On the 2nd day after Lupin left, Hogwarts officially started the final exam.

This is terribly bad news for most students, because there have been so many things happening this year, and they really haven’t been able to devote much attention to their studies.

Students like Link who have not yet reached the 5th grade are relatively lucky.

Because they don’t have to deal with those terrible wizard level exams in this situation.

So these exams are relatively simple.

This is especially true for Link.

Take Care of Magical Creatures as an example.

Because almost the main content of Care of Magical Creatures in the second half of the semester has been placed on raising and training Sgars.

So the final exam questions given by Hagrid have also become all kinds of knowledge related to Sgar and let Sgar obediently make some simple content such as shaking hands and sitting down.

This is not difficult for Link at all.

Be aware that Sgars obey Link unconditionally, and the Sgar knowledge in Hagrid’s hands is also given by Link.

So Link as easy as blowing off dust got an advantage.

The situation in potion is similar.

Although the exam questions given by Snape are still extremely difficult as usual, it is still not difficult for a guy like Link who is already learning to make a blessing potion.

Snape, who was an invigilator during the exam, didn’t even bother to visit Link.

As for other subjects.

Transfiguration Professor McGonagall over there gave the title of preliminary human transfiguration-changing the color and length of your hair.

Don’t look at the question that seems to be difficult, but as long as it involves the transfiguration of the human body, it’s not easy.

Charms is the ballistics and accuracy test of spell shooting.

The exam questions on Defense Against the Dark Arts are all about werewolf, which is very reasonable, after all, Snape spent a lot of time teaching in this area.

Arithmetic divination is special.

Its examination is a joint examination with stargazing.

Students need to guess the weather forecast for the next week based on the star image data collected during the stargazing class exam.

Finally, the results will be settled with the accuracy of the result.

It is worth mentioning that many people are blind in this exam.

Because they can’t use even the most basic divination formulas proficiently.

The above exams can be said to be strange and weird.

However, Link successfully completed all of them thanks to the pre-test assault and powerful memory and hard power.

And Link estimates that except for subjects like A History of Magic, which are really meaningless, the other subjects should be able to get good to excellent results.

After the one-week final exam, everyone’s tense nerves relaxed, and one after another started the carnival mode.

In the last week before the results have been announced, they have enough time and energy to do anything.

In such a happy atmosphere, Link’s mood has improved a lot.

But on the 2nd day after the exam, Link and Emily were sitting in the auditorium planning to go on a date in Hogsmeade village later, but Cedric hurriedly ran to Link in front of him, some gasping for breath Said:

“Link, something went wrong. Dumbledore asked me to tell you to go to the headmaster office immediately.”

hearing this Link frowned, and Emily next to him reacted even more. Hurry up, say immediately:

“What the hell is so anxious?”

“I asked, but Dumbledore with within the body would not tell me.” Cedric shook the head Said, “Anyway, you know it in the past.”

Link and Emily looked at each other, and finally came to Dumbledore’s office together with Cedric.

“Lemon Honey Soda!”

As Cedric read out the password, the rare beast in front of the headmaster’s office jumped aside, revealing the passage inside.

“Link, you have to be careful!”

Emily asked uneasyly, Link hearing this with a relieved smile, and then walked in.

Although some psychological preparations have been made, when Link actually entered the headmaster’s office, it was still started.

Because Mrs. Foley also appeared here!

Today, she is not at all as glamorous as she did at home, but in a pure black French flimsy gown and a half-hidden lace top hat on her head. While a layer of fine black lace covered half of the face, it just revealed that bright red lips like blood.

Besides her in the office, Snape and Dumbledore are among them.

The atmosphere between them didn’t look very good. Snape ugly complexion was great, and Dumbledore also showed bitterness, as if their three people had just had a fierce quarrel, and the final result was Mrs. Foley won unilaterally.

With the appearance of Link, the eyes of the three people on the opposite side fell on Link.

“Mother? Why are you here?”

Link didn’t care about Snape and Dumbledore, just smiled and talked to Mrs. Foley.

hearing this Mrs. Foley squeezed out a smile and laughed at Link before she immediately moved towards Dumbledore and Snape coldly said:

“You better be able to tell what I just said Keep everything in mind, or don’t blame me for being impolite! Especially you, Dumbledore, don’t engage in your dangerous and careful thoughts! I am now the director of Hogwarts. And, I can It’s different from the stupid and incompetent guy Malfoy.”

Ms. Foley’s speech was still as strong as before, but to Link’s surprise, Snape and Dumbledore didn’t respond after hearing this. .

It’s like…they defaulted!

Ms. Foley was very satisfied with their response, and she would go out after she took up Link’s hand.

Link frowned said:

“Wait? What the hell is going on? Mother, where are you going to take me?”

hearing this Foley The lady’s movements stopped. She looked at Link with a complicated expression, as if she was organizing language.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who has been silent since Link entered the door, is sighed and said:

“Link, your mother is here to ask for leave for you this time. She does You found a doctor, maybe it can solve your physical problems.”

“Have you quarreled about this before?”

“not at all?” Mrs. Leigh replied, “I just had some exchanges on school affairs with Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape as a school manager that’s all.” Link doesn’t believe this kind of thing. He is hearing this again. looked towards Dumbledore.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore obviously didn’t dare to say anything, but made a very playful face at Link.

Then, under Mrs. Foley’s murderous gaze, he quickly converged again.

“Anyway, you should go to the doctor with your mother first, Link.”

Link did not refuse this time. He said goodbye to Snape and Dumbledore first. Obediently took Mrs. Foley’s hand, and left the headmaster’s office together.

