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“I am waiting for you inside.”

fleur slightly said in the link ear, then released his hand and walked into the small room next door.

During this whole process, there are not many applauses in the auditorium, and disappeared.

Everyone is very shocked by Fleur and Link, some of which originally reversed the grievance of Fleur to the LINK.

Even, even Ms. Dumbledore and Maxime on the faculty seats is a complex expression of loops thoughful.

Link did not dare to see what Emily responded at this time, he silently took the remaining small half of the pumpkin pies in his mouth into his mouth, and chewed hard.

“When did you keep up with her?”

John asked her to say a little, and the expression was ignorant.

is not only his, Cedric and Luov and other big people are curious to wait for his answer.

But LINK still does not speak, but it is just a contempt of international universal contempt.

pu! ~

The flame in GOBLET OF FIRE is once again turned red, spit out a note.

This sound successfully pulled back the attention of everyone.

Dumbledore looks at the content on the note, and the brilliant smile is immediately turned on.

The direction of his MOVED TOWARDS LINK looks deeply, this will take the paper Raised High:

“Hogwarts Champion! Link · Frei!”

In an instant, LINK surrounded by the complex eyes of those meanings, and the deafening cheers were replaced.

Every hufflepuff’s student is screaming, squatting, the HAGRID on the faculty seat is desperately pulling a dry Old Man Roar on the side, which seems to be introducing himself with the relationship of LINK, in the side, Even even the horn of the Snape is hung in a smile.

Link does not have time to join this celebration, he smartly escaped John and The Others opened the embrace, escaped through the crowd walked toward the small room.

The small room next door next door seems to be a similar trophy of Display Room. The walls of the two sides are full of various Magic Portrait. The most inside is a flat bear burned Fireplace.

When Link enters the auditorium, the faces on Portrait are all looking at him.

When they see the Hogwarts school uniforms, these Magic Portrait are also cheered like the people outside.

Fleur and Krum are all in the furnace, and the distance between the two is a bit far away, and it is maintained silent, it seems to be in the prevention of each other.

I heard the sound of LINK, and the two have turned back, where fleur performance is more happy than those portrait, and they are jumping.

This LINK will not let her succeed, his fingers move, two impedimenta curse will block Fleur in front of it.

“What are you doing?”

LINK anger, “I don’t know how people are looking at me now? I have Fiancee!”

fleur stunned, the waters of the fog were again covered with her brightening Silver’s scorpion.

“I, I am just too happy.” She lowered, her hands and twisted together, “Yes, sorry.”

This scene made LINK again, I wanted Fleur Alone in the auditorium, but I couldn’t find the lost scene of my partner. His expression was slightly soft, sigh:

“Okay, okay! This time I forgive you! But you must go to Almit to explain!”

This words, the water fog on the Fleur scorpion is spread, and it is put on a smile in an instant.

“Reassured, there will be no things. I will tell her that this is our french custom, the french enthusiasm, you also know.”

At this time, LINK naturally knows that the loss of the opponent’s lost probability is that it is deliberately playing. He looks at him. He has a teeth, and the Fleur’s hand will start roasting before Fireplace.

The scene in the auditorium has scared him.

is leaning against the Krum mouth of the Fireplace station, a slap in the face, and the appearance of a look, it seems to see him and fleur chat, and want to join.

but I have been separated for a while, he is a struggle to say:


The accent is very strange, this is another master who doesn’t understand English.

Link has made judgments in his heart, and the Nodded of Krum is a simple, he has not forgotten John’s hatred.

fleur and frivolous rely over.

This time she is smart, there is no life to contact LINK, but it is very close to the side of Chirp Chirp Twitter Twitter.

looks out, her inner is still very excited, so I want to vent it in this way.

Link Helpless is filled with her, after a while, there is a slap in the door.

Harry Stick One’s Head Around To Look for came in from the door, the original pale face was even more profound under the shining of the fire.

The expression of Link will immediately get GLOOMY.

“How? They want us to go back to the auditorium?”

fleur smiled and said with Harry, she regards Harry as a message.

This makes Harry awkward.

His line of sight Involuntarily floated in the room of his most familiar LINK, but just on the shadow of LINK, it appeared in the shadow.

This makes Harry stiff.

There is a flustered footsteps, and Bagman grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled it from the position of the door to the center of the room.

“This is amazing! Two gentlemen,” he looked very excited, while kneading Harry’s arm, “Although this is incredible, please allow me to introduce A lower, this is the fourth Champion! “

of the TriWizard Tournament

He repeated it again with Bulgarian, which made the KRUM expression that finally understanded was more ugly than Link.

Fleur on the edge is a long hair that is ignited (LINK only feels that there is a fragrant strike. The hair almost hits his face.), a Said with a smile:

“Oh! This joke is really interesting, Mr. Bagman.”

“joke?” Bagman’s expression is a bit, he Shook The Head, “No! No! It is definitely not, Harry’s name has just sprayed from Goblet of Fire.”

“This is obviously wrong! He can’t play, he is too small!”

fleur is still not still ignorant, but her Tone Barely Fell, the door of the room is also pushed away.

DumbleDore and other Headmaster and professors all walk into the room.

Maxime Ms.! They say that this little boy has to participate in the competition! “

fleur is like seeing the savior and said loudly.

and Maxime are also coming to Fleur. She looks angry, and the huge chest o wearing black satin clothes is drained.

“What does this mean? Dumbledore.”

Maxime caught anger.

Her burly unusual body dragged huge shadows under Fireplace, and shrouded in the opposite Dumbledore and The Others, which was extremely horrible.

“I also want to know this, Dumbledore.” Karkaroff also hits EcCentric, “Hogwarts can have two champion? I don’t remember that someone told me this? Do you say that those charter I don’t think enough?”

