Link 2nd day was awakened by Mrs. Foley.

She was obviously pleasantly surprised by Link’s sudden return. Regardless of Link’s sleepy eyes, she directly pulled Link downstairs.

And chatted with Link all morning in the name of having breakfast.

This Link was extremely speechless, but he still obeyed.

Because Mrs. Foley made him feel a kind of family warmth, this is the taste of it’s been a long time since we last met.

And during the chat, Link naturally told Mrs. Foley about his experience in the small sect hall and the reason why he had to come back early.

As he expected, Mrs. Foley understood his behavior.

Even Link, who has mastered the Legilimens spell, interprets a joy and relaxed taste from Mrs. Foley’s expression and tone.

Link estimates that Mrs. Foley probably didn’t expect Link to complete the entire course of treatment from the very beginning.

It may be beyond her expectation to be able to achieve this level.

It is worth mentioning.

When Link mentioned that he had pointed to Dr. Kane with wand last night, Mrs. Foley’s face instantly became deathly white.

At the same time, Merlin na Merlin kept shouting in my mouth.

It looked like it was a miracle that Link had done something like this before being torn to pieces by Dr. Kane.

But when Link took this opportunity to continue to explore the details of Dr. Kane, Mrs. Foley refused to say anything.

Link had no choice but to give up. After a short rest, he returned to the room and continued to study the special Meditation Method he learned from Dr. Kane.

He even planned to devote most of his time to this for the rest of his vacation.

In order to have access to the kind of power buried in his bloodline that Dr. Kane said.

Unfortunately, the plan will not keep up with the changes after all.

For the whole week that followed, Mrs. Foley maintained that amazing enthusiasm.

She gave up all her work and stayed in Foley Castle to dine and chat with Link every day.

This makes Link quite speechless, because Mrs. Foley seems to have endless words, often dragging him to chat all afternoon.

But Link can also understand this.

After all, Mrs. Foley has very few opportunities to communicate with his son, and it is normal for this to happen.

It’s unscientific to have a scene where two people who have a deep bond have not been masked for a long time, but they are speechless after encountering each other.

Of course, the enthusiasm will fade after all.

A week later, Link clearly felt that Mrs. Foley had a lot less time to stick to him.

But just when Link thought that Mrs. Foley would be like his parents who were very enthusiastic about their children during the Early-Stage vacations in his previous life, and they were disgusted with their children over a long period of time, the reality gave Link a slap again. .

Because he overlooked one thing.

That is, the Foley family is not like most families in the previous life that generally did not realize financial freedom.

He has Gold Galleon in his family.

Being rich means that you can use other interesting activities to continue this enthusiasm.

That’s what Mrs. Foley did.

She called Emily directly, and then she took Link and Emily to start countless entertainment activities such as horse riding, traveling, enjoying muggle food, shopping and so on.

There is quite a meaning of immersing Link in eating and drinking merrily throughout the holiday.

And in order to persuade Link to enjoy it comfortably, Mrs. Foley also came up with a set of very reasonable explanations.

‘These entertainment activities can fully relax your tight spirit and make your spirit more powerful! In this way, can’t you better resist the influence of bloodline? ‘

This reason is really powerful, and Link has nowhere to refute it.

At this time, Link has basically abandoned the previous so-called plan.

Because this kind of eating and drinking merrily does not benefit Link’s strength growth, but it’s really cool!

Unfortunately, not long after Link really settled down and was ready to enjoy it, the chubby Ministry of Magic Fudge knocked on the door of Foley Castle.

At this time, Link, Mrs. Foley and Emily had just returned from shopping, and a large number of shopping bags almost filled the entire castle hall.

At first hearing the hurried report from the small button, the three people present who were discussing interesting things during today’s shopping were all stunned.

“What is he doing here?”

Link groaned for a moment before frowning and asking.

hearing this Mrs. Foley moved her neck and said:

“Who knows? However, it is not good to have guests waiting outside. In short, little button, you first Bring him in.”

As soon as this statement came out, the little button snapped his fingers and disappeared.

It took a moment for Fudge to walk in.

“ha ha ha ha! Madame Foley, your castle is really spectacular! I dare say, this is definitely the best private castle in the whole country!”

As soon as he walked in, Fudge started laughing and boasting about Foley Castle.

No matter how Link they reacted, they walked straight to Mrs. Foley and said: “It’s really long time no see, Mrs. Foley! I heard that you have been I live a warm and leisurely life with my son at home, which makes me envious!”

While talking, Fudge stretched out his hand as if to talk to Mrs. Foley shake hands.

It’s a pity that Mrs. Foley at this time has long since returned to the same as cold as ice and frost in front of outsiders, and she didn’t even stretch out her hand to cooperate with Fudge.

Not only her, but Emily also has the same expression.

The two of them are standing next to each other. If they don’t look at their looks, they are almost like carved out of the same mold.

“Don’t do any extra words and behaviors.” Mrs. Foley said coldly, “You can just talk about the purpose of this visit. We don’t have much time to spend with you.”

As soon as Mrs. Foley said this, the scene suddenly became more embarrassing.

Fortunately, Fudge’s cheek is thick enough. He put his hands away and rubbed twice on his suit jacket unnaturally. This was awkward said with a smile:

“Ha~ha! Mrs. Foley is still as simple as ever. Actually, I am mainly here to find Link this time.”

“Look for me?”

Some Links Said unexpectedly.

Mrs. Foley and Emily on the side also frowned.

“Yes! Link! Do you remember when you caught Sirius·Black and Pettigrew·Peter?”

Fudge said with a smile, “A week later, the Wizengamot Council This case will have a final trial! I am here to invite you to observe the trial. In addition, Daily Prophet will arrange for a reporter to come over and interview you about this case in a few days. I have already helped you with the manuscript. I’m ready, and I hope you can cooperate.”

