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“Hey! Is that Krum?”

“Merlin’s beard! That is Krum!”

“damn! I didn’t bring QUILL on my body!”

“I have a red! I want him to sign on my chest shirt!”


With the Robust Man behind Karkaroff, the head furwalk Hat is brought to Dumbledore, and the entire Hogwarts team is sensational.

There are several students even have taken out the lipstick, and the signs and the writings are desirable to sign the signature.

Unfortunately, McGonagall is cold to almost the eyes of it, it is firmly difficult to firmly.

“Who is the guy?”

See the hairdress of the surrounding crowd, asked Emily confused.

link replied:

“Bulgarian National Team Seeker, we have seen him in the Quiddich World Cup.”

“Oh, is it? I didn’t pay attention, they have a lot of Bulgar people, it is really difficult to distinguish.”

“In fact, I also have this feeling. After all, each of them is equally strong, I also like to stay similar hairstyle and wear similar styles.”

Hearing this Emily ended NODDED, she thinks that link is really on the idea.

After two people discuss this problem, I have been to Hogwarts’s crowd and Durmstrang students begin to move in the auditorium, and the Amyi and Link are profess from McGonagall to murdered the eyes, each Go back to his house’s team.

In the auditorium, the students of Beauxbatons have already chosen their own seats, and they have already dropped in advance.

Well, they choose Hufflepuff’s long table.

After returning to the warmth of the auditorium, these clothes, single Beauxbatons, finally no longer tremble.

But they seem to be a little dissatisfaction with the classical decoration style of Hogwarts, everyone’s face is slightly discovered, and it seems to be sorry.

The only exception is Fleur and Gabrielle this pair of Half-velana sisters.

They are looking forward to the team that gradually poured into the auditorium, like what is looking for.

This makes the Link suddenly have a kind of parents.

He glanced at the direction of the Moved Towards Slytherin team, and suddenly, he saw the death of Emisi with cold and dead staring at Fleur.

seems to feel the line of Link, Emily also returns to the eyes of Link a warning.

Link immediately gave Emily than the ok gesture, which was followed by Cedric and the Beauxbatons student sat together.

and on the other side, standing at the hall, hesitating, I haven’t thought about it for a long time, it is going to be invited by Draco to the long table of Slytherin.

This makes people with many other House in the auditorium a heavy sigh.

Because there are foreign guests, this is a huge hufflepuff becomes more nervous.

They have a very tacit understanding of the beautiful place for the Beauxbatons, and then silently crowded together, the girls concentrate on their own shoes, and the boys will blush Heartbeat. Lifts the HEAD is sneaked to see Fleur, then quickly and lower, it looks like a wolf.

John can say that it is the only wonderful thing in Hufflepuff.

He completely ignored the fascinating ability from Veeela, in the middle of the BEAUXBATONS students, inadvertently squeezing into the middle of the beauxbatons.

then exciting the neck towards the Slytherin long table – the position where he is now is the only seat that you can see about Krums in Hufflepuff.

but Link feels that he may be disappointed.

Because Krum this group of DurmsTrang students is like the country bumpkin just entering the city, after the heavy fur cloak takes off the heavy fur cloak, the beginning of the two eyes, the beginning of the starlight flashing MAGIC The ceiling, two guys even picked up the Golden dining plate on the desktop and the high Goblet concentrated on the study, even the Slytherin student was ignored by Slytherin students.

“The guy of this group of beauxbatons seems to be very friendly to us.”

Cedric follows LINK to sit in a remote corner, then whisper said to Link.

Hearing this Link looked up, he found that Beauxbatons’s students in Small Groups gathered together, and immediately looked at John and other hufflepuff.

With super strokes, LINK can clearly hear that they are talking about Hogwarts students.

he got NODDED and said the same whisper:

“can be understood, after all, they come from France. Maybe Hogwarts may be simple in their eyes, like a countryside castle, and we are living in a group of people in the Turogot.”

“What is the use of Hua Huan? These guys are some kinds of goods, I dare to say that Triwizard Tournament game will open up to choose to surrender!”

“I agree with the surrender and one of their traditions.”

Hearing this cedric first stunned, then Laughed Heartily got up.

is very clear, he also knows this territory of Muggle.

Kung Fu in Link and Cedric, all students are seated.

The teaching workers who have disappeared will only enter the auditorium at this time, sitting in a new host host.

As the highest of this dinner, Dumbledore, Maxime, and Karkaroff are walking in the end.

Beauxbatons students have seen Maxime ladies, they immediately stood up.

Many hogwarts students can’t help but laugh, but they are not difficult to love, until Ms. Maxime sits below the left hand of Dumbledore.

compared to Durmstrang students are lacking in Etiquette.

No matter how Karkaroff hints, they have ignored and continue to settle with refined dining plates.

This causes Karkaroff to be dark.

“Good evening, gentlemen!” Dumbledore said, “I welcome you to Hogwarts with great joy. I hope and believe that you will feel happy here.”

Hearing this Several beauxbatons girls have made a sneak laugh.

This makes even the most honest HUFFLEPuff, which is the most honest guest, can’t help but frown.

Dumbledore is like a situation that is not found here, and the banquet begins directly.

He Tone Barely Fell, all the foods in front of all people are fully full of foods like the past.

Durmstrang’s students were shocked, and there were a few even throw it out.

