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“This … how is this?”

looks at the LINK that has already been exited, Hermione muttered.

There are still many people who respond to her reaction and her reaction. After all, LINK is a big celebrity in hogwarts. Everyone is very clear that he is only 5th year this year.

But the 5th grade student, how can it be 17 years old?

Is it a way to find the Breakthrough agendline?

Many people who consciously have found the truth, they are excited, and only a few hufflepuffs are complicated and silent.

“I know!”

Harry is suddenly thinking about what is like, “LINK has said that he is late in the same year …”

It is still unequal, Harry finishes, Hermione, holding his mouth.

is already late.

Many Hufflepuff, along with LINK, have seen it, and the expression of John and The Others is not good, but it is LINK to smile, turn it with CEDRIC to leave the hall. .

has been gradually dissipating to the crowd, and Hermione released his hand.

“What are you doing Hermione !?”

Harry is dissatisfied, Ji Hermione has moved too much, causing his lips to teeth, bleeding.

and hearing this hermione is more angry than him, whisper:

“I should ask what you are doing! At the beginning, Link is sick, there is no house is willing to make him enrollment, so you can learn from school later, why do you know in front of That Many? Say it? WHEN THE TIMES Do you want to step down? “

Hermione, Harry finally responded.

This time you don’t have to Hermione, Harry himself covered his mouth.

The RON on the side is incomparable.

When he is the same as the remaining idiots, Link is a method of finding the crack age.

See them two of these patterns, Hermione Took A Deep Breath, regretted from the pocket, a badge, S.P.E.W.,:

“It’s true, I blame you, I originally want to take this opportunity to join the House ELF rights promotion meeting!”


At the same time, the LINK on the other side did not go far, but drilled into the library.

Due to Halloween’s relationship, this time is full of various pumpkin lights in the corner of the library, even in midair is densely covered with large bats, and it is not allowed to rotate.

Of course, the most important thing is that hagrid offers a massive pumpkin for this Halloween. After the House Elf’s cooking, the pumpkin’s aroma has floated from the kitchen and filled a whole library.

Link is deeply loved to pumpkin, so he didn’t go, so he looked at the OWL professional while looked at the library, and there was a bite to eat pumpkin sugar.

people who have worked hard like Link, but most of them are the 5th grade and 7th grade. After all, OWL exams and newt exams will be extended because of the arrival of Triwizard Tournament.

The only low-grade student in the scene has only Rov, he is sitting around Link, concentrating on writing a Potion.

Link very much like Rov this Child, touched his head, pulled out a lot of pile from pockets to raw food to Rov Huajari.

The two sneaked it so sneaked. When the lunch time is not going to the auditorium, it is so quiet in the library, very leisurely.

Unfortunately this leisurely is short, when the sky is gradually dim, a familiar voice rang from Link.

“Link, Rov, good afternoon.”

Hearing this Link and Rov, look at it, all of them is SIGHED, which has turned over.

Sure enough, I saw that Fleur, who was wearing a sky, Blue silk robes, was quietly standing behind them.

is almost different, and the Fleur head is also covered with a layer of Azure.

The scarf seems to have a magical power, completely isolated fleur ‘charm.

Fleur’s dictionary is not seen in the word, she is very natural, sitting on the other side of Link, is extremely close to the LINK, while the arms are intentionally unintentional, the arm is said:

“LINK, you declare yourself in the hall” The scene of hogwarts’ Champion is too handsome. Everyone outside is now talking about this thing! But you really have confidence can be selected as HOGWARTS ‘Champion? As far as I know, your House’s Cedric is also a great fever of Champion. “

Fleur has a very rich flower, this is not like what MAGIC perfume, and more like a body.

Link guess this is also one of the Innate Talent of Fleur, Veeela, is honest. If you think of this, Link will be vigilant to this smell, so that you will run OCCLUMENCY.

But it is undeniable that this fragrance is really good.

Link nose is twitching, can’t help but take two mouths, this is slightly head, repayment with an extremely confident 睥睨:

“GOBLET OF FIRE selection Champion’s only standard is strength, and I am the strongest existence of all hogwarts!

So, hogwarts’ champion can only be me! “

seems to be strongly confidently confidently confident in Link to Dumbfounded.

fleur bright Silver’s scorpion twinkling two times, watching LINK in a stay, after a while, the mouth Said with a smile:

“Aiya! It’s too handsome! It’s no wonder that Gabrielle will like you so, even I feel like you!”

fleur is closer, she splits a small tab, her lips, expressing, with a small cat, “So, my champion. Since you have Such a successful you can succeed, is it what the three projects they set up? Well? Can you tell me? ”

LINK is incomparable to the impact of Fleur charm with the help of OcClumency and headscarf, but at this time he still feels that his heart is like a tsunami, suddenly stopping.

This is a simple beauty, saying that Link is also a healthy man, but as long as a man is basically difficult to resist this kind of thing.

When the Link is about to fall, a crisp suddenly sounds on the side, and the LINK completely pulled back.

This is Rov because it looks away, the book in the hand is on the ground.

Link thumbs up Luov, then the expression is cold.

He knows that Fleur doesn’t like him, now it is close to him, in addition to the original exchange, actually wants to take some information about TriWizard Tournament game from him.

This type of disc is actually very common in TriWizard Tournament competition, in which Last Ages has been doing this, belonging to Unwritten Rules.

