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Old Barty is worthy of MINISTRY OF MAGIC top officials, the suspected expression is only rapidly converged in his face, and it becomes a faceless expression, silence. .

This makes Link regret.

He said that some words can be ironic for ironic Old Barty, but also to try to test the reaction of Old Barty, and verify that Old Barty rescued Barty Jr.

This is a ability to derive after the Legilimens curse, a little similar in Muggle World.

Unfortunately, Old Barty is too wily old fox, he did not see what substantive things.

“What are you doing here? Crouch, I will let you come with auror to come here, it is not good!”

When the scene became increasingly out of control with the silence of Old Barty, the FUDGE’s voice suddenly rang out of the crowd.

He is serious with more Auror to enter the crowd, followed by the old Clee, who has been with Foli Mrs, Emily and Link have not seen it for a long time.

Emiti is no matter what other things, directly getting from the big team, anxiously rushing to the side of the LINK, touched it in Link.

Finally, Link is not injured, this is tightly hugging LINK.

Belt, she is still inadvertently squeezed with Hermione, and the Hermione is straight.

and the other side of the Friedrie and the old creek are followed by fudge to the Old Barty.

“Mr. Minister, now say he is good, I am afraid it is too early? Based to know that there is still a lying there …”

“What is the relationship with you?”

Old Barty See fudge, and quickly want to refute.

but not waiting for him to finish, it is broken by fudge.

fudge eyes is cold, the expression is hidden, and it seems that I still want to say some and soless barty said again:

“Don’t forget that you are now just the international MAGIC exchange cooperation division, comforting the control camp riots and So ON is not living! You must do it now is to go to the outside guest to pick up those foreigners! especially the one Bulgaria Ministry of Magic, the guy has already threatened to send a diplomatic affirmation to condemn our public security management in the Quiddich World Cup! Go! “

is less learned by fudge in the public, the face of the old barty is a violet, it is very embarrassing.

If it is not Barty Jr., he is the most promising people who want to become ministry of magic. At that time, the fudge was just a small shrimp with him.

Unfortunately, the wind and rain are turned, and the past, the guys who can only fight in front of him are now the most powerful person of this Wizard country.

biting his teeth, Old Barty finally launched a touch of fists, turned to go to the Moved Towards outside the guest area.

has a little fudge says good, and the appetup foreign guest is what he is doing now.

If the Bulgarian Minister is condemned to the United States, the final responsibility is still to be counted on his head of the Director of the International Magic Exchange Cooperation.

“Today’s thing is not forgetful, Mr. Crouch, Most Recently, don’t go out, if you have some unexpected words, you can’t.”

Old Barty has not yet gone out how far the cold Icy voice came out.

The old grace of her body is also laughing in Gā Gā Gā, the remaining eyes stares at the back of the Old Barty, and there is not a smile in the eyes, some are just cruel and malicious.

Old Barty has been released again, but the pace of the feet is faster.

The thing is now that he naturally knows the identity of LINK.

Today’s thing is just a small thing, it will be here.

But Foli Lady looks like this is so simple to let Old Barty.

To know that Old Barty is also spent on the Fli family when cleaning Death Eater, although it has not been able to succeed, but the Mrs. Foli has suffered a lot of grievances.

This hatred, the knot is very large.

I didn’t mention the excuse, I would definitely launch a retaliation action, and this revenge will be very hot, this will take KnockTurn Alley’s old gram with KnockTurn Alley from Fli Come can see it.

I think so, the expression of Old Barty in the dark is more GLOOMY.

and the other side of the population, the fudge is like the root, I have never heard the Faveri Mrs. The threat is very strong. When it turns into a smile, I said:

“LINK, the administrator I have listened to the camp said that you are really worthy of young, talented people, it’s really beautiful, it’s really beautiful! This! I have already arranged Healer, you will check your body first, the Director of the Auror Office will find some situations, how do you see? “

fudge This is an out, and the surrounding Cedric and Harry and the Others are Relaxed.

Link my face is also revealing a smile.

The level of speaking is high, directly given him the nature of what is done tonight, and it is definitely the operation of Fli Lady.

Link looks at the Fresermat, seeing her slightly Nodded, so I said:

“Then Many Thanks, Fudge Minister.”

“should! Come on, with Mr. Fye, first go to the temporary treatment point.”

With the fudge of the fudge, a few Auror is listed, with Link to a huge White tent in not far from the camp.

The Densly Packed is placed with a single bed, which has been lying in the top of the wounded, and the Healer wearing a white robe is busy with the bed and the bed, busy abnormal.

In Auror’s arrangement, a Fang Fang’s treatment room is very uncomfortable to put down his work, first give Link to check it, and then returns to his position.

I have left the Link and the Auror in a glance:

“Nothing! The damn rich man!”

In the eyes of hateful eyes, the Aurors fled that they left the tent with LINK and went to the temporary command of Auror.

This is the highlight today.

Although fudge meaning is obvious, just wants to let Link take an over.

But the director of the Auror Office Director ScrimGeour is obviously not so thinking.

He not only met Link, but also asked LINK a lot of things on tonight, the words were quite sharp.

To know that the black magic print tonight is reproduced, this will increase the severity of the riots tonight.

Auror does not check everything clearly.

Wanli Link is OcClumency LV5 Expert, and Old Grie has not admired in Link, and accepts trials. You must accompany the guardian to accompany the whole process, completely ignore ScrimGeour’s warning, and when you plug in a two sentence, Interrupt ScrimGeour’s trial atmosphere and rhythm.

