Lupin fell silent as soon as she heard Hermione’s question.

Because to be honest, he also knew that he and the others had done too much to Snape when he was a student, and what Harry and the others knew was not so good.

Standing on the spot and organizing the language, Lupin said:

“Do you know? I am actually a werewolf. About this, I think you already know it. Hermione.”


Harry and Ron exclaimed, turned their heads and looked towards Hermione on the side.

And Hermione was solemnly nodded, and glanced at Snape and said:

“Professor Snape hinted a lot of relevant information when he was helping you substitute lessons. , So I can know.”

“First of all, I want to thank you for your trust, Hermione, really, thank you! Generally, few young wizards would be willing to trust a werewolf.”

Lupin said gratefully, “Then the question you just asked. Is there any enmity between us and Severus? My answer is, of course.

Remember Shrieking Shack? That is actually This is the place that Dumbledore assigned to me to transform during school. Every full moon night, I will be sent to Shrieking Shack along the secret passage under the Whoping Willow, and then survive the transformation period. Transformation Being a werewolf is very painful. Since I am the only person in Shrieking Shack, I bit myself and scratched myself. The villagers heard those voices and screams and thought it was a particularly violent ghost. Dumbledore let this kind of rumors go. It’s opened…Even now, the house has been quiet for many years, and the villagers still dare not come close.

James, Sirius and Peter know about this. They are just like you, they don’t dislike it. Or I was afraid of my werewolf identity, but with unremitting efforts and amazing innate talent, I spent three full years learning Animagus transfiguration. And I came to Shrieking in animal form every full moon night after that. Shack, accompany me through that painful time.”

“And then?”

Hermione said with piercing eyes. Although Lupin’s story is very interesting, it continues to Haven’t gotten into the topic yet.

This made her a little impatient.

And hearing this Lupin took a deep look at her, and said in a somewhat hoarse tone:

“Don’t worry, Hermione, it will be the point soon. Severus We do have grudges with us. We are in the same grade, and our original relationship was not very good. Well, in fact, he hates James so much. I think he might be jealous of James’ talent at the Quiddich stadium.

In short, he was very curious about what I would disappear on time every month. He probably wanted to use this as a handle to threaten us. One night, he seized the opportunity and saw Madam Pomfrey with his own eyes and sent me to Whoping The distortion of Willow’s secret passage. Then Sirius played a prank on Severus for fun. He told Snape that as long as he smashed the knot on the trunk with a long stick, he would follow me in. Severus was very happy after hearing this. Happy, he really tried it!

This is too dangerous. If he goes through the secret passage, he will encounter a werewolf that is completely deformed! A young wizard like him, even if not Will be killed on the spot by me, and be infected with the werewolf virus because of my bite, and become like me!

James heard what Sirius was doing and braved the mortal danger to catch up with Severus. He pulled back. But Severus still saw me who had transformed. He was not a fool, and naturally understood that Sirius was trying to harm him.”

After Lupin finished his words, Harry and the three stood silently. In place, I don’t know what to say.

Harry and Hermione are better, the former is a little happy, after all, his father has always played a positive role in this whole story.

At this moment, he is already immersed in the beautiful fantasy of his father.

The latter is expressionless, making people unable to see their inner thoughts.

It’s just that Ron looked towards Sirius’ eyes became more frightened.

When he wanted to come, Sirius could do something to murder the student when he was a student, and it must have become worse now!

Perhaps feeling Ron’s sight, Sirius snorts snortingly towards Snape and said:

“Cut! He deserves it! Sneakingly trying to find out what we are doing… …Expecting us to be expelled…asking me to say, he is a thankless wretch!”

Ron was taken aback by what he said, and he hurriedly lowered his head, hiding the expression on his face.

Not far away, Snape also listened to Lupin’s account.

His body was trembling with anger, and his eyes were filled with dense bloodshot eyes.

If he changed to normal, he would have caught up with Lupin’s immediately and attacked, and he would not give the other party more opportunities to beep.

Unfortunately, he can’t do such a thing at all when wand is badly damaged.

So I can only rely on the majesty of the past to hope to frighten Lupin and the others.

I had to bear with it even while listening to Lupin’s heartbreaking words.

But when Sirius spoke in such a mocking tone, he finally couldn’t hold back the anger in his heart, and said angrily:

“You still want me to be grateful for that damn Potter!? You said I was jealous of him?! Ha! You guys were just talking nonsense there without knowing anything! He was a robber! He took everything from me because he was the heir of the Potter family! I can’t wait He tore him! Obviously, I came first…”

Snape’s voice gradually weakened, and in the end he didn’t say the most critical information.

And his remarks also awakened Harry from his fantasy. He looked at Snape with the green jade-like eyes in disgust, fiercely and said fiercely:

“Sirius is right, you are really thankless wretch!”

“Shut up! Potter! Your father is a thief!” Snape furiously, “Talking! And murderer!” The betrayers fight the professor together! I want Dumbledore to fire you!”

As soon as these words came out, Harry’s expression became timid.

For him who came from a bad foster family, he was most afraid of being expelled from Hogwarts, and then he had to roll back to his hometown in despair, and go to the aunt. Only bad boys would go to the aunt. Correction school.

As long as Snape mentioned the word’expelled’ in the past, he would succumb.

But this time, Snape insulted his father, which made him unable to bear it anymore.

I saw him full of anger, roar retorted:

“Am I wrong? My father saved your life! If it weren’t for him, you would have been It has become a corpse!”


Snape seemed a little bit incredulous, he looked pale, and said in a daze.

But he couldn’t say the complete sentence yet, Sirius beside him laughed wildly again.

“hahaha! Stop talking nonsense with Snivellus! He will never let us go! Let’s go to war!”

