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After 20 minutes, the extinguished bonfire has been lying in the crowd of more than 20 energetic bodies, from the black blood flowing out from their body infected a large piece of ground, leading to the step on smooth and greasy .

The moon doesn’t seem to see this miserable, I don’t know when to hide it into the cloud, I buried all this all over the dark.

Link bathing is dark, just in the middle of a bunch of corpses, the mouth involunTarily brings up a boss, revealing Bai Yessen’s teeth, the eyes are all blood, the muscles on the face are more distorted, From time to time, the twitching, looks cruel and horrible.

“hu ~ hu ~”

In the silent air, the sound of the LINK big mouth whenever is particularly obvious.

This is not that he just is busy, causing a lot of money, but the air is filling with a strong blood-reeping qi. Link feels that this smell is so good, can’t help but try to suck two.

In fact, killing that twenty DEATH EATER did not cost Link’s strength.

Wizard’s flesh, under Sneak Attack Using the weak to defeat the strong, you are very common, don’t mention this group of stupid guys drink a lot of drinks, leading to the mind Qing, the prevention is greatly weakened.

LINK, such as Sectumsempra, Phantom Potion, the ability to murder, the ability to kill the side, those Death Eater is lying in the corpse after being hit by the force of the LINK, and the sectumsempra curse is directly lying in the dead. There is a slippery knife, and these people will die without consuming ten minutes.

For link, the truly trouble is that he found that he is now going to be out of control.

Of course, this out-of-control is not caused by Mac, and Mike is also closed.

This time I want to push Link to the cliff is the special blodline of his WITHIN THE BODY.

The other party does not capture the control of the LINK body, but slowly hit the emotions of LINK, let Link have the same decision to make it in full awake.

is hard to describe it, it is like a kind older, tireless, Earnest and welcome-meant advised in your ears, many this human world’s style, the expectation you can listen to the old man, good It is more stable on life road.

The only problem is that the big roads it have come is odd!

The death eater in the woods should not be dead, and he will only abolish them in the previous LINK.

This is not a good heart of LINK, but it is too cheap if it is killing.

can be link or kill!

Link will not shameless to say this is completely with the special blodline of WITHIN THE BODY to confuse him, because he is very clear, he wants to kill the DEATH Eater.

But it is undeniable that special Bloodline also has played a role.

This effect has reached a small peak after LINK, and later reached a small peak, and later because the silver girl’s chattering and the Lin Powerful Occlumency were pressed down.

It is also necessary to come here.

he met the tragic things in the way to explore the comfort of Cedric and the Others!

This kill is again, it can be so easy to press it.

is like now, LINK is clearly killing those Death Eater, but the anger in your heart has never dissipated, but transforming into a strange feel.

Killing is so cool! I really want to continue to kill! The blood-reeping qi around him is good, sweet, the mouth is also a bit dry. If you can drink some blood, you can tell you thirst?

Link in the dark can’t help but lick your tongue, then fly SHOOK the head, with Bubble-Head Charm set a transparent cover on his head.

He also closed his blood red eyes.

Don’t close your eyes!

Wait for a while, there is already a lot of people who have come to see the lively from the camp. Although they don’t dare to come, they don’t want to disappear.

If you look back, LINK is really afraid that you can’t help but kill.

This desire is quite torment, and in the suffocation, LINK has been in the Heart of the dog, the doctor, the doctor, did not have a few times.

does not say that it has been suppressed with Potion bloodline, will you affect him for many years?

How did this only two months?

looks like the doctor of Kane is definitely a mediocrity of the money!

But seeing the singer of the big enemy, the other party must be a little ability, and it is less likely to lie to himself.

then that he just said that he is a special bloodline is just a wish, the truth is that his LINK is a platform that likes to kill people?

Link quickly shakes his head, he absolutely does not admit that he has the tendency this area!

If there is really something, the past generation has long been caught by the government, nor is it to cross it here.

Perhaps it is worse than the chaos to transfer the relationship. LINK suddenly felt that he didn’t want to kill, and the taste of the sweetjinjin was also a lot of taste.

Basic Giving Medicine to a dead Horse, try the plan, Link runs the special Meditation Method taught by Dr. Cairns.

Star-point Black Costs also began to go downstream in the LINK survey, and gradually form a weird pattern, like what is still suppressed.

and Black is the color of the Potion Dr. Kane Dr. Link.

gradually, the breathing of Link has become stable, and the expression on the face is also slowed down.


After an hour after the camp riots, the Aurors of Ministry of Magic finally arrived at the scene.

They have stopped immediately.

The wine of those residual Death Eater was scared, they threw away the masks and hoods, and put a beautiful appearance of a large piece of good people in the camp.

Even the most capable Auror has not taken all the DEATH EATERs from the full 100,000 viewers.

, in the adhered, the mentality they have grown after the Death Eater, which arrested a large number of PUT UP A Desperate Struggle, put the focus on the appeaser and the ruins.

However, when they cleaned up the empty space of the venue, everyone had already put down the hearts.

I saw that the empty space of the empty body was disabled, and in the center of the corpses, it was a bloody boy who was full of blood stains and appearance.

The boy is close to his eyes and puts a weird posture and seems to meditate.

A margin width magic lazily is in his shoulder, it seems to have a lot of not to move.

Old Barty Crouch, which is temporarily brought, is coming.

