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The so-called professional Quiddich’s top event really looks like that.

Dozens of people ride Broomstick Mobiliarbus in the sky, the only point of view is that the flight technology of these people is really good, and the thrilling of various stunt movements is also stimulated.

Anyway, LINK has always been showing this juggling flight show.

The probably the game is still understanding after LINK.

The Krum of Bulgaria This small National Team is indeed a very excellent Seeker.

The normal game has always been full of the Irish Seeker and several other interceptors as a small dog.

The level of other Bulgarian teams is not good.

has been hit by the Irish team, score all the way to 130: 10, and then even Have No Desire To Improve has intentional fouls.

This is not possible, and the score is nestled, the waste is ultimate.

Link is also seen, the Bulgarian team can play a person in the army to rely on Krum, and others are all water.

but stronger people also have limit.

Although Golden Snitch finally was caught in his hand by Krum, the Irealan finally crushed the Bulgarian team in the event of huge score, and won the victory.

This result is out, and the stadium is also blown again.

The fans of the Irish team cheered under the leadership of the Irish Demon, the Bulgarian team’s fans were partially turned, and the other is to follow the Veela cheerleado and the Irish team fans.


is also a similar scene.

John’s finish squatted on the railing, excited, shouting, hate, now jump now to celebrate the TEAM MEMBER of the Go with Irish team.

Luov is crying to throw a clean, only a Krum alone – he thinks that only Krum in the Bulgarian team is a good game.

There are many people who have this idea in the scene, and even many of the Irish Death Powder feels that Krum is defeated.

Link They naturally do not invest too much attention to this matter.

I have been exhausted by Rov, they left the box.

Toped on the Carpet, which stepped on the Red Purple Carpet, and LINK can clearly see the Brightly Lit around the entire field.

is a fans who have a wine bottle tooker everywhere, they drink all the way, sing, noisy.

“looks like they are ready to make a lot.”

Ferri Lady gazing this all, founcing.

“We hurry back, don’t make this lively.”

Link said his own proposal, soon he got everyone agreed.

It will definitely become a group here, after all, drinking wine, fighting, is a routine operation of this group, is never getting this kind of thing, especially the girl.

, Entire Group returns to Freak home through special channels.

is the most cleaned and safe place. Those excited alcohols will not open the superflucence, which is only a high-end pure bloodless nobles.

Otherwise, don’t say that the law will sanctions them, the revenge of the pure blood Great Family itself will make them die.

and a happy momentum, Link and the Others also gathered a relatively small celebration in the tent, and drank some small wine.

Such a set of processes, playing all day, early and exhausted everyone will sleep early.

and LINK give yourself a bottle of energy Potion and a magic Potion, sneak out the tent.

He has not forgotten the main purpose of this.

It’s a good opportunity to kill people around the whole stadium.

Link looked at the head of the head and the lack of dimless moon, smiled and woven a blurred residual shadow, galloping towards the small forest under the hillside.

He was sparkling in House Elf and the Barty Jr. Crouch’s body was sprinkled.

This material that is often used to make an agar can continuously release a very special Magic Power fluctuation.

It is natural to see this fluctuation naturally.

But in front of the high speaking of Link, this fluctuation is as obvious as the solar light in the night.

Not long for this fluctuation in the forest, LINK found one of the prostitutes of this time – sparkling.

is the same as the Original Work.

At this time, Barty Jr. · Crouch is still wearing stealth Cloak, in a stealth state.

Sparkling is dead and grabs him, and there is still what is in WHISPERING persuasion, it looks anxious.

Due to distance issues, Link does not understand their conversation.

but Link guess can also guess.

is Barty Jr. · Crouch doesn’t want to go, and the shin is not to take him That’s ALL.

This is also one of the disadvantages of HOUSE ELF.

They are really too loyal!

I am afraid that the owner will call them to die, they will also use the suicide of the Slightest Hesitation!

But if the two owners have contradict them to each other, then they will numb.

is now such a situation.

Old Barty · Crouch gives the sparkling command after reading the game, immediately disaparation with Barty Jr. Go back, the sky is seamless, no one will find it.

But Barty Jr. Now, he doesn’t want to go back.

, it is not easy to use, but it can only be in the Congrat of Barty Jr..

At the location of the sparkle, this is indeed a very difficult entanglement.

but this is just gave the Link opportunity.

LINK raises Wand, directly driven the power of the WITHIN THE BODY.

An invisible energy ball appears on his TIP instantly and sprayed out.

The distant Barty Jr. and the sparkling Not at all realizes the risk of danger, there is still there.

but next moment, their movements stopped.

Because the invisible energy ball has arrived in front of the shiny body.

After a sudden stopped a moment, it makes a lot of transparent curse spines, fierce blow!

哆 …

In the intensive collision sound, the woods are flies, and the surrounding trees are directly torn into pieces, the first shiny sparkle is even smashed, and it is a hole.

The whole forest is a wolf!

Only Barty Jr. Just standing, it is intact.

Link’s face is a bit ugly.

Just now, he saw the intensive curse split in the moment of Barty Jr., fell into a powder, did not cause any injury to Barty Jr..

Obviously, Old Barty · Crouch gives him the son of this stealth CloAk not only stealth, but also strong Defensive Ability.

This kind of high-quality goods are a priceless treasure, and I didn’t expect Old Barty to settle in his unmembered!

bite the teeth, LINK raises the Wand again.

He has not had to hide the idea of ​​Silhouette, and start to read the magic curse, seek to maximize enhancement of Markical Formidable Power.

Only this is the probability to break the layer of stealth!