After saying this, Sirius directly transformed back into a big black dog form , Pounced towards Sirius.

“Wait! Sirius!”

Lupin was taken aback.

Even if Sirius becomes a black dog form, his agility will increase greatly, it is definitely not Snape’s opponent.

Lupin almost instinctively took out the wand, ready to save Sirius when Snape made his move.

It’s just that what happened next made him feel extremely surprised.

Because facing Sirius, Snape not at all, as Lupin expected, knocked him down in the middle of Sirius’s attack. Instead, he slammed sideways to hide. Lifted up the wand.


The light gray beam flashed by, and it accurately hit Sirius, who was empty.

The curse only flashed twice on Sirius before it disappeared, and it didn’t work as it should.

Seeing this, everyone present was taken aback, Sirius ignored it and continued to bite forward.

Snape raised wand again.

And this time accompanied by his magic power flow, the tip suddenly exploded, knocking it out together with Sirius.

Until this time, Sirius finally discovered the abnormality of Snape wand.

He regained his human form, taunted with a grinning grin:

“Oh! It seems that some people want something wrong!”

hearing this Snape His face was gloomy in an instant.

The wand in his hand is too badly damaged.

Just now, he tried to fight by reducing the intensity of the magic power, but the result was that the spell he shot was not effective at all.

Enhanced magic power output directly caused an explosion.

He can’t use magic at all in this situation.

So give up?

Snape shook the head, directly excluded this option.

Harry Potter must be snatched back. This is not only his promise to Dumbledore, but also the obsession in his heart.

Even more how, the effects of enhancers and phantom potion still exist!

Only relying on the physical qualities given by these two potions, he is not that absolutely does not have a chance of winning!

Thinking about this, Snape quickly got up from the ground, turned into a ball of apparition, and rushed to the side of Sirius who was smiling smugly, and a king’s punch hit the other side’s face directly.


Sirius called out pitifully, and was slashed out directly under the huge power of the potion bonus.

Snape took advantage of the victory and pursued, and continued to keep up to make up for it.

At this moment, a white light beam struck suddenly.

With excellent physical fitness, Snape blocked the attack with wand at the crucial moment, but he himself took a few steps back.

“Severus, I don’t want to hurt you, you should leave!”

Not far away, Lupin yelled to Snape, the wand he held in his hand was flashing danger The red glow.

Snape took a deep breath.

He knew very well that it was just an appetizer just now, and if Snape doesn’t recognize him anymore, Lupin will be serious.

Just so what?

Snape moved.

This time his goal is Lupin!

As long as you can grab Lupin’s wand, then this battle will be won!

“oh! Expelliarmus!”

Lupin sighed and lifted the wand, the next moment, and the red glow flourished, and Snape flew upside down faster than before Go out and hit the ground hard.

Snape struggled and remembered to get up, but a very dirty fleshy foot stepped on his chest.

“You damn Snivellus!”

This is Sirius.

He roared word by word, and at the same time his fist rained down on Snape’s face.

Snape stretched out his hand, trying to resist, trying to fight back.

But when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, how can he be the opponent of Sirius, who has maintained a wild beast form all year round?

He was not good at this since he was a child.

Gradually, the picture in front of Snape’s eyes began to blur, and the ears were enveloped by sharp tinnitus.

In the dim consciousness, he seems to have returned to the student period again.

At that time, every time I provoke James, I seemed to be hit on the ground like this, right?

At this time, there will be a large circle of people around to watch, pointing fingers to themselves.

Among them… there is her…

It is precisely in order not to be humiliated by this kind of humiliation, that I study desperately and practice the spell!

After graduation, I decided to join the Dark Lord’s camp and became a Death Eater!

What about the results?

He couldn’t protect anything in the end.

In the end, he was trampled under his feet.

Ah, I am really sad!

In reality, Sirius’ beating continued.

Lupin and Harry have leaped forward, grabbing Sirius by the arm and trying to pull him away.

But Snape’s pupils, as deep as a lake, were diminishing.

At this moment, he is looking forward to fainting as soon as possible.

Even though it is shameful, at least he doesn’t have to endure this humiliation anymore after that.

And just as his vision was dim, a few drops of warm blood suddenly splashed on his face.

This refreshed Snape.

He opened his eyes as much as possible, and finally saw through the blood-stained cornea.

I don’t know when there was a wound on Sirius’ cheek that seemed to have been pierced by a sword blade. The blood was sprayed out of it.

At this moment, Sirius’s expression looks very surprised and angry.

Because of the sudden attack that hit just now, it was originally aimed at his throat.

If he hadn’t reluctantly tilted his head with the wild beast’s instinct that he had been in the form of a black dog for a long time, he would have been beheaded at this moment!

Who is it? I wanted his life as soon as I came up! ?

Sirius glanced around in Surprised and Angry, trying to find the culprit.

At this time, Lupin, who finally reacted, had his eyes stunned. With a wand in his hand, a large group of black shadows spewed out in an instant, bringing Sirius and Harry and the others back quickly.

At the next moment, an orange red light flare swayed its slender tail and pierced the night sky, and landed on where they were originally standing.

boom~ boom~ Bang…

The rays of light burst, and a series of violent explosions spread out around the point where the light bomb fell!

The dark red flame engulfed the dust and rose into the sky, covering Snape’s figure in an instant.

Sirius and the others fell to the ground at this time.

The three Harry hadn’t realized what had happened until this time, they could only stare straight at the place where the flames and black mist rose in the distance, and their faces were full of horror. .

“Confringo curse…”

Lupin’s eyes were lingering, and he whispered the name of the light bullet, and then wand moved.

A strange wind blew away the smoke and dust from the mountain within the valley whistled past.

Gradually, a tall and tall silhouette appeared.

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