The frown paused for a moment, and Link said seriously:

“Emily, Harry, don’t do too much over there. He is Dumbledore’s forbidden.”

Emily was a little surprised and said:

“What do you mean by prohibition?”

“The relationship between them involves a lot of things, it is not convenient for me to tell you. “Link said seriously, “But what you need to know is, don’t look at Dumbledore who usually doesn’t care about Harry, and often pushes Harry into Fire Pit, but if you really do too much, he will definitely shoot.”

Emily lowered her head, seeming to be thinking about something. It took a while before she lifted the head and said:

“Don’t worry, I didn’t do it myself at all, just It’s just adding fuel to the flames. Even if Dumbledore is looking for someone to settle accounts, he will definitely not find me.”

“It’s enough if you know it.”

Link said. Moved, got up and walked outside.

Seeing this, Emily frowned:

“Where are you going?”

“Of course I listen to you, go for a walk. “

“Are you kidding me?” Emily also stood up, “It’s midnight now!”

hearing this Link This stopped and turned her head He gave Emily a helpless smile and said:

“Well, I’m actually going to find Professor Snape to settle accounts. He dug me such a big hole for me to take notes, so I have to give me an explanation. . You can rest early.”

As soon as this statement came out, Emily just relaxed, stretched out and lay down on Link’s previous position and said:

“Of course I want to Rest early, know that adequate sleep and rest are the best skin care products for women! I want to stay young forever like Leo Ni Aunt.”

Speaking of Emily, she also took out A bottle of beauty potion was applied to her face, and she pointedly said, “It is not like some people who use the time twister so unscrupulously to overdraw her life. I guess she will continue to use it like this, less than 20 years old. I will become an aunt.”

Link naturally knows who the certain person in Emily’s mouth is referring to, but he really doesn’t know how to pick it up, and in the end he can only cough. With two beeps, continue to walk outside.

However, he just walked to the door when Emily stopped him again.

Link turned his head and saw that Emily’s cheeks were red again at this moment.

She rubbed the hem of the robe with her hands, and said squeezingly:

“Well, the Hogsmeade Village Open Day in a few days…”

“go ! Must go!”

Before Emily could finish her words, Link said loudly.

This made Emily’s mouth rise up.

She continued to rub the hem of her clothes while biting her lip to prevent her smile from becoming too big.

“Love you!”

“Me too!”


I entangled with Emily for a while, Link finally rushed to Snape’s office.

Everything in the office remains the same. The so-called everything here is not only the dead thing in the office, but also includes Snape who is cooking potion.

Sometimes Link really feels that Snape is simply boring.

With him for so long, Link has never seen Snape do any entertainment other than making potions, preparing lessons, and planning conspiracies.

It’s as if there are only these three things left in his entire life.

For such a boring life, Link really didn’t know how Snape lived.

After all, human beings still need happiness after all. If there is no happiness at all, the only result is to become a lunatic like a prisoner in Azkaban.

So Snape must have his own way of getting pleasure, but he hasn’t let Link find out.

Of course, it’s also possible that Snape can get happiness just by making and researching potion.

This is not impossible for a potion genius like him.

shook the head, and after threw away the crazy thoughts in his head, Link walked to Snape each minding their own business and looked into the boiling cauldron.

‘Ashwinder eggs, pearl powder, tulip concentrate…’

Link in the heart silently meditating on the materials in the cauldron, and was stunned in the middle of reading it, using a kind of incredible Said with a smile loudly in his tone:

“love potion?! Are you doing love potion? hahaha!~”

Link laughed louder and louder, and even covered Leaning his stomach against the wall, “Are you in love? But to be honest, I don’t think love potion will help you at all. After all, you are already like this.”

Snape has a vein on his forehead. When he violent, the hourglass he held in his hand was crunching constantly, as if it would shatter at any time.


Finally, Snape suddenly took out wand, “Langlock!”

Grey suddenly appeared!

Link eyes shrank, the ebony wand appeared instantaneously with a violent wave.


The gray light was directly broken up and turned into a aftermath of energy rippling in the office.

“Isn’t it!? Professor Snape!” Link spread out his hands and exclaimed, “The wand you use now is still the one I lent you!”

Snape raised wand again and answered Link with action.

Link recognized the counsel and explained:

“I cracked a joke, Professor Snape! I mean, with your talents and looks, you don’t need it at all. Love potion girls will fall in love with you!”

Hearing this Snape finally stopped, but just by looking at his still trembling hands, he knew that his anger still didn’t stop.

After a while, Snape was coldly snorted and sat back on his seat.

“Why did you come to me again in the middle of the night!?”

Snape said irritably, while Link smiled and took out the thick black-skinned note and said:

“In this way, Professor Snape. There seems to be something wrong with the note you gave me. I can’t understand the following formula at all. Did you make a mistake when you wrote it?”

Link said very euphemistically, but Snape hearing this said with a cold laugh:

“Yes, it’s your Troll brain that can’t understand the profound knowledge of potion.”

He is not the kind of person who breaks his teeth and swallows back.

Link used that attitude to him earlier and wanted to make a deal with him. How could he let Link succeed so easily?

In fact, he had long expected that young wizards like Link would not understand the profound knowledge behind the notes.

And if it wasn’t for Link’s last prodigal son to come back and reconcile with Snape, he would even have a way to make Link lose sight of the first basic potion formula!

“Professor, I know you have a way, so you can tell me how can I learn it.”

Link hearing this is not annoying, and still smiles to Snape’s side Lean on.

