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and CEDRIC chat is actually a very boring thing, this guy is now all of the QUIDDICH World Cups that have just passed.

and CEDRIC is not a fans in any team in the Irish team and the Bulgarian team. He even a popular Seeker star Krum didn’t like very much. Always give Link complaining about Krum so bright eyes. It is because the Irish team’s seeker is too garbage, if you do him, you will definitely do the same thing as Krum.

Of course, these words, he also talked with LINK, put it outside him, he is killing Will Not said.

This is not what he is afraid of a bad impact on his perfect student, but Sorry reveals his true mind to outsiders.

So this is destined to be a topic that can only be performed between the best friends.

Link is not interested in Quiddich, listening to Cedric’s stomach, and knowing Cedric them Entire Group after that night, there is no difficulty, just being separated by Aurors. After the investigation, I took out Akam, one snake hid in a box with Parseltongue to talk to Emily, Fleur, and even Hermione, saying some of the paragraphs, and then laughd healthily.

This behavior will do it once before going to bed every day. Theory and CEDRIC complain is similar to him, the only difference is that Link is more trust in Akam, because even if you leave the sincere feelings, Parseltongue is not the ability to master WHO.

The sky is gradually black, the train is also slowly stopped on the platform.

and Akarm took a 1 afternoon of the LINK, and the mood was pleasant to find Emily, with the THESTRAL Carriage to drive to Hogwarts Castle.

Carriage is originally the four people ride, but the terrorist reputation of the two people in Link and Emily, and the two of them are willing to find other Carriage squeezed together, so these two carriage changes. It became a private space of their two.

In this space, look at the night view is a waste time, so LINK is very disgraceful to help Emily re-adjusted the position of the chest prefect badge, and it is adjusted for twenty minutes until carriage. In the landing, the sound of HAGRID came outside, which took back his hand and smashed his own face, and he held Carriage under the hand of Emily.

is very good, the light outside is very dim, the Peeves outside the hall is holding the balloon of the water, and Professor McGonagall is driven by the PEEVES. Some people are there. The riots are attracted, so no one will pay attention to the flushed red on the face of Link and Emily two.

LINK is very satisfied with such a scene, let the cool breeles in the early autumn night to help you cool down, and have been stopped to the face of the face.

The auditorium is still such a brilliant style, and hundreds of thousands of candles are suspended above the table, and the gold plate and the glass high cup shiny.

Professor has done the most inside of the auditorium.

Most of them talk about anything, only Dumbledore is exciting, and the students are arguing in the auditorium

This is his favorite thing, as long as you can see your students active, his mood will become quite happy.

Emili’s eyes are very pointed, she is very easy to discover the position of Professor Snape on the faculty seat.

This is a seat of Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts, which is also a kind of interest in DumbleDore. Do you want to do Defense Against the Dark ARTS? I don’t give you, but also the seat of Defense Against the Dark Arts to beside you, deliberate you!

“This year, DEFENSE AGAINST The Dark ARTS” How did a new professor have not come yet? Dumbledore should not find someone to teach it? “

Some Taking pleasure in Other People’s Misfortune said that because of the wheeled treasure of Snape, she did not feel much about DumbleDore.

“Will,” Link Shook The Head, “This year’s Defense Against The Dark Arts lesson is a very difficult guy, you have to take him carefully.”

Seeing Link said seriously, Emili also converges a smile, and it has dotted Nodded.

I finished this topic, the two were separated, and each returned to the long table of House.

No way, Professor McGonagall is already in white eyes, the reason is that two delayed seden can’t start Separate House Ceremony.

Separate House Ceremony is actually nothing good, nothing more than Sorting Hat comes out to show yourself a new song compiled a year, and then four House each according to the judgment of Sorting Hat.

This year’s Sorting Hat’s song is more boring. It is the story of Four Founders to create Hogwarts. Many lyrics are directly plagiarized “Hogwarts – a school history”. This kind of story has long been tired, and finally On Dumbledore, this is to encourage the Sorting Hat to applaud.

Official Separate House is more interesting.

is scared in previous years, the NEW Student is different, this time I am not afraid of the boy who is not afraid of the territory, and I will be excited about Chirp Chirp Twitter Twitter.

I heard that he fell into the river when it was rowned Black River, and finally was saved by the lake’s lake monster.

He is especially proud of this experience, and people will boast, provoke McGonagall professions.

Last LINK I feel that it is not surprising after I know that he is the young brother of Colin Chris.

Corin this guy is a wonderful, and a Muggle camera is like a Mugle camera like a Mugle camera. He is naturally nature.

DumbleDore is always a good understanding.

He knows that everyone has already been STOMACH RUMBLING WITH HUNGER, so there is no saying after Separate House Ceremony, it will start a dinner.

All kinds of foods are filled with all the plates, and everyone will start snapped up.

Link is not interested in those greasy barbecue and potatoes, and the only dinner is the only satisfied cuisine is a syrup pumpkin pie.

This is the new variety he deliberately told Hogwarts House Elf, otherwise these pieces should be other fruits.

This place is always enough. After you have finished eating your own, you will naturally grab the Cedric and John, but also the name of you. You don’t apply this kind of sugar. thing. ‘, Provoke CEDRIC and John’s forehead on the green gluten, but in the end, I contributed it to the pie, but also let the people who don’t like to eat pies will also send the pie in front of Link.

