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“Of course, it is three UNFORGIVABLE CURSE, which is Imperius Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and the Mission.”

Link Eyes Slightly Narrowed, closely closely attacked Moody a word.

“Ha! It’s good!”

Moody Snered, the good eyes Looked Towards have other people in the classroom, and another Magic Eye continues to stare at LINK, “Ah! Imperius Curse! Want to give MINISTRY OF MIN Magic provokes a lot of trouble. Now, Link · Frei, standing in front of me, I need you to play with me to demonstrate the real role of IMPERIUS CURSE! “

This is an out, many students exclaimed by Involuntarily.

but hearing this link is reversed to reveal a Said With a slight smile:

“Imperius Curse, CRuciatus CURSE and the princes of the manta are called three large unforgivable curse because of any of them, it is enough to make the spell in a lifetime in Azkaban in the Azkaban.

professor mod, is it it posible That Do you want to go to Azkaban to experience your life? If the crims you will definitely will be very welcome? After all, many people in them are caught by you. “

“I? Is it possible? How can I be? I am just teaching you, it is not in harm.” Moody’s two eyes are mixed, continue to urge, “enough Don’t worry, come up! “

Hearing this Link’s smile is more rich, but his scorpion has emitted a chill.

“Don’t go, link!”

John sitting on him, while holding a link, he said whispering, he can see from his pale and nervous face, he is very urgent.

but LINK finally walked to Moody, and slightly tornly.


Moody cruel, the lower lips said, and he took the Wand, and the soft voice said, “Imperio.”

Moody’s WANG gently, a group of almost unable to see the smog, and drilled into the mouth of Link.

Link is obvious to feel a Magic Power has been packaged in his brain.

Under this Magic Power, Link is like a big bowl in the cold winter night, and it is comfortable, and it is like Immortal Realm, fluttering.

At the same time, there is a very embossed sound in the LINK ear.

Link can’t listen to him, or what she is saying, but I feel that I have to listen to the instructions from the other side, otherwise I will immediately leave this Immortal Realm, return to the realistic reality of hell.

feel the refreshment of this Incomparable, and Link is secretly dark from Sighed.

This is the horror of Imperius Curse.

It allows the medium to make a magical and enjoy the most purest and happy.

Once the medium curse is inserted, it will be fully controlled by the spell.

I want to break free from IMPERIUS CURSE, only relying on Tenacious WillPower!

Link Although it feels that his WillPower is not strong, he has an occlumency!

In this regard, Occlumency’s role is much better than pure WillPower.

So thinking, LINK acts even when it is just that it is intentionally turned off.

霎, accompanied by a burst of coolness from the whole body, LINK has gradually begun to be lost.

Only, Lin’s face is still the same as that.

Moody is satisfied with NODDED, in which Link is clearly spent.

He gently shakes Wand, and the Link is immediately lifted up the Right Hand instruction.

Link is deliberately illuminated.

then let go, lift, put down, lift it …

After repeating, Moody is somewhat proud to use his good eyes Looked Towards everyone:

“See it, he is now fully controlled. I can let him jump from the window now, or kill yourself! This is the horror of Imperius Curse!”

“Death Eater traverses, many Wizard are controlled by Imperius Curse. That is really hard to get Ministry of Magic, because they have to distinguish those who commit crimes Effective or in accordance with their own will. “

“Of course, imperius curse can also be protected. But it is necessary to do very powerful personality, you can’t do this, you can’t do it!”

“Okay! Let us return to our collections.” Moody and Looked Towards Link, “Link · Frey, now please answer my question! Why come in here, you are using super-speaking Peak me! Do you want to observe my weaknesses, then start sudden attacks on me, so kill me !? “

Moody’s tone is getting higher and higher, and it is almost almost roaring.

and the color of the LINK face is gradually converge, and finally become a laughter, saying:

“Ah! This can’t be blame me. After all, I have seen a lot of people, but I’m going to see this level. I am really ahead. This is like you go shopping. A monkey who is very ugly, can you still take a look at it? “

“you …”

Moody Hearing this is shocked.

Link This discovered that although Moody had a leg, it was a disability, but his body was still sensitive.

I only see him, and the removal is lightweight and the LINK has opened a distance, and then the Wand is hesitant. If you raise your hand, it is a hit disarming charm.

He is very fast, and it is very unexpected, and the students under the platform are shocked.

can be LINK is early preparation.

The ebony wand passes through the battle of the WAND into the hands of the LINK, and the shield light screen is called out of the Link.


The curse and the light shield have only been exposed to a moment, and it will play back to the faster speed.

Moody does not hide, Wand welcomes the magic spell, and the Magic Power that is entangled on the Wand will become the magic of the film.


After all of which did this, Moody and Link did not continue to make fun of hand.

The two are standing on both sides of the podium, and the excitement of the students under the stage is depending on.

“is really Didn’t Expect, you can break free from the shackles of Imperius Curse. Or, have you never been controlled?” After a long time, Moody said that the voice of Poisonous Snake said, “Ah, Seeing that Snape guys really taught you! “

Hearing this link is also a road:

“Compared to these, I think you still care about yourself. Use Imperius Curse for your students, and attack your students afterwards. These charges are enough to enjoy the DEMENTOR kiss.”

“I said, this is just a simple teaching That’s all, far without what you said is so serious. And, many times, how to truly decide how to make a criticism that the consequences of it have more Serious. As for this matter, hEHE! “

Moody is cold and said, “Now, go back to your seat right away, we will continue to class!”

