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The next day in the morning is not bright, LINK is awakened by a slight sympathetic touch from his face.

He opened his eyes, some helpless sighed, which will take the Akam who is going back to go back to the back.

“Is there a harvest?”

Link whispered with the snake old cavity.

“According to your instructions, I and two Surl silly dogs stayed around the GOBLET OF FIRE.” Akam said is quite dissatisfied. “We have it to go out a few more nights. GOBLET OF Fire throws the guy guy, but did not see what you said, you want to have a person who will do your hand on the Goblet of Fire. Don’t say it, let me get back, I am frozen. “

, Akam reaps into the sleeves of Link.

The arm that is wrapped in the LINK is falling into sleep.

Let a cold blood are guarded all night in the cold night, and it is really hard to be Kam.

touching Akam’s small head, Link caught in meditation.

According to Original Work, in order to make Harry to participate in the Triwizard Tournament game, it becomes a Voldemort resurrection CereMony material, Barty Jr., Moody Posted, Moody, should be secretly released to GOBLET OF FIRE last night and help Harry registration.

Although Moody has been confirmed, Moody is real goods, but does not rule out the probability of other laigues in Hogwarts.

Link last night, let Akam go to see Goblet Of Fire, which also saves the thoughts that want to be compliant to the rabbit.

But unfortunately there is no abnormality last night.

Is this wrong with you?

Pettigrew and Barty JR. Waiting for the Death Eater not to use this triwizard TOURNAMENT FREANDE VOLDEMORT’s mind?

Link feels a bit confusion.

he sighed, directly under the bed, start to wash.

Because today is the relationship between Goblet Of Fire, although Today is Saturday, the roommate of Link has also played a big morning. After a greeting with Link, it will not wait for it. The bedroom.

then, CEDRIC also pushes the door.

He and Link have paid a look, and the two will fall in the John that is still curled in the bed.

After last night, their sentiment is quite unstable, so they did not ask John Common Room to sleep.

and now, it is obvious to explore the truth.

“John, let us talk to us.”

Link is gently said.

and Tone Barely Fell, John’s body is shaking two times, and finally some stiffness sits.

His eye is still red, Complexion Pale, the expression of mourning:

“Last night, thank you.”

“You know, we do this, not for you, thank you.”

link 揉 太 太 太 道 道, 道, ​​直 多 直 直 多 了, 直 直 直, 道

“What is the conflict in the end last night?”

“I …” John’s mouth was slightly blocked, hesitated for a while, “I said, I just want to find Krum to sign a sign. The result of those Durmstrang don’t let, I argued with them two sentences. , Then, then they will treat me as a trouble. “

said that it seems to be afraid of LINK and CEDRIC misunderstandings, John is still saying:

“This is actually blamed, and the Great Character such as Krum is unreasonable. Otherwise, he will be busy. And, Krum last night is actually willing to give me sign, this can’t blame him, it is that Call Karkaroff guy. It is the Durmstrang students he ordered to drive me away, so … “

“You are still talking about Krum now?” Cedric suddenly pulled the volume and broke. “The people who have been his Student and professor last night, if the Krum is really distressed, it should be At the beginning, I stopped them to be movable! What did he do? I don’t do anything there! You admit John, the simply called Krum is a bad guy! “

John’s pain closed his eyes, did not say anything.

LINK stopped and wanted to continue the CEDRIC, gently kicked the John:

“John, who is wrong, it is meaningless, we don’t care at all. I just want you to know, here is Hogwarts, and we are your best friends and the most solid back shield. No matter who, as long as you It is bullying you, we will do it for you! “

“link …”

John tears said.

“It doesn’t matter, John, Thase All is little things.” Link continues, “including you continue to like Krum is also a little thing. If you want, let’s go back to help you. I believe they always return. It is willing to give us a face. Of course, this depends on your learning attitude. If this year’s OWL test, you have a mess, then you don’t think. “

John’s crying is not a sound.

He is slightly eased in a while, and he said:

“I understand, LINK, there is CEDRIC. I understand, rest assured, I will not let you down.”

Hearing this link and CEDRIC face finally showed a smile.

CEDRIC is more taking a picture of John:

“I want to say that the Krum is nothing, you are not as good as my signature!”

Listening to Cedric, John didn’t cry, just looked at Cedric.

Although there is no talk, it can interpret the meaning of ‘You Have What Skills and Abilities’ from his eyes.

This makes CEDRIC some fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“Hey! Don’t underestimate me! Wait for me to become a champion of hogwarts, you will know that you will be great after defeating Krum in Triwizard Tournament.”

“Oh? You can choose this?” Link said with a slight smile, “I think I should be the champion that represents Hogwarts to win Triwizard Tournament game.”

“So let’s go to sign up, hand it over to GOBLET OF Fire.”

Link and Cedric smiles look at it.

Then he will leave the bedroom and walk in the Director.

This is a little bit of John.

His little does not understand why two front foot is still comforting his guys now go to sign up for Goblet Of Fire.

But after a while, he still rushed his tears chased it.


When the three people arrive, the auditorium and the hall have been very busy.

goblet of fire is in the center of the hall, placed on the high-bounds of Sorting Hat when Separate House Ceremony.

painted a small gold wire on the floor around the stool, and the area where the circle is coming in at least five or six squares.

and outside of these gold lines are surrounded by curious students. Everyone is staring at Goblet Of Fire, and some people even hold two breads in their hands, and there is no one to eat.

