Mrs. Foley is gone.

After saying a lot of warnings, he reluctantly left.

Only the small button, the house elf, is left to take care of Link.

Of course, the so-called care is only nominal.

Essentially, the function of the small buttons is still to prevent Dr. Kane from doing anything frantic.

Link agrees with Mrs. Foley’s practice of leaving small buttons, because he also thinks that Dr. Kane is not normal.

Especially Mrs. Foley said so many things to Link before leaving, which makes it difficult for Link not to think in some strange and bad directions.

But it turns out that Link鈥檚 worries seem to be redundant.

Because according to Link’s observation.

Dr. Kane everyday all gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning, and then runs around the small sect hall for ten laps. Quan is exercising.

Then in the afternoon he would carry a full set of fishing tackle and ran to a small pond behind the church to fish.

But every time he was an air force, he couldn’t catch a fish.

Link once suspected that he was doing something ulterior in the name of fishing, so he secretly went there a few times.

Unfortunately, Dr. Kane is simply fishing, that is, even a single fish cannot be caught.

It’s as if there are no fish in that pond at all.

Or maybe what he catches is not a fish, but something that Link can’t see at all.

After dinner in the evening, Dr. Kane would kneel and sit in the chapel and begin to pray.

This is rather strange, because this kind of daily prayer is usually held in the morning.

Moreover, the shrine where Dr. Kane prayed was not a regular cross or something, but an iron emblem.

The emblem is composed of a triangle, a circle, and a straight vertical line overlapping.

I don’t know why, Link thinks the emblem is familiar, but he can’t remember where he has seen it.

And after the prayer is finished, Mr. Kane will take Link to the basement to give Link treatment and check.

Finally, he drove Link out and fiddled around in the basement. He didn’t come out again all night.

Until 7 o’clock in the morning on the 2nd day.

Link once speculated very maliciously that Dr. Kane might sleep on the Dissection stage every night, sleeping on the animal specimens every night.

But overall, Dr. Kane’s daily life and diet are extremely normal.

Simply live healthier than Link!

Of course, what Link cares most about is the origin of the special bloodline in his body and the treatment plan given by Dr. Kane.

The former Link has also tried to question Dr. Kane, but Dr. Kane’s attitude is very firm.

He said that he respected Mrs. Foley’s ideas and would not tell Link anything.

As for the so-called treatment, Link is completely speechless.

Doctor Kane not at all, as Link imagined, carried out a lot of frenzied human experiments and various cruel so-called treatments on Link.

In fact, his treatment plan is just like his daily life, which is normal and simple.

He asked Link to pose in a weird posture similar to some strange Buddha statues for meditation before going to bed every day, and he called it so that Link could master the power of the soul!

To be honest, this exercise is not at all difficult for Link.

He did a lot of meditation when he was learning Occlumency, which made it easy for him to enter a deep meditation state every time.

As for the power of the mind, he has already been Initial Mastery, and the specific effect is to limit the wall of Mike’s heart.

At first, Link thought that this kind of Meditation Method could enhance his control of the heart wall, but after practicing half a month, let alone the heart wall strengthened, Link even Occlumency’s EXP Did not get a point.

In addition, Dr. Kane everyday all will collect a small tube of Link’s blood, do some blood tests, and then dispense a bottle of dark and disgusting potion for Link to drink in real time.

And throughout the pharmaceutical process, he will not avoid Link’s onlookers, and even Link later cast the Scaping Curse on these potions.

But the test results unexpectedly show that the precious materials contained in these potions are numerous, and they are not conflicting with each other, and they are not toxic. They can be described as Shiquan Dabutang.

Under the action of these potions, Link has gained ten pounds in just half a month.

This is not just fatness in the simple sense, but the increase in height, muscle and skeleton density.

In short, he has become stronger!

And Link feels that the total amount of magic power has also been nourished a lot.

This is great news for Link at hundred percent.

But Link still couldn’t figure out what these potions and the meditation had to do with the treatment of his physical ailments.

In the beginning, Link did not dare to ask, but as time passed, Link and Dr. Kane gradually became familiar.

This made him finally ask the question he had always wanted to ask one evening near the end of the treatment.

What is the use of your so-called treatment? !