LINK did not continue to refute with Moody, but deeply glanced at each other, and returned to his seat.

He is not necessary to follow the Draco. Fly Into a rage out of humiliation is much bigger, that is too shameful.

I want to retaliate that Moody is really simple.

Just tell Dumbledore and Friedrians in the next get out of class.

Although like Moody ago, MINISTRY OF MAGIC IMPOSSIBLE passed the azkaban in the case where MINISTRY OF MAGIC IMPOSSIBLE did not cause serious consequences.

But he basically don’t want to continue to teach Hogwarts.

If this is, LINK does not want to find a way to distinguish whether Moody is not Barty Jr. Prestressed, after all, as long as Moody leaves hogwarts, then if he is indeed Barty Jr., there is no way to continue Make something.

I think so, the mood of LINK is extremely pleasant, and even gently squatted.

This is unclear, he thinks that Link is stupid.

Moody on the podium is like what is just what is nothing.

His Each Minding Their Own Business is bent on the drawing drawer, takes a glass bottle with a live spider, and then uses a very gloomy tone to say:

“Next I want to demonstrate cruciatus curse!”

No one speaks in the classroom.

It’s just that everyone looked toards Moody has some disgust.

In the case of a spider as a demonstration, it is intentionally to call the LINK to go to the stage.

Moody is completely not at all students to see his eyes, his expression is relaxed, and the Wand is gently spider in the bottle.

“Drill heartfoot!”

Only one instant, the thigh of the spider huddled.

Its body is draging, shaking, roll.

No matter who reads this scene, you can know that it is in great pain at the moment, because after the initial period of time, it is already hit the bottle of the bottle, like you want to live Help yourself!

is more cruelly, Moody also released the expansion curse to the spider during half of the presentation, and enlarged it three times, so that everyone can see more clearly.

The students under the top of the scene have disappeared in an instant.

Everyone’s expression is shocked, and even dare not look at Moody on the podium.

No one wants to be coming soon this madman!

“see it? Extremely painful!” Moody relieved, “If you will cruciatus Curse, then you don’t need to sold the iron or pull the teeth when you get it. Of course, if your purpose is torture, then Be careful. Excessive use of CRuciatus Curse will make the medium curse spirit collapsed. Like a poor longbottom couple, they are so mad. “

The girls who have a bit endure that the ability to have a strong ability is already sob.

Moody obviously be very satisfied with this reaction.

he smiled and looked at CRuciatus Curse.

At this time, the poor spider has exhausted all the strength, only Motionless’s kneeling.

“Next is the last magic.”

Along with the sound of Moody, there are several Ravenclaw’s eyes suddenly strong, and the tension will seem to want to stop.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

“avada kedavra!”

Moody Send Cold Shivers Down One’s Spine Sound echoed in the classroom, his face looks sinister, the Wand in the hand, the spider in the bottle!


Green Glow is now, leaving a deep green marks on the retina of the students, and the negative emotions such as immune, death, despair, into the hearts of all witnesses, let them Involuntarily feel a while. Strong palpitations!

Spider is dead!

Everyone, including the few crying girls stop crying, and looked at the bodies of the spider, expressing dullness.

After a long time, Moody’s faint voice rang.

“is very unpleasant, even desperate!” Moody Said in a Tranquil Voice, “and completely did not solve, the medium curse will die in an instant, and there is no scar outside. Today’s only two A person who has not killed in the dead curse has only Harry · Potter, and “

Moody turned his gaze to Link, evil Fiercely Said, “Link · Frey!”

Everyone’s eyes are also followed by Moody Looked Towards, and many people’s expressions are very exciting.

After all, the last year’s LINK has been spread very widely, but most people don’t think there is anything.

After Terrifying Aura, I saw the prostitute, I finally understood the Powerful of Link.

Moody continues:

“Now you understand? Imperius Curse, CRuciatus Curse and the lamise, this is something that you need to resist in the future! You need to be prepared, you need to have alert, of course, the most important thing is, you need Keep a vigilance! Now … take out your quill, record these all, then hang in your wall, look at it every day! “

saying that last Moody is already roaring, and this roaring is also very good, and letting them feel the words that Moody just said.

In the writing of Sha sand sand, Moody is satisfied with the NODDED Dark:

“The princes of the prince need a strong Magic Power as the foundation, and the weak people don’t kill if the label is released. You can even give Wand to me, then read the curse. I suspect me Will only flow a little nosebleed … Amount! “

Moody said half of the sudden stop.

Because he is stunned, Link has gone, and took out the Wand to align him.

“Really?” Link face with a laughter, seriously asked, “Are you really willing to give me a professional spell?”

Moody lips are under the SPEECHLESS.

Because he knows, others may not set up a real label, but Magic Power Powerful’s LINK will inevitably succeed.

and most importantly, Moody knows that Link is really wanting to come to him.

After the stalemate is a long time, the bell finally sounded, breaking the strange silence in the classroom.

Link doesn’t speak, just simply put down Wand, and the face is still hung.

The expression of Moody is more embarrassed, but eventually, Coldly Snorted is, and then leaves the classroom.

After the signature footsteps gradually, the whole classroom finally lived, and the students were like a fish that was thrown into the beach, the big mouth breathed.

and LINK leaves the seat under the eyes of everyone, and the direction of the Moved Towards Potions’ Professor office is slow.

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