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For example, the considerate of the calculation of Divination.

The body is too too full of middle-aged women now have a very limited to the style of the high school mathematics Teacher. It will take out a big stacked mathematics test to give Lin and the Others.

and as long as someone makes the problem wrong, she will be stinking in the Flies Into A Rage, and then the face is talking about the student who is crying over and over again, until the other party said Calculate.

Of course, many students are just to escape the professor and scold and don’t understand.

The result of this is the next time you have an error, then continue to be scolded by the professor, and finally fall into a almost endless cycle.

As for the principal of McGonagAll, it is more exciting.

but is different from poor calculations Divination Professor, and no one dares to confuse McGonagall professor.

The habits developed by the ‘oppressed’ by ‘oppressive’, so as long as McGonagAll teaches to take a stop on the podium, even if it is the most most close-up student, it will become a baby.

Professor McGonagAll put this as an AS IT SHOULD BY Rights, she has now begun to teach Link them to disappear.

This is a magic curse that will disappear with the object and have an effect on the dead and living.

LINK is actually don’t understand why this curse is classified into Transfiguration.

But there is no doubt that it is very difficult to disappear!

This difficulty is to rise in stepped shape, that is, the more complex object structure you want to disappear, the higher the festival.

to disappear with human beings of this Between Heaven and Earth, Link estimates at least LV5’s disappearance!

In theory, this simply is not a link they should learn something, but Professor McGonagAll is crazy, and it is a general persecution.

The reason is very simple. Link They immediately ushered in O.W.L. Exam.

and disappearance is O.W.L. The highest difficulty in the exam is also a part of the topical questions.

o.w.l. Exam is also known as a normal Wizard exam.

After using the “Hogwarts – a School History”, after the test of the Ministry of Magic and supervised the exam, the LINK naturally understood the O.W.L. Exam for the college entrance examination of Magic Circle.

hogwarts In addition to the grades of the surface, there is also a high and low two sets of systems on the specific teaching content, respectively, one to fifth year’s ordinary courses (OWL courses) and the ultimate in the five to seventh year Course (Newt Course).

Among them, the general course can only teach you the basic curse and common sense that Wizard needs to be mastered, and the ultimate course will teach you the real core knowledge of this Magic World.

For example, a deep alchemy, Potion studies and the truthful battle with the truth.

Of course, due to the lack of resources and the requirements of Innate Talent, professors will screen for students who want to learn the ultimate courses.

and o.w.l. Test is used to filter available talents

Professor of each war will set a red line.

Only O.W.L. The test score is in this red line, and the students above can continue to follow them to learn N.E.w.t courses.

If your grades are poor, no professor is willing to teach you.

Waiting for you will be removed.

Of course, since Dumbledore has a lot of heart, the heart of the professor is soft.

Many professors will set their own red lines, such as Muggle Research and Divination.

So even if the student of re-garbage can finally hold some garbage programs to continue in Hogwarts, until graduation.

The direct consequences of this Huairou policy are a small number of students to start using this promotion mechanism deliberately tested down to the subjects they don’t want to.

Potion learning is the hittime in this area.

After all, the professor such as Snape is really like Does Not Raise.

but Snape is Attractive SpecTacle.

He has long been bored and continues to teach those idiots.

So he does not improve the teaching efforts of students in Fifth Year as other professors.

In fact, Snape can be said to be the most professor of all professors since all professors.

Sometimes he even after class HOMEWORK WILL NOT, it is often written in the chalkboard when classes, and then lets students learn.

Link understands him.

Because he knew that Snape is sure to be placed in the phoenix tears and Slytherin magic.

But LINK is unexpectedly, this regardless of Snape has become a variety of discussion.

There are a few GryffInDOR boys and even publicly indicating that Snape is afraid that no one has elective N.E.W.T courses, so it is intentionally to show them.

also said that if snape can kneel down his shoes, if he apologizes, he may also consider going to continue Warm Potion.

Whenever they talk about this topic in the auditorium, they will arise.

These people’s faces are full of smiles, as if they are the winners of this battlefield.

General This time, many smart people will hide in the dark, they are despised by these people, and then continue to eat hard while dining.

Because it can be seen by appreciation, these people are short-lived today. It is actually in exchange for their future.

They are the same as those who have been read in Muggle World, so that they are about to take a more hard way.

The only difference is that those people of Muggle World may succeed and achieve their ideals.

But this part of Wizard World is basically not expected for a lifetime.

Knowledge is power!

This sentence is in the Wizard World, but the truth is true.

Original LINK should also be the person who hides in the dark to the group of people.

Eldest Young Master, which is sitting on countless assets and wealth inheritance, is working hard here, in order to safely spend the crisis hit by Voldemort safely, and then let the Fried family will be more prosperous.

The group of people opposite the group is a bit too ridiculous.

But at this time, it is a little smile, but it is a bit frown.

“call! ~”

Looking at the positive face, he, looking at the group of people on the Gryffindor Curie, the people who are drizzling, the TINK is discovered out of One mouthful of impure air.

From John Link, Link is finally understood by why the parents of the former That Many are against early love.

This guy and lily seem to have entered the dancing period. From the beginning of the school, it will find a chance to get together every moment every moment.

and link are different, LINK and Emiti are at least after the class, HOMEWORK will consider things that will be played.

