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LINK is actually very poor in Mad-Eye Moody.

This is not entirely because of the harsh image of the other party, but because the other party is Barty Jr., it is used to plan Voldemort resurrection.

Of course, ORIGINAL WORK BARTY JR. Can not be attacked by Link at the Quiddich World Cup, and is not rescued by the group of mysterious shadowman.

So Link does not determine if this Moody is still Barty Jr..

This does not affect him to be vigilant.

So thinking, LINK’s gaze turned to Mad-Eye Moody on the faculty seat, and the eyes became deep.

Moody’s Magic Eye seems to also induce Link’s peep, flying over, and Link is right.

After the long time, the two were separated.

At this moment, it may be that it does not endure the atmosphere of the scene, Dumbledore clears the throat, and then said:

“Where did I get to? Oh! Yes! In the next few months, we will be very honored to host a very exciting event. This event has not been held for more than one century. I am very happy to inform you again, Triwizard Tournament race will be held this year! “

“Merlin’s beard, they actually try to do this, this is really … too crazy!”

Just because Quiddich House Cup canceled and anger Cedric was already awkward, he whispered to sit backped back to his seat.

There are still many people who have similar reactions in the auditorium and CEDRIC. Just because Moody suddenly broke into the blank atmosphere of the sky, almost everyone was excited.

“etc! What is the situation in Triwizard TORNAMENT? How seems to you know, I don’t know! Who will explain to me!”

John is also crazy.

He shouted while shaking Cedric and Link arm, anxious.

helpless’s LINK can only be stronger to press him back to the seat, then refer to Dumbledore, and illustrate DumbleDore will definitely explain.

It is not enough, and when the atmosphere in the auditorium has risen to a vertex, Dumbledore said:

“I think some people in you still don’t know what this competition is going. So I hope that those who understand the situation can forgive me for this slight explanation.

Triwizard Tournament is founded for more than 700 years ago. It is a friendship competition between the three largest MAGIC schools in Europe. These three schools are: hogwarts, beauxbatons, and durmstrang. Each school will select a Champion, then three Champion three MAGIC projects. Generally Speaking, TriWizard Tournament held every five years, three schools turned hosted, everyone agreed that this is a great way to create friendship between different countries. However, the TriWizard Tournament is interrupted, because the number of deaths is too much. “

“death number?”

John lows the sound, some uneasy in the link ear, “Why will a game be dead?”

“Because this is actually a war, a war battle for the first MAGIC school in Europe.” The LINK head does not return, “The three schools each selected a one of the most powerhouses, then let these three Personally smashed each other in a well-arranged medal, the only winner will become the first school that I want to go to Europe Wizard in the next five years, which is the truth of Triwizard Tournament game.

This hike will lead to a large number of elite students, and in the era of the current Wizard population, it is an inevitable thing to be suspended by the International Magic Association. ”

Hearing this John hit a cold, his eyes seems to have really appeared in the SHOCKING and Stunning genius Wizard, was held in the horn, for the scene of the virtual name.

even even the CEDRICs on the side can’t help but look at the LINK.

but he did not speak back.

Because Link is indeed practical.

“Since the century, people have been trying to recover Triwizard Tournament game.” Dumbledore continued, “but they all failed. However, our Ministry of Magic Department of International Magical Cooperation and Magic Department of Magical Games and Magic Department of Magical Games Sports believes that the timing of doing an attempt is mature. We have made a lot of work in this summer to ensure that each Champion Will Not encounters Mortal Danger.

October, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang’s headmaster will lead their carefully selected competitors to come, picking Champion’s Ceremony will be held on the eve of Halloween. A fair referee will decide which students are the most qualified to become Champion, win honors for their own schools, and finally winning individuals can get a thousand Galleon’s bonuses. “

Dumbledore This statement is more enthusiastic.

Everyone is excited to become Champion to participate in the TriWizard Tournament game, of course, this is not completely to help Hogwarts should have honor, but also for the bonus of the thousand galleon.

This is a giant!

It is unable to be excited like George and Fred De Brother.

In the entire auditorium, it is probably only a silence of this small group of people around LINK.

There is no way, LINK just turned the TriWizard Tournament game too scary.

“I know that you are eager to become a champion of hogwarts.” But Ministry of Magic and the participating schools agreed that it is necessary to specify an age limit for this year’s competitors. Only a 17-year-old student is allowed Registration. This measure is very necessary, because the project of the hegemony is still very distracted, no matter how much preventive measures we take, the students below the Six Seventh Year is the fundamental Impossible. I will guarantee that there is no age. Students can deceive our fair referee and become Hogwarts’s Champion. “

Dumbledore glances in the direction of Harry, flashing in the blue-eyed light.

“Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations will arrive in October and spend most of the time of this school year. I know, when our foreign VIP is here, you will express your enthusiasm, And once the champion of hogwarts, once you are selected, you will support him or her. Ok, now the time is not early, let you go to Full of Energy tomorrow morning, you are very important. Go to bed to sleep! Hurry! ! “

, Dumbledore No Longer Paid Attention TO The protests roaring in the auditorium, sit down and start to write with Moody.

The students also started from the leadership of the respective Prefect, began to leave the auditorium.

“call! I am really happy that I am not full of seventeen years old!” John said some emotion behind Link, “Otherwise, they will be champion, I will be champion, I don’t want to be People fight with others in the cage! “

John’s words have been recognized by many hufflepuff.

Although Dumbledore has been guaranteed three, honest HUFFLEPUF is no way to completely believe that Triwizard Tournament race is safe.

It seems that stability is the most important thing in Hufflepuff.

