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“Professor Moody is too fierce! Light look at him, I thought he would be a very nervous person, Didn’t Expect actually is so fair!”

The next morning, John is sitting on the side of the LINK.

Look at the two faint Dark Circles on his face, he did not fall asleep last night.

Link Some Sony SHOOK The Head, the young man is like this, unfathomable mystery’s self-satisfaction.

In Link, Moody is just a way to find a wave of Draco.

and more let Link care is that Moody has also said similar warnings.

I don’t know if this Moody is not Barty Jr., LINK is really difficult to distinguish the other party’s true meaning.

It is not tight, and it is always a fake.

John, John, John, OWL, will also send Today’s Daily Prophet to Link, and he starts reading the newspaper while having breakfast.

and this look, the expression of LINK has gathered.

Because today’s first top headlines, a message sufficient to make the entire Wizarding World public opinion vibrate.

Pettigrew PETER, jailbreak!

Of course, since PettigRew · Peter has never officially transferred to Azkaban, he is not Azkaban, but the Dungeon of Magic Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

This is also a super highly difficult activity.

Because that dungeon can be shocked by Auror twenty-four, the defense is not weaker than Azkaban.

and Ministry of Magic also knows that Pettigrew Peter is an illegal Animagus, then he and can also succeed in jailbreak, there is only one of the only one.

there is inner ghost in ‘ministry of magic! ‘

Looking at the dynamic pictures of the MINISTRY OF MAGIC FUDGE, Link Sighed, so thinking.

This situation he actually heard that Ministry of Magic did not transfer the Pettigrew Peter when it was transferred, so even if there is no more shocking.

LINK, more is Helpless, for the plot forced inertia Helpless.

But the plot inertia is so strong SPEAKING FROM A CERTAIN PERSPECTIVE can also be a good thing?

This represents this representative, even if there is a Link this butterfly, the last Voldemort will be defeated by Harry Savior.

Do you want to change the strategy, go to assist Harry SAVIOR?

This idea just took it out, LINK quickly shook the head, gave it to Threw Away.

will be hoped to be sent to others, that is the most stupid behavior!

LINK is still more willing to believe in yourself!

think so, LINK will continue to read the newspaper.

In addition to PETTIGREW PETER jailbreak, other news is also published on Daily Prophet. First, the International Magic Exchange Cooperation Secretary STINCHCOMBE CROUCH hits on the way home, and lives in St. Mungo’s Hospital for MAGICAL. Maladies and injuries.

There is no doubt that this is inevitably the hand of the old creek.

Another message is about riots on the Quiddich World Cup.

About this event Daily Prophet has used a space that is not less than Pettigrew Peter jailbreak, because the Black Devils have remembered every night.

ministry of magic is also true.

They are or simple brain supplements for the pot.

Let these three events together, becoming Death Eater Remnant Forces, it has planned all actions to revenge Old Barty Crocens and Biracea.

There is a nose that is eye-catching. If it is not Link to see the things in this, I am afraid it will believe it.

This does not affect the weakness of DAILY Prophet for Ministry of Magic’s weakness.

This leads to this Daily Prophet today to say that it is specially used in black ministry of magic.

This LINK is not a polar.

Because Daily Prophet is like a repeated jump, there is no principled wall grass.

yesterday and fudge collaborates happily, and it is cheap.

You can push the other party in the sake of the rotten mud pit, and then step on a few feet.

Do you say this is the core of the media?

Link is not interested in it, he quickly finished the breakfast, and then he kept Twitter Twitter to say a non-stop John to the No. 3 greenhouse.

The first class of the school is PROFESSOR SPROUT, as hufflepuff, they can never be late.

Unfortunately, Professor Sprout seems to be not Link their feelings, she promulgated the first class of Hufflepuff to collect bubotuber’s thick juice.

This is not a pleasant life.

Because Bubotuber is very ugly, they are not like plants, but they are more like black, and they have a big slug, they just drilled out from the soil, still slightly.

and link they have to squeeze, that is, the big pustule, the big pustule, which is filled with sticky juice.

These concentrated sauers are actually a quite useful material that can be used to treat intractable acne, and still a lot of beauty Potion production materials.

“Okay, everyone will bring the dragon gloves. Remember not to barely go to these plants, diluted Bubotuber pus, will cause different ordinary damage to the skin!”

Professor SpRout said, he also took a dragon glove, and the beginning of Leso squeezed.

I saw her grabbing a bubotuber, a large amount of yellow Green liquid was accompanied by a pungent gasoline.

Hufflepuff people see the faces, but they are still in the majesty of their own HEAD, they still didn’t say anything, and let’s work.

This is still too disgusting.

Many girls can’t help but vomit their best breakfast.

Link is Face Doesn’t change, of course, this is because he closed the super-speaking and fully opened OcClumency.

After the end of the nightmare, Link and The Others rushed to the Black Lake to go to the Magical Creature Protection Class.

This makes many people relaxed, and there are also a few people who still happen to the face.

It seems that the courses just have given them a lot of satisfaction.

I can’t understand this LINK.

pustules acne this Thing, it is necessary to squeeze your own.

He only feels nausea.

is nothing to do, so soon this part of the face has also reinstall the pain mask.

Because Hagrid gives you the first class, you are feeding Blast-Ended Skrewt.

This is a kind of white ash, sticky, as if it is the same nausea of ​​the big dragonfish.

