Since it was held in the most important temple of the Order of Merlin, the overwhelming majority of Order of Merlin members of the world naturally came to join in such a grand event.

Of course, there is no lack of important figures such as Dumbledore and Newt that Link is familiar with.

Of course, Link doesn’t know more old man old ladies. These people look at Link with different eyes, most of them are charitable and kind, even if some Old Antiques can’t understand Link, the so-called hairless brat. Winning this honor at a young age is nothing but a sour sentence on his mouth, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Think about it and you will know.

How could it be easy for Old Guys who can mix to this level.

These people will not jump out at this important moment even if they are dissatisfied with Link and Fudge.

However, despite the presence of so many important figures, it is not Dumbledore who honored Link this time, but Fudge.

This is one of the benefits he exchanged from Mrs. Foley on the condition that he held a ceremony in the temple.

Taking this opportunity, he stood directly on the podium and gave everyone a speech for more than half an hour in the market.

Most of the content of his speech was to praise Link’s young and promising, but the core idea of ​​the connotation is to bring out Ministry of Magic and his personal outstanding ability in personnel training by praising Link.

Due to his identity, although most people at the scene were not interested in this kind of long and nutritious speech, on the surface they still pretended to be with keen interest pleasure.

Only Dumbledore and a few other very qualified Old Guys obviously showed a little impatient emotion, but even then they didn’t jump out and curse directly, but gave Fudge a certain amount. face.

This scene was all seen by Link, who was also impatient to listen to the speech.

A clear comprehension flashed in his eyes.

Order of Merlin is different from Wizengamot. It was originally a reputation organization that was absolutely in the dust and detached from the world. It was composed of a group of pure people who really wholeheartedly wanted to benefit the world. .

This particularity causes every Sir Merlin to be respected by the outside world.

Now, this organization has become secularized, tainted with the smell of Gold Galleon, and began to pay tribute to power.

This is really…somewhat sad.

Link was a little sighed with emotion, and then quickly shook the head with a smile.

Strictly speaking, he himself is also a beneficiary of the secularization of the Order of Merlin, so what right does he have to feel about this kind of thing.

At this time, Fudge finally finished his speech.

He seems a little bit unfinished. I believe that if the protagonist awarded this time is not Link, he will probably talk for at least half an hour.

Fudge laughed and put a cross-shaped medal with the initials of Order of Merlin engraved in the middle and four roses on the edge on Link’s left chest.

At the same time laughed and said with a smile:

“Link, congratulations! You are the youngest Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin recipient ever, history will remember Yours!”

‘Yes, of course history will remember me, because the nature of my Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin and the medal you gave yourself are essentially nothing at all. the difference. This is not a good reputation bastard! ‘

Link in the heart murmured, but on the surface, he applied Occlumency’s expression management to the extreme. The corners of his mouth raised and squeezed out a perfect smile that anyone would say when he saw it, and he kept responding modestly. Compliments from Fudge.

While looking at this harmonious scene on the stage, everyone else in Christmas gave their own applause without hesitation.

Among them, Dumbledore, Newt, Mrs. Foley and Emily are the most sincere.

I am afraid that only the four of them in the audience are really happy for Link.

With the official end of the award, the atmosphere on the scene became relaxed.

Countless exquisite food and drinks appeared on the white long table in the center of Christmas, and the ceremony began to enter the stage of the buffet party.

This is also Mrs. Foley’s favorite link.

She carried the red goblet, took Emily and Link through the crowd, constantly using her superb Versailles skills to show off her son to everyone present.

Listening to the insincere flattery of the people around to please, Mrs. Foley’s face that should have been as cold as ice and frost in front of outsiders actually burst out with a bright smile.

Emily was also very happy, even excited.

Because Mrs. Foley is constantly introducing her to the guests present.

The potential meaning here is almost to announce her status as Link fiancee to the entire wizard aristocratic class in the country.

In easy-to-understand terms, it is almost the same as when a foreign daughter-in-law went home for the first time and was led by her mother-in-law to go door-to-door in her home village.

How could this make Emily unhappy?

Link actually doesn’t like to show off like this, but seeing the two women who are most important to him in his life are so happy, they can only cooperate as much as possible.

Fortunately, Mrs. Foley has a good grasp of the scale of Versailles, she just let off Link after showing off for a lap and let him move freely.

As for Emily, of course, she still has to continue to show her presence next to Mrs. Foley.

So Link took some food and hid in the corner alone, and began to taste it.

This is the culinary art from Quanqi’s highest house elf, it’s a pity not to eat it.

And just as Link was immersed in the food, two familiar voices rang again.

“Link! Congratulations!”

“Ah, the same joy and the same joy.”

Link said perfunctorily, while still adding a spoonful Throw the custard into your mouth.

He was tired of hearing these words of congratulations.

It’s just that he was taken aback when he looked back.

Because the people who congratulated him just now were not some unknown third-rate wizard nobles he expected, but Dumbledore and Newt.

When he saw this, he hurriedly put down the plate and wiped his mouth with the tablecloth, then bowed respectfully and said:

“Sorry, I was impolite, Professor Dumbledore , Mr. Scamander. I am ashamed of this Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin, and I am far from being able to bear this honor.”

Whether it is Dumbledore or Newt, this Both are worthy of admiration in Link’s mind.

Especially Newt, this is a real Merlin Sir!

So I will not begrudge my respect for these two people Link.

On the contrary, Dumbledore and Newt were taken aback by Link’s respectful appearance. They looked at each other in a daze, and then they laughed in unison.

“Don’t undervalue oneself, Link.” Dumbledore said with a smile on his face, “Your strength and hard work are of real value, and I can prove it for you!”

“Thank you!”

Link didn’t feel humble this time, but accepted it calmly.

