“This kind of thing will pass, and I accept your apology.”

After a long silence, Link finally said blankly under the nervous gazes of Harry and Hermione.

To tell the truth, through the Legilimens curse of lv2, Link could feel that Harry really wanted to apologize to him.

But despite this, in fact Link’s so-called forgiveness is just a perfunctory that’s all.

What Harry did this time really hurt Link’s favorability.

Link is not a kindergarten kid, how could you casually apologize so that he can let go of the grudge in his heart.

In addition, Link and Harry have nothing to do with each other.

If nothing else, the relationship between Link and Harry is unlikely to return to the past.

But Harry and Hermione didn’t seem to realize it yet.

As soon as Link said that, the two of them danced with excitement, almost about to jump.

At this time, Link finally found the dense circle of red scars on Harry’s neck.

Recalling what Emily had mentioned before, Link frowned and pretended to be curiously asked:

“Harry, how did you get this injury?”


As soon as he said this, the smile on Harry’s face stagnated, and he quickly covered his neck and said:

“No, there is no major event, it’s just that I was accidentally numb when I was in potion class. The straw juice splashed on.”

“Is that so?”

Link obviously didn’t believe it, and started looking towards Hermione and Ron with questioning eyes.

Hermione obviously didn’t want to say anything, lowered her head and remained silent.

Ron hesitated for a while, and finally clenching one’s teeth and said under Link’s gaze:

“Aiya! It’s actually the guy from Malfoy. La! He is getting too much now! All day long trying to find Harry’s trouble. Malfoy used crafty plots and machinations to tease Harry and beat him. As a result, Harry was imprisoned! This time Harry was also injured by Malfoy. Colluding with Snape and deliberately harming Harry! Link! You…”

“Enough Ron, stop talking!”

Harry interrupted Ron quickly.

Ron obviously wanted to continue to say something, but Harry simply covered his mouth afterwards.

But even so, he is still looking at Link expectantly.

The meaning hidden in that gaze is already obvious.

I just hope Link can come forward to solve this matter, or teach Malfoy directly.

To be honest, this kind of thing is just a mouth movement for Link, and Draco is scared of him now.

It’s just that Link has no desire to do so at all.

hearing this He just ordered nodded and said nothing.

Because it is obvious that the reason why Draco dares to be so arrogant and hard on Harry now is definitely supported by Emily.

This is what Emily calls a revenge plan.

Emily did this to vent his anger for him. If he tried to stop Draco, wouldn’t he treat Emily’s kindness as a donkey liver and lungs?

And what I have to say is that Emily’s approach is indeed very brilliant.

Dumbledore couldn’t find Emily even if she got angry with this set of procedures. After all, Draco did everything out of his own will.

Because of Link’s silence, the atmosphere on the scene began to become embarrassing.

Ron lowered his head the same as Harry did. He already knew Link’s answer.

At this time, Hermione saw something bad, and hurriedly stood up and changed the subject:

“Stop talking about this, Link, but there is still something else, I hope you can help .”

“Let’s talk about it first.”

Link said quietly.

“Professor Lupin,” Hermione looked at Harry and Ron, then pursed her lips and said slowly, “He is about to resign. He wants to see you before he leaves.”

Link raised his brows and said:

“Is it because of werewolf?”

Hermione ugly complexion nodded.

When I saw Link, I understood it instantly.

There are many smart people in Hogwarts, even though neither Link nor Hermione has revealed Lupin’s werewolf identity, but over time, plus Snape’s previous hint of a wave, someone can find Lupin The identity of werewolf is really normal.

And once his werewolf identity is revealed, there is absolutely no possibility of continuing to teach at Hogwarts.

Because no matter what Dumbledore explains, the parents of the students just allow their children to get along with a werewolf day and night.

This is not that parents are ignorant, but that it’s all normal to avoid risks.

Werewolf’s disease, but it can be contagious.

From a certain perspective, Dumbledore’s excitement of letting Lupin come to Hogwarts to teach is essentially irresponsible for the safety of other students.

Of course, Link is not qualified to say such things.

After all, he himself is a time bomb.

As for what Hermione said, Link didn’t want to meet Lupin.

Be aware that in the Sirius incident, Lupin did a lot more than Harry.

This makes Link not have the slightest affection for Lupin now.

But considering that Lupin had helped him when he came across, Link eventually sighed and said:

“Why didn’t he come to me in person? “

“He has no chance to meet you.” Hermione lowered her head and said, “Howler everyday all sent by parents can fill two full sacks. Professor Lupin has become It’s not easy to get out at all. Now, even the Defense Against the Dark Arts course is Professor Snape on behalf of.”

Link clicked nodded and said:

” When is he going to leave?”

“The exact time has not been set yet, but it is not expected to be too long.”

“Really? Then I will also send it away. He’s all right.” Link nodded said, “It can be considered a cause and effect.”

Hermione and Harry had heard that Link was going to send Lupin off, and they all had a happy smile on their faces.

But after hearing the second half of Link’s sentence, the smile froze again.

Because of what Link said, there is clearly no meaning to forgive Lupin.

It made Harry hesitate to talk.

It’s just that Link is no longer interested in chatting with Harry and the others at this time.

He glanced at the pocket watch he was carrying with him, and looked up:

“Then the matter is settled, you go back and rest well, goodbye.”

After that, Link turned his head and left, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Only Harry is left. The three of them are still standing in the corridor. You look at me, I look at you, long time no words.


In the following days, Link gradually adjusted back to his work and rest, and began to rest between classes.

After all, he has completely absorbed the knowledge of Occlumency, and the knowledge on the thick black notes also needs to be slowly taken from Snape.

Even more how, there is not much time left for Hogwarts’ final exam.

Link also needs to make up a make-up lesson.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if he really failed a few and went back.

