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The nextmaster office is still continuing.

Dumbledore stares with a smile in the corner of the LINK mouth, and the face of the face is a bit cold.

This makes the air in the office seem to be contaminated with a wireful fire Medicinal Smell.

Unfortunately, it is not afraid of link that has been pinching Dumbledore pain.

After a long time, Dumbledore finally gave up this kind of thorning, saying very serious:

“Alastor · Moody cannot leave Hogwarts.”

The smile on the face disappeared, and the hand also put it down from Phoenix’s small head, which made Phoenix Fawkes dissatisfied with him.

Dumbledore Took A Deep Breath, explained:

“He is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is easy to invigorate, and the professional level is absolutely hard enough. If he drives him out of Hogwarts, I can’t find some objects in a few months.”

Link still does not speak, but looks at the eyes SNAPE.

The meaning inside this is clear, but Snape pretends that I didn’t see the head.

He has been over two years, helping Lupin, who is a professor professor of the Defense Against The Dark Arts of these half-way problems.

so he is very clear.

Although Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts is his Yearn for Something Even in Dreams, but if you have to serve as Potions’ Professor, it is very unenrested.

At the same time, it is too much tortured.

Link is some disappointed to turn the head, but see DumbleDore is a little happy laugh and said:

“This is a matter of this LINK, Alastor, I am sorry, his domeys are indeed serious, and what you have given you a psychological shadow.”

said that Dumbledore took out a glass jar filled with a transparent liquid from the drawer to Link, “But I believe that even mentally harm, Phoenix tears can also be cured. Here, there is enough Foot 5 oz, have you seen enough? “

Phoenix’s tears are indeed enough Powerful.

This can be said to be one of the most effective treatment drugs on World, and it is still a lot of disseminated Potion’s production materials in Slytherin Pharmacopoeia.

The most important thing is that it is extremely rare!

Because the only WORLD is still a person who has also dumped Phoenix’s Wizard is only one person.

This means that in addition to those who are lucky in the wild, it is occasionally able to get one or two drops of bitter Haha Wizard hunters, Dumbledore is the only output.

Snape standing on the side of the LINK This is already a begin to Stir.

is not half a little on the LINK face.

This is 5 oz!

Dumbledore This guy, shouldn’t Everyday all give him tears for forced Phoenix Weikens?

Poor Little Brat.

Link compassion touch Phoenix Fawkes’s head.

What is more important is that Linked from DumbleDore has heard the determination of the other party.

DumbleDore is definitely not Moody to leave Hogwarts.

This 5 ounce Phoenix tears is also Dumbledore tells Link, you don’t have any significance of him, because he will harvest this bottle of Phoenix tears, you can harvest a Gold Galleon with an astronomical figure.

Of course, the other party can’t find a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, LINK is a word Will Not listened.

Dumbledore This guy is certainly available.

This is not important.


Link exhaled ONE MOUTHFUL OF IMPURE AIR, said:

“So many Phoenix tears are really enough. But I have some doubt that professor Moody is pretending to use Polyjuice Potion, this way, professor snape will match the Polyjuice Potion to let PROFESSOR MOODY. Try it. “

“LINK, are you doing this?”

DumbleDore is some helpless.

He doesn’t think that Moody will be pretending to others, this is also too much.

In his opinion, this is Link you want to find an excuse to tell the Moody That’s All.

If Dumbledore really wants to reject directly.

but he is also very clear, Link is a very careful person.

If he disagree today, Link will definitely revenue Moody in other means.

What kind of words like “P> may be lost.

so thinking, Dumbledore is difficult to point Nodded, and lookards Snape:

“Severus, then you will first configure the Potion, wait for you to match …”

“Don’t use it so much! Since several thieves from my Medicine Ingredients reservoir, I have been preparing the Polyjuice Potion’s release of Polyjuice Potion.”

Snape took out a bottle of green Potion from the arms, smiled and interrupted Dumbledore.

“Well, Fawkes tells Alastor to come.”

With Dumbledore’s words, the phoenix on the shoulders of LINK screamed, and then turned into a flame disappered.

This move has made a lot of the atmosphere in the office, and there is also a smile on the Link face.

Although this time, Moody has not been able to drive out the hogwarts, but it can be gotten by Moody true and false.

After a few minutes, Phoenix Fawkes and Moody appeared in front of a fire.

“Dumbledore, is there anything to do?”

Moody did not look at LINK and SNAPE, asked Down Dumbore.

“AI, is like this, Alastor. Folley believes that you may be that others drink Polyjuice Potion pretended, so special provisions, please help you with a bottle of Polyjuice Potion to eliminate the medicine, want you to drink to prove I’m. “

“Non-Non Talk!”

Moody roar, “This is the revenge of red fruit! Dumbledore! You should understand!”

Dumbledore doesn’t speak, just watching Moody quietly.

This makes Moody’s expression GLOOMY, Lightly Saying:


this time, Dumbledore finally opened, but only answering Moody is a sigh.

Moody also understands that he watches the Link and Snape:

“Ghosts, despicable people!”

said, he raised the Potion on the tabletop on the desktop, and started a variety of checks in Wand and Potion.

This check has a bit for nearly half an hour, and it is a bit stunned.

Because Moody uses a variety of check curse during this period, even if the Scar Packed Mantra is only used by high rank potion education to learn the Potion analysis of the public.

even if it is carefully to this extent, Moody still has not been able to check what problems from this bottle Potion.

