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The atmosphere in the auditorium is very strange.

One side is a crowd of lively laughd healthily, and the other is a topped iron green, staying in the same place.

The middle of the two seems to have a wall to make the entire auditorium into two Completely Different world.

Standing at Harry, this situation is undoubtedly embarrassed.

The degree of its degree has reached a napkon nap. As a result, after the urine was displayed in the bedding of all children’s faces, and finally, in the laughter, it was rushed to the toilet to change the extent.

Don’t think that small Child does not note.

This experience will leave him a lifelong psychological shadow!

, Harry made a decision of a very as it soould be by rights.

he turned his head and escaped his auditorium.

Harry Three people carrying Cauldron and various pharmaceutical devices have fallen in the eyes of Link.

His Faintly Muttered to Oneseelf returns a look.

From the badge of John’s chest, the speech on Harry holding LINK is obviously a period of time in Hogwarts.

Harry’s mental torture is inevitably huge.

Pressing LINK Since the previous promise will help Harry, you should come to explain it to him.

But the reality is that the LINK is not to do with the desire to do.

Because this is indifferent.

People will only believe what they are willing to believe.

Similarly, they will not consciously distorted the truth when they are narrative, thus achieving the most favorable results.

The rumor is to spread so step by step.

So the LINK will help Harry explain that it is estimated that John will not believe.

maybe there will be LINK good and good humble, deliberately lying on the rumor of Harry · Potter.

Moreover, people who should have to help Harry should be DumbleDore.

Since this Old Guy does not shoot, then Link feels that there is no need to have a need.

Renew the coffee cup again, Link greatly drank a bite.

“LINK, don’t drink, take one with me.”

CEDRIC I don’t know when to squeeze into the crowd, and I am eager to talk about LINK.

“Is there anything?”

Mr. Bagman and Professor Sprout For me to inform you. “Cedric boards,” should be something like to take pictures. I saw that they prepared a large MAGIC camera. “

“But … charms will start now.”

Link is somewhat not willing to go.

His instinct is not interested in this marketing publicity.

and become Hogwarts’ Champion Although it allows him to be free from the final exam, the OWL test is still to participate.

He has been in the past, and it has been unwilling to fall more courses because of the taking advantage of the hospitalization of Half a Month.

CEDRIC is very magical and understands Link’s idea, Helpless Road:

“Mr. Bagman, Professor Flitwick, has already greeted. And after a while, I can’t miss too much, let’s go.”

has been here, LINK is not good.

and Emiti have, he follows Cedric through the labyrinth corridor staircase, and finally came to the school door.

“This time they are estimated to publish your things on” Daily Prophet “! I am going back to cut it on the above part of the report to stick to our hufflepuff’s honor wall, how do you think?” /P>

“NO! Never! This is also shameful! And when is our hufflepuff?”

“In fact, it has been a few years ago, but it has always been empty, and others will only think that it is a normal wall.

Don’t say this, I wish you good luck! “

seems to have a chance to continue to refuse to contact Link, and the Cedric words have fallen.

The word LINK wants to say, and ultimately SIGHED, push the door.

This is a relatively small classroom, which has been emptied and placed with a residual crosse of a scene similar to the campus.

Bagman and a few Wizard holding a camera and a paper pen, such ends are just in the end of the collapse, and the living is ready to give a doctor to do check.

“Oh! Our Champion! Link, you are the first!”

ludo · Bagman is still the same enthusiasm, he stepped in a few steps, “Don’t be nervous, although this scene is relatively grand, but in fact, it is only helping you of these Champion to test Wand Ceremony That’s All. “

“detection wand?”

Link is faint, the expression is some helpless.

He didn’t understand how Bagman saw him nervous, and his state is very normal.

“is to check your Wand is normal, this is the regular initiative of the Triwizard Tournament game.” Bagman is close to Lin whispered, “You also know, Wand is your most important props in the next game, We must guarantee that no one is in the WAND. Of course, experts who will help you detect Wand are Ollivander, which is the old man of Diagon Alley selling Wand. He is our hogwarts yourself, so do you understand? “

said that Bagman exploded his eyes in Link, recovered the normal volume:

“Experts and other Champions will come for a while, we can take a while. Yes, the way, this is Rita Scht, she is a reporter and writer, is … “

“, I know her.”

Link tone interrupted Bagman while turning his gaze to the middle-aged Witch on the side of the red robes.

She has a refined, but a slightly stiff golden curly hair, the whole makeup dressing with the Witch impression, there is a lot of luxury jewelery and refined clothing, but the color and clothing are extremely weird.

If you don’t describe it, you secretly use the little girl with her Mother’s cosmetics, jewelry and clothes to make yourself.

This guy is also Link’s Old AcquainTance.

I didn’t find Rita Schkit to write black.

Many unreasonable self-contained media in front of Link, for traffic and money, no matter how distorted facts, disgusting articles are willing to write, and the writing level is extremely high.

a very easy to use toolman!

This is the evaluation of Link for Rita Schtt.

“Mr. Folley, I am very honored to see you! You have more handsome than the previous Daily Prophet photo!”

Rita Schtt, I also hurriedly stood up from the chair, deliberately calibrate the scorpion to say, “Honestly, I am really very curious. I don’t know if we are officially starting, I can not Do a interview separately? “

“No problem!” Bagman robbed, “as long as Link is willing.”

