“Huh! I finally caught up.”

Amidst the smoke, Link relaxed and muttered.

At this moment, Snape lying in front of him is already the bloody nose and swollen face that was beaten, and he almost lost consciousness.

If he comes a little later, maybe Snape’s situation will be more miserable.

Of course, since he has arrived now, there must be no such thing as if.

After observing the situation of Snape, Link did not care about Lupin and the others outside, and directly squatted down and hugged Snape into his arms.

After that, he took out the white fresh flavor, the refreshing agent and the Buffy refreshing agent and poured them into Snape’s mouth.

When he finished all this, Snape’s dilated pupils gradually solidified.

During this process, Snape’s eyes have been fixed on Link’s face.

In a trance, Snape felt as if he had returned to the station where the curse was flying.

At that time, it was also such a young man named Foley who saved himself in a semi-unconscious state.

For a while, Snape was actually a little confused between fantasy and reality.

And the other Link, who has been staring at Snape with such hard to describe eyes, feels a bit embarrassed.

“cough cough!”

He coughed twice, let go of his hand, and let Snape stand up by himself.

“Thank you, Link.”

After getting up, Snape quickly looked away, patted himself with a dusty black robe, and said calmly. “You are not their opponent. Give me your wand, and then stay away. Leave the rest to me.”

“It doesn’t matter, I have two wands.”


Link took out another wand from the wand bag and threw it out.

Then reminded as if suddenly thinking of something:

“But the wand is special, you may not be able to do it well…”

Link was stuck in the middle of speaking, because he found that Snape had caught the wand at this time, and the moment his palm touched the wand, a bright golden glow flashed on the wand.

This is a symbol that the user has been approved by wand!

A flash of surprise flashed across Link’s face.

Because the wand he just threw out was the larch wand that Link used at the beginning.

The long-term users of this wand will receive the influence of wand and become more brave and confident. It is a very valuable and powerful functional wand.

But the powerful effect also makes its choice of the main conditions very harsh.

Unless it is the kind of wizard that has powerful innate talent and the character has weaknesses such as weakness and autism, otherwise it will be like when Link just crossed, and there will be no way to exert the true power of wand. As a result, the strength is greatly reduced.

And now Snape was recognized by this wand in an instant!

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually quite easy to understand.

Because first of all, Snape innate talent and powerful is affirmative, otherwise, I will not be a professor.

And judging from Snape’s past experience, this can indeed be regarded as an autistic teenager with low self-esteem.

“tsk tsk!”

With a sigh, he slapped his mouth twice, and Link looked towards his Snape, who was friendly and laughed.

His smile made Snape trance again.

Took a deep breath and Snape started Occlumency to calm himself down again. Then he turned around, stepped on the scorched earth after the explosion, and walked side by side to Lupin and the others with Link.

Looking at the two of them walking slowly, Lupin’s side was in a mess. .

Lupin actually wants to run with Sirius Black. After all, in the current situation, they can say that they have no chance of winning at all.

Harry, they don’t care, Snape won’t hurt them.

But if he and Sirius were caught, it would be miserable.

For Snape’s nasty character, it is extremely likely that the two of them will be handed over to the dementor regardless.

Then dementor will directly reward them with a kiss of soul in accordance with the order issued by the Ministry of Magic.

So they must escape!

At least flee to Dumbledore!

Only when Dumbledore knows about this, will they have the opportunity to make the truth clear and save their lives.

But unfortunately, Sirius, who had seen blood at this time, was already in a semi-crazy state.

I want to go up there with Link and Snape.

Lupin is already very strenuous just to hold him, and taking him away is even more delusional.

What’s worse, although the wound on Sirius’s face is not big, it is bleeding all the time.

After only a while, the blood of Sirius has dyed the skirt of Sirius.

Obviously, the first spell Link just cast was Sectumsempra.

And this kind of wound will never heal without reversing the curse. If it continues to be delayed, the bloodshed alone can shed Sirius to death.

But now the only people in Hogwarts who have mastered the Sectumsempra anti-curse are Snape and Link!

This is almost an unsolvable situation!

Gritting his teeth, Lupin pressed Sirius while shouting to Snape and Link who were walking slowly:

“Severus, we really don’t need to fight like this. Yes. I know that Sirius did not do the right thing before, and I can apologize to you on his behalf!”

The answer to Lupin was a gray ball of light.

The light bullet whizzed out in a strange arc and hit Lupin’s legs.

Next moment, a huge force hit Lupin’s legs and hung it upside down.

“If an apology is useful, what do Auror and dementor do?”

Moving the larch wand in his hand with one hand, Snape said with a smile.

Without Lupin’s restraint, Sirius turned into a big black dog again and swooped at Snape.

His speed is very fast, and it even turned into an afterimage under naked eye.

Unfortunately, Link has a curse.


Along with Link’s chanting, a large amount of invisible curse power instantly spewed from its tip.

Sirius was knocked back.

Immediately afterwards, the wand in Link’s hand slammed down again!



The huge amount of curse power turned into a heavy hammer, dropping from the sky directly on Sirius’s On his body, this huge force smashed Sirius into the mud, and even smashed the ground within a two-meter radius around him.

Blood constantly seeped from Sirius’ mouth and underneath his body, and quickly melted into a pattern of flowers on the transparent cursing hammer.

Lupin saw this and roar was struggling.

There were also Harry and the three who screamed, but unlike Lupin’s anger, their voices contained only fear.

The object they fear is not Snape, but Link.

After all, although Snape’s mouth was poisonous, he actually never made a heavy move, and Sirius gave him a violent hammer in the meantime.

But Link is different.