Registration under so many eyes of the eyes is obviously a big thing in the pressure of the mountain, so I didn’t dare to go in a while.

CEDRIC will not take so much.

He picked his eyebrow toward LINK, followed by the pen straight to Goblet of Fire.

The students along the way have made the road, excited to watch Cedric until Cedric’s note is swallowed by the flame in GOBLET OF FIRE, and the crowd broke out a cheer.

The excellent excellent family of Cedric is obvious, and most people in Hogwarts think he is the most perfect Champion candidate.

and at this time, Harry Trio, a long time, has not seen, smiled and greeted with Link.

Hermione looks very excited, saying the sleeve of Link:

“Do you know the people of Link? Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have just completed registration! Hogwarts also have many people to sign up, do you think who will become a champion of hogwarts?”

Link has not been to talk, RON turned his gaze to the Cedric acid knife who still be held by the crowd:

“Oh! Of course, it is a small cream. Hey, he is really a scenery!”

This is out, and several hufflepuffs on the side will cast dissatisfied attention.

This makes RON rushed to his mouth and no longer speaking.

“LINK, don’t take it.” Harry is afraid that Link is also turning his face, so explained, “I said, you know, we know there are not a few in GryffIndor, so everyone Some are unhappy. “

Link is sunny, and the auditorium means:

“Who said that there is no GryffIndor registered, is there two?”

Harry three people immediately, see, I saw George and Fred Germany, and they came from here, and their hands also held a note.

“They also want to sign up?” Ron screamed and shook his head, “this impossible! They are just a few months from the 17th birthday!”

“Who says Impossible?”

George and Fred Demarking, you have a SAID with a smile, “” This time we will succeed! We can just drink the mating! “

“What did you drink?”

ron stared wide-eyed asked.

“age aging!”

“Yes, let’s drink a drop!”

“This is all 17 years old!”

After smiling, George and Fred Desert are squeezing the crowd toward Goblet of Fire.

“This … can this be?”

Hermione said, the person she asked is LINK.

Hearing this Lin Xian is a point NODDED, then immediately Shook The Head:

“The aging agent can indeed increase the age of drinkers from the body by increasing the bone age and the teeth, etc., so, in theory, George and Fred Germany should be established.

is only, that is, Dumbledore personally puts the age line below. I don’t think Wizard like DumbleDore will leave an age agent such a vulnerability. “

Link Tone Barely Fell, the crowd not far is a sensation.

Everyone is looking for, and I found that George and Fred German have gone through the Golden’s thin line. At this time, the people who are in the surrounding people.

This scene made Ron’s face showed azzle, because George and Fred virtue succeeded, thought they would not be able to sign up for the age line.

He Laughd Heartily has two sounds, and the opening is going to refute the previous inference of Link.

Just waited for him to say something, see the mammoth of the Golden’s age boundary, George and Fred German are flying out.

Not only that, after the There Two People fell a dog, their chin was still growing with a long cluster with alarming speed.

For a time, the people surrounded by cheering are suddenly quiet.

George and Fred Germany are also you look at me, I see you, look speaking.

This situation only continues for a moment, and George and Fred German pointed to the other’s white beard laugh.

This laugh is extremely infectious, and other people who are present quickly laughed.

“I remind you, don’t play these little smart.” Dumbledore suddenly came out of the auditorium, and said smiling and said, “I suggest you go to Madam Pomfrey. She is already dealing with In the nursing Ravenclaw, Mr. Summers, Summers, Mr. Summers, and the same way they also used you. However, it is worth mentioning that their beard is not your beautiful! “

Dumbledore This is a happy time.

and George and Fred Germany are not ashamed, laughing, laughing hehe’s TEN WENT medical room.

“LINK, you can guess!”

Hermione staring at Link, saying that Ron is obliquely, and the lower head of RON directly directly.

“Ordinary reasoning That’s all.”

Link smiles with shook the head.

LINK feels that this is not worth it.

but Hermione is more excited, her little hand grabs the link of LINK, quite excited shouting:

“You haven’t answered me yet? Do you think who is most likely to become a champion of hogwarts?”

Hearing this has just lowered the silent ron to lift his head, and the Harry that has already been soothless, and it has been curious.

Everyone is looking forward to the answer to the LINK.

After all, in the eyes of these three people, LINK is the kind of this kind of school, and the real thing is to rely on people.

and in the expectations of everyone, see LINK confident SMILED and SAID:

“Is this kind of thing should not be obvious?”

said LINK with an index finger and middle finger from his own robe pocket, a note written with his own name.

“Hogwarts’ champion, of course, I am.”

Tone Barely Fell, Link is moving with a robe Cloak to go to Goblet of Fire with a sputum frame like Snape.

The students who are blocked in him have been laughing for George and Fred Germany, but in an instant, what is like induced, and the expression has opened the road for Link.

, like CEDRIC, a neat trail appeared in front of Link.

“Link you …”

When the link’s foot is about to pass the Golden thin line, Hermione finally reacted, and wanted to discourage the use of LINK.

is just that her voice is soon being forced by her card in the scorpion.

Because the LINK at this time has already taken a thin line and throws the note into fire.

hu ~

The addition of new fuels makes the flames a bit, and until the paper is burning, and finally recovered calm.

until the end, the Golden thin line does not respond.

In the crowd, Link Lifts the head, and Looked Towards don’t have the Dumbledore that has not been left.

The latter is also looking towards him.

The mouth of Dumbledore slowly rose, and finally formed a smile of thumbs up, and got Nodded toward LINK.

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