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Gabrielle is very amazing, but there is no one in the scene, but no one is true.

even even changing the forehead at this time, there is a vague riped, which is angry with Gabrielle five five times.

It is very focused on the Madam Maxime of the upper and lower humans.

Gabrielle is still not self-learning, and after the words, he jumped to the Maxime Ms. Shuo Road:

“Maxime Headmaster, my phantom Knight is still in Hogwarts, you think about it, let him come to Beauxbatons and I am going to school together.”

gabrielle is not saying, one point this, Maxime ladies face more ugly, and even the atmosphere of Living Room becomes embarrassed.

I want to know how Maxime is found when I have rushed to school for Link to Link, and Ms. Maxime is still not allowed by MAXIME for safety considerations in other teachers and students in schools.

Now Gabrielle old things, everyone is naturally not good.

sneaked with Yu Guang, seeing it, seeing it seems that Maxime ladies are relarded, and the eye glance Gabrielle is stronger to Silver. “

“Time is too late, we will go first, come back to see you again.”

This sentence, Ms. Maxime is a hurriedly left the tent in the delivery of the Fli Lady.

Today, her face is lost.

and their walking, the eyes of the Amyi are also condensed on the body of Link, three people are silent, and even the atmosphere in the tent is nervous.

LINK walks forward to Emily, grabbing Emily’s small hand:

“People Small Child 胡, you can don’t put it in your heart, you are grateful to eat vinegar, you will be bad, I will distage.”

said gentleness, but Emili Hearing this is annoyed.

Who will eat small Child’s vinegar, eat it to eat that Fleur.

Almi knows that Link is to transfer the topic, looking at the LINK, which is constantly making the eyes, Emily final or TOOK A Deep Breath, the anger in the heart, said with a smile:

“Nothing, I am not a woman who loves vinegar, you don’t have to worry.”

, Emily secretly screwed on the soft meat in the Link waist to retaliate.

Link’s horrified eyes, but also to install a look of a look, while still observing the reaction of Freserva.

They naturally escape the eyes of Folley, she sighed, or said:

“Ok, don’t play again. Ms. Maxime has delacor sisters, but they are only specially for you, no other meaning, no one wants to think.

As for Link, why did you ran out this at last night, you don’t want to say that I will not ask. But I want you to remember one thing, that is, no matter what you do, you must put it in first, don’t make the meaningful risk, know? ”

The Fresermad said that LINK is naturally Nodded, such as a green garlic, the air in the tent is also very happy.

The Wusband, Verde, is also very happy.

CHILD grew up a little secret is not willing to say, Foli Lady doesn’t think this is so strange, she is the same, especially Link is a male Child.

The poor chase is not meaningless, and it is only forced to lie forced Child, even how can it be asked? It’s nothing more than letting your guys are not happy with That’s all.

Be your parents are in this matter. Turn A Blind Eye is OK.

Three people play a while, so that the small button pack baggage is preparing to go to the return.

where LINK is particularly urgent.

The present story says that the man is basically out of control. He must go back to do more ready to follow the new semester.

The expression of Emily has always been tangled. When you go to the hair, I can’t help it, and the arm of Foli’s arm is half-spoiled:

“Leo Ni Aunt, just now IT Shouldn’t BE again? I looked at them or not like a good person, especially the name called Fleur!”

Folley can’t help but laugh, scrape the nose of Amyi:

“Reassure, Maxime is no longer here, since she didn’t want to accept the link, I became very bad! This time, if it is not because I want to thank the little Link saved her. Students, I don’t dare to see me! “

Hearing this Emili This is a smile.

said that it is a fake, just fleur and link, Emisi, I saw the Link’s hand, I was going on the waist of Fleur.

The reason why she just wants to screw the link is mainly because it is.

Her thinking of LINK and Fresermat naturally also saw it, and the two placed his eyes and immediately laughed.

Amili buried his head into the chest of Folley, no face.

Just wake up from Luov, Luov, who is going to hit this scene, although I don’t know what LINK is laughing, but I also laughed.

This is not a concealed hob, but sincerely happy.

His Grandfather Newter has a while to come back, he was allowed to continue to play for a few days in Fli Castle.

In the laughter, the small button has been paced in all things, and the family reflects that everyone will brush and return home.


The fact that even if it is smart, such as Freservis, it is also possible to keep all things.

For example, she said that DELACOUR sisters and Maxime didn’t dare to come back to Fli Castle. She was wrong.

In fact, Gabrielle starts from 2nd day, pulling Fleur to Link home every day, and the name of the United States is not enough, you need to continue to thank you for your stay.

can be said to thank, but don’t see what they have to report a gift, but it is Frei family to take them to eat.

Looking at this big two silver bun Young Girl at home, almothi gnash the teeth.

Mr. Victoria is ready to pick up her home, after all, Emiti is not officially married to Link, it is hard to get a holiday, and how is it in Fli Castle?

can be so far now, Emily doesn’t go home.

She is going to take the town in the Fli Castle, optimistic about LINK and FLEUR.

To replace other women to ran to the Fleur Castle, Emili is not like this, but fleur is different, Fleur’s beauty is definitely Emily to see, and Emily is not very confident.

can actually be tired of delacour, especially Gabrielle.

The target of this Little Brat is very clear. Her original words are to let Link ‘fall down in her skirt’, becoming her phantom Knight, with her back to France.

For this, she is now wrapped in LINK all day, and I don’t have time to train.