Link came up and gave Sirius a blood hole on his face. Later, he directly used the Confringo curse on them. Just that, if there is no Lupin, even if they cast the curse, all of them will be seriously injured or even hiccup. fart.

And now, Link defeated Sirius with this brutal method.

It’s hard not to let people fear him.

Like Ron, he fainted in fear at the moment the flower of blood formed.

But compared to Ron, Harry felt a sense of absurdity in his heart after screaming.

In his eyes, Link has always been a sincere friend.

He really can’t believe that Link will be so brutal!

After gritting his teeth, Harry finally walked forward tremblingly, and moved towards Link shouted:

“Stop Link! You will kill him like this! We! But my friend! How can you, how can you do such a thing?!”

Harry’s voice trembled and choked a little.

Link hearing this turned his head and glanced at him, but he didn’t mean to bypass Sirius at all.

Sirius’s previous familiar meal almost killed him directly.

Although from a rational point of view, this is not entirely to blame on Sirius, but it does not prevent Link from angering Sirius.

Even more how Animagus transformed Sirius’ body is far less fragile.

According to Link’s estimation, this level of attack can at most make Sirius stop temporarily for a while.

Link’s indifference made Harry even more desperate.

At this time, Hermione’s hand grabbed Harry and said:

“Harry, we must leave here and go back to Hogwarts! Only by finding Dumbledore can we end this matter!”


Harry hesitated and didn’t want to leave, because he knew very well that Sirius and Lupin would basically be dead if he left.

But Hermione’s attitude was extraordinarily determined, pulling Harry sternly shouted:

“Don’t be naive! Link won’t help us! He is the same as Snape, both It’s a dark wizard!”

“What nonsense are you talking about! How is this possible!”

“It’s true! I’m telling the truth!”

Hermione’s eye circles were red, and tears flowed. “Link has the ability to control the dementor to a certain extent. When you were playing against the Hufflepuff team, in order to make Hufflepuff win, it was the dementor he attracted. This is the Professor. Lupin’s speculation.

But the key evidence that really makes me believe that Link is a dark wizard is that he can’t cast Patronus Charm! You learned it too, should you know what it means?”

As soon as he said this, Harry looked towards Link’s eyes changed instantly.

He is naturally clear about the special conditions for casting Patronus Charm. Although it is difficult to express, his understanding of it is-the white wizard that can put Patronus Charm is not necessarily the white wizard, but he dare not put Patronus. Charm must be a bad guy!

Harry swallowed and stepped back fearfully.

Deep in one’s heart, he has believed Hermione’s statement.

On the other side, the conversation between Harry and Hermione was naturally heard by Link.

His expression is a bit difficult to describe, a bit like the combination of a black question mark face and a Majestic Fakxia, in short, full of complexity and speechlessness.

He really didn’t expect Hermione to make up for such a thing. The most outrageous thing is that it sounds very reasonable and makes people have to believe it.

What made him speechless was that Snape seemed to have mistaken the expression on his face for loss and sadness.

I saw Snape patted his shoulder very rarely as a comfort, and then yelled at Hermione:

“Miss Know-it-all, I warn you not to mess with you anymore The knowledge of this half bottle of water! You obviously don’t know anything, but you still want to talk nonsense there!”

At this time, Snape seems to have even stole his potion than Hermione and Harry. When the materials were used to make Polyjuice Potion, she was still angry. This made Hermione’s original rebuttal suddenly unable to speak, and her whole person kept shrinking.

At this moment, while both Link and Snape’s attention were attracted by Hermione, Lupin finally grabbed wand and used Finite Incantatem to unlock Snape’s Levicorpus.


While landing, the white rays of light bloomed at its tip, and moved towards Link shot away.

This made Link startled by the sudden attack. He eyes shrank, almost instinctively, and lifted the wand.

Next moment, wand and white light touched, the powerful magic power turned into blaze and the plasma exploded.

Snape was shocked, and held on to Link who was staggering backwards with concern.

Link waved his hand to signal that he was okay.

Such an attack would naturally cause no substantial damage to Link, but it did succeed in allowing him to switch back all the magic power, making his suppression of Sirius disappear!

And this is exactly what Lupin wants.

Lupin stepped forward and helped Sirius, who had been forced to exit the form of Animagus, checked it and saw that he was not at all fatally wounded. Only then did he take the Ron’s that he had picked up at Shrieking Shack. Wand slipped into Sirius’ hands.

“Sirius, we don’t have time to rest anymore. Let’s stand up and fight, otherwise everyone will be over today!”

With Lupin’s roar, Sirius is like a flashback Struggling to stand up.

Harry on the side also did not at all adopt Hermione’s suggestion.

He freed Hermione’s hand and stood beside Lupin, vowing to fight alongside them.


Looking at the three people who had assembled together, Link took a deep breath, muttered, “I started to get a little angry.”

“Then finish it all quickly.”

Snape said coldly, wand a little bit in his hand, and several spells of different colors moved to the opposite side in a strange and unpredictable manner. Fly away.

Lupin and Sirius both reacted very quickly, and they directly joined forces to block this offensive.

At this moment, Link moved.

He is not like Snape, he has to show mercy everywhere.

As soon as Link shot, a Fireball the size of a basketball was thrown directly!

This kind of operation makes Lupin and Sirius a little confused, because the Fireball’s flying speed is not fast, and they can easily avoid it.

But Harry on the side changed his face.

“Quickly kill that Fireball!”

He screamed hysterically, but it was too late.


Along with Link’s chanting, the Fireball exploded suddenly and turned into countless hot water vapor, enveloping the three of Lupin.

Immediately afterwards, Link’s eyes flashed with blue glow, completely ignoring the water vapor’s field of vision, and waved wand at Harry.

“Bladder explosion!”

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