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“Every Student who wants to campaign Champion must write his name and the school name on a parchment, thrown into the Goblet of Fire.” Dumbledore said seriously, “the registration time limit is only 24 hours.” Tomorrow, GOBLET OF FIRE will select it from all registered people to think that it is the most representative of the three student names. Tonight, Goblet of Fire will be placed in the hall, all the is willing to participate in the campaign Student. Can be exposed to it. “

“Of course, in order to avoid the temptation of the STUDENT that is not age, I will draw an aged line around Goblet Of Fire. Any 17-year-old student can’t pass this line!”

“Finally, I will solemnly remind everyone that Triwizard Tournament is not a play, don’t take the registration of the loss. Because you put your own name into the behavior of Goblet Of Fire is essentially signed with Goblet Of Fire. Ancient contracts, follow this contract, once you were selected as champion, you must stick to the end! So, please don’t think about it! Ok, I think everyone is time to rest, I wish you all good night. “

Dumbledore left the auditorium with a surrounding sects staff.

There is a lively in the auditorium, and the exciting students are still discussing with each other.

Even the most honest and quiet Rov is secretly under his fist, sitting there excited straight.

John is also unable to excite.

But his excitement is obviously not on Goblet Of Fire, but because Krum.

Dumbledore just announced that the dinner is over, and his whole person is like a shell, rushed to the Slytherin long table.

Link doesn’t have to manage him, try to ask Fleur next to him:

“Where are you going to stay tonight?”

“oh?” Fleur Charming Said with a smile, “You really hope that we can go to you?”

“You know I don’t mean this!”

looks at the look of LINK, Fleur lies in Laughed Heartily, and this is successful:

“Don’t worry, we will not stay in the Hogwarts castle, we will live on Carriage during the Triwizard Tournament game. After all …”

“I understand, the heart of the anti-human is indispensable.”

Link smiled HEHE, as he said before, TriWizard Tournament race never had a friendship exchange, but a dispute between blood.

In order to capture the ultimate victory, all schools Will Not let go of the opportunity to get the top pruning.

At this time, the big team of Beauxbatons has been assembled, and it is going to the front of the hall.

can be strange that the root will take advantage of Fleur and Gabrielle, it seems that these two people are in the same way.

fleur sighed, it seems that it is used to this ignore:

“Ok, we have to go, good night.”

“Good night.” Linked continues, “Yes, you will become Beauxbatons Champion, I firmly believe.”

Link, let Fleur’s body stissible, after the reaction, she only Moved Towards Link smile, Said With a smile:

“Thank you.”

The team of Beauxbatons finally left.

As prefect, LINK is also Pack, start ready to return to Hufflepuff Common Room with everyone.

Emili did not run the immediately at the end of the dinner, I ran over to find him account, which made him a big tone.

is just in the name, Link has not found John’s figure.


asked in Cedric.

Cedric shook his head, I don’t know, the side of Luov has some points in the direction:

“He, he seems to be there.”

Link twist look, see this time John is around the hall near the hall, and it is a bit not very wonderful.

Link and CEDRIC pair look at it, immediately takes Hufflepuff.

“I just want a signature, there is no malicious.”

“blocking our road is not malicious?”

“I, I didn’t block the way, you can go at any time, I just ask.”

“is enough! Don’t argue! You damn Mudblood! Let me see Dumbled, I want him to educate you, it is best to take you directly!”

Link and CEDRIC just approached, he heard the crowd John and Karkaroff were carrying a fierce dispute.

said that in the end, Karkaroff had already slammed him to the outside.


CEDRIC and LINK have no hesitation, and the rest of Hufflepuff, although it is, but in the case of someone takes the lead, Followed Along, and the DurmsTrang is directly around it.

“ah! I have come again with a group of trouble guys!” Karkaroff in the crowd still did not let release John’s meaning, evil Fiercely said, “You think about it, we will be afraid? Prepare!”

He Tone Barely Fell, Durmstrang in the surrounding circle, gave a neatly roared, and pulled it from his arms.

This move made Hufflepuff faded behind a few steps.

The CEDRIC expression is black, and Karkaroff is proud to laugh.

Link Shook the head, the magic of the hand, the invisible curse invaded the Karkaroff’s wrist, in a pain, John was put, rushed back to Link .

“What is this?”

said that there is no expression in the Link.

“I just want to sign, I really want to sign …”

John at this time looks that it is very embarrassing, constantly swallowing this paragraph, all have to cry.

Watching the LINK TOOK A Deep Breath, did not continue to ask.

The thing is that this Step is nothing to say.

No matter who is wrong, DurmsTrang people are not in their site.

so thinking, LINK raised Wand again toward Karkaroff.

His action shocked the opposite Durmstrang students, and brushing the Wand to give him.

Hufflepuff also is not weak, under the command of CEDRIC, the high-grade Hufflepuff quickly squeezed to the forehead of the crowd, gifted the TIP whispering the slut wand.

The scene is almost a time.

Then, at this time, the painful Karkaroff looked at the hand of the wrist, looked at the link finger on the aristocratic ring of the Fli family’s family’s family, the face suddenly changed, wow, I don’t know what language shouting. A sentence.

Subsequently, Durmstrang’s students are very reluctant to put down Wand.

“Are you … Freed home?”

Karkaroff looks a little nervous, use English to speak to Link.

Link is not talking, just dead staring at Karkaroff.

Benefits from the Ability given by Legilimens, he can emotionally feel an inexplicable fear from Karkaroff.

Karkaroff seems to be … is afraid of yourself?

“We are going.”

Karkaroff on the other side, seeing Link for a long time, it is necessary to leave the auditorium with Durmstrang students.

, like Beauxbatons, they also plan to go back to their ghost boats.

Just just didn’t go out and two, he heard Lin Coldly Said:

“slow, you must apologize.”

Link This words, there are several DURMSTRANG students are not happy.

They took the Wand, a pair and Link desperately.

But Karkaroff stopped them.

His Look Pale is coming out:


“You just called John Mudblood?” LINK has no expression, “in hogwarts, this is absolutely not allowed!”

Hearing this is also grown in the edge of John, John, suddenly looked up at LINK. The feelings in my heart can no longer suppress, and it is sobbing.

and Karkaroff across them is tightening the fist, and LINK is deadside a while, this bites Clenching One’s Teeth and SAID:


If they are like, they leave the auditorium.

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