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Complaints and complaints are actually a very difficult thing.

The first thing to do this is that you need to make the one who accepts complaints is enough to value you.

Otherwise, waiting for you is very likely to be perfunctory.

After all, your complaints and complaints do not seem to cause serious consequences.

This is especially important for students such as LINK.

Be aware of the status of students and professors, Even more How Moody is also a professor for DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS, while Link is very special, and it seems that in DumbleDore that’s it.

generally speaking, in the face of this situation, it is a good choice to protest with you with a large group of Student and protest with you to guide things into group sexual events.

but this takes time.

and LINK has a better, more direct way.

find a strong foreign aid, such as Snape.

So Link did not hesitate to go directly to Potions’ Professor’s office. He has studied the curriculum. At this time, the SNAPE has no lesson, must be in the office to drum those cauldron.

may be worried about LINK, John is tightly followed by LINK.

“I admit that I look at it, link, Professor Moody is a bastard! My day! He actually follows you with Imperius Curse!”

“Perhaps the rumor is right, he really has persecution!”

“What do you get to do? Direct back to Common Room? This is a good idea! Do you feel in the past.”

“Don’t be too uncomfortable, we all are standing on you … Amount, how do you seem to be a Snape office?”

John all the way is forced to talk about comfort, while LINK always keeps silence, until the Snape’s office door, LINK has stopped, turned to John:

“Reassured, John, I didn’t feel sad, because soon Moody would be Bad Luck.”

John looks at the round arch stone door of the Snape office, this suddenly realizes:

“Are you ready to find SNAPE?”

“No, it is going to Dumbledore together with Professor Snape. One SNAPE is not a Moody opponent.”

“But can this?”

John is somewhat asked.

“Who knows. But there is no doubt that Moody wants Bad Luck.” Link is pushing Stone Gate, SAID WITH A SMILE, “Set with Draco Malfoy’s famous sayings, I am the son of Hogwarts , And ah, the Fli family can be much better than Malfoy Family! ”

Stroke, Stone Gate is again closed, leaving only John in an empty corridor.


When Link enters the Snape office, the atmosphere here is somewhat strange.

because Draco is actually, and what is said to Snape in crying, and Snape has not drums his Potion and Cauldron, but standing quietly at Draco.

“Godfather! You must taught the Moody guy! He not only got me, but even when my face said you is a shameful traitor, coward!”

Draco said while crying, it looks that it is very angry.

Snape’s expression is also very difficult, his expression GLOOMY is going to drop the water.

But he did not answer Draco, but said to Link:

“What are you doing?”

Hearing this Draco is shocked, and hurriedly turned his head.


In the moment of seeing LINK, Draco screamed, and immediately started to wipe tears and wanted to stop crying.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to stop after this kind of thing. So he wiped it for a long time, and finally it can only be flustered to hide behind the locker. Link see.

LINK has not spoken, just look at Draco to do this Cover One’s Ears Whilst Stealing A Bell, the corner is still a smile.

until Draco hove well, he eventually made a neck, smiled and told the things in the DEFENSE AGAINST The Dark ARTS lesson to the SNAPE.

This makes the Snape’s eyes don’t come up.

I have been silent for a long time, he used the cold tone without a single feeling:

“How do you prepare?”

“I need you to accompany me to a Headmaster office.” The smile on the Link face became more and more gained. “After all, this dangerous part like Moody is really not suitable for continuing to stay in hogwarts, what do you think?” /P>

this time, Snape is longer.

But in the end, he also revealed a smile, and said to Link:

“You are right, hogwarts don’t need a madman like Moody, we’ll set off now.”

, Snape and Link have a smile, just leave the office.

is at this moment, Draco hiding behind the locker suddenly drilled out.

At this time he finally stopped crying, and replaced a exciting smile, followed by Snape and Link.

“Stand!” Snape suddenly turned Coldly Said, “You can’t go, honestly stay!”

“But, but it is what I came first, I …”

Draco’s grievances said, but if half of them was pulled back by Snape, I went back and went back, and finally I watched Link and Snape left the office.

At the moment of Stone Gate completely closed, tears flowed down from Draco’s eye.

His thinking does not understand how this is something.

It is clear that he is the teaching of Professor Snape.

But he cried here, he said that he did not say Snape to help him lesson.

and that Link · Frei just came over and just said it, Professor Snape did not allow himself to look at it in the shot of WITHOUT THETEST HESitation.


In the office, Draco is even more powerful.

Draco’s idea LINK and SNAPE are naturally not known, maybe even know it too much.

They all know that Draco is completely idiot, a completely thoroughly.

This kind of guy can be unclear.

a smart person like LINK, or a person who is a bad breath is different.

He is very good to catch the Snape as the former Death Eater. It is also very disgusted with Moody, and the opportunity to drive Moody out of Hogwarts in front of SNAPE.

facing such a good opportunity, even if Snape knows that Link is using him, even if there is a feeling of imposing Snape and Link, Snape will be willing to drive by LINK.

because this is a win-win!


The door of the Hogwarts Headmaster office was kicked away.

Follow the faceless Snape and Link carry a cold wind into the office.