Just now, Fleur is not as a beauxbatons’ Champion?

is so urgent?

or this is Maxime’s order?

and the summer vacation will saved the life of Gabrielle!

Your fleur as an Elder Sister, is it a little too much to say for younger sister’s Life Saving Benefactor?

Thought in the mind is flipped, and the eyes of Link are getting colder.

knowing that he Sexual Entrapment fails, Fleur Sighed, very simply recovered the arm that has already tied to the link arm, and the left.

Looking at her back, Rov is big swallowed, hesitating:

“LINK, in fact, Fleur Elder Sister is a very good person.”


link grinned, and vigorously rubbed a few times in Roof, and took the Rov Chaphe.

From time to time, the dinner will start now.

As for Rov, Link is only used as Luov, it has not been freed from Fleur.

When they come to the auditorium, they have already been filled with people.

GOBLET OF Fire has been once returned to the speech desk, waiting for the Champion candidate of the Triwizard Tournament game after the end of the dinner.

Link rid away Rov, but he did not hurry, but went to the shadow near the Slytherin long table, hugged from behind as if it was to direct other Slytherin students, and as if It is specially waiting for his Emily.

The instant that is hocked is not a surprising reaction. She has already found that Link has been nearby.

Just when she smells the fragrance of Fleur on LINK, her brows have frowned deeply.

“Do you go find fleur?”

she said coldly.

Link is like closing his eyes like an angry in the other party, and then put the chin in the shoulders of Emily, while he said:

“accurately, she is coming to me. Do you know? She is this afternoon …”

Link slowly put the Fleur party all the things he uses Sexual Entrapments.

, accompanied by him, Emily’s brow also stretches, and eventually outlined two proud arcs on his face:

“You should see the true face of the woman now?”

“is of course.”

link is more tight, and the Emili’s ear is blowing on the side, “My little Emily is the best, I love you.”

The body of Emily is more soft, two red clouds do not accidentally float with her cheeks, some trembling spit out a hot gas, Emily slammed the big hand of Link Unsatisfied :

Deng, Dumbledore has begun to enter, let’s go back! “

Hearing this link did not stick to it, gently on the cheeks of Emily, and returned to Luov.

This guy has never left LINK from the end of the head to the end, so the face is now red.

LINK is laughing and smiling, it is not easy to get together, and the hair is smashed into the nest.

In Rovee complaints, Halloween dinner is finally beginning.

This time, this time, there is a similar dinner. The Past Few Days has been too many times. In addition to the pumpkin hobby, everyone’s attention is not exquisite food, but when they will come. See the GoBlet of Fire on the speech.

After the last pumpkin dessert disappears, the students who have nothing to eat will no longer play, and the face is looking forward to tension, looking at Dumbledore, standing to the speaker, pointing to Goblet Of Fire:

“Ok, there is 1 POINT clock, GOBLET OF FIRE will make the final decision. Listen, Champion’s name was announced, I hope they can go to the top of the auditorium, then along the faculty The table walked over and eventually entered the room of the next door. “

Dumbledore has a lap, “there, Champion will get a preliminary guidance.”

, Dumbledore Wand, remove the pumpkin lamp, the rest of the candles are all extinguished, the whole auditorium has become dim, only the flame burned in GOBLET OF FIRE is still bright, if it is staring at it And even feel some atmosphere.

Even so, everyone is still looking at the Blue White flame of the Fire Star.

No one wants to miss this historic moment.

The atmosphere in the auditorium is extremely extreme.

The vicinity LINK even heard the sound of someone who studied seconds, turned to find it, but only saw the Fleur pledge of the Hufflepuff long table.

Her bright Silver’s eyes reflects the flashing fire, the expression is both nervous and sincere.

pu!! ~

In a crackle’s Fire Star fracture, the flame that has been completely red suddenly spurted out a long fire tongue.

This movement shocked everyone, but Came Back to His Senses has seen a blended sheepskin paper that is slowly falling.

Dumbledore reached out, holding the note, carefully identifying for a long time, and announced the way:

“Durmstrang’s Champion! Victor Krum!”

applause and cheers are like a mountain calling throughout the auditorium.

Krum himself looks very much, and even says that he still has some delicious, so quietly, in accordance with Dumbledore, I walked into the room next door.

“Great! Krum!” Karkaroff chased Roar after him, it looked unusually excited, “I know you!”

The joy of the joy is gradually saving, the flame that has become blue is rediscoved, and another note is also pushed out by the flame.

“beauxbatons’ Champion!” Dumbledore turned its gaze to Hufflepuff’s long table, “Fleur · delacour!”

“I did it! I did it!”

Fleur stands up from the seat.

Due to the excessive relationship, the silk scarf on her head was flying. The hair of the silver was quietly slippery, and it shines like a silver river under the shining of the candlelight.

She and Gabrielle laughed together and turned together to celebrate, and then I wanted to hug others.

then she stunned.

Because this is very strange in the scenario in the Beauxbatons team.

The eyes of those boys are all flashed like Wild Beast hungry desires, and the rest of their girls are either crying, or they look at her.

This makes the smile on her face, and the mood is also down.

She looked at All Around and found very few people applauded by her. In addition to the professors and some girls in Hogwarts, only have a small half of pumpkin syrup pie, it looks very good. Is perfunctive link.

um? LINK?

The darkness of Fleur in the dark is bright.

does not have excessive hesitation, she directly hugs LINK!

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