Snape, who was just irritated by Link, originally wanted to continue making things difficult for Link, but his eyes swept over the larch wand in his hand, and his expression softened after all.

Cold snorted and said:

“You lack the pre-systematic learning, and you will not be able to understand the above knowledge in a short period of time. Let’s do it, just like before, every weekend dinner Then you come directly and I will give you a make-up lesson.”

‘Fart make-up lesson, I think you just want to continue to let me be your coolie assistant, so as to retaliate, right? ‘

Link in the heart spit out, but on the surface it is nodded like pounding garlic.

Snape clicked nodded with satisfaction, and handed the pine leaf wand in his hand to Link and said:

“Return this wand to you. My wand has been repaired. “


Link took over the wand, but found that many of the scratches on the pine leaf wand had disappeared magically.

This must be the result of Snape’s efforts to maintain.

At this time, Snape also put on a serious expression, and asked Link:

“There is also something about your physical condition. Your mother should have I said that she has helped you think of some way to solve the problem, right?”

As soon as this remark came out, Link became serious and clicked nodded.

In fact, soon after the previous Sirius incident ended, Mrs. Foley wrote to ask about Link related matters.

After understanding what happened later, she said that she had found a way and is now preparing to negotiate.

But when Link asked about the specific method, Mrs. Foley refused to say anything.

Just say it is to make Link feel at ease.

And listening to Snape right now, he seems to know something?

Link narrowed his eyes and asked immediately:

“Professor Snape, do you know what my mother is going to use?”

“Specific matters You will know it then.” Snape sighed said with some emotion, “I can only say that your mother has made a great sacrifice for you, so cherish it.”

hearing this, Link Nodded silently.


Continuing to communicate with Snape about the dark notes, Link left the office.

At this moment, the time has passed zero, and the entire Hogwarts is plunged into darkness.

To be honest, the atmosphere of this dark castle is pretty gloomy.

But Link has no fear at all.

Link didn’t even use the Lumos curse, and went straight into the darkness.

This feeling of being enveloped in darkness even made him feel particularly comfortable.

He knows that there is something wrong with his current state.

He was not the kind of person who liked the dark environment of gloomy.

Link first thought of Mike.

But this is impossible.

The heart wall created by LV5Occlumency has the ability to isolate all influences, and the microphone locked in it can’t do this at all.

So now the only remaining probability is just as Snape said, there are still some unsolved problems in his own body.

For example, certain bloodlines of his within the body are changing his character and soul imperceptibly through some unknown methods, making them crazy and advocating darkness.

If this conjecture is true, then the appearance of Mike can be explained.

He is probably the dark soul that the original owner has been stripped of by the evil bloodline for many years.

After all, just from the looks of mind, Mike and the original owner Link are exactly the same.

Then the problem comes.

If Link continues to do this, will it split into a dark soul?

Or, Link does not have the opportunity to split the dark soul at all, but will be directly controlled by darkness and madness, thus losing the self?

If this is the case, then the solution Mrs. Foley and Snape said is particularly important.

Just, is the method they don’t want to elaborate on really useful?

Link is skeptical.

While thinking, Link stepped forward and walked quickly through the dark.

But before he went out far, Link found a dim light in the distance. Around the rays of light, there were four silhouettes standing one tall, three short, and four.

That is Filch, and Harry trio.

“Mr. Filch, did you catch them swimming at night?”

Link emerged from the darkness and asked blankly.

As soon as this statement came out, the four people beside the rays of light were all taken aback.

Only Mrs. Lorris was very excited. She ran to Link meowing and rubbed her body on Link’s legs back and forth.

“Follow, Mr. Foley, good evening. It’s like this. The three little ghosts came to me and said that they wanted to come to you for something very important. I’m afraid of delaying your business, so , So I will take them here to wait for you.”

Filch stammered.

He looked nervous and flustered, as if he was afraid of Link being angry.

This is not difficult to understand.

In the past few years, Link has done many major events one after another. In addition to his original sacred Twenty-Eight origin, now he belongs to the kind of great character that cannot be offended in Filch’s heart. Up.

“Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

As Link said so, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This made Filch relieved, and the original tension and panic turned into excitement in Link’s sentence.

Fortunately, he also knew that Link and Harry still had something to talk about. After a little bit of trouble with Link, he said goodbye.

But before leaving, he glared at Harry’s three people very much. The expression in those eyes seemed to be looking at something dirty.

Ron grumbled a few words and made a face at Filch’s rickety back.

But Harry and Ron kept their heads down and said nothing.

Link didn’t talk nonsense when he saw it, so he relaxed his neck and said:

“Tell me, what can I do?”

After exiting, Harry and Hermione’s head pressure lowered.

The two of them are extremely ashamed now.

At that time, Sirius was brought back to Ministry of Magic by Fudge and Dumbledore told them some of Link’s secrets.

These, together with the things Sirius said smoothly at the beginning, were enough for them to reason about the matter.

Link, is a poor and kind person.

As friends, they not only did not treat him well, they even misunderstood and hurt Link!

This is a heinous crime!

They were going to ask Link to apologize.

But Link soon entered a state of retreat. They are not in the same grade as Link, and they usually don’t meet at all.

So today they really have no choice but to ask Filch to bring themselves and the others to Link.

Finally, Harry gritted his teeth and moved towards Link bowed and said:

“Sorry! Link! We misunderstood you!”

tone barely fell, Hermione Also bowed to Link with a low sob.

While looking at these two people, Link is still expressionless and silent.

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