Professor Lupin finally submitted his resignation to Dumbledore on the day before the exam.

Then, Lupin packed his broken suitcase and prepared to leave Hogwarts.

Today, he changed into a brand-new black trench coat and trimmed his hair and beard. He looked in great spirits, and he was totally different from when he first came to Hogwarts.

Link also kept his promise and took Emily to the gate of the castle to see Lupin off.

There are many people who send Lupin like Link.

In addition to Harry and Hermione, a small group of people have gathered around the foyer of the castle. Many of them seem to be reluctant to leave Lupin. There are a few students in the lower grades. I also specially made some small gifts such as flowers lined up for Lupin.

This puts the three of Harry and Hermione busy.

They must maintain order at the scene.

Of course, there are more people hiding in the dark and watching the attractive spectacle with cold eyes.

Among them, Snape is a typical example.

He sat in the auditorium early that day and watched Lupin accept the farewell gift there. The smile on his face almost reached the root of his ears.

Even Link discovered that Snape had washed his hair specially today!

This is enough to prove his joy at Lupin’s departure.

Link can also understand.

After all, what could be more refreshing than seeing the former enemy being driven into the quagmire from the clouds?

It is estimated that Snape is thinking that after Lupin leaves, he can only continue to do odd jobs, and live the half-vagrant life of the precarious and precarious life, right?

But Snape’s wish is probably to be frustrated.

Lupin’s condition is far better than Snape’s estimate.

He has been a professor at Hogwarts for such a long time, but he has saved a lot of savings. If he saves a little, it will be enough for him to live for a long time.

In addition, Lupin also reunited with his good brother Sirius, and helped Sirius fight for a chance to reverse the case.

The most important thing is that his body has also improved under the conditioning of Mrs. Pomfleur in the past six months.

This can be seen in his darkened hair and rosy face.

It is worth mentioning that, from a certain perspective, Snape contributed part of the savings that Lupin had saved.

Since the Sirius incident ended, Lupin has been asking for leave due to the disturbance caused by the identity of the werewolf.

Most of his Defense Against the Dark Arts technical classes were given by Snape.

This is a vicious circle, because as long as Snape is in class, it will hint to the students that Lupin is a werewolf.

Obviously this will cause the students to resist Lupin more strongly.

It’s just that although Lupin doesn’t attend classes, he still gets his salary.

And Snape did not get a dime as a substitute salary.

This is equivalent to saying that Snape helped Lupin for months of work in vain, while Lupin just slumped in the office and ate nothing.

Well, although Snape did succeed in driving Lupin away in the end.

But this wave, Link really doesn’t know who made it.

Perhaps, is it a kind of win-win?

Took a deep breath, Link took his gaze away from Snape, turned and walked towards Lupin.

He hasn’t forgotten that he came to Lupin this time to cut the cause and effect.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Snape’s face disappeared immediately.

But Link didn’t care about so much, and directly jumped over the crowd and stood in front of Lupin.

“Link, I’m so glad you came to send me.” Seeing Link, Lupin looked very happy, “I need to apologize to you. It was my previous misjudgment that made… …”

“You don’t have to say if you apologize, I didn’t come here to listen to you.”

Link interrupted expressionlessly, “Central Region of Greenland There lives a magical creature expert. He also has a werewolf maid in his family. As far as I know, the werewolf of the other party has never lost control and can transform itself. If you have time, go there and try one’s luck, maybe Can help you solve the problem of transformation.”

“Ah this…”

Lupin was obviously surprised by Link, and stood there speechless for a while.

His expression looks very complicated.

Because he heard the determination in Link’s words.

I’m afraid he will be a stranger the next time he meets, right?

Thinking about this, Lupin muted his lips as if he wanted to say something.

It’s just that Link didn’t hesitate at all, and turned around and left.

He has done his best to tell Lupin about Greenland.

The next thing Link is not interested in continuing to join in.

“What did you say to that wolf cub?”

As soon as Link left the hall, Snape’s gloomy voice came from behind him.

He turned his head, and he saw that Snape, who had an ugly face, was already standing there.

It was obvious that Snape’s eye disease had relapsed.

Emily was a little panicked when she saw this, for fear that Link and Snape would clashed and stopped between the two.

But Link said with ease:

“I let him have time to try one’s luck in Greenland. There is a female werewolf there.”

Link is very clear that Snape, as a closed-brain master, naturally has good attainments in the Legilimens curse.

So in order to win the trust of Link, what he said is completely true, only a few cuts.

Even Link and even Occlumency are turned off.

And things were as Link expected, after Snape hearing this eyes shined, his expression softened instantly.

He said with a smile:

“You are right, that guy Lupin really needs to go to Greenland to see you. It’s best to have a baby with the mother werewolf The next bunch of little wolf cubs!”

‘So next time you have a new topic to attack Lupin, right? ‘

Link spit in deep in one’s heart, but his face echoed the other party’s words with a light smile.

Snape was smirked by Link, and he was in a great mood.

He stared at the thick black note that Link deliberately clipped under his arm, hehe said with a smile:

“Last time we should have taught a blessing potion, right? ?”

“Yes, you just finished the theoretical knowledge of Fulingji with me, the specific practical operation has not been carried out yet.”

“I happen to be free today,” Snape suppressed the smile on his face and pretended to say nonchalantly, “I have all the materials ready. Let’s do it now.” After saying this, Snape turned and walked towards the office. .

And Link hurried to keep up, and before leaving, he pulled Emily’s arm.

This kind of opportunity to take lessons Link can be missed by Emily.

As for Emily, she is still confused now.

She had just witnessed Link’s deeds of smoothing Snape in a few words.

This made her unable to accept it for a while.

She knows how bad Snape’s character is.

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