“interviews don’t have, I think you should know what to write, right?”

Link Coldly Said, while saying, while stretching, the Fli family texture rings on his Right Hand eat.

This action scared Rita Schtt.

She is like a puppet that is added to the puppet, and the gambling nodded will be given to the LINK. I will help Linked a good article of a flower group.

The dramatic and doing of its language movements, even the staff of the camera catching a camera.

But despite this, there is no one if anyone thinks that Rita Skit’s move is not appropriate or shameful.

After all, now stand in front of them, but the only heir of Link · Fli, the Fli family!

The black material for Dumbledore and Fudge is indeed harvested to harvest a lot of traffic and wealth, but this set is useless to use this half-black family in the Fli family.

The Fli family, but really will kill!

Link and not pay attention to other mood, but directly to sit down, there is a mouthful of drinking coffee. He just took the coffee cup just now.

Wait for half an hour, Dumbledore and Krum and other Champion and referee have come.

Dumbledore and Link Nodded, then the conversation of Each Minding Their Own Business, Fleur is bouncing to Link, the probe looks at the Cup of Link, and then reveals a splendid smile Road:

“How? I give you the coffee beans very good?”

Link perfuncts Nodded.

His habit of drinking coffee is indeed a big relationship with Fleur.

This guy went to the medical room to visit his coffee beans as a gift, it is said to be a high-end goods stolen from Ms. Maxime.

“Ok, let’s get started.”

After the last CHAMPION HARRY, Dumbledore finally announced that “then hard you, Mr. Ollivander.”

嘤 国 仅 仅 仅 制 制 制, 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 微 点 点 n n n n n

“MISS DELACOR, come first, ok?”

fleur is a little reluctant to leave from Link, handing Wand to Ollivander.

Wand quickly returns in Ollivander five fingers, like a pen.

At the same time, TIP also spurts many pink and Golden sparks.

“Yes, 9 and A Half Inch, elastic, maple wood, sticks are … Merlin …”

“a velan’s hair,” fleur replied, “That is my grandmother’s hair.”

This words, KarkAroff despulte, the mouth.

The eyes of Rita Scht and other staff LOOKED TOWARDS FLEUR have become disgust.

Wizard and wisdom magical organ Half-blood, is the most short existence in traditional Wizard pure blood, which is lower than Muggle.

These eyes are like a sharp knife in Fleur, and she can’t help but shake.

She strongly controls her own body, but the eyes are unconsciously floating towards LINK.

Link did not show a shock or disappointment.

fleur is Veeela Half-blood, he knows before coming to this world, Fleur fleur is more prior to the summer vacation.

After seeing the LINK reaction, Fleur’s body suddenly does not shake.

She retracts his gaze from Link, and the confident Looked Towards has Ollivander.

“Suitable combination, this Wand estimate is only you can control. After all, the WAND made by the velala hair is too sensitive. Ah! Don’t misunderstand, I am not saying you. In short. … “

Ollivander’s finger is hung in Wand, then open the whistle, “Orchideous!”

A bunch of flowers suddenly ran out from TIP.

“It is very good!”

Ollivander will give Fleur along with the flowers.

follows the Wand to KRUM.

When I took Wand, Link obviously found that Ollivander’s expression was some dislike and ugly.

“Well, Gregorovitch’s works, I won’t recognize, his style is so rough and wild.”

Ollivander shakes his head, some is not born, “Goose ear wood, Dragon’s heart tendon, ten and 1/4 inches, stupid black styles. Hey, no problem, take it away!” “

The KRUM expression of the WAND is somewhat innocent.

he doesn’t understand English, but from Ollivander’s performance, he seems to be what problems I feel that I have.

Finally, Karkaroff stood up and gave him back, and there was what the WHISPERING said, it seems to be comfort.

“Next, Mr. Foli.”

Link opened Fleur, who has always wanted to make him up, and pulled out two wands to Ollivander.

This is a bit amazed by the people.

Karkaroff and Maxime are even Begin to Stir, like trying to protest with DumbleDore.

After all, it will only have a Wand, while the two WANs of Link will apparently let him have such a small advantage in the next game.

“Ha! This is the real Wand!”

Ollivander holds two wands to show up two times, “one is a largon, Dragon’s Nerve, ten and 1/4 inches long, my grandfather’s masterpiece! Remove regular USE SPELL Benefits, it also has Special Ability that gives the user courage! Super rare, even I can’t do it now! “

Ollivander shakes a few Link initial deciduous pine Wand, which flashes golden Rays of Light.

“and the other is my work! Ebony, Phoenix feathers, thirteen inches! Free attack type Magic and Transfiguration’s best choice! They usually choose those rich and affordable Pressure, persistent people! But it is now a little less normal … “

Ollivander wrinkled on the black sandwand in the blackwood Wand, I have released several kinds of tricks, this is a bit shocked by STARED WIDE-Eyed:

“Its appearance becomes more rounded and smooth, and the overall feelings become quite gloomy, oh, I dare to say that you have released this WAN in the past few years. Cursance of corrosion characteristics DARK MAGIC! And this magnitude is still very high! Otherwise, this Wand will never … “

“Well cough !! ~”

Bagman fierce cough interrupted Ollivander.

The latter is confused to see Bagman, seeing the other party is crazy to make his face, and then realize the mistakes you make, the face becomes Deathly White is incomparable.

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