He actually thought so in his heart, but it was because of the habitual instinct of being a celestial man in his previous life, that’s all.

Newt also intervened at this time.

He wasn’t greeted like Dumbledore, he put his arm around Link’s shoulder and said:

“Okay, stop talking about these boring topics, I’ve already I’m tired of listening!”

As he said, he raised his head and looked at all around again, and after confirming that there were no other people around, he whispered to Link:

“Link, in fact, I There is one thing I want you to do!”


When Link raised his brow, he instinctively wanted to refuse.

Because when he wanted to come, Newt had basically nothing else to do except want to let him accompany him on an expedition.

Just before he could speak, Newt continued:

“You know, too, the Quiddich world cup finals will begin soon. This time the host The land is still in the country.”

As soon as this statement came out, Link was relaxed at first, but then he became confused again.

As an important plot node, Link is naturally paying attention to the Quiddich World Cup, but what does Newt want him to do?

Thinking about this, Link hesitantly clicked nodded first, and then it was probed:

“So what?”

“Rove clamored to say must go , But Tina and I are going to go on a private trip for two people, it’s been a long time since we last met, and Rove’s parents are also doing magical creature protection work in Tanzania and don’t have time to come back.”

Newt paused, and said with some embarrassment, “So, can you take Rove to the game by then?”

“Of the youngsters I know, you are the only one suitable for this. “As he said, Newt put a hard-covered card with the Ministry of Magic magic Department of Magical Games and Sports emblem into Link’s arms, “This is a box ticket for the game, please, Link !”

Holding the good-quality box coupons in his hand, Link ordered nodded without much hesitation.

He is going to watch the Quiddich World Cup himself.

Because there will be an event that will have a very big impact in the game venue, he must stop it all.

Although Rove is basically a burden, there is nothing at worst with him.

And Link agreed so easily, Newt was very moved.

He knows that Link is not interested in Quiddich at all, and he probably won’t have much interest in Quiddich World Cup.

I’m afraid that Link is willing to run this time because of his friendship with himself, right?

Thinking about this, Newt gritted his teeth and said to Link as if he had made up his mind:

“I won’t say any more thanks, Link, this trip. I’ll bring you a gift when I get back, so I’m sure you’re satisfied!”

“Then I’ll thank you in advance for your gift.”

Link said with a smile, he didn’t Caring about the so-called gifts, Newt can give him nothing other than magical creatures.

And he felt that he had enough yo-yo and Arkham, and he couldn’t support it any more.


The ceremony lasted from noon to evening, so when the three of Link arrived home, it was already dark.

After tossing all day, Link now wants to go back to bed and get a good night’s sleep.

In contrast, Emily and Mrs. Foley are very energetic.

The two of them are still in a state of excitement until now, constantly talking about the ceremony just now.

Of course, what needs to be done still needs to be done. Link informed Mrs. Foley about the Quiddich World Cup.

There is no objection to these two people.

Although they are the same as Link, they have no interest in Quiddich.

But as long as you can hang out with Link, it’s an ordinary family trip.

So the topic of Mrs. Foley and Emily naturally shifted to what kind of dress to wear on the day of the game.

This time Link also rarely inserted in and offered his own opinions.

He doesn’t care about the style of the dress and so on, but his dress must not hinder the activity. After all, he knows that he may still have a tough battle to fight on the way to that game.

For this request, although Mrs. Foley felt a little strange, she didn’t ask much, she clicked nodded and agreed.

Only if Link doesn’t like the feeling of being tied up in traditional dresses, this is not a big problem.

After that, Link took a shower with satisfaction, and then returned to his room.

Link must take a bath before going to bed, and also use good-smelling shower gel or soap. This is a habit he brought from previous lives-this not only cleans the body but also makes the body smelly, Link likes Smell the fragrance and go to sleep. Of course, this hobby is a bit more feminine, so Link has never told anyone about it.

In addition, Link recently added a new habit, which is to meditate for at least half an hour before going to bed.

The reason is also very simple, meditation helps to increase the quality of sleep, so that you can go straight to dawn without a dream.

At the same time, Link also discovered the extra effect of that special Meditation Method-to increase the experience of the Legilimens spell!

For now, special meditation has even replaced the repetitive release, and it has become the main method for Link to obtain the Legilimens spell EXP.

But today Link didn’t go to bed as usual, instead, he sat at the desk in his pajamas and began to write letters to Old Kled.

In more detail, I was actually asking Kled to help him kill someone.

Kill Pettigrew Peter!

This matter cannot be delayed and must be done as soon as possible.

Because Pettigrew Peter will be transferred to Azkaban by the Auror after tonight.

Although the Forli family is powerful, Link did not swell to the point where he thought he could send someone infiltrate Azkaban to kill.

The only chance for now is to attack and kill Pettigrew Peter on the way!

The speaking of which success rate is actually quite big.

After all, Azkaban is a fully enclosed prison. There is no Floo Network inside. It has also been set up with anti-Disapparation curses and anti-phantom curses (the same kind of anti-curses that can also work against house elf. From this level) Said, Azkaban is indeed the world’s most tightly guarded prison. After all, even Hogwarts does not restrict house elf Disapparation. However, Hogwarts is not unable to do this restriction, but to make it easier for the house elf in the kitchen to work that’s all.), think To send people in, the only way to go through the Floo Network is to reach the wizard stronghold near Azkaban, and then transfer to the flight carriage.

As long as Pettigrew Peter dies, the progress of the subsequent Voldemort’s resurrection will be seriously delayed, thus gaining a lot of development time for Link.

Of course, all this depends on the performance of Old Klie.

If it can be done, then very good!

Looking at the silhouette of the letter owl going away, Link sincerely looked forward to it.

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