Trifling Triwizard Tournament game, they look for fun.

Link Hearing this for the new Prefect walking in the front line is some Didn’t Know WHether to Cry or Laugh.

If he can really want to smash John’s Overestimate One’s Capabilities, because the only condition for each school Champion selection is actually combat strength.

Under this rule, the high-level student has a natural advantage for the low-grade student.

So even if there is no age limit, it is absolutely cHampion.

Let’s take a look, the LINK is finally swallowed back to life.

he doesn’t say, it does not mean that others can bear.

Slytherin’s team is not far from Hufflepuff, many people have heard John’s words.

Draco Immediately laughs out.

He smiled while deliberately said:

“Hey! There is a great ghost that he can choose Hogwarts’ Champion, but fortunately, there is an age limit. It is really a laughter! It is not scattered with yourself! “

This is an out, and the entire Slytherin team Have A Big Laughter.

John’s face is red, and suddenly gets away from the team, glaring with Draco, as if next moment will rush.

Many people here can’t help but low, maybe they have just have the same ideas and John, or they are celebrating that they have not said this idea as John.

In short, there are very few people standing together with John, only a few people in the Quiddich team That’s all.

“Do you dare to say anything you just say?”

John Gnashing Teeth said, his fist is tight together.

“You are a big ghost! How can you say it again? You can …”

The sound of Draco is abrupt, because John has already rushed.

Unfortunately, the two walking Goyle and Crabbe around him have preparation, and it has grown the John’s arm.

The Quidditch Team after the John is also rushing up.

A fight is about to begin!

“I have given me a hand!”

At this time, Shout Out Loudly has hysteressed all people.

Link is coming out of the crowd, Wand, Goyle and Crabbe, etc. SLYTHERIN is flying back to Slytherin’s team, and poured a large piece of people and issued a series of pain.

John, they have also been imprisoned in the original place.

gave John, a pleasant look, LINK slowly walked to the Draco.

The LINK at this time is enough than Draco. It is like a cold-cooled Draco, so that Draco feels huge pressure, and the body can’t help but be trembled.

“You seem to have forgotten those lessons I have given you, see if it is time to find a time to keep it!”

in the eyes of Link has a faint blue Glow.

In a moment of this Blue Glow, Draco immediately returned to the case where the bladder explosion was tortured by the bladder explosion in front of Slytherin Common Room.

This makes Draco caught his belly, and said:

“No, don’t! You can’t, I father, …”

Link doesn’t speak, just side, let the John after the body.

“I, I am wrong, I am sorry, I shouldn’t say those words, I just didn’t stand it in a time, please forgive me.”

Draco is awkward to John said, the attitude flipped quickly, and John has some time to worry.

is not only him, at this time, the Slytherin team originally called is also quiet, everyone is in cold eyes.

Even when LINK’s eyes swept through the Slytherin team, many of them exposed the joined smile.

This makes Link laughs.

Slytherin’s glory is undoubtedly, it symbolizes all the qualities that the real aristocrat should have.

high expensive, love, wisdom, not ignorant, dare to be more powerhouse to pull the sword …

But under the strong pressure of Voldemort and the strong pressure of MINISTRY OF MAGIC, Slytherin’s so-called noble glory has been converted into a discriminatory self-discriminatory from Half-Blood and Muggle Bloodline.

The so-called ambition, savvy, trial time, Be worldly-wise and play Safe and victory are also lysed into base and shameless, By Fair Means or Foul, and bullying is afraid of hard.

The current Slytherin has long since abandoned the glory of the once, Slytherin House has also become a hotbed that cultifies the refined interest.

These people Shameless Fearless, only more interests can be seen in the eyes.

Draco This stupid guy can be sought after Slytherin is the best proof.

Those people are just looking at the Malfoy Family to follow the side of Draco, looking forward to get enough benefits from his body.

and now, when Link stands in front of them in the face of the Fli Family HEIR of Powerful, they will naturally abandon Draco, revealing the hypocritical smile on Link.

is actually, Slytherin left by the treasure is not Slytherin itself?

Every Slytherin House is not Slytherin’s heir?

Just Slytherin Book If you can see these Heir, I am afraid it will be reliable.

Link Some emotions SHOOK The Head, Retrieved Line, Re-Looked Towards Draco Coldly Said:

“insults with discrimination language, Slytherin deducts 20 points!”

Tone Barely Fell, not far from Slytherin’s gem hub, a series of gems have been reduced.

deduct the HOUSE, which is a new right of the Prefect identity.

John’s gas is already eloquent, Draco is taking the head and trying to return to his team.

However, at this time, a little harsh sound suddenly rang.

“I think this behavior can only be deducted by 20 points.” Moody walked over, pointed at Draco, “Slytherin deducted 30 points! In addition, you brat must be Off-one night is confined, um, it will be ok tomorrow night. “

Draco is afraid of LINK, but this does not mean that he will take Moody Professor Professor.

hearing this red eyes angry:

“You will regret, my Father is LuCIUS Malfoy!”

“Ah! Malfoy! I remember him!” Moody 狰 said with a malicious smile, “When I was still death eater, I was chased by me, and I was still coming to me. Of course, I didn’t put it in the end. After him! He is my old friend, Child, tell your father, I am still staring at him now, let him not show a little bit of horses! Do you understand? “

Draco has speechless, standing there, as sieved.

may be a bit boring, and Moody and Looted Towards have LINK, saying:

“Your father is also my old friend. I will also stare at you, so you are best to be a little, LINK FRE!”

Writing, Moody went, leaving only Slytherin gem hopping is still in Shasha.

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