Of course, Link鈥檚 actual words are more euphemistic, but fundamentally speaking, that鈥檚 what it means.

And hearing this Dr. Kane seems to have been asked.

He was undergoing a routine blood test, but suddenly he froze there.

Although the bird’s beak mask covers his face, Link guessed that his expression at this moment must be awkward.

After a while, Dr. Kane put down the tool in his hand and said:

“Sorry, I thought you could understand it, but obviously, I am tall I have estimated your wisdom.”

When Dr. Kane opened his mouth, he was venomous.

But his venomous tongue is different from Snape’s Chi Guoguo which is meant to satirize you.

When Dr. Kane spoke, his tone was very calm and serious.

It’s as if he is not mocking or insulting you at all, but expounding a simple fact.

To be honest, Link is still more willing to be sprayed by Snape.

After Snape’s poisonous tongue, he can still fight back, but Professor Kane, tusk, that’s really annoying.

The attitude of the other party is too sincere.

So that you are even embarrassed to scold it back.

This uncomfortable feeling made Link instantly reveal a bitter face.

However, Dr. Kane apparently not at all noticed Link鈥檚 emotional changes. He moved closer and continued:

鈥淚n fact, the potions I drink for you are all my daily Observe the inhibitor formulated by the concentration of various bloodline within the body. It can effectively suppress the special bloodline within the body, thereby minimizing their impact on your personality. But in terms of the result If it is, it is the same as the Occlumency you have. The difference between the two is that Occlumency is to block your brain and powerful your spirit to resist this influence. The inhibitor directly acts on that special bloodline, suppressing Their influence. The reason why you can鈥檛 feel it is probably because Occlumency has blocked most of the influences. So you can鈥檛 feel the remaining influences even if they disappear.”

“Then you What about the meditations that I asked me to do?”

“This is to completely eradicate the influence of this special bloodline on you.”


“Yes. Through my medicine treatment during this period, I did help you build a seal that can suppress the special bloodline effect, but this seal is only temporary. According to my guess, the validity period of the seal is probably only One year. And the meditation that I taught you before gave you the function of completely eradicating this influence. Of course, it is not easy to do this. About how to understand the key to this, I I can鈥檛 give you any hints at all. It鈥檚 totally dependent on your innate talent.”

Dr. Kane said and got closer to Link, “Link, do you know? Actually your bloodlines There is a power that can subvert the world! Once you completely comprehended the methods in the Meditation Method, not only the negative effects they bring will completely disappear. You can further use those powers for your own use!”

“Ah! I sincerely hope that this day can come as soon as possible! We are all waiting for you! Link!”

Speaking of which, Dr. Kane is already excited I can’t help myself anymore.

He held up his hands, said something like “You have to work hard”, “You have to work hard” and so on, while constantly approaching Link, as if he wanted to embrace Link.

This is the first time Link has seen Dr. Kane lose self-control like this.

And Link also found that in this emotional state, the blood-reeking qi exuding from Dr. Kane’s body is getting heavier.

Mrs. Foley’s warning before leaving rang in Link’s ears.

Link did not panic, did not obey, did not speak, but instantly raised wand and pointed it at Dr. Kane.

The concentrated curse power is constantly condensing on the tip of the ebony wand. Although it is invisible, the concentration of such a high concentration of magic power still causes the air around the tip to be naked. The visible distortion of eye.

As long as Dr. Kane does anything unusual, this force will sweep the entire basement and tear everything here except Link itself to pieces!

Not only that, but the yo-yo and Arkham who have been hiding on Link also noticed the abnormal movement outside.

They poked their heads out of Link鈥檚 collar and stared maliciously at Dr. Kane.

Under these multiple threats, Dr. Kane seemed to calm down.

He no longer continued to approach Link, but his arms were still open, as if he was inviting Link to take the initiative to hug him.

But why would Link do such a stupid thing?

He faced Dr. Kane and slowly exited the basement.


Until the trap door was closed, Link dissipated the magic power condensed on the tip.

The outside room was not at all lighting up, and the endless darkness instantly flooded Link in.

The weird thing is that Link, who is in the dark, actually feels extremely safe and peaceful.

He sorted out his emotions and began to think.

The first thing to be sure is that everything Dr. Kane said is true.

