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It turns out that Ministry of Magic prohibits minimented Wizard drinking.

This kind of alcohol can have a variety of unimaginable things in Wizard, such as Magic Power, Spirit Strength, and emotional combat.

, such as emotional force is extremely exciting in alcohol stimulation, which triggered Spirit Stregth and Magic Power’s out-of control.

or Magic Power and Spirit Strength in inhibition of alcoholic anesthesia, loss of activity.

So long-term drinking Wizard either becomes an unstable timing bomb, or it is a waste that can’t be caught.

This effect will also be enlarged in the minor Wizard, even achieve the consequences of the permanent injury of the minor Wizard Magic Power and Spirit Stregth.

LINK as a 17-year-old Wizard, occasionally drinking a big wine naturally will not have such serious side effects.

But the hallow of Halloween still leads to him in the next few days, the WITHIN THE BODY MAGIC POWER is in an extremely sluggish state, so that Battle Stregth fell near half.

In this case, the most angry person is Professor Sprout.

Link is now the chief Champion of Hogwarts.

If this MAGIC POWER wilted state will continue until the opening of the Triwizard Tournament game, that the consequences are unimaginable.

Although she author’s CEDRIC can be a little bit a little bit, but she is obviously nothing to even if there will be a student such as CEDRIC, there will be such an Imprudent carnival.

, she naturally stopped all the courses of links and turned it on the medical department forced hospitalization.

Fortunately, the debuff on Link finally disappeared two weeks.

This also allows Sprull and Madam Pomfrey to abandon their madness to almost want to treat Link’s entire people.

but Emiti is not so thinking.

Looking at the discharge of the hospital, staying in the auditorium in the old LINK, Emily thinks that Link has not been completely recovered.

Tissually organized the language, Emily euphemism:

“LINK, else we will go to Professor Snape’s office? I heard that he has improved his wake up Potion. This time it is a pumpkin taste. You know.”

“Doesn’t this? I think I am awake now, Magic Power has returned to normal.”

The head is not returned, and his eyes are still sluggish, and even the pupil is gradually spread.

Looking at this scene, Emily has become more worried.

This LINK did not perceive it.

In fact, he is appreciating this picture of a beautiful view at this moment.

a large group of Slytherin students are playing with a large group of hufflepuff students Talking and laughing, ticking.

True, this scene happened between the other two House students, Link Will Not feels strange, even even Slytherin and Gryffindor have normal.

The biased is Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

After all, SlyTherin has always thought that Hufflepuff is a group of buses that are useless, and the root will dissemble it with the other party.

and Hufflepuff believe that SlyTherin has the potential to become a ferocious Dark Wizard, and do not dare to communicate with each other.

Students in these two House are in a piece of harmony?

This is simply a miracle!

“Emili! You look at there!” Link is exciting with Emily, “How did these two people get a piece? Is there anything in this?”

Hearing this Emili face is more concentrated.

she touched the forehead of LINK, she said:

“They are already this model from two weeks. Isn’t it because you are champion?”

This is an out, and LINK suddenly realizes.

Link although three times five times to find Slytherin’s trouble, but in fact, the main strike object or Draco, and others did not receive anything.

and LINK not only with their hospital Emily Have an affair, the strength is also particularly strong.

Of course, most importantly, LINK is born from one of the sacred twenty-eight respects, the most pure and unuspetent pure blood Wizard.

So multi-element plus, worship Powerhouse’s Slytherin, makes it half of the same kind.

Now Link is selected as the champion of Hogwarts, Slytherin is naturally thinking that this glory also has one.

Bring a group of hufflepuff your brother’s attitude towards LINK.

As for hufflepuff, it is more simple.

Now they are still immersed in Link to get the joy of Champion seats.

For them, as long as you blow LINK, you are my best friend!

These two gangs are mixed together, it is really reasonable.

吧 两 巴, LINK has renewed his own coffee cup with a continued curse, and it took a lot to drink.

Drinking coffee This is his habit of developing during hospitalization.

Causes No, Madam Pomfrey feeds to his Potion taste is Too Terrifying, you need to drink a lot of coffee to rush away.

and the kung fu of this will finally gathered in the vicinity of the hall, and the students who have founded LINK and Emily.

When Link re-placed the coffee cup, he found that he had been surrounded by a blunt face.

“LINK! We have to look at a good thing!”

John squeezed out of the crowd.

On the side, he is still deliberately at the chest, and will not show Link on a large round badge on his school uniform.

It is really a big badge, and LINK is initially estimated that the number of diameters of this stuff must be 10 cm.

In addition, a pair of LINK is still printed on the moving map of the WAND, and below the character is a row of Bright Red flame:

support LINK · Fli!

hogwarts really champion!

The most important thing is that this badge is not only about John.

The rest of the Hufflepuff and Slytherin students hang this badge almost every person.

“Ah …”

For a time, the LINK cheeks surrounded by a dozens of emblems have some red.

does not know that it is red Light that is illuminated by the badge, or because it feels too shame.

“How? Not bad? This is, we seek the 7th grade Senior who specializes in Alchemy! We directly customize 300!”

John is obviously the real reasons for the change of LINK face, still says very excited, “In addition, this badge has other roles!”

, the surroundings are brushing in the badge.

The pattern and the word on the badge have disappeared, and another pattern with green light appears.

That is Harry to be punished by Snape to handle the internal organs of Toad, and the dirty picture.

Potter stinky!

Green light shines, the Link cheeks have naturally become Green.

and the green light outside the crowd shines, Harry Trio’s face also turns green.

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