A few days later, news of Sirius Black’s acquittal appeared on the Daily Prophet.

Perhaps Fudge’s powerful relationship. The Daily Prophet of that issue almost became a column. After all the numerous details in the Sirius case were revised and revised, they were told to all the wizards in the whole country.

This has greatly increased Fudge’s reputation.

After all, such melons are really delicious in a world where there is little entertainment in Wizarding World.

And this incident itself also made the public see that Ministry of Magic has hope for the better under the leadership of Fudge.

In general, Fudge’s next re-election should be stable, if nothing happens.

In addition to him, Link’s reputation has also grown greatly.

Because the Daily Prophet immediately wrote a special column for Link.

Praised the role of Link in the Sirius incident and announced the news that Link has officially become the youngest Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin recipient ever.

It is foreseeable that Link will face a large group of fans again after school starts.

After learning this news, Mrs. Foley was even more delighted.

She held the newspaper with a smile and looked at it all morning. Later, she even cut down all the content about Link from the Daily Prophet issue, and mounted a copy on her bed. The head, the other is framed in the honor room of Forli Castle.

Yes, you heard that right, the Foley family also has an honor room.

It is full of various honors that the ancestors of the Forli family have won, although most of them are similar to the wonderful honors of the International Gobstone Grand Prix runner-up.

These wonderful honors are naturally incomparable with Link’s Order of Merlin Second Class Order of Merlin.

At least, Mrs. Foley, who is currently the only race leader of the Foley family, thinks so.

So she made her own way and directly placed Link’s newspaper and photos in the most conspicuous position.

For this decision, not only Link and Emily are indifferent, even the magic portrait that is said to be the first patriarch of the Foley family feels very appropriate.

Even when Mrs. Foley directed the placement of the small buttons, he was still there and Abba Abba cheered, applauding that the Foley Family Hall of Honor finally had some serious honor.

In fact, apart from those wonderful trophies, there are still serious things in the honor room.

For example, the large family tree drawn on the wall.

The whole is in the shape of an inverted tree. The densely packed branches are scattered. The node of each branch is written with a string of names, and the bottom is Link.

It’s just that all the content about Link father was artificially burned.

Link stroked the scorched trace, pretending to be nonchalant and asked:

“What kind of person is my father?”

“He is a Irresponsible bastard!”

Ms. Foley did not even think and made the above conclusion.

The expression of hearing this Link is a bit complicated.

People have many comments on his cheap father.

Sirius · Black thinks he is a frenzied evil dark wizard.

Dumbledore said he was a great and kind person.

And now Mrs. Foley says he is an irresponsible person.

This made Link even more curious about this Mr. Foley.

It’s a pity that everything about this man in this family has been burned like the genealogy in front of Link.

At the same time, Mrs. Foley realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She held Emily’s hand and thought about it for a while, then changed the subject:

“I have asked the relevant staff about the Quiddich World Cup. This year’s About 100,000 people from all over the world will come to watch the Quiddich World Cup finals. The people of Ministry of Magic set up the venue for the game in an unknown wilderness. They also set up hundreds of portkeys for use. Or Disapparation directly arrives at the teleportation point outside the arena.

Apart from this, in order to stagger the flow of people and not be discovered by those muggles, they also strictly limit the arrival time of all spectators. Among them, only the poor who bought cheap tickets The worms need to arrive two months in advance, and then live in the wilderness outside the stadium until the opening of the game.”

Sighed here, Mrs. Foley seems to feel pity for the experience of ordinary ticket audiences. “Fortunately, the ticket Mr. Scamander gave you is the highest. We are not limited by these time limits. We can go whenever we want.

But considering the fun of this trip, I still Decided to be there a day earlier. Then we can set up a tent and enjoy the camping experience. What do you think?”

As soon as Mrs. Foley said this, Emily’s face suddenly blushed. .

In the wilderness, a male and a female together alone, camping…

Although she knows very well that nothing happens with Mrs. Foley.

But she was a little shy instinctively. She lowered her head and didn’t even dare to look at Link and Mrs. Foley.

As for Link, he naturally wouldn’t refuse this kind of thing, and he agreed with nodded.

He is not in a particularly good mood at the moment. There are reasons why Mrs. Foley is reluctant to tell him what happened to Mr. Foley, but it is more because of a letter sent by Old Kled this morning.

The letter clearly stated that he had hired a group of desperadoes who had overturned the town, let them lie in ambush around Azkaban and rob and kill Pettigrew Peter.

It’s just that so many days have passed, but the Ministry of Magic has no intention of transferring Pettigrew Peter to Azkaban.

It is said that it is because Fudge still needs to torture from Pettigrew Peter to find out more information about the internal members of Death Eater, in order to reproduce a wave of the previous overthrow of the Sirius Black case in order to gain a reputation. operating.

Link doesn’t know who gave Fudge this bad idea.

But Link smelled a hint of conspiracy.

At this time, Mrs. Foley and Emily had left the honor room together, and ran into the room to discuss the details of camping.

And Link is sighed, and said to the magic portrait of the first patriarch of the Nafli family:

“I really hope that the lucky Goddess can take care of me once and make things worse than me. I guess it’s worse.”

After talking about Link, he turned his head and left.

Because after a long period of time, that magic portrait has completely become a mentally handicapped person, and can only say something unclear at Na Ababa every day.

He was just feeling ordinary. He didn’t expect the other party to reply to himself.

However, he just turned his head, the old man’s eyes on the portrait suddenly became clearer, and he said to Link’s back:

“Don’t pin your hopes on this illusory What will happen in the future depends only on how you do it now. My child, don’t worry about all the miscellaneous things, let go and do it, the glory of the Forli family will focus on you!”

hearing this Link suddenly turned around and looked at the portrait in surprise.

It’s a pity that now the old man’s pupils have been dilated, and he has become the original foolish appearance.

“Is the Old Ancestor appearing? The glory of the Forli family, this thing actually fell on me, this is really…”

Link some didn’t know whether to Talking cry or laugh.

He doesn’t know how to evaluate the ancestors of the Forli family anymore.

Know that he is a fake Foley!

But there is one thing Link felt that the old man was right.

Now he really shouldn’t feel ill at ease. Magic and power are the truths for constructing this World.

Regardless of any conspiracy in the Pettigrew·Peter incident, Voldemort is still weak in general.

Then you just go over here soon?

Thinking about this, Link slightly smiled, moved towards the magic portrait and bowed:

“Thank you for your teaching, I understand.”

In portrait Seeing this, the old man smiled and started to laugh again.

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