lupin, his voice trembling, “So you have always been his friend!”

“Harry, please Listen to me! I will explain…”

“Okay! Stop talking to them! Get started! I can’t wait!”

Black interrupted Lupin, took the wand directly and walked towards the three of Harry with a grinning smile.

At this time, Ron, who had been hiding at the back, stood up. His legs were trembling, but he still stood in front of Harry and Hermione, and said to Sirius:

“If you want to kill Harry, you must kill us too!”

Sirius didn’t reply, just reached out and grabbed the mouse Scabers hanging on Ron’s neck.

This frightened Ron and Harry and the others, because his actions looked like he was about to strangle Ron.

“Hey! Sirius, you scared them!”

Lupin suddenly came up and pulled Sirius away. The latter was very excited and tore Lupin’s clothes. :

“I waited for 12 years! I am going to kill him now!”

“no! Harry, they have the right to know the truth! Let me explain to them!”


Lupin persuaded Sirius and said to the three in as soft a tone as possible, “Don’t listen to his nonsense, none of you three will die today. What we are looking for is the mouse that Ron raised. .”

“What does this have to do with Scabbers!”

“It’s a big deal,” Lupin whispered softly, “Let me see it, please?”

Ron hesitated for a long time, but in the end he took out the mouse Scabbers.

The mouse Scabbers looked flustered, twisting and struggling endlessly, Ron had to grab its long tail and didn’t let it escape.

Sirius became more excited after the appearance of Scabibbers, but fortunately, Lupin was there.

He soothed Sirius, and then he looked carefully at the two front paws of the mouse Scabers.

After a while, he turned his head with a serious expression and nodded to Sirius:

“Confirmed! This is him!”

“This What the hell is going on?” Ron hugged the mouse Scabbers tightly in fear, “Who did my Scabbers provoke?”

“This is not a mouse.”

Black suddenly voiced. Said hoarsely.

“What are you talking about? Of course it is a mouse. We have lived together for more than ten years!”

“no no no! He is an Animagus, an illegal, The Animagus wizard that has not been registered with the Ministry of Magic is the same as Sirius ·Black.” Lupin said, “His name is Pettigrew ·Peter.”

As soon as this statement came out, Harry complexion changed He denied the absurd statement, but Lupin did not give him this opportunity.

He waved his hand and continued to explain:

“I know you want to say that Pettigrew Peter was killed by Sirius twelve years ago, but he actually didn’t at all died, but found a place to hide.”

“But…” Hermione stammered, “Why?”

“The reason is simple,”

Lupin said, “The person who really leaked the information to Voldemort was not Sirius, but Pettigrew Peter. Sirius fought Pettigrew Peter completely to avenge Mr. and Mrs. Potter. “

“This is impossible—”

Harry stood up and roared, but Hermione stopped what he wanted to say next, turning his head and gasping for breath and said:


“How do you prove it?”

“This is very simple. We have a prop in our hands called Marauder’s Map, which I made with Sirius and Harry father. It can ……”

“It shows the real names of others within Hogwarts, and ignores most of the disguise, including Animagus.”

Hermione interrupted Lupin’s words directly, which made Lupin didn’t react for a while, and after a while, he looked weird and said:

“How did you know?”

“It was originally in the hands of George and Fred until The day Sirius ·Black first infiltrate the castle!”

“That’s right, in fact, Marauder’s Map was taken away by Sirius. Of course, this is not the point, the point is that we are getting Marauder’s Map. Later, I found an absolutely impossible person on it.”

Lupin said there was a pause, and pointed at the mouse Scabbers in Ron’s arms and said:

“Pettigrew ·Peter !”

This time, Harry’s eyes of the three of them looked towards the Scabbbers changed in an instant.

“If you still don’t believe me, I can give you Marauder’s Map directly.”

As if to prove his claim, Lupin took it out of his arms while talking Out of Marauder’s Map, and expand it.

However, as soon as the map unfolded, Lupin’s expression that had already eased down suddenly tightened.

Because the names of Snape and Link disappeared on Marauder’s Map at the moment.

This means that they have left Hogwarts’ range and are chasing here!

“Sirius! Snape and they are chasing you!”

Lupin yelled nervously, then turned wand around and pointed to the secret passage exit vigilantly.

But it’s too late.

As soon as Lupin moved, a few Skulls sprang out of the secret passage, and two scarlet beams appeared at the same time.



Lupin flew upside down, fiercely hit the wall, and bounced back to the floor.

The Marauder’s Map and Harry’s wand that he was holding in his arms were also scattered all over the place.

Sirius was even more miserable, and was directly embedded in the wall by the powerful impact.

After that, Snape, Link and Emily finally walked out of the secret passage.

“Lupin, I didn’t expect you guys to dare to use this old place as a shelter.”

Snape held the wand in his hand and said smugly.

When he saw this, Ron was about to cry with excitement, and Harry and Hermione stood there dumbly.

“Severus, you misunderstood,” Lupin tried to explain before giving up, “Sirius was not here to kill Harry, I can explain all of this…”

Snape directly Interrupting him, his expression frantically said:

“Do you think I would believe what you said? You wolf bastard! Azkaban is the place for your rubbish!”

“You fool, is it worth sending an innocent person to Azkaban for the holidays of your school days?”

Lupin persuaded him with a calm face.

And hearing this Snape’s expression changed suddenly, and he threw away a few light beams and hit Lupin again, sending him away.

At this moment, Sirius finally got out of trouble and rushed towards Snape with a roar.

It’s a pity that wild beast is the opponent of the wizard. Before he could make a move, Snape’s wand slammed on his forehead.

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