Dumbledore at this time is in front of the Wizard chess with a pair of Headmaster Magic Portrait, he is shocked, hurriedly waving his fingers and makes the board and chess pieces on the countertop.

and after seeing the coming people are snape and link he talents, he said his chest:

“Oh! Severus, there is LINK, maybe when you come in, it is best to knock on the door, I am shocked by you,”

Finished, Dumbledore also laughed HEHE’s face on the wall. Magic portrait made a face.

The white beard old man in the portrait is bad, and the ancient English is not in the painted in the painting, if it is not link they suddenly come in, he will have to win!

Link and Snape completely ignore the interaction of Dumbledore and Portrait.

The front of the front Minding their owne, the leader of the corner, starts to tease the top of Phoenix, the latter is on the front of the top, and the hands are supported on the desktop of Dumbledore, whistle:

“Let’s come here, you are not with you CRACKING A JOKE, and you choose Professor Defense Against The Dark ARTS has a big problem!”

“Amount,” Dumbledore is backwards, this is just a good expression, “Talk, what is going on.”

Snape naturally does not ink with DumbleDore, immediately telling the LINK to add oil to a vinegar, telling his income and adding vinegar, and said to Dumbledore, and said the voice.

The white beard Old Man who was originally jumped in Portrait was no longer roared at this time, but a shocked look at Snape.

I found that Snape was still in this area in Talk Nonsense today.

Despite some removal, Snape is uncomfortable.

When I finally took some sad anger to Dumbledore:

“You look at the good things you do! Link This good child is so scared by him with imperius curse, the whole person is panicked! Take the get out of class to cry, but also greatly psychological injury Until now, it is still still idolful! Moody guys must go out of hogwarts! “

Dumbledore wipes the spit on the sporadic, looked at the side of the LINK who is getting hot with Phoenix, and somewhat speechless.

He can’t see that the LINK is like a psychological injury.


Dumbledore deep sighed.

It is now possible to know that Snape and Link are in the play, he has to swallow this bitter fruit.

After all, Moody does what is true.

hesitated for a while, DumbleDore said sincerely:

“I recognize that the teaching method of Alastor is indeed too much, but I believe that he is hoped from your heart …”

“The Fli family has become Hogwarts’s largest collections.”

Link’s voice interrupted DumbleDore’s unhappy discourse.

DumbleDore turned to see that LINK didn’t know when he had already arrived at his near, Phoenix Fawkes was also brought over by him. At this moment, he was standing on the shoulders of Link, and lined his eyes to enjoy the touch of Link.

DumbleDore’s eyes have been transferred in Phoenix and Link long, slowly said:

“Hogwarts are strictly prohibited to carry dangerous pets, especially Dark Magic creatures such as Basilisk, Cruids, and Vibid bats.”

LINK is not heard of Dumbledore, continues to tend to teamel Fawkes, but his neck has already drilled a small snake head, which is staring at Dumbledore with vicious eyes.

Akam does not understand people, but she still feels deeply malicious from DumbleDore’s words.

If you can, she really wants to bite on the neck of Dumbledore, so that the annoying white beard Old Man will die.

About this point Akam is very confident because Link has released the seal on her head early in the summer vacation.

It is not good to be stared by Poisonous Snake, but at this time, Dumbledore doesn’t care, just continue to watch Link That Jun Xiu’s excessive face.

LINK said:

“Although you use a whole summer to remove all the people left on the Hogwarts account, this year’s Hogwarts’s funds seem to be all in place? If there is any problem in the middle of the money, What do you think of the situation? “

saying that the LINK deliberately made a look, then said, “Ah, the low-grade students don’t matter. Anyway, they are only a low intensity study, and the rice is enough. But the senior born? Especially those who have jealousy, Potion, and Herbology. Without the Gold Galleon supported by the School Board, you can do so multi-material supply them to learn? WHEN TIME COMES Ultimate Wizard What should I do again? “

This words, LINK can clearly feel that Dumbledore’s pupil is shrinking.

This makes the Link mood are very happy, and even the corner of the mouth can’t help but rise.

The biggest difference between Wizard World and Muggle World is the presence of Magic.

This is a nonsense, but it can also explain that many of these two World are different.

For example, because of the presence of Magic, the personal Military force of Wizard World is actually possible to press public power.

and DumbleDore is the strongest Wizard currently in Europe.

Dumbledore is strong, even reaching as long as he wants to subvert the clip of MINISTRY OF MAGIC.

The most important thing is that such a Powerhouse has a very high reputation and a high quality character.

This is a bit a bit horrible.

So the whole country is inherently DumbleDore.

The reason why fudge can be able to be a ministry of magic because Dumbledore does not want to deal with That’s ALL.

In this case, you want to drive the Moody and to the Azkaban, you first want to Dumbledore Nodded.

This is nothing hope, because in the Original Work, Moody, MOODY, is the generals of Dumbledore.

As a strong, Achilles, there is also a weakness of this weakness.

That is the students of Hogwarts.

DumbleDore may endure his death, or endure his honor is thrown into the mud.

But he absolutely can’t stand his student, no learning, no food.

This is a very pure person, and it is also a great person.

Link sincerely admires Dumbledore.

In the words of Link, Dumbledore Speaking from A Certain Perspective is a true gentleman.

but gentleman, can be deceived!

thinks like this, the smile of LINK has become more brilliant.

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