They don’t have a head, and the abdomen is very long. Some tails have spikes, which will explode. Many people are injured, the most crazy is, they also have a strong smell of stinky shrimps. .

The food that needs to be fed is the remaining frog waste of Potion class, which is also a very disgusting thing.

The two addresses even the warm HUFFLEPUFF has also begun to become complained.

Link is also very disintegrating to hagrid.

This guy seems to be the same every year.

To know that Blast-Ended Skrewt This thing is that he will know that Hagrid uses the new species that cultivated the magical creative BLOODLINE fusion technology, and there is a large risk.

This is illegal!

Although Ministry of Magic has already begun to cancel this decree, there is no doubt that if someone takes the Blast-ended Skrewt Make A Big Fuss over a minor Issue, then haGrid will be provoked again. trouble.

After an hour, Link and the Others returned to Hogwarts, ready to have lunch.

In fact, everyone doesn’t have much liking after Bubotuber and Blast-Ended Skrew.

The only thing that can make everyone happy is that in the afternoon they will usher in the first quarter of the new semester. The DEFENSE AGAINST The Dark Arts lesson, which is the class of Professor Moody.

The whole noon John is in the auditorium, telling the expectation of the DEFENSE AGAINST The Dark Arts lesson. In his story, Moody seems to be a collection of first few Defense Against. THE DARK ARTS Professor Professor’s perfect existence.

Master a large number of theoretical knowledge like Quirrel, like Lockhart, will give them a wonderful story encountered in Auror, like lupin, teach them to teach them …

Through his story, Hufflepuff has become more expected to Moody.

even even Ravenclaw is also affected by John’s friend Lily Annab.

The result of this is that when the time of the lunch time, everyone has arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and “high-end DARK MAGIC Self-Defense” is put on the desk, and it is very very Well-behaved.

Link is also very expected for this class.

His expectation and the difference between John.

He is actually trying to judge that this Moody is not originally loading through this class.

There is therefore a very distinctive footstep sound from the classroom, the LINK immediately launched a super-speaking, and the whole god stared at the door.

Soon, Moody walked into the classroom.

Everyone is nervous, and the whispering language that is still existed is also disappeared. It can be clearer to see the intensive scars on his face and the trendy legs that are like a Monster paw under the windbreaker.

“Collect these textbooks, you can’t find them at all!”

Moody walks on the lack of cane to the platform, while talking with the hamping hoarse voice.

LINK understands why he speaks this tone, because his neck has a huge scar, which is obvious, and a guy ruined his vocal tape.

In a while, the crowd will quickly receive the textbook in the bag, and it is excited to turn his head.

Because the collected textbooks represents Moody, this class will give them some unique content, this is already confirmed by last year’s lupin.

Moody himself is extremely calm.

He raised a norm of the flower name, and the normal eyes have never left the book, but the Magic Eye has kept turning, staring at each response.

The girls are somewhat twisted, because they always remember that Link once said, Moody’s Magic Eye has See-Through Ability.

and when the name of the LINK, LINK can clearly know the Magic Eye pupil that the opponent’s deep blue is shrinking.

It is stagnant even with the movement of Moody himself.

This is the performance of the other party to spend LINK in the performance of super hunt.

This is expected in Link, he doesn’t have a slightest, continue to stare with the super-speaking.

Because even if it is found, there is no AT WORST, Link can use him to use super strokes to concentrate on classes.

and Moody are like he expected, just staring at him, he will continue to order.

“Okay, all members arrive.”

Name, Moody put down the flower name, “I have received a letter from Professor Lupin before I officially came to Hogwarts. He introduced your teaching progress in detail. See you, to deal with Dark Magic You have already mastered a lot of basic knowledge, including how to deal with Boggart, Red Cap, Grindylow, Kappa or Werewolf. I said right? “

everyone has nodded.

Moody is a smile, continue:

“But you need to know that dealing with Dark Magic creatures is just a few courses in the Black Devils. For us, truly need to be vigilant, not Dark Magic, but Dark Wizard! About this At one point, Professor Lupin did not lift with you. Wonderful thing is that we still have time. In the next year, I am going to let you take a good behavior between Dark Wizard and ordinary wizard and teach you should How to preserve yourself when you face Dark Wizard! “

The classroom is silent.

All people spontaneously breathe, Moody’s quirky voice, and the horrible smirking instinct, everyone has gave birth to a few points.

“Link · Frei!”

Moody suddenly improved the volume, said in a state of almost roaring, “Now please tell me, what is Dark Wizard!”

“generally refers to the evil Wizard, which is specifically manifested and is used to using evil Dark Magic, and uses Dark Magic to commit not forgiveness of Wizard.”

Link did not be scared like other students, but calmly replied.

“said good! Dark Wizard’s key is their evil inner heart and Dark Magic!” Moody continued, but said half of sudden Moved Towards Link roaring, “I haven’t let you sit down, LINK · Fli! Continue to give me a good! “

Link has just been curved, Hearing this is straight.

At the same time, his look of Looked Towards Moody has become slow and not good.

he has felt vague, and Moody is a behavior that is dedicated to him with a super-speech.

Moody is also laughing with Looked Towards Link, and the two do not compromise with each other. Moody is slowly said with a tone of almost sing:

“So now, Link · Fli, what is the most evil curse in all DARK MAGICs?”

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