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“Black Devil!”

Looking at the stereo 骷髅 pattern slowly rising, just like a new constellation floating in the night sky, Link muttered.

At this time, at this time, a small Silhouette slammed into his arms.

Only listening to ‘嘤’, the Silhouette is played back and falls on the ground, and the Link himself retreats two steps.

Looking down, LINK found that he hit him is the silver-sent Little Girl.

This child has been extremely handsome, and the face is still a teardrop, a good weeping beauty picture.

It is really frightening, no matter whether it hits LINK, it is now sitting on the ground looking up LINK.

Drinking a vhable Potion’s LINK, the whole person seems to be modeled, only that pair of eye beads flashes green in the dark.

This is shocked by Child, and Wa’ed is even more loud.

Link is now going to take her.

The guys who were originally chasing the little girl were also smashed by the black magic imprint, but after the born stared at the imprint, they cheered a while, changed. More excited, laughing and starting to surrounded by LINK.

Some arrogant even there is already there to make LINK you are preparing to be dead.

Terring them approaching, LINK discovered that their faces have a macade that is like.

death eater? ‘

Link will soon make such a judgment.

The main party feather of Voldemort and Death Eater is indeed dead, prisoners of prisoners.

But this does not mean that people who believe in Voldemort are gone.

In fact, many New Student generation’s pure Descendant Wizard has the tendency to worship Voldemort and imitating Death Eater, because they think that Voldemort is very enemible with their own interests.

In addition, many Death Eater, such as Malfoy, escapped the punishment by contributing the property, and reforms.

So Link is not unexpected to appear here, and they specify also to watch the game, drink high and then expose it.

Link is originally seen in the behavior of the Little Girl, now seeing they actually hit the idea, where can I bear it?

Immediately, not waiting for those ‘Death Eater’ truly formed a ring, LINK smiled and waved Wand.

The curse that is originally used to block the black shadow, and then the curse withdrawn by the LINK is then re-found, like the huge wave Moved Towards enemy takes away.


The curse has a corrosive corrosion of Powerful, even if link not at all uses SectumSempra, it has chosen a smashing of a brain, but these MOBs are obviously not an opponent.

is just a photo, all ‘Death Eater’ is blurred by the strong curse to the ‘scruttling’, squatting on the ground, wanting to get angry, or raising his hand, but being dead Dead, Press Unable to Move Even A Little Bit, can only use a scarful tragic to vent the ultimate pain on the body.

At the same time, the yo-yo, who has been rotating in the forest, has been excited, and the crowd has been killed.

Link has not given it a whole day, and now it is hungry.

Although these ‘Death Eater’ is a bit stupid, it is estimated that the quality of the cerebrospinal paste is not too good, but at most, it is also a human brain. Some eat is good.

The anti-magic layer on its body makes it completely ignored the invasion of the Curse, and there are several trends, the screams in the small forest disappeared.

The few ‘Death Eater’ faces that have been killed by it, it is obviously smile, it is obvious that they are very sensible to slip down to help them free.

After the “P> 5 Points clock, the scutes between small forests completely disappeared, and the yoked returned to the shoulders of Link. He also hit a full of stunning with LINK. I knocked a few times.

Little Brat eats something, don’t know how to brush your teeth, really!

After the problem of brushing your teeth, Link remembers the silver girl.

The other side of the crying voice is stopped when Link is crackled with ‘Death Eater’.

Link estimates that she should be frightened or fainted.

After all, it is just a small child, where is the brutal picture.

Even if it is the adults such as LINK, there is a sickness in the case of OCCLUMENCY.

I think so, LINK is ready to pick up this Little Girl, and let go to the outside to hand it over to Ministry of Magic, I will give them to them.

just let Link I haven’t thought about it, he just turned, just gave a pair of shiny big eyes.

Little Girl is not only afraid, but also very happy and excited!

Seeing Link to see her, she quickly climbed up from the ground, there were some displaced Patted skirts on the dirt and deciduous, and then stepped forward, hug the legs of the LINK, crispy life:

“Big Brother! You are very powerful! Are you special to save my phantom Knight?”

“Are you not afraid?”

Link is somewhat, instinct, asked the doubts in his heart.

and hearing this silver hair, the bright sparkling big eyes flashed two times, 歪 头:

“Not afraid, they are all bad people, they are dead!”

Link instinct Deep Suck in a Cold Breath of AIR.

Seeing the crutiful scene, there is no discomfort, either a psychological problem, or it is used, both represent Little Girl NOT Simple.

Link is not an old good person, you don’t want to communicate more with Little Girl, so you can retrore it.

He, just as long as he sent Little Girl to the outside, it is good to do it.

I think so, LINK shakes the legs to smash the little girl, and shouted to him, and then turned to the small forest.

However, LINK does not want to take care of each other, but Little Girl does not think so.

She rushed two steps, grabbed the LINK clothing, and kept reading while walking:

“Big Brother, you are definitely my phantom knight! My grandmother said, every beautiful lady will have their own phantom Knight. They will be responsible for the lady to block every danger! I just prayed in the phantom knight. Come out to save me, then you will appear! You still say that you are not … “

Listening to Little Girl Chirp Twitter Twitter’s voice, Link’s face is somewhat black.

He now understand why this Little Girl is why the head, closed his eyes, just rushed forward, feelings are praying.

As for the phantom Knight and So on, Link is not placed.