“this impossible,”

Ms. Maxime is a big hand with many gorgeous protein rings. It is naturally a Link’s shoulder. Glory should be alone! “

Ms. Maxime seems to be close to LINK, but the intention between the directions is a bit trying to pitting the altitude.

So Lin Frowned, very simply shakes that big hand.

At this time, Snape is standing from the shadow. He uses the Poisonous Snake’s eyes to kill Harry, Coldly Said:

“This is very much agreed. Harry can definitely not participate in the Triwizard Tournament competition, which is unfair to everyone.”

“Thank you, severus.”

Dumbledore said, this makes Snape re-closed his mouth, “Harry, do you have a little bit of STUDENT to help you put the name into GOBLET OF Fire?”


Harry does not have a hesitant reply, the SNAPE of Follow Closely from Behind is also said with a sneer:

“Who will believe you? A habit of lying!”

After the next, Karkaroff and Snape are like the same spring, starting the Harry’s Frigid Irony and Scorching Satire, during which Maxime is inserted from time to time.

The main meaning is still Harry that Harry cannot participate in the TriWizard Tournament game.

This is definitely unable to be implemented.

Because everyone is known, GOBLET OF FIRE Selection The way the champion is to sign a MAGIC contract. Once the Magic contract is signed, the selected champion must participate, there is no future.

So the reason why Karkaroff and Maxime performance is actually just want to find DumbleDore to compensate for That’s ALL by applying pressure.

This compensation can be to give them two APPEARS A Champion, or their Champion can enjoy some preferential treatment in the game.

Unfortunately, from the current situation, DumbleDore is not ready to give.

After all, LINK, KRUM, and Fleur have also signed a Goblet of Fire contract and must participate.

Since this Triwizard Tournament game has been destined to hold, the requirements of Karkaroff and Maxime are not necessarily satisfied.

understand this LINK to turn your attention to Harry and Old Barty Crouch that have been silent.

At this time, Harry is extremely excited, so that it is trembled, and the eyes also flashed in anger, its main point is Snape and Karkaroff.

Of course, Link estimates that Harry now has a faint hate for everyone in this room, including himself.

Sighed, LINK is directly standing out:

“GOBLET OF FIRE is indeed a hand-held hand, so it caused Harry to become Champion. But I believe that this person will never be Harry!”

This is an out, and the quarrel in the room is stopped.

Everyone is looking at LINK with a meaningful eyeliner.

After a long time, Dumbledore Opened The mouth and said:

“What do you know?”

“Confundus Charm, the employer uses a very advanced confundus charm for Goblet Of Fire. This directly causes GOBLET OF FIRE to mistaken for this Triwizard Tournament competition, and more bags There is only a student in the school, and this will ensure that Harry · Potter has become Champion. “

Link has walked to the middle of the crowd, “But this is absolutely impossible is Harry! Because he can’t release such advanced confundus charm.”

Hearing this Dumbledore and Professor of McGonagAll are all Nodded, while Karkaroff and Maxime and the Others have no change, but they have to admit that Link is reasonable.

As for Harry, he cried at this time, and the eyes of Looked Towards Link became gratitude from the buried grievances.

Thank you! This is still a person who believes in Tonight!

“Since Harry is done, who will it be?”

ludo · Bagman squats the squad.

This makes everyone ‘s eyes back to Link.

“This is easy to speculate?” Link Lightly said with a smile, “Although you declare that the Triwizard Tournament competition has been restructured, the danger has been greatly weakened. If you die, you will die, no one No Will you feel strange?

I think, the guy who doesn’t care is to remove Harry by the chance of Triwizard Tournament. “

Bi, Dumbledore and the Others are all changing.

The eyeliner of Link is slowly swept over the face of everyone.

He didn’t just say that Akam last night was saying in Goblet Of Fire.

This means that the time of the Goblet Of Fire passive hand feet can only be beforehand Hogwarts.

, in this time, there is only three Headmaster and Ludo Bagman of MINISTRY OF MAGIC, and Old Barty · Crouch.

The behind-the-scenes is in the middle of these people!

“Ok, I will report Ministry of Magic, continue to investigate.” Dumbledore said to everyone, “But as a Triwizard Tournamen itself, we are now accepting the results of four Champion entries. So … “

“, but Dumbledore …”

“My dear Maxime lady, if you have another solution, I am willing to listen.”

Dumbledore is waiting, but Maxime is not talking late, just in the eyes of the hu hu.

There are still many people who are dissatisfied with this result.

Snape is more angry, but LINK does not mean, Snape, the knife mouthpentry, guy, from the knife mouth, from the essence of this matter, the previous words also want to stop Harry, drill into the circle in.

Unfortunately, he failed, and he was still provoked.

The only thing that lets LINK are surprisingly, Karkaroff is not very good, but it is very calm.

This is not in line with his arrogance model.

“Okay, let’s continue?” Ludo Bagman looks very excited, he smashed the hand, “To give us Champion, is it? Stinchcombe, do you speak?”

Old barty craouch, who has been hiding in the shadow, raised his head like a god from Shen Si.

LINK is now close to see it, although it is only a few months, but Old Barty has been weak, and the whole person is sluggish.

He is like a Zombie Moved Towards Link and The Others said:

“First Task is an important quality in the face of your guts, dare to face an unknown material is an important quality of Wizard, so we are not ready to tell you what it is.”

“First Task will be conducted on November 24. During the process of project, Champion may not request or accept any help in Teacher, and the only weapon in your hand is our own Wand. After the first task is over We will only tell you about Second Task. In addition, due to the high requirements, the last continuation is very long, and Champion does not participate in the school year exam. “

“So, I wish you a happy game.”

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