He has never seen such an arrogant criminal in Ministry of Magic, and kills people don’t run, but also stay here to provoke ministry of magic. When you ordered it, let Auror make this 桀骜 桀骜The apprentice first gave it again.


An anxious voice allows Old Barty’s actions. Paused, then seeing a large group of people such as Harry Trio and Cedric and John suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

“LINK is what is counted! He killed the bad guy, you can’t catch him!”

Harry roaring while running.

He and Ron Hermione have just said that the whole process of seeing LINK, the reason why IMMEDITELY after LINK has not put LINK to help out because link is too scared, directly put them directly Scared.

Now someone is going to catch Link this to react.

They don’t think Linked has any problems, those guys who bring the mask do what they have done in Roberts.

Link is more extensive, but this is also reasonable.

Harry This scorpion came out, everyone behind him also attached.

Old Barty looks worse, with Harry argued.

and in this noisy, LINK has slowly opened his eyes.

Yo Yo’s cheering, a passion, PENDANT, and hangs in the neck of Link, Link touched its tail and walked in the past.

His mood is still good, because the fact that Kane doctor is innocent, the Potion does play a seal role, with the special Meditation Method, Link is easy to give the body’s negative state eliminated.

LINK estimates that this risk scholast has not been completely Cairns, causing incomplete sealing, slightly some special bloodline affecting the influence of leakage, the main reason is still too much because of the things of Death Eater Frankness.

After he hit, the emotions appeared extremely great fluctuations, which in itself had a strong impulse to kill each other.

If you don’t want it, you can use the WITHINTY Potion seal, the so-called special bloodline does not affect him.

On the other side, work hard to maintain orderless Old Barty and Aurors see LINK to come to them, and instantly.

After all, after I saw the body on the air, they have first entered the LINK as a ferocious Dark Wizard.

but cedric they don’t think so.

They have brought to LINK almost no longer, and Harry, who has previously had some gaps, and there is no exception.

A large group of people who are concerned around Link Chirp Twitter Twitter, careful Cedric uses scourgify to clean the blood on LINK.

is just the eyes of LINK, but always locked in the old barty.

He has almost understand what happened.

looks of Looked Towards Old Barty is also particularly difficult.

stinchcombe · Crouch This Old Guy is the Head of the Department of The Department of The Department of Magic in the Voldemort, and there are many of the DEATH EATERs that are dead on the air, and there are many of the DEATH EAT, which was originally bribed. Escape Alive.

The image of Old Barty in the LINK heart is harder than Death Eater!

Because those Death Eater are released, they will not be such a slaughter to become a Buddha. This is to say that Old Barty has indirectly caused countless prpairs similar to the Roberts today!

Even more how he wants to kill today, it is rescued by a group of mysterious black shadows.

and he can think of the only person who wants to save the Barty Jr. only Old Barty!

“Mr. Crouch, your great official!” Link stared at the eyes of Old Barty, “But you have a Director of the International Magic Exchange Cooperation Department, should it be to command the AUROR troops?”

link paused, and then deliberately made a good expression, “Oh! I think it! You used to be Head of the department of magical law enforcement, hand eye Heavenspan, and a few team leaders in the AUROR office The relationship is good. Although it is now, it is not a big problem with a few people who have borrowed a private life. “

“You fart!”

Old Barty is not light, and it is broken.

He wants to directly order Link first, but the surrounding people have become suspicious because of the last sentence of Link ‘LOOKED TOWARDS, his Expressions All has become suspicious, and he only has to force the explanation:

“You also said that I am the Secretary of the International Magic Exchange Cooperation, Quiddich World Cup this international event is the responsible supervision, and these Auror present is also a preparation personnel stationed in the Temporary Office of the Quiddich World Cup. Listen to my command! “

Old Barty explains a lot, LINK is ignored, some arrogant deduction is said:

“I remembered again. Mr. Crouch, you were devoted to the International MAGIC Exchange Cooperation Director because your son is a death death eater? I heard that you I also sent your son to Azkaban? TSK TSK! It’s a tragedy of the world. But it doesn’t matter, you should have you have been to you now? “

Barty Jr. The thing is originally the biggest pain in the heart of Old Barty. Now Link Ruthless gives him a public, Old Barty suddenly shivessed, wrath shouted:

“My son is dead! Dead is Azkaban!”

“Okay, we all understand, the fake, trick, this method, we all know. With your means you want to do this, it is not difficult to do this.”

Link hooks, Cynically Said, “You don’t say anything about the crown, when you first like Malfoy, you don’t know how much, then let your son are not surprising. These years, your son has been being kept at home. Ah! I have! I heard that your son is a quiddich fan. This time I will take your son. “

LINK, the onlookers on the side have already discuss spiritedly.

ministry of magic’s collection of DEATH EATER in this year, everything knows, now everyone knows that this old man is the head of the divartment of magical law enforcement at the time, of course, will be more willing to believe in Link.

Not only is them, even even many people in the Auror look at Old Barty with hatred.

Their Auror is at the beginning of the battle with Death Eater.

For old barty, the guys who have exchanged them with their lives are not a half-touch.

is in this case, Old Barty is not yet been angry before.

just smashed his eyes and was suspected to look at LINK.

Because LINK just said right!

His indeed a way to use a false death to take his son out, and these years have been raising at home.

This time he is indeed a son to see the World Cup.

just … How do this teenager know this? ?

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