, after the end of the dinner, Link and Akam’s belly have been filled with syrup and pumpkins, and the whole person has become a little sleepy because of the huge amount of sugar. Sitting in the seat .

“Okay!” Dumbledore stood up, smiled and announced, “Now we have already eaten, I have to pay attention to everyone, I want to announce several notices.”

“first is the administrator Mr. Filch I hope I tell you that the contraband in the castle this year has increased several times, they are screaming the ball, the wolf tooth flying saucer and the combo back of the knock. The whole list is about four Hundreds of more than 30, hanging in the office of Mr. Filch, interested people can check it. “

Brief, the field is already a laughter.

In fact, Filch’s contraband catalog itself is a big What a Joke, except for individual new students, no one will take it seriously.

The Filch face is violent in the laughter.

may be fear of Filch directly being mad, Dumbledore continues:

“, as before, I want to remind everyone, FORBIDEN Forest is the students definitely can’t enter. As for the Hogsmeade village, the students below THIRD Year are not allowed to enter!

In addition, I am very regrettable to notify you that this year will not host the House Cup Quiddich. “

“What! Why!?”

Dumbledore just said that CEDRIC jumped up, and the excited question was asked.

He just said with Link when he was on the train. This year’s House Cup he has to work hard to prove that he is absolutely worse than Krum.

The result is that his ambition is not fully displayed by DumbleDore’s words to the sky.

This is what he is not excited?

and CEDRIC have the same reaction, it is still not in a small number, almost all House’s Quiddich Hobby is all standing, you say that DumbleDore is doing this.

Professor McGonagAll is tight, this is her angry performance.

Dumbledore is not panic, but it is HAPPILY hoe:

“This is because this year hogwarts should hold another large-scale event, continue to have a whole school year. This will occupy a lot of energy and time, but I believe you can get a lot of fun. I am here I am very happy to announce that this year hogwarts will … “

Dumbledore said that the critical is, the hall sounds a deafening loud noise, the door is hit by it.

Everyone was shocked, and I went Qi Qi and found that a man had already standed at the door.

He wrapped a long cane, wrapped in a Black travel Cloak, flashing behind him, giving his Silhouette more horrible.

He took the Cloak through the crowd, Moved Towards Dumbledore walked.

Everyone ‘s eyes are tightly followed until everyone discovered that this guy’s face is covered with a variety of scars, and a gap on the mouth has been extending from the mouth to the cheek. This person is always a evil, people are uneasy.

The nose is more miserable. It can’t be described in the nose, and the root is the meat of the ugly Baba, and there are two air holes, accompanied by his breathing creep.

The most horrible or his eyes, one eye is small, the other is completely a huge alchemy Magic Eye, flashed Blue’s light, I can’t turn it without Stop, it seems to be secretly observed everyone in each person.

The person went to DumbleDore, extended a scarred hand, holding hands with Dumbledore, and said something, then sitting around Snape, picking up a knife to start cutting the remaining sausages in the plate eat.

He is very slow, very careful, every piece of sausage, he needs to take the curse to take the drug will be taken.

At the same time, his Magic Eye did not stop, but the object gained from the scenes became the SNAPE and other professors around the scene.

Interruption of the Headmaster speech is a very serious thing, but there is no difference between the unfavorable, very pleasant announcement:

“Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark ARTS” class teacher –alastor · professor Moody! “

Dumbledore has finished taking the head, it is like it, it is very hoped that the students also cheer.

This is completely no need to remind it when you take any new professors in previous years. Even if you have a bad thing in PROFESSOR LUPIN, there are also many people’s polite applause.

But this year is different, and there is still a quiet scene, and only the students’ whisper can be seen.

“Moody,” CEDRIC came over, some of them asked for LINK, “Do you think he is the Moody I guess?”

“is definitely him, will not be wrong.”

Link is determined, and the face of CEDRIC has become pale.

“What are you talking about? How is Moody?”

John also rely on curious asking.

Link See his face, this is explained:

“Mad-Eye Moody, he used to be the most unique Auror, Death Eater only had the most rampant when he dared to fight with Death Eater, and won countless. He lost a eye for this. A leg and his own nose, I also harvested a SCAR, which is the medal of his past honor. But he retired after Voldemort inverted, everyone was very awesome, until he got a desert. ” /P>


The John’s eyes have begun to be light, become a second dream of him in addition to professional quiddich players, so he is listening to the LINK saying that Moody’s glorious passes naturally treats Moody as an idol.

Now I heard that Moody got a delusion, I quickly asked.

Link Took a Deep Breath, continue:

“Yes, imperative, maybe called the war psychological syndrome will be more appropriate. In short, he became suspicious, always feel that someone turned into him, even his best friend gave him food, he also had to test. I will only eat after poisoning, just like this. “

There have been a large number of hufflepuff around Link, everyone listening to Link telling stories.

Link nuts to Moody, everyone has found an exception when Moody is eating.

“In addition, the girls are best far away from Mad-Eye Moody.” Link is especially serious to girls, “His Blue’s Magic Eye has see-through ability! You don’t want to be seen by him. Is it? “

Link This words, the surrounding girls immediately exclaimed their chest, in order to avoid Moody’s sight, some hid behind the boys.

and in this noisy, the expression of LINK is especially gloomy.

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