But John and Lily An obviously do not have such self-cultivation.

I don’t write homework or even the escape course for them. It is already a place for it.

even lie in the relationship between Filch, the eyes of the night, in the dark hogwarts castle.

So John’s grade Dropped A Thousand Zhang in One Fall, currently plans to give up Potion to save more time to find lily.

“Ha! Snape has such a day, this is really cool! I don’t do Potion class from the next day, this thing, Lily, I have said many times, when we have two Have more time to be together! “

John suddenly twisted his head, and said with LINK.

and Hearing this Link expression is more complicated.

It is actually that John’s achievements are actually, at least will become a kind of person who can only hold this garbage subject like Muggle study.

But in fact, he will continue to continue again, and after graduation, the employment prospects will not have much difference with those mixers.

Because Wizard World’s good work is not much, and the results of N.E.T and the subject have very strict requirements.

With John pure Muggle, if you can’t do outstanding, then the biggest graduation may be a store in a store of Diagon Alley.

From a rational point of view, he should not have a lot of John’s private matter. After all, this is the decision made by John.

and John Character Somewhat is biased, if the LINK is said to be a truth, John is very likely to change the trouble.

but as a friend, this is not appropriate.

hesitated for a while, LINK is still Opened the mouth and said:

“John, I tell you a story.”

“Ah? You said.”

John smile Hehe’s speaking.

“There has been a chopper and a tire man. One day they meet. So I sat on the grass and chatted together, a chat was an afternoon, very happy. Then arrive in the evening, put the sheep With your own sheep who have already sat on the grass, it is empty in the back frame of the Chai people. This makes him very desperate, because he is cutting wood for a living. There is no firewood, means him I have to be hungry tomorrow. “

John is not a fool, when he is just laughing, he is a story to listen to it.

I can hear that John can’t laugh.

is replaced by endless silence.

Link looks at him in a secluded:

“Lily Ann Father is a lawyer, Mother is a unique heir with a Wizard family. After graduation, she will have a good future in Wizard World.

She is like that sheep, and you are the hacking. You chatted with her an afternoon, her flock of her own is full, but can you? “

Language, LINK has a long exhaustion.

The body is also relaxing.

He feels that he can say this, it is already the obligation to be friends, as for John is willing to listen to what he can manage.

Link is even done John directly fly in a rage out of humiliation, and preparations on the spot.

But all this has not come.

John listened to the story is like a wood man sitting, sitting there, silence.

After a long time, he heard his hoarse voice came out.

“These, I am actually knowing, just … but I am really a little. Thank you, link.”

John raised his head, revealing a bitter smile on Link, and then left the auditorium.

LINK has not spoken, just look at John’s back.

“How? Have you quarreled?”

Emili did not know when he had already standing behind Link, she said while reaching the head of Link.

“maybe, who knows?”

Link is unclear.

This is a bit like perfunctory, but in fact, LINK is really unclean.

Because John’s mouth said, it is a bit like a repentance, but from the direction he leaves, he is clearly went to the Ravenclaw Tower.

shook the head, the LINK finally decided to talk about this thing with CEDRIC, let him also do the work of John.

“Forget it, I don’t want to take these.”

Emilo smiled, “I am coming, let’s tell you a good news.”


“Delegation of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang October 30, that is, HOGWARTS will be reached next Friday!”

“How do you know?”

Link is a bit unfolbened, the information channel of the Fli family is more than Victoria, and there is no reason to know what Amy Li knows him.

and Hearing this Emili is Lightly Said with a smile:

“is very simple, Filch’s guny has already passed the notice to the hall in this morning.”

, Emiti is also gentle to turn the LINK’s head to a direction.

, LINK saw a large group of people gathered in the living room at Cheering Excitedly.

“It’s good, beauxbatons and durmstrang! As early as I was still small, Father often described these MAGIC schools. He always said that durmstrang is the most stringent school in the whole day, graduated from inside. Both the witch and witch have a wide cardiagy and strong body, so I can always open a Major Event industry. So in the Past for a long time, his ideal is to send me into Durmstrang, until my Mother died. “Amy Li continued,” LINK, what will you say about these two school students? Does their school have hogwarts? “

“Hogwarts is the best MAGIC school in Europe!”

said to the iron.

Emili did not continue to pick up the hand on the cheeks of the Link, but low-headed, puzzled attention to Link.

Welcome her eyes, LINK continues to explain:

“Durmstrang Relgon Since the failure of Grindelwald, it has been disgraced. In order not to let Durmstrang develop a Dark Lord, it has begun to intervene in Durmstrang. In the conspiracy, Durmstrang This towering tree has been quietly emptied. As for Beauxbatons, the Mark Sam, who has seen in the summer vacation, is the headmaster of Beauxbatons. You should see what beauxbatons should be a situation. “

Listen to LINK, Amy Li just puci smiles.

As long as I think that Beauxbatons’ Headmaster will actually be a Half-giant, she can’t help but laugh.

Emily owns the value of the standard pure blood aristocrats.

Despite the smoked in Fli Lady and Link, she does not discriminate against other non-pure Descendant, but it is affirmative.

, especially those who are born after the across marsh behavior of giant Half-Blood and Veeela Half-Blood.

Now Beauxbatons’s headmaster will be a Half-giant, which is really too graded in Emily.

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