“I bet, this time the kitchen House Elf will definitely go to the blood!” Cedric looked at the food in front of him. “I have been hogwarts for so many years, I have never seen such a rich dish!”

Link endorsed Nodded, today’s dishes are indeed more than one grade than usual, and it will catch up with Fli Castle.

The most rare is that there are several foreign cuisine such as Provence Fish Soups and red wine.

This will never have any problems, but there is a French in the VIP today!

People from France from France, and you will also let them eat French dishes.

Is this really ok?

Link can’t stand in the direction of Beauxbatons students, and then his whole person is stunned.

Because Fleur and Gabrielle are also seen from him, their sight is just hit together.

An expression called a surprise is blooming on the face of sister flowers, and their WITHOUT the SLIGHTEST HESitation stood up, and then stepped here in the eyes of Link. come.

“Hello, can we sit here?”

They are very polite to ask LINK CEDRICs on the side of the Link and another hufflepuff new student.

The new student face has become popular, and even the chicken in the mouth is not as good as swallowing.

As for CEDRIC, he quickly reacted after the initial horror.

He gave the Link a smile, then elegant, gave his seat.

, LINK is clipped in the middle by DELACOUR sister.

“long time no see LINK! How is it recently?”

Fleur said, Gabrielle is also very polite, and asked LINK.

Link has some helpless:

“Ah, it is quite good, until you TWO sits around me.”

Fleur and Link are also very long, and naturally know what LINK refers to.

She Take PLEasure in Other People’s Misfortune is aimed at the Slytherin chart, and then smiles, putting the chair in Link, it is more likely.

“Are you doing this?”

Link said.

Fleur looks a ghost face, attached to the link ear whispered:

“Of course, you also know, I have 1/4 of the Veeela blood, which is the fun of Veeee!”

Hearing this link pain closed his eyes.

He is very clear that Fleur has not lying at all, and the other party is not because I like him, and it is purely to my own viking.

Fleur and Gabrielle This is a fascinating, but it is definitely black.

He is almost almost imaginated that Amy Li is on the eyes of him.

Heavy SIGHED, LINK will make this grief and inderence, and the whole body is invested in the meal.

Fleur and Gabrielle are obviously not intended to let him go.

In the entire dining process, they have paid their opinions and inquiry to Link throughout the meal, some are clearly French dishes, but they will ask how to eat, and the LINK is very painful.

The only one that lets Link is a bit a greedy that Gabrielle did not call the secondary name of the phantom Knight, or LINK is not awkward to find a hole drill.

is not only him, and other hufflepuffs on the side have not thought of this super-specific taste dishes.

They have a mouthful of eating, but the eyes are dead to condense in Fleur.

will have a jealousy eyes in Many Enchanting Females, which seems to be completely fascinated by Fleur’s charm.

The final dessert with chew wax is, Dumbledore finally stood again.

The people in the auditorium immediately quietly, and some tense looked at him.

Link suddenly notes two people around DumbleDore, which were Old AcquainTance Ludo · Bagman and Old Barty Crouch, seen in the Quiddich World Cup.

The eyes of Link are then sprinkled.

He is now skeptical about the Old Barty to save Barty Jr. If there is in the ministry of magic, the suspicion of Old Barty is obviously the greatest.

“This moment is finally arrived,” Dumbledore face Said with a slight smile, “Triwizard Tournament game will start. Please allow me to introduce two special guests, Ministry of Magic International Cooperation Director STINCHCOMBE · CROUCH. And Mr. Ludo Bagman, Ministry of Magic Department of Magical Games and Sports, Director! “

Old Barty and Bagman got up and waved their hand, and everyone in the Taiwan people also had a sparse applaud.

Link kept notes, compared with Bagman, Old Barty’s movements are significantly stiff.

It is obvious that the previous Old Barty was returned to the injury left by Clee, and the injury left left until now.

This makes the Link Take Pleasure in Other People’s Misfortune laugh.

“In the month of In The Past, Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch did not know how tiredly arranged Triwizard Tournament,” Dumbledore continued, “they will consist with me, Professor Karkaroff and Maxime, make up the referee The efforts of Champions have judged. Mr. Filch, take the box. “

I heard the word Champion, Link obviously feels that the Fleur body side is stiff.

He slowly turned, and he saw that Fleur almost all the muscles were tight, and it looked tense.

“How, you want to be beauxbatons’ Champion?”

Link smiles, Fleur did not reply, just gopened LINK.

She knows this is a retalian of Link to her previous behavior.

“This year, the specific project of Triwizard Tournament is officially fixed.” DumbleDore slowly said that Filch took the opportunity to drill from the shadow, put a antique Wooden Box inlaid with jewelry in front of Dumbledore. On the table, “there are three projects, which will be carried out at different times of the entire academic year. They will test the talents, guts and reasoning skills in MAGIC, and the ability to defeat danger!”

“I believe that you also know that only three Champions can represent their respective schools.” Dumbledore continues, “We will score them according to their performance in various competitions, after all projects are over The highest score will be Triwizard Cup. The choice of Champion is an absolute justice, which is goblet of fire. “

said here, Dumbledore pulls out the Wooden Box in front of Wooden Box and tap three.

The lid of the lid zhi zhi is open, Dumbledore took out a hand-carved rough wooden cup, and the flame of the blue White was jumped in CUP.

Dumbledore Cautiously places the GOBLET OF Fire on the cover of Wooden Box, so that everyone can see it.

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