The so-called trial will naturally not be conducted in a place like the mysterious affairs department that has nothing to do with the law at first hearing.

The three of Link got out of the elevator under the leadership of the female clerk, and turned a turn on the way to the corridor leading to the real mysterious things department, and entered a downward staircase.

Continuing to walk down for almost 5 points, the three of them appeared in another corridor.

The decoration style of this corridor is completely different from the splendorous and majestic of other places in Ministry of Magic.

It is entirely constructed of stone, and there are many dark gates on both sides of the corridor. The overall atmosphere is gloomy and terrible. The lighting is also provided by torch inserted on the wall tray.

If you want to describe it, it is exactly the same as some of the inaccessible places in Hogwarts.

“Dear guests, we are here.”

Finally, the female clerk took the three Link people to one of the doors and said respectfully.

Link clicked nodded toward the other party, and then turned his gaze to the door.

This is a black wooden door that looks very old. At this moment, the lock on the door has been opened, and the stone door frame above the door is inlaid with a rusty metal marking. –1.

“First courtroom.”

Link murmured, and Mrs. Foley and Emily were also staring at the metal sign with serious expressions.

These so-called courtrooms are used by the Ministry of Magic to try criminals of the highest standards.

For example, the Death Eaters who followed Voldemort to do a lot of evil.

After Voldemort’s fall, these courtrooms have basically been in a semi-abandoned state.

Because ordinary criminals do not need to hold Wizengamot trial here, the Magic Department of Magical Law Enforcement can handle it directly.

Now that the courtroom is restarted for the cases of Sirius · Black and Pettigrew · Peter, it can also be seen that Fudge attaches great importance to this matter.

Seeing that the three Link people stood in front of the door and kept looking, the female clerk on the side was also slightly smiled and respectfully said:

“The first courtroom is Minister Fudge. The rejection of the crowd was opened because Sirius ·Black was tried here. Minister Fudge felt that it would be more meaningful if Sirius ·Black could be rehabilitated in this place!”

hearing this Ai Millie and Mrs. Foley just tapped nodded lightly to show that they know.

But Link frowned.

Just now the female clerk’s words provided him with a very important message. In this trial, Fudge had already decided Sirius to win.

“tsk tsk~”

Somewhat mockingly, Link finally took Mrs. Foley and Emily into the courtroom.

The trial room is actually a very large space.

The light here is still dim, but it’s much stronger than the corridor outside, and you can see things clearly.

In the most central position of the courtroom, there are two simple iron chairs for trial. There are no handcuffs and other things on them, but loose iron chains are placed on them.

The trial chair all around about 10 meters away, there are rows of empty benches that gradually rise.

This arrangement reminds Link of a lecture theatre in a previous life, or a sports stadium.

There are already many people sitting on these chairs at the moment.

The vast majority of these people are invited audiences, and they are all well-dressed and noble guys at first glance.

The number of seats in the up ahead of the trial chair is about fifty, wearing purple-red robes and showing a refined silver w Wizengamot councillors on their left chest.

As the highest governing council of the entire Ministry of Magic and even the entire Wizarding World, each of them looks very serious.

Among them, Fudge, who sits in the middle of the first row, is no exception.

He seems to have used some magic to make him look thinner and more majestic.

Even if the three of Link entered the game, he only slightly nodded to indicate that he no longer had the enthusiasm of the past.

But the audience sitting elsewhere is different.

Most of the guys invited to come to watch the trial are the powerful Great Family and Big Boss of Wizarding World. They originally had a shallow or deep relationship with the Foley family. It was through his children and younger generations in Hogwarts that Link’s innate talent was known to be superb, so almost as soon as the three of Link appeared, they were surrounded by countless smiles and flattery.

Fortunately, these people still hold their noble status as aristocrats, and they are not too radical. Only then can the three of Link successfully sit in their positions.

Fudge officially announced the start of the trial shortly after Link was three-seater behind.

The audience who were still whispering, trying to talk to Mrs. Foley and Link instantly calmed down.

Seeing this, Fudge was satisfied and clicked nodded, holding a parchment and said:

“The trial on August 15th, Sirius ·Black will take refuge in you know who, and The case of indirect killing of Mr. and Mrs. Potter. As well as the case of Sirius Black releasing a curse in the muggle block in violation of the confidentiality law and killing thirteen muggles.”

“Interrogator: Ministry of Magic Cornelius ·Fudge, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia ·Bones…and all members of the Wizengamot Council.”

Fudge became more serious after chanting a long list of Interrogator names. Changed the parchment and continued reading:

“The first trial: Pettigrew ·Peter!”

tone barely fell, the door of the courtroom was opened violently, two wearing The uniformed Auror was horrified, and Pettigrew Peter, who looked much more embarrassed than the last time we met, walked in.

The Aurors directly pressed Pettigrew Peter on a trial chair in the middle of the courtroom, and the loose iron chain was automatically wound around Pettigrew Peter’s body and tied it firmly. on the chair.

And Peter’s appearance also caused a burst of exclamation from the audience in the stands.

Obviously, most people did not expect that the guy who died bravely resisting the’Death Eater’ Black at the beginning, and was later awarded the Order of Merlin Level 1 medal for this reason, did not die!

I was also involved in the retrial of the case!

The audience’s reaction, Fudge, was all in his eyes. The corners of his mouth raised unnoticeably, and then he continued to say:

“Second Interrogator: Sirius · Black, and Witnesses in this case: Albus ·Dumbledore and Remus ·Lupin!”

Sirius ·Black was also pressed in by two Aurors.

But compared to Pettigrew Peter, he seems to be more energetic.

No, this can hardly be described with spirit.

He is almost like a big star who is walking to the stage to prepare for a performance. He tilted his head slightly, glanced at everyone present with a proud face, and grinned from time to time.