With the help of the old grace, the LINK finally barely brought the old lion of ScrimGeour to the past.

Link out of the Auror Temporary Command, the outside of the sky is already bright.

“LINK, you will go back, I still have more important tasks to do. HEHE! Crouch The Old Guy is also the time to pay for him to do this year!”

Old Grie sends LINK to the Fli family’s camp, then laughing with this sentence, smiling and fighting, disappearing in the same place.

Onemptified a large group of Demonic Beast hunters that rely on Magical Creature business, these guys who licked blood on the knife, I want to take the old barty for such a breath ministry of MINISTRY OF Magic Official is not difficult at all.

So the situation on his side does not have to worry, LINK should really worry about it. After going back, how to explain with Fli Lady last night.

Standing in the tent, LINK is suddenly dare to go in.

I can’t fall into the danger, and I will definitely be unfamiliar at this evening.

LINK is not good to tell Friedly Mrs. Zhen’s true reason.

If she is directly smashed, I still say that if I don’t ring there, I will die.

Link is not good at face this situation.

TOOK A Deep Breath, Link ultimately bite the tent.

However, the scenario in the tent let Link suddenly stunned.

I saw the perfect complex of the Tent of Fli Castle Living Room, scattered five women.

Among them, Fli Lady and Emit are sitting on the sofa closest to the Fireplace. They are sitting on their sputum dress, with a huge sapphire Pendant, very strong.

Link swearing this is definitely he has seen the highest and strong woman. The other light is sitting, and it is basically almost high. This type of body is only seen in Hagrid.

and on the side of the female giant, I also sit at One Big and One Small. Two silver girl, both of them are wearing a dark dress with a day blue, the same is beautiful and similar, like sisters.

These five women are sitting together and talking to the sky, looking extreme happiness.

LINK’s arrival interrupted this tea party, and everyone’s eyes were condensed on his body.

The smallest silver hair in it is more eyees shined, jumping directly from the sofa to Link.


I only listen to the silver born YOUNG GIRL brittlely shouted this, and then hugged his hands tightly on the waist of Link.

looks at the end of the height to YOUNG GIRL in his belly, the muscles of the Link eyes are twitched.

he recognized, this is the little girl he saved in the forest last night.

look up again, I really see that Emily and Fried Madam are looking at themselves using a complex look of scum.

“I am not! I am not! You recognize the wrong person!”

Link is trembled, and the horse is serious about Little Girl.

“I didn’t admit mistake, Father! You are phantom Knight, I still remember the taste of you!”

Little Girl immediately dooded his mouth and refuting. After the end of Link, he sniffered two times and affirmed NODDED.

Let’s let Link some Not knowing what to do.

“Don’t make a don’t make Gabrielle, come back! You father is still in France, this is your link big brother.”

The female giant on the sofa has been serious and said, and then the large silver hair on her side, I wanted to continue to say some and so on gabrielle unloaded from the Link waist, hugging the sofa on.


Fresermat also coughed in time, “LINK, this is my friend, Maxime. She is the Headmaster of the French beauxbatons academy of magic.”

The female giant is very elegant from the sofa, Moved Towards Link points NODDED Word:

“I am very happy to see you, small LINK, you Mother often mentioned me.”

“Welcome to Maxime.”

Link Greeted back to the finishing, Friedr Re-INTRODUCED:

“These two are Fleur · delacor and Gabrielle · DELACOUR, this time, Ms. Maxime is coming to see the game.”

LINK only feels that a fragrant wind is coming, the large silver hair Young Girl ran to LINK, huging Link is a left and right venue.

“Thank you for Mr. Fli! Thank you for saving Gabrielle last night. If you are not your words, I really can’t imagine what kind of cruel treatment will be taken! I will be such a Younger Sister! Please forgive Gabrielle’s nonsense, her sex is a little too naughty. “

fleur’s voice is somewhat oxide and hoarse, obviously not crying at least last night.

“small things, little things.”

Link is somewhat perfunctory.

Don’t derive it, Fleur is like a far away Fleur, wants to be unchalamble, it is okay, now look at Link breathing, INVOLuntarily.

Don’t mention Fleur, it is still very good. It’s excellent. This hit LINK suddenly felt that your chest was full of dangling. Straight jump.

‘fierce’ MAGIC!

Link mind, Fleur is also the character of ORIGINAL WORK, and her in the Original Work Movie seems to be very beautiful in LINK’s aesthetics. Who is so stunning now, it is so stunned, look like This should be Fleur in the Original Work.

“cough cough!”

coughing two sounds, the LINK is ultimately recovered, and it has already had to reach the fleur waist and earn Fleur’s embrace.

can’t hold it, Amy Li has begun to turn over, really makes Emili to make angry.

“Phantom Knight, Gabrielle also hugs!”

The clear child’s voice sounded from the LINK ear, and LINK low-looking, I saw that Gabrielle didn’t know when to ran to him, at this time, she was waiting for him.

Little Girl behind the chest stickers is nothing happily, plus just because the guy lost the adult, link curl one’s lip, did not hear it directly.

“Hey! Gabrielle is so cute, you can’t hold! You really are fortunate to be the phantom knight! I want …”

gabrielle has not finished, Fleur has a Said With a Smile:

, charting a SAID WITH A SMILE:

“Mr. Folley, you don’t care, Gabrielle is just a fairy tale,”

“I haven’t!” Gabrielle earned Fleur’s hand, “Grandma will not lie to me! Every beautiful young girl will have a phantom Knight! They will ultimately fall in love with their own guardian young girl. And married and born, stay in a lifetime! LINK is my phantom Knight! “

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