Fudge said that he handed Link a burning invitation letter.

“Not good means, I’m a little tired lately. Minister Fudge, please ask someone else, I think Professor Snape is a good candidate.”

Link hardly has any He hesitated and refused.

Because he is really not interested in the fate of Sirius · Black and Pettigrew · Peter.

In addition, the interview activity Fudge mentioned was obviously not a worry-free activity.

He doesn’t lack so much prestige now, so naturally he doesn’t want to bother with that effort.

Mrs. Foley and Emily are not happy about hearing this.

Started to help Link say something to refuse.

You must know that they are having fun with Link every day. Fudge came over and wanted Link to leave them busy again. This is simply cracking a joke!

However, in this piece of rejection, Fudge kept smiling.

He waited until everyone had finished speaking, then he cleared his throat and said confidently:

“Link, interview and so on, I can help you push it away, but If you don’t watch the Wizengamot trial, you will regret it.”

“Oh? Really?”

Link raised his brows and spoke word by word. .

The eyes of Mrs. Fly and Emily looking towards Fudge also turned bad.

Obviously, they all heard a hint of threat from Fudge’s words.

“Yes, because after the trial is over, we will hold a grand ceremony for you.” Fudge was not afraid at all, stiffening his belly and said, “Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin! Congratulations, Link! After all the members of the Order of Merlin have negotiated, we agree that you are absolutely worthy of this honor!”

“What? You want to give Link to Link Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin?!”

Mrs. Foley and Emily Teng stood up at once and screamed in unison.

“Yes! You heard me right!”

“This is…awesome!” Madame Foley clenched her fist, turned her head moved towards Link and shouted, ” Minister Fudge is right! Link! Then you have to go to the trial of any bullshit! Not only you, but our whole family will go!”

“I want to go too!”

Emily said hurriedly.

And Mrs. Foley smiled and touched Emily’s face and said:

“What are you talking about, little Emily! My family doesn’t Have you been included?”

Such straightforward words made Emily pretty face blushed and shyly ran back to her room.

Seeing this, Mrs. Foley laughed, turned around and started chatting with Minister Fudge about Link’s acceptance of the award.

This attitude has just changed three hundred and sixty degrees.

Looking at this scene, Link shook the head speechlessly.

Mrs. Foley is good at everything, but she cares too much about the Order of Merlin badge.

But this is not surprising.

After all, this is the common obsession of the original owner and Mrs. Foley, although this kind of injustice has already been completed by Link through the Merlin Level 3 medal a few years ago.

But Mrs. Foley will not refuse the opportunity to be satisfied again.

It is Fudge that really surprised Link.

Link really did not expect that Fudge, who painted a pie for Wannian, actually fulfilled his promise this time and brought him an Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin.

Although there is also an element of Fudge dealing with Link and the Folly family for his own benefit, it is enough for the other party to do this.

Thinking about this, Link can only be sighed, and continues to watch Mrs. Foley and Fudge discussing the specific matters of the day of the award.


In the early morning a week later, Link got up early at the urging of Mrs. Foley and Emily, and began to dress and wash.

Different from the last time when the award was awarded, this time Link no longer has to rely on the Hogwarts uniform to demonstrate his student status.

So Mrs. Foley not only customized dresses for herself and Emily, but also made a similar dress for Link.

Of course, the color is still deep black.

After all, this is the representative color of the Foley family.

After that, the three of them did not use the Floo Network, which would stain their dresses, but instead sat directly in the carriage and let the small buttons send them into the Ministry of Magic.

The lobby of Ministry of Magic can be described as gold and jade in glorious splendor.

The ground here is entirely composed of polished and polished dark wood floors. The peacock blue ceiling is inlaid with countless sparkling golden symbols. They are constantly moving and changing, a bit like Link The large pixels of the previous life make up the screen.

A group of large pure gold statues stand in the middle of the hall.

The tallest among them is a noble wizard who holds the wand high and points directly at the sky.

Around him is a beautiful witch, a Centaur, a Goblin and a house elf.

They all looked up and looked at the wizard in admiration.

Several clear water columns are constantly rushing out of the statue, forming a small pond in the concave base below the statue.

The bottom of the pond is filled with countless shiny coins, most of which are copper Knut and Sickle grams. A closer look can reveal some sporadic golden coins.

Link bet that anyone who was born in the Wizard Society since he was a child will be shocked and speechless when he comes to Ministry of Magic for the first time.

This is not just because the decoration here is too luxurious.

Because there are too many people here.

As now, countless wizards and witches are constantly entering the Ministry of Magic hall through the golden Floo Network fireplace or Disapparation embedded in the walls on both sides.

Then stepped on a hurried pace and went to work at his post through the magic elevator.

If you ignore the existence of various magic, this place is simply a crowded transportation hub.

This kind of scene of people coming, people going is quite rare in Wizarding World.

The three of Link and Mrs. Foley were invited as guests to observe the trial. Naturally, there was no need to huddle with the Ministry of Magic staff.

They don’t have to accept a series of checks such as conventional wand and multi-soul curse.

In fact, not long after they appeared in the lobby, a beautiful female clerk in a Ministry of Magic uniform ran over on high heels, and led the three Link people onto the special magic elevator. .

Unlike other elevators, there is a male waiter in a red uniform in the elevator where the three of Link sit.

Seeing the three of Link coming in, he bowed respectfully and then used wand to press a certain switch.

With the sound of the chain clacking, the elevator slowly descended.

“9th floor, mysterious things department.”

With the sound of an indifferent female voice, the elevator also stopped.

The receptionist and the waiter in red hurriedly went to open the fence, bent over and said:

“Please, distinguished guests.”

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