The audience was also very cheering, everyone cheering excitedly, calling out the word Black loudly, and many people even stood up rudely, looking extremely excited.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

Fortunately, not long after Sirius was locked in the chair, Dumbledore took Lupin and Harry into the courtroom.

Dumbledore’s reputation is indeed terrifying, and the crowd in the audience immediately converged a lot when they saw it, and the noise at the beginning turned into a whisper in the dark.

To be honest, it was still rude, but Fudge didn’t care about it at all.

He laughed directly at hehe and got up and asked the Aurors to bring chairs for Dumbledore.

The three Harry who were with Dumbledore were obviously shocked by the messy but serious atmosphere of the scene. They stood a little awkwardly beside Dumbledore, not knowing what to do.

Fudge was also very generous about this. Instead of arranging them to go to the audience stand, he moved three more chairs so that they could sit next to Dumbledore.

“Okay, now I will read the accusation against Pettigrew Peter. The accused was accused of the following crimes: the accused in the previous case where Mr. and Mrs. Potter was killed by you know who , Deliberately, knowingly committed the safe house information of Mr. and Mrs. Potter as a price, took refuge in you know who, and became a death eater who served as a tiger. After the follow-up incident was revealed, Sirius · Black was openly in a muggle community. Using the magic spell to fight, killed 13 muggles. In the end, the defendant took the opportunity to feign death, throwing all the blame on Sirius Black, and he himself enjoyed the follow-up honor of the Ministry of Magic.”

“The defendant violated a total of 19 laws, including the “International Wizard Federation Confidentiality Act”, “International Enchantment Use Measures”, and “Prohibition of Contact with Dark Wizard”!”

Fudge finished reading all the charges, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and asked Pettigrew Peter:

“In the principle of fairness and justice, I will ask you questions now! Pettigrew Peter, the trial person, originally Why are you still alive when you should die?”

“I…I’m scared!” Pettigrew Peter twisted his body, stammering, “Because I’m so scared of Sirius. ·Black and his master! So if I don’t hide, they must have run out to kill me like this time!”

“You lied!”

Pettigrew ·Peter tone barely fell, Harry yelled furiously.

This disrespectful behavior caused many Wizengamot councillors on the trial bench to frown.

They are not ignorant ordinary people, and they have no sense of identity with Harry’s Savior identity.

If Harry continues to be rude, they might even drive Harry out of the courtroom directly.

Dumbledore and Hermione naturally realized this.

They quickly persuaded Harry who wanted to continue.

On seeing Fudge, he clicked nodded, and said blankly:

“Pettigrew Peter, the reason you gave is not tenable. Ministry of Magic and Azkaban’s There is no doubt that it is powerful. If it is like what you said, then the first thing you think of is to ask the Ministry of Magic for protection instead of feigning death for more than ten years!”

Pettigrew ·Peter What was said was speechless, and there was no stopping forehead and forehead.

This made Fudge’s face a victor’s smile.

But at this moment, an old but loud voice rang from the Wizengamot court: “I object!”

The voice caught everyone’s attention. After hearing the reputation, the Link trio saw an old man with a gracious face, no beard, and gray hair, who had raised his hands and stood up.

At this time, seeing everyone watching over, the old man said:

“According to our investigation, Pettigrew Peter has been a very timid child since he was a child. This is why he His Animagus form is the cause of the mouse.”

Heard a laugh in the audience here.

The old man was also very cooperative and waited until the laughter gradually fell behind before continuing:

“It is indeed possible for such a timid person to face that kind of danger. Something ridiculous. So Minister Fudge, you absolutely can’t understand him with common sense.”

As soon as he said this, many people in the audience unconsciously clicked nodded.

Most of these people have read books with Pettigrew Peter at Hogwarts. In their impression, Pettigrew Peter is indeed timid and different from ordinary people.

For a while, the expressions of Fudge and Harry and the others looked a little unpleasant.

Originally, this trial was supposed to be a solid matter, but now suddenly an unknown old man popped up to help Pettigrew ·Peter!

This Link is also a little strange.

At this time, Mrs. Foley got to Link’s ear and gently explained:

“That’s Old Bartos, he is a cronies of the former Ministry of Magic. And relying on the opportunity of cleaning the Death Eater at the beginning, he searched a large amount of property and pushed himself to the position of Wizengamot Councillor.”

Hearing this Link suddenly realized.

If this is the case, then this old man now makes sense.

They, the old scum of the last generation, each embezzled the property of the Death Eaters.

Of course, this also includes House of Black.

And if Sirius · Black is overturned, will Sirius go out and hold them accountable for those who took advantage of the difficulties of the House of Black and ate up half of the House of Black’s property?

So the only way they can see now is to completely nail Sirius to Death Eater, the pillar of shame!

Only this! They can continue to sleep peacefully at night!

The corners of Link’s lips, who wanted to understand, rose up.

Things finally started to be a little suspenseful.

Link even imagined what the consequences would be if Sirius had not been reversed.

This is really…so fun!

Not only Link, but many spectators in the audience who were originally lacking in interest in this trial also cheered up at this moment and began to listen intently.

And then the trial became more intense.

One after another Wizengamot councillors from the previous life faction with Bartos stood up and started a high-intensity debate with Dumbledore and Sirius and the others on the guilt of Pettigrew Peter. .

Fudge, the presiding judge, still has a higher right to speak during this process.

Whenever a detailed topic debate reaches a dead end, he will throw a new topic so that the debate can continue.

It’s just that Link noticed a more interesting detail.

That is, the question raised by Fudge actually does not conform to the normal trial rules.

What he is doing now seems to be guiding the two parties to tell the story of the case in detail as much as possible.

So that the audience can read this story more clearly and simply!

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