This is estimated to be the Wizard version of the white horse prince story, the old lady specifically used to sleep at Little Girl.

and that little girl saw Link still did not care about himself, and the eyes were turned, and the words changed:

“Big Brother, you are not a phantom knight, who are you? Are you a few years old? What is the name? How many people are there? You …”

Link is a bit painful.

The black film is because he has to save this little girl, but although this kind of thing is really resentful, but this does not prevent the mood of LINK to become extremely bad.

plus the Little Girl, Link didn’t endure, directly replied:

“I am your father! Ok! Fast closed, otherwise I will put you on the tree!”

Link originally thought that it was scared to make Little Girl a little converge, but he was as low as he lowered.

Hearing this silver Little Girl does not converge, but more joyful, the bouncing is shouting with a father behind Link, happy!

This makes the Link for a while, and the entanglement on the face does not cover the magic Potion.

looks at this scene, Little Girl hidden in the shadow is Crafty smile, and then it is even more diligent.

Two people have walked out of the forest, and Link is relieved.

Because the family of Little Girl is looking for in the forest entrance, one of the silver hair girls who belong to Little Girl is dumb.

The Little Girl doesn’t matter whether LINK is, directly put into the arms, the tears that have been stopped have also been retired from the eyes, crying.

Linked is a point of Nodded.

he said!

How can Little Girl is not afraid of the cruel scene.

It is estimated that the silver-sent Little Girl is not afraid, but it is just in the strong installation.

Let’s go all the way.

I want to pass this, and LINK has not been going to work with the Fang Family people, and the mAGIC Power disappeared in the night.

“Elder Sister! Gabrielle is so scared!”

The little girl on the other side has finally bought the first sentence to her Elder Sister after crying for a while.

and hearing this, the big silver Loli immediately cried.

She can’t do this for this Younger Sister, what is the baby, what to give, I think that I just accidentally accidentally occur, she is afraid of the body.

This is good, the large Loli cry is more powerful than the Gabrielle, this suddenly gives Gabrielle to a little.

but Gabrielle is still kind, see Elder Sister is so sad, you will not cry, but in turn touch Elder Sister’s hair Comforted:

“Nothing, hey, is this not going back? Yeah! I almost forgot!”

said half, Gabrielle is thinking about what is exclamation, “I was saved by a big brother, he must be my phantom knight! That is like letting me call him Father, this habit is not very good, But it doesn’t matter, it will be changed in the future! Elder Sister I will take you! “

In Gabri’s life, the large LOLI is full of doubt that is brought to the forest side.

However, there is a slettete!


The LINK at this time has already rushed into the camp.

He came over to see CEDRIC and John, where they live, can be safe.

The result is still good, MR. Diggory is a smart person, riots At first, he has already pulled CEDRIC and John them to escape into the small house of the Quiddich World Cup, there is a lot of staff members, Quite safe.

confirmed that CEDRIC is safe, and Link still doesn’t want to leave.

At this time, he is standing in the center of the camp, looking at it in a nor far away.

On the air, there is a few pile of bonfires. The bonfire is a big group of Pickheads, and the face is also with the wizard of the mask. They cheered and walked around the bonfire, one side Going back and dancing, the dance is ugly and weird, and when you come, you will put a few magic curse, and Link even recognizes the lamise!

and in their head, but floating four Silhouette.

These Silhouette seems to be the pocal puppet in the hands of the Wand in the Wand, as the DO AS One Pleases is made into a variety of distorted deformation, by the dangers of the Wand, and a variety of twisted deformation.

is strange, even if it is caught in an anti-joint, LINK has not heard any scream.

Explanation is only one.

The four people have already died, and those who ‘Death Eater’ are still refused to let their bodies.

Looking at this cruel scene, Link’s breath is gradually rushing, that is also gradually red, and there is a flame burning in the chest.

His indRemely angry!

Because there are people who know him in that four people!

Roberts, that poor Muggle camp administrator.

At this time, his head has been twisted 180 degrees. The face of the beard is very painful, but the mouth is pulled up by the ‘Death Eater’, forming a weird smile.

and on the side of him, the other three have the same twisted body.

a fat woman, a girl in a flower dress and a boy in a golden hair.

I learned that Roberts said in this morning, Link suddenly understood.

The Death Eater, who death Eater hate Muggle, is definitely to kill Roberts!

LINK expression, almost substantized malicious is gradually diffused in his body.

Deep in One’s Heart’s anger has also been cultivated as a face, constantly roaring in the LINK ear, let him go to kill everyone!

LINK is still trying to resist, but this resistance is talked from the DEATH Eater once again throwing the border of Roberts like a ball like a ball.

to the end, LINK is finally decided to follow the sound of our Deep in One’s Heart!

Darkness, he grinned, revealing a Bai Yessen’s teeth, Moved Towards also hangs the slippery road that he refused to go back, “Can you eat something?”


Yeako launched the meat wing, staring at the people of the distance Be eager to have. Try, indicating that you can also eat a lot.

It is originally a creature that can quickly digest food to maintain a long sleeping creature, and the previous foods still fill the stomach.

Seeing LINK laughing happily.

He touched his head, and a man and a beast had touched the crowd of Taking Advantage Of The Night.


The bonfire on the air is the first to go out.

The dark instantly envelopes the whole air.

The death eater, which is being celebrated, has not reacted for a while, and a series of screams rang from the surrounding dark sound!

Tonight, they will sleep here!

The group of ‘Death Eater’ Since the young child is refused to let go, then it will inevitably be prepared to be subject to the same treatment.

kill them, there is no psychological burden on LINK.

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