In the corridor, Cedric and Emily are still waiting for Link.

Seeing Link and Mrs. Foley come out together, the two of them hurriedly salute Mrs. Foley.

As for these two people, Mrs. Foley’s attitude was obviously better, and she even greeted them a little bit.

It’s just that when Emily offered to leave school with Link early, Mrs. Foley ruthless refused.

Under Emily’s somewhat puzzled and resentful gaze, he quickly took Link away from Hogwarts Castle, and got on a simple-looking carriage with two flying horses.

This is actually quite surprising to Link. After all, Mrs. Foley’s car has always been that red cabriolet, but today it has been replaced with such a traditional carriage.

The things that surprised Link even more are yet to come.

As soon as the carriage started, Mrs. Foley shook Link’s hand and asked with concern:

“My little Link, are you hungry now? How about us? Go to Diagon Alley first and buy some of your favorite volcanic ice cream to eat?”

“Um…actually, we just finished lunch, but if you haven’t eaten, I’ll still be with you…”


“It’s okay. Mother came here only after eating.” Mrs. Foley shook her head. “Then we should go to the Quiddich shop? I remember there seems to be a new broom called Firebolt. Although. You don’t like Quiddich very much, but you have to have the necessary equipment, right?”

This time, Link did not speak, but looked at Mrs. Foley with a puzzled and shocked look.

To say that Mrs. Foley is so anxious to take him to the doctor, and what he can understand about the carriage.

Ms. Nafli’s words just made him a little confused.

Because those words give Link too strong sense of sight, it is as if you are going to see a doctor. After the examination, the doctor urges you to go back and eat whatever you like. same.

Smash it, Smash it, Link said with a complicated expression: “Mother, is my illness hopeless?”

Mrs. Foley The smile on his face was stagnant, and then he gently pulled Link’s face and said:

“Don’t talk nonsense! Your polysomnia has been completely recovered, right? The rest are just small Problems can be cured easily!”

“Then what you just said…”

“Ah! It’s just that I haven’t seen you for too long, So I’m so excited. Hahaha, that’s it!”

Ms. Foley obviously realized that her previous words were inappropriate and began to explain.

Hearing this Link did not continue to ask, click nodded and believe it.

But secretly, Link’s heart sank.

For now, with Occlumency lv5, Mike is no longer a serious problem for him.

The real problem with his body is that there is some unknown power within the body, which is slowly affecting Link’s personality, eroding his humanity, and gradually making him cruel and evil.

The Mike, known as pure evil, is likely to be born after the original owner was affected by this power for a long time.

Originally, because of the relatively slow impact, Link hasn’t taken this matter to heart.

But from the current reaction of Mrs. Foley, this seems to be a very difficult question!

“Master, and Young Lord! Where are we going next?”

At this moment, the small button of the carriage outside suddenly came in and used a thin The voice asked.

This voice awakened Link from thinking. He looked towards Mrs. Foley and clicked nodded.

The latter also understood the meaning of Link, moved towards the little button and said:

“Go directly to Dr. Kane.”

“Understand the master! “

The small button head retracted again, and immediately after that, Link sitting in the carriage felt a whirl of the sky.

This is so strong that it seems to be stuffed into the drum washing machine until the dizziness lasted for nearly 5 points.

After everything stopped, the little button’s voice came from outside the carriage again:

“Master, Young Lord, we are here.”

“Yes, I got it.”

Link answered the little button with some difficulty, and he felt a little nauseous now.

More importantly, the feeling of spatial shock just now is obviously caused by the use of portkey locks

The places that need to be reached in this way must be far away from Hogwarts. Far away, even they may have left the country.

And things are indeed the same as Link guessed.

When he and Mrs. Foley got out of the car, they immediately noticed that the position of the sun above their heads was greatly offset from Hogwarts.

This is caused by the different time zone here.

As for where they are now, it is a forest full of spring.

The surrounding area is full of tall spruce trees, and they are on a stone forest path.

This trail is obviously lacking in maintenance, and many places have been cracked. Some sections are covered with moss, which looks greasy and there is a risk of falling.

But Mrs. Foley didn’t care, pulling Link and walking towards the depths of the forest.

The two walked in this way for nearly 10 minutes, and a small church built on a clearing finally appeared in front of them.

Looking at this small sect hall, which is as poorly maintained as that forest path, with a gray surface and densely packed creepers hanging on the outer wall, Link couldn’t help but frown and asked:

“Where is this place?”

“Germany,” said Mrs. Foley, “a doctor lives here. Although his temper is a bit weird, he is indeed taboo. Academic experts are especially good at bloodline fusion experiments. If anyone in this world can cure you, it should be him.”

Mrs. Foley’s voice sounded muffled. , The expression is even more sad and mixed with a little nostalgia.

This makes Link feel depressed and grateful.

When he wanted to come, Mrs. Foley must have paid a considerable price to invite such an’expert’.

Link and Mrs. Foley just stayed in the distance of the church for a while before moving on to an old wooden door that was closed tightly.

They just stood there and didn’t mean to go up and knock on the door.

And the owner in the church seemed to have already sensed their arrival, just let Link and Mrs. Foley wait for a moment before pushing open the wooden door.

gā gā gā ~

With the harsh sound of the hinges that have been in disrepair, Dr. Cain, whom Mrs. Foley said before, finally appeared in front of Link.

It’s just that the white clothed angels in Link’s impression are different. This Doctor Kane is wrapped in a coat made of tarpaulin, and his hands also have fat leather protective gloves.

The most important thing is that he also wears a full-cover beak mask on his head.

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