Although there was a lot of suspense in the trial due to the appearance of the old factions of the previous generation, but under the suppression of Dumbledore’s terrifying reputation, the Wizengamot Council finally passed the sentence of Pettigrew ·Peter Azkaban to life imprisonment and Sirius · Black was acquitted.

In addition to Sirius Black’s innocent squat for more than ten years in jail, although the Wizengamot Council believes that the main responsibility is still to be attributed to Sirius’ own NT, but in the end it was symbolically given to Sirius 500gold Galleon. Humanitarian compensation.

To be honest, this money is not small, after all, it is enough for the Weasley family to travel to Egypt for a whole summer vacation.

It’s just Sirius·Black, but he came from the once pure-blooded nobleman in the country-House of Black!

Putting this little money on him makes him feel like a beggar.

Especially when the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic, an old faction of the previous generation, have divided up most of the House of Black industry.

But Sirius, the deviant guy, obviously doesn’t care about it.

Compared with the so-called family glory and the family property that should have belonged to him but was swallowed by others, he was more concerned about the fact that after he was free, he could finally meet with Harry often, even directly. It’s not impossible to grab Harry’s custody rights.

Be aware that Sirius is Harry’s godfather!

And this is why Dumbledore convinced Sirius to rekindle his hope of life.

Of course, everyone who knows the inside story of the incident knows that Dumbledore is drawing a pie for Sirius.

For more than ten years, Harry has completely relied on the blood relative magic released by his mother to avoid the intrusion of Death Eater and Voldemort. To maintain this ancient magic, Harry had to live before he became an adult At his aunt’s house.

But anyway, their happiness is still real at the moment.

Just after Fuji hit the hammer and made the final sentence, the three Harry and the four Lupin Sirius screamed and hugged each other, crying with joy.

Although Dumbledore was not as excited as theirs, he also showed emotion and smiled in relief throughout the process.

The reporters of Daily Prophet, who have been ambushing on one side, will naturally not let this opportunity pass.

They rushed up with their clunky magic camera. With the continuous flashing of the flash, there were a lot of pictures about Sirius’s expression of ecstasy and Pettigrew · Peter’s desperate fainting, and then dragged away by the Auror. Came out.

Of course, the above content is only secondary.

The main subject of the reporters is Fu Ji on the trial bench.

After all, Fu Ji invited them to watch the trial for the purpose of promoting his own prestige.

At the same time, many viewers in the audience, including the Link trio, were also very excited.

A few of them even started whistling to congratulate Sirius.

But most of them were discussing the trial just now with great interest and intent.

They look like an audience who has just watched an amazing performance in their previous life, and their blood has not completely cooled down.

But the career is indeed like this.

For the nobles of the Wizarding World invited to come, this so-called trial is an extraordinary performance.

Think about it, the once aloof and remote House of Black has become a ruin now.

The remaining only one heir is even more battered and exhausted. Not only was it detained for more than ten years, but it was also pulled out and displayed in front of people like a clown.

This alone can attract the interest of many wizard aristocrats.

What could be more refreshing than trampling a former master on the bottom of your feet and then staring contemptuously?

In addition, the story in this case is very twists and turns, and it is very interesting.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the Wizarding World where entertainment activities are scarce, this trial can almost be said to be an interesting feast!

Link even predicts that for at least the next two months, today’s trial will be an important piece of talk among the nobles of the wizards of the country.

And this is exactly what Fu Ji wants to see.

Otherwise, he would not use the rhythm of storytelling to dominate the whole trial.

The know-how Link and Mrs. Foley can see clearly, so not at all is as elated as the others, but with a slightly sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Only Emily is still a little confused, but this is only because of her young age, so she was driven by the atmosphere of the scene.

With her IQ, just give her a little time later, she can figure it all out by herself.

Fuji did not simply disband the invited people after the trial was over.

In fact, the reason why he invited so many wizard nobles to come this time is not only to invite everyone to watch a good show, but also to arrange Link’s award ceremony.

Under his organization, everyone quickly left the courtroom in an orderly manner.

Dumbledore, the recipient of the Order of Merlin Level 1 Medal, will naturally not miss this kind of thing, leaving Harry and the others and turning around and leaving.

Looking at his fading back, Harry flashed a trace of confusion in his eyes, did not hesitate to catch up with him and asked:

“Professor Dumbledore! You, what you are Where are you going?”

His voice stopped Dumbledore and also attracted Sirius and the others who were still gathered there with excitement.

A few of them quickly gathered around Dumbledore. Sirius, who was so happy that he was out of control, patted Dumbledore’s shoulder frivolously, and said excitedly:

“Yes, Dumbledore! Don’t worry about it. Back to Hogwarts! Today is a good day for me to regain my freedom. So how about we find a place to celebrate together? Harry! Do you have anything you want to eat? I will buy them for you! And so are you two Little Brat!”

Sirius’s boldness instantly brought the joy of Harry and the trio to the next level.

Especially Ron, this guy was nervous almost unable to speak during the trial just now. By this time, he finally released his nature and cheered loudly.

Just looking at their excitement, Dumbledore smiled and shook the head and said:

“Unfortunately, I can’t go to your celebration anymore, because I still have to Participate in a very special Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin award ceremony.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room, please look at me and I will look at you. For a while, I couldn’t catch it. words.

Black has been detained for more than ten years and his social skills have deteriorated.

Harry and Hermione felt that this major event was too far away from them.

Only Lupin stood there looking thoughtful.

After a while, Hermione curiously asked:

“Who will award the honors must be in order to?”