After the Past Few Days getting along, LINK has gradually learned Fleur and Gabrielle’s Character.

of which Fleur is a proud door of Maxime, all aspects are in a fairly high level, especially the guy who is doing Etiquette than Link this authentic pure blood noble aristor is still a pure blood aristocrat.

So Emili’s worry is actually extra, if not because Gabrielle is hard, Fleur is actually not willing to go to Falley City, which is too rude.

Gabrielle is a bit like a spoiled princess, you must get it.

Wanted, she is not bad, like a bear Child, she rely on the interest, she is not done, she is smarter, knowing more, no one hates method.

For example, if you want to let Link when her phantom knight, you will be wrapped in link, OPENED MOUTH, and Closed Mouth is’ Gabrielle so cute, don’t you be a heart? ‘.

In addition, she is also particularly good at the curve to save the country. See how LINK is not hooked. After she will focus on the attack on the Mrs. Villes, all day long to Submit.

Fresermat is still very eating this set, often can’t be happy by Gabrielle.

This is the special place for Gabrielle, which is no wonder that she will develop habits that I want to get. Because she is here, everyone will become very like her.

This is a big relationship with her clever and cute.

Who will I don’t like a long-awaited, a sweet people who have a sweet and sweet?

Every time you see Gabrielle Link, you will feel some feelings because it is an Innate Talent.

Fleur and Gabrielle are actually Veeela with Wizard’s Half-Blood, and their WITHIN THE BODY has a quarter of Veeee Bloodline.

Veeela and Wizard are very rare, because Veee’s Bloodline is too strong, and Child, which is born via Veee, is only a race of Father, the general probability will only be Veeee.

There is no way, people Veela Race are continuing by this book.

and generally this kind of Half-Blood is coming, it will be killed.

Because in Wizard World, the Half-Blood, which is mixed with wisdom MAGICAL CREATURE BLOODLIN, is more than Muggle’s existence.

Orthodox Gluly blood Wizard family generally makes this as a shame.

So Speaking from a Certain Perspective, Fleur and Gabrielle can be born, it is too lucky.

As a prize of lucky, Fleur and Gabrielle have not been inherited to Veeela ‘s deformation innate talent, but also gets the peer of Veeee, and the charm ability.

where Fleur’s Innate Talent is strong to a charm Magic, which has been Cultivation Success.

The unbeatable man will change the god of the god, will become a silly egg that she is given.

is that LINK still thinks that Gabrielle is even more powerful.

Because Gabrielle’s charm ability is very weak, it can only be used as a permanent radope, so that others will increase much better.

It is often the most horrible ability to be a silent ability such as spring breeze moisture.

A famous figure like fleur will have a mentally alert, such as Link every time and fleur, it will drive OcClumency to maximum power to prevent Fleur.

gabrielle is different.

Such a weak ability is generally no one will be serious, but it will be deep in it.

The reason why Fli Lady and Emiti have a large part of Gabrielle’s goodwill is because of this ability.

Luov is more likely to be pulled.

Some of Gabrielle look at Rov’s Krum Memorial, that is, the existence of Rov, usually, even LINK wants to see it.

but Gabrielle has just opened a mouth, Rove is sent to people in EAGERLY.

The memorial chapter was thrown into his spoils of war collections in your own spoils of war.

It can be seen that the terror of Gabrielle’s ability and her Character is bad.

She doesn’t really like the memorial chapter, and the reason why Pilot, just enjoying the happy That’s all after the gift.

Link Estimates Gabrielle’s ingredients to make him pharmaceutical Knight, which is largely for this kind of praise.

So since LINK wants to have a good face for Gabrielle.

He didn’t want to be like the monument, he was thrown through the bag, and he couldn’t see the day in this life.

Luov is even more miserable, Gabrielle gives the memorial chapter to Falling Out To Become Hostile, not taking him with him.

He the Past Few Days often hides in your room, and the eyes are red and red.

This low sadness NOT ALL continues to be too long in him.

because his Grandfather Grandmai is finally coming back.


One week before starting school, Newt and his lady stepped on the morning light into the Fli Castle.

They are coming to returning home.

Luov has already received this news, and early waiting early in the hall.

So Newter just appeared, he was like the shells to cry in Newter’s arms.

“Hahaha! Good me Rov, The Past Few Days is mixed!”

Newter is taking the grandson, but the mouth is haha ​​laugh, it looks happy.

His wife also sneaked with tears on the side, and it is really cool to go out, but now I have come back, I can’t help but I can’t help it.

Link family and delacor sisters look at this scene on the side.

Gabrielle envy has already put his fingers into his mouth, she and her parents have not seen it for a long time.

Laughing for a while, I have been going to Rovather Red face, and I am sorry to get together from my grandfather arms. LINK will get angry:

“Mr. Scarman, there is already a period of time between us. Even if you have a lunch today? Do you tell us about this trip.”

“is Mr. Skans, my house House ELF craft is one, you have to try.”

Fresermat also smiled and said, she is also very respectful for the true Merlin jazz in Newter.

Newter Hearing THIS is clearly versating with the Fresermat, then he didn’t say goodness with Link:

“I really don’t know what you have anything, we do this, but the private travel between husband and wife, how can I speak to you this?”

This is an outward, and the Hall A Big Laughter, Mrs. Scarmad is also red, and the soft meat under the nest of Ntuit Creak.

Newter is a bit unfair, and the mouth has a straight from the Extension charm pocket to pull a Black cloth that is sealed with a whole transparent crystal to say:

“Don’t say these things, this is your gift, get better!”

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