The huge intangible front blade suddenly appears, carrying a broken wind to Barty Jr., the trees along the way are fragile in front of them, with no differencey is divided into two halves.

Barty Jr in stealth is stunned.

He is not such a general manager, he is graduated from Hogwarts with a good OWLS score above 12 doors.

This means that his Innate Talent and IQ are extremely high, so that the HeadMaster at the time awarded the right to use its time torsion.

After graduation, he also joined Death Eater, learned a lot of Dark Magic from Voldemort, which is a Cunning and Powerful opponent.

If he got the Wand, Link is really not necessarily his opponent.

On the occasion of the crisis, Barty Jr. has not hesitated half a point, directly put the broken sparkles behind, then turn it away.

Looking at this scene, LINK is slightly stunned. He doesn’t think Barty Jr. Want to take a flash together, and the other party has only one probability, that is, want to take a shock to block the arrow.

‘is really a bathered egg! ‘

Link is spit in your heart, but ruthless, the thought is turned into the direction of the invisible front edge, which is behind Barty Jr. The flash shield like a back shield.

At the same time, the yo and automatically fall off from the neck neck of the LINK, and the phantom is a group of phantom to kill to Barty Jr..

LINK does not believe in Barty Jr. stealth Cloak can also hold the teeth of the magic wing!


The blood is broken, and the LINK is a horror.

Because he found that the sparkling is still dead, but also using his own MAGIC POWER to help Barty Jr. A attack on the invisible front blade and yo.

House Elf and the later Magic Power are indeed strong enough.

Take her blessings, Barty Jr. I have no injury, and I have a few deep mouths that have a few deep mouths.

This is a bit outline.

People take you when you are a mat, you still will give people a blanket.

Link never wants to hate House Elf’s loyalty!

Took a Deep Breath, LINK is reinited, and the magic of the hand is like a rainpoint.

He believes that it is too long.

The fact is true, under LINK, under the slide-like attack, the sparkling eventually became a broken meat.

barty jr. itself also screams in the bite of the yo, gradually showing the body.

Even so, he is still trying to climb the camping point outside the forest.

Because he is very clear, now only the place to flee more people can seek a life.

Unfortunately, LINK does not want to give him this opportunity.


Link is on the back of Barty Jr., directly stepped out of the black blood.

followed by LINK, slightly waving Wand, and heads to Barty Jr. neck.

is in this At the crucial moment, the forest is green!

Digital Green Glow Carrying the invisible breath of the invisible breath, two of which hit the endless blade of Link, and the rest is to go to the Moved Towards Link.

Under the urgency, LINK is also too late to construct the protection of iron armor. Directly use the curse to replace its MAGIC POWER, using the spells of the spell, make the big group curse to blow up, formed A shielded protective layer.


Green Glow and the frying curse collide with each other, causing a larger explosion.

Link groaned was blown out, and the waist side was more a sharp blood port.

This is hurt by the curse explosion, as long as the Sectumsempra’s anti-curse can cure.

But the LINK at this moment has this effort. He lifted his hand and didn’t look at the direction of the demonstration of the mantra. At the same time, he was a Donkey Roll got up and prepared.

and at the same time, several dark Silhouette has landed around the hurt Barty Jr, and picking up him is a disapage!

accompanied by a batch of fried sound.

Barty Jr. is gone.


Link of Link is coming out, picking up the on-one black shadow people under the Wand Moved Towards, and shooting several stupefy!

This guy also wanted to transfer from disaparation, but unfortunately wrapped around.

His strength is indeed strong enough, and the face of the yo is not falling in the wind, and you will play, I’m still stissible.

and the sudden attack of Link, it breaks this balance in an instant!

嘎 嘎 ~

As a series of skeleton’s Skeleton, the Black Silhouette is actually distorted by Body Skeleton, which is hard to escape the link attack with an extremely strange posture.

followed, he maintains this distorted posture, and the Black fierce, the whole person can’t gain the Moved Towards Forest.

Link and yo hurrystrap, the two sides are not far from the forest, this chasing between the other will arrive at the edge of the forest.

Link has even seen a guy who has held Torch to come here, it is like a chasing.

Two people are approaching, LINK is seeing, and they chase a little girl who has a spring haircut for Silver White hair.

The little girl crying, does not look at the road, and then slammed.

The crowd behind her is a smile, and sometimes a few magic spells like a little girl in the foot of the little girl, so that the little girl is crying more.

Link is not available to these people.

The fashionable speed of the black shadow is fast, but after successive, it is already chasing him.

This black shadow is clear.

He turned his head with red eyes glanced, it seems to be laughing, then put the Wand on his own temple.

‘is not good! He wants to commit suicide! ‘

Link Expression Congeals, Barty Jr. is robined, this is a plot in the Original Work. Link just uses the Stupefy curse to attack a living port.

Now that the other party is obviously the dead, immediately urged a cursed power, let them go up, while singing, I understand the meaning of Link, holding a wand hand towards the black shadow Pull up.

But the time of the Black Silhouette is really very good.

Link just has a move, he has a slap in his side and let a body.

The crying little girl is gone by him, and then goes to Link.

See that the little girl is going to swallow up by the curse right away, and the Link instincts go back Magic Power.

, I took this effort, but the black shadow was laughing and laughed. TIP flashed, the whole person fell into a fragment in a sparkling Green Glow!

The Green Glow still does not give up after destroying the spell, rushing up, straight into the cloud, this is completely blown.


The sky has a series of sullen sounds.

Link Subconsciously looks up, see the dark night sky, countless Dark Green’s star dust is slowly set up a picture.

It is a huge Skull, a python is spitting a letter from his mouth, and the living image is a tongue.

“Black Devil!”

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