Dumbledore laughed and said nothing, Lupin But he stood up and said:

“Is it Link?”

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Lupin uses an extremely affirmative tone.

And hearing this, Dumbledore ordered nodded, confirming Lupin’s conjecture.

“How is this possible?”

Harry and Ron exclaimed in unison.

They really can’t believe Lupin’s guess, because in their eyes, Link is the same Hogwarts young wizard like them.

Although Link is much better than them, and has previously won the Order of Merlin, Third Class medal.

How can it be compared with the Second Class Order of Merlin just for the Level 3 medal?

The former can also be obtained through gold Galleon and other shortcuts in the current social situation, but which recipient of the latter is not a great and famous character?

This kind of person, ordinary wizards can only see that once or twice in the newspaper.

How can I not get in touch with friends like Link who often play with them.

So when the news was first heard, all three of Harry felt unrealistic.

Seeing their reaction, Lupin shook the head and explained with a smile:

“This is not surprising at all. You must know that Pettigrew Peter was arrested this time. Part of it is counted on him.”

Sirius dismissed coldly snorted at first when he said this.

He doesn’t have any liking for Link, the little Snivellus who likes to follow Snape.

Harry and Hermione were silent with complicated expressions.

They couldn’t tell who was right and who was wrong in the last semester, but after so long they have realized that the relationship between themselves and Link may not be able to go back to the past.

This makes them very disappointed.

Only the simple and simple Ron is still laughing.

He didn’t have that many that Harry and Hermione thought, so he was really happy for Link.

Of course, there is also a sense of glory in this happiness.

At least after going out to chat with people, he can also move Link out of bossing.

Even Ron was still dreaming about looking for Link to borrow Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin to visit, he had never seen a real thing!

It would be better if I could touch it!

Thinking about this, Ron’s smiling eyes narrowed.

Dumbledore’s reaction was all in his eyes. He didn’t mean to persuade him. He just said with a smile mysteriously:

“It’s not early, I have to leave. . Of course, I also wish you a happy celebration.”

After saying that, Dumbledore quickly walked out of the courtroom.

And Harry and the others were also awakened by Dumbledore’s words. After Lupin came forward to reconcile the atmosphere, they also left the Ministry of Magic according to the original plan and found a place to celebrate.


At the same time, on the other side, Fudge has taken a kind of guests to the upper floor in a special magic elevator.

On this road, people’s topics have gradually changed from the previous trial to the next ceremony. Link as the awarding object naturally becomes the protagonist of the topic.

So the situation of the three Link people has changed to the appearance of being surrounded by people in the beginning and complimenting each other.

Even many Wizengamot councillors got close to Link and greeted Link.

Mrs. Foley and Emily are already familiar with this situation, no matter who comes to say hello along the way, they can cope with ease.

Link was originally not good at handling these, after all, neither Link itself nor the original owner have much experience in dealing with such scenarios.

But with the expression management of Occlumency LV5 and the passive ability of the Legilimens spell, he still looks like you did good.

The entire group walked into the small auditorium just like this talking and laughing.

This is where Link held the ceremony when it was awarded the Merlin Level 3 Jazz Medal last time.

However, Mrs. Fudge will obviously not be perfunctory enough to still use the last venue to hold this ceremony.

After Fudge let everyone rest here, mysteriously took out a piece of wooden stick, or branch, because there were even fresh green leaves on it.

Fudge used the branch to draw a huge circle in the air.

Then a magical scene happened.

Along with the trajectory of the branches, the space along the way was immediately torn apart, revealing a completely different picture of the auditorium inside and here.

That is a magnificent palace floating above the clouds!

“Please! Everyone! Let us officially enter the venue of this ceremony!”

With Fudge’s extremely excited invitation, the guests in the auditorium were amazed. one after another passed through this spatial door.

As the protagonists of this ceremony, Link and Mrs. Foley are naturally at the forefront.

“This is the temple of the Order of Merlin. It is the embodiment of the wizards’ highest skill in space magic! Those crazy big wizards directly stripped a small space of the real world, and then built it inside Such a Secret Realm! This place is absolutely safe and confidential. Unless you have the’key’, you can’t invade it by any means. Generally speaking, this temple will only be used to hold the Order of Merlin’s gathering every 5 years. And this time , They made a special case for you, the youngest Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin recipient ever!”

While walking, Mrs. Foley also gently explained in Link’s ear.

Although Mrs. Fudge did not mention her role in this in her words, Link is clear, and Fudge himself would never be so good to Link.

For this so-called special case, Mrs. Foley must have given out a lot of benefits.

This made Link’s throat astringent, as if something got stuck in it, with a lot of emotion.

“Thank you for everything you have done for me, mother.”

Finally, Link said what was in his heart.

And the smile on Mrs. Foley’s face hearing this has become even brighter.

She held Link’s hand tightly, shook the head and said:

“This is what I should do, and Emily and I are also in your light. Otherwise, we won’t have a chance to come to this kind of place in our lifetime!”

Emily also leaned in, clutching Link’s other hand tightly, and agreed. nodded.

She really feels so.

The temple they are in at the moment is the absolute technical core display of Wizarding World, and this is not only in the temple itself.

For example, every column and wall here are made of special mithril mixed with dozens of metals, which is not only beautiful, but also powerful in corrosion resistance and magic resistance. The highest masterpiece of alchemy!

Also, every tableware here has at least four different spells attached to it, so that it can be clean forever and the food inside can never be eaten.

Similar special techniques are used in every item in the temple. It can be said that everything here is the highest attainment of the wizard civilization!

This makes every guest who came here plunged into sluggishness and shock for a while.

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