Because Dr. Kane was not at all vigilant about Link just now, Link easily used the lie detection ability of the Legilimens spell on him.

And if it is exactly what Dr. Kane said, then things become interesting.

Because the other party has made it clear that they are waiting for Link to’grow up’ completely.

Who are they?

What do they want to do?

Link doesn鈥檛 know anything about it.

But he firmly believes that these guys are absolutely uneasy!

Link has always tried to speculate on strangers with the worst malice.

This is the life experience that Link has only summed up in his previous life for more than 20 years.

Of course, Link is still very interested in Dr. Kane’s “power to subvert the world”.

So the strange Meditation Method taught by Dr. Kane still needs to be practiced.

Although for the time being, Link does not see any use at all.

Moreover, this kind of cultivation and so-called treatment can no longer continue here.

You must know that he almost broke out in a direct battle with Dr. Kane.

Link doesn’t think that Dr. Kane will be generous enough to treat him wholeheartedly after this happens.

Although Dr. Kane鈥檚 behavior is indeed normal.

The most important thing is that although Dr. Kane鈥檚 medicine treatment has not been completed, it has been quite effective.

With closed LV5Occlumency, Link estimates that he will not be affected by that special bloodline for at least the next 6 years.

With the ability of the system, these 6 years should be enough time for him to accumulate the power to find new methods or force Dr. Kane to treat him again.

Thinking about this, Link snapped his fingers, Summon released the small button and ordered him to take himself home.

This made the little button cry with excitement.

Mrs. Foley kept him by Link to do this.

And he himself, in fact, could not help but want to take Link home a few days ago.

After all, he also looked at Dr. Kane as not a good person, and he couldn’t bear to see Link getting blood drawn every day.

Now, he finally got his wish.

The small button almost pounced on Link at a speed invisible to naked eye, then snapped his fingers.


The familiar dizziness came again.

Perhaps because the small buttons were too hasty, the time and discomfort of this Disapparation have obviously taken a big step, and it has reached the level that Link is somewhat unbearable.

Nevertheless, when he was on the ground again, Link still showed a smile.

Because he finally returned to the familiar Foley Castle.

And immediately I saw Mrs. Foley.

At this time, it鈥檚 late at night in the country. The entire hall of Forli Castle is very quiet. Only the blue magic flame burning in the fireplace is still making a slight crackling sound, and at the same time it鈥檚 the entire hall. Provides air-conditioning.

Ms. Foley in pajamas was curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. There was a bottle of whiskey that had not been finished on the floor beside the sofa, and there was also a smell of alcohol in the air. .

This makes Link frown instinctively, he doesn’t like the smell of alcohol.

But soon Link’s brows stretched again, becoming pity and emotion.

Because the naked eye of Mrs. Foley at the moment is visible and haggard a lot.

Even Mrs. Foley looked sad even in her sleep, as if the troubles that tormented her during the day were unwilling to let her go even at night.

Link is very clear that the so-called annoying thing is himself.

This is also the first time Link has seen Mrs. Foley drinking.

‘These days…I’m afraid she’s been having a hard time, right? ‘

Link can’t help thinking like this.

Then he gently put a blanket on Mrs. Foley’s body.

As soon as the blanket touched Mrs. Foley, the sadness on Mrs. Foley’s face eased.


At the same time, in the small sect hall.

Doctor Kane pushed open the trap door and walked up the stairs slowly.

In the darkness, he looked around all around for a while, and finally his gaze fell on the place where Link had stood before.


Doctor Kane exhaled and took off the beak mask he was wearing.

Along with the removal of the mask, a cold young girl’s face with a crooked eyebrow also appeared in the darkness.

The so-called Doctor Kane is actually a woman!

If Link is still live, I am afraid it will be directly started to fall the chin.

The young girl named Kane exerted slight pressure on her hands, and the beak mask turned into a pitch-black raven as she rubbed it.

“Beckman, the child escaped. But…I have taught him that thing.”

Young girl Kane used a kind of The voice said to the raven.

Like her appearance, her voice is no longer the same as before, but it has become a normal young girl voice.

The raven took down the words of young girl Kane and flew out of the window with flapping wings.

After finishing all this, young girl Kane came to the chapel again, moved towards the iron emblem in the shrine and prayed silently again.

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