“damns! Despicable guys, Merlin’s beard …”

Moody didn’t want to drink there, but under Dumbledore, the ultimate potion was still exhausted by Moody.

After drinking, Moody’s expression becomes.

He has been undergoing countless times, so this time, although the complicated testing means did not check the toxicity in this bottle, he just had a entrance, he knew that things did not know.

“You …”

Moody screamed from his arms, but he didn’t wait for him to finish. His skin turned green, and countless thick small shadows drilled from its skin. This sudden pain is more It is forced that he is directly on the ground.

Link and Snape are the opposite look of the evil.

Moody is careful, but there is still a good way to oppose Snape this Potions Grandmaster.

Dumbledore is low, deep SIGHED said:

“Things have been solved, you should also go.”

“This is of course,” Snape Taking pleasure in Other People’s Misfortune, I also said on the ground twitching Moody, “This symptom will continue to be a week, then naturally subsidize.”

, Snape has left the office with a LINK head.

Reopened Stone Rare Beast, after the entrance to the Headmaster office, Snape has a little can’t wait for Link:

“Phoenix tears?”

“can’t give you all.”

“I want 4 ounces!”

“up to 2 ounces!”

“Good! Transaction!”

The two people have not evmitted in front of the stone Rare Beast, which makes Snape become more fun.

To know that there is a lack of phoenix tears, he can start trying to match the legendary Potion than the Slytherin Magic.

Even moreh How the disgusting Moody has also been a big loss this time, this is already enough!

Snape has never expected that DumbleDore will drive Moody out of hogwarts.

“is right, do you give Moody drink safe is the release of Polyjuice Potion?”

When you are in the heart of the Snape, the voice of Link suddenly sounded.

This makes the Snape face gradually disappears, frowning:

“Do you really think that MOODY is not true?”

“You know, my premonition is always very accurate, I am leaning on this ability to live now.” Link means deeply said, “And this time, Moody is particularly not beautiful.”

Hearing this snape eye wave flow, silenced a little said:

“looks like you are also a little shadow of the old guy’s Imperius Curse. Maybe you should be like Dumbledore, drink PHOENIX tears to see if you can treat mental trauma.”

Link doesn’t have a reply, just continue to look at the eyes of Snape.

Snape is definitely aware of what, but he is not willing to say, so you can only talk about there is no name to make yourself.

This Link is very clear.

He doesn’t matter, after all, it is really important, and the things you have in this Transmigrator are far from Snape, which can be imagined.

may be uncomfortable by Link.

Snape is finally said after a while and LINK is finally said:

“I don’t have the release of Polyjuice Potion, but a special debris Potion, which is improved by the Gringotts-shaped waterfall. Drinking this stuff not only has no way to continue to maintain Polyjuice Potion, even There is no way to maintain transfiguration and hyperactivity, including Animagus. So you put your heart back to your stomach, this Moody is true! “

, the Snape is not returning quickly.

He also wants to return to the office to try to match the new drug, no workfold and Link are grind here.

and link is standing in place, frowning.

Moody is genuine.

This news is not so beautiful for LINK.

Because he knows, Barty Jr. Crouch and Pettigrew · Peter are still swaying outside, don’t mention that there is a huge force behind them.

If this Moody is really Barty Jr., he can use this to do a lot of things, such as getting some intelligence.

and now, this group of people has been completely transferred to the ground, it is difficult to catch it.

thinks like this, Link has some helpless SHOOK the head.

When you see Snape, John, who has been hiding in the dark, started to ask Link, and start to ask the results of this time.

can be seen from his expression, this guy does not feel that LINK and SNAPE can discuss from Moody.

So he is inquiring, more just the comfort and concerns of That’s All.

Link is not hidden, just informing the Moody’s tragic looks all John.

Looking at John’s gradually widened eyes, LINK is very useful, smile and John is accompanied by Hufflepuff Common Room.

was given by John and I would like to understand.

The things you are worried are actually a lot, as long as Voldemort does not appear in Peak State, these so-called events are low intensity in the case of DumbleDore support.

deal with this matter, Confront Soldiers with generals and stem water with sharth is.

In the next few weeks, Link is like thoroughly forgot this, and every day, in addition to class learning, it is with Emily.

Even so, they will not have a lot of time together.

Because each of the teachers are crazy to increase the HOMEWORK.

“This year you will face the OWL test! This means that you have no time to consume energy like Wizard chess and talk about love this meaningless thing! You now need to do it, it is Go to the two books, do more, do more, now! Now! “

This paragraph is PROFESSOR SPROUT in the first class of this semester to LINK they said.

After she said this, all the students in the whole classroom were stunned.

Because this is more like Professor McGonagAll, not Professor Sprout.

All students in Hogwarts seem to be a good professor with a good professor in PROFESSOR SPROUT.

This is rarely seen from Homework that she has arranged before.

even, PROFESSOR SPROUT will never say to his students, even if it is wrong, it is comfortable and educated.

and all this has changed after school this year.

The entire fifth year of students feel the dramatic transformation of the Professor sprout attitude.

She began to become anger, not only leave a lot of HOMEWORK, but even unprecedented’s hands with a tubular.

This in the Past is completely something that everyone is afraid.

as it should be by rights, many students have begun to express their opinions on Sprust, think she is deliberate torture them, or be more annual.

But when they go to other professors, they will not think so.

Because other professors have changed more than Professor Sprout!

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