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Bagman has the heart that wants to kill Ollivander at this time.

He just said that Ollivander is his own person, it will put it on the WAND.

The result of Ollivander looked back, selling LINK, selling a dry two net.

This is simply playing his face!

He watched his eye on the side of the referee, and suddenly, he saw that Karkaroff and Maxime did this time, it was a stewing model of the important intelligence, and it could not help but be more angry.

As for the Link a Hogwarts, why is it good at curse Dark Magic? He didn’t feel weird.

After all, the Fli family has a Dark Wizard background.

The home is normal.

At the same time, Ollivander himself is a nervous cold sweat.

WAND producer is actually a very dangerous profession.

Because Ministry of Magic often invites the WAND producer to determine what the WAN’s user has used by detecting fine traces of Wand. How many people have killed.

So many Dark Wizards have chosen to kill the nearby WAND producers after doing bad things.

Grandfather of Ollivander is so dead.

and now Ollivander feels that he is also the grandfather’s back.

Because he did not only discover a lot of traces of senior cursed Dark Magic on the Link’s Wand.

has also found dead gas that will only appear on the body!

The ebony itself will adsorb freely in the air, so this finding is not strange.

But the key is that the dead gas wrapped on the ebony Wand is too strong!

Taking this again, the truth is obvious in just a few years in just a few years, then the truth is obvious.

Link · Frei uses this WAND to kill more than one person!

After this conclusion, Ollivander shake almost all will not hold Wand.

Now he is the only thing that is the only thing that I just stopped in time, didn’t let him say the dead thing.

Otherwise, he estimated himself on the streets of the corpse.

“Mr. Folley, you, your WAND is very good, there is no problem.”

Link has passed the WAND of Ollivander, and did not say anything, returned to his previous seat.

He didn’t think that Ollivander revealed what is AT Worst.

After all, he is very clear that his strength is far more than ordinary students, under the absolute strength, even if the other party has more information, it is impossible to cause any troubles.

The next thing is much simpler.

was so scared by Link, Ollivander didn’t have a mood of the Huihu whistle.

Efficiently After the Harry’s Wand is tested, he will carry his own toolbox and flee it to leave Hogwarts.

Even Dumbledore didn’t call him.

“Okay, the next thing is taken!”

Bagman recovered excitement, saying that everyone said, “Come on, everyone!”

The crowd slowly closes, Rita Skit may be not very happy to see the LINK face, and quickly join the whispered:

“Mr. Folley, this time I want to write will not only publish it on” Daily Prophet “, but also on” International Wizard Joint News “, and the magazine will be sent to Wizard in other countries. And this photo is It is used as an article cover. So, please also ask you … “

Link directly reached out and interrupted her and walked into the team.

In he wants, Trifling takes photos, it should not be used.

However, it has proved that the professional ability of Wizard World photographers is obviously too much than Muggle World’s photographers.

Ms. Maxime is too large, which will block other people’s small problems. This group of Daily Prophet’s photographers didn’t get it for a long time.

Finally, Maxime, Ms. Maxime, I found a bench, sitting in the end, is reluctant to solve.

Although it takes a long time, it is very patient in the face of the camera.

wherein Fleur is most happy.

Because Rita Skit is not known to have a mad, arrange the link to arrange the LINK to the middle C bit, but also let Fleur take him tightly, make a look of Endearing Little Bird.

There is no opinion on this DumbleDore, and even Ms. Maxime seems to have some fun.

as for Krum.

LINK originally thought that sports stars like him should have become accustomed to flash and lens.

But unexpectedly, Krum has been drilling behind the crowd, do not want to enter the mirror at all.

unexpected 腼腆.

“Okay! Thank you for your cooperation!”

After a flash of flashlight, the big beard staff of the shoulder camera wi sweat.

I have just gave him a hurry.

It is good to pay attention to him, everyone will go out of the classroom.

Harry is particularly in a hurry, and a focus on the look.

LINK is ultimately in the heart, chasing:

“Harry, are you okay?”

“I? I am fine.”

See Harry a pair of unfathomable mystery, Link also wants to ask, but Harry continues directly, “Oh, is the badge thing? Rest assured, I won’t take Seriously, they want to say let them say Go it well. “

When this is said, the Harry expression is very calm, and the ability of LEGILIMENS can be seen, and Harry did not lie.

he really doesn’t care.

This is a bit strange. After all, Harry has always been a sensitive bears in the Link impression.

“What is you going to do so?”

Link asked.

“is Hermione,” Harry sighs, “we just got to see Draco. You also know, the guy always likes to find me. Then we got a small conflict with him. There were some accidents in the middle, and Hermione was hit by a magic curse. Now I still lying in the medical room. I just want to see her. But you can rest assured that she should not have a serious problem, but the front teeth become longer It’s all.

As for those rumors, you really don’t have to worry, Sirius has already written to the opening of me. And I still remember what you have told me before. If you need help, you will go find you. “

Harry Whispering said a large section.

Hearing this link This is only peace of mind.

If it is Sirius · Black, it is no longer able to successfully open Harry.

After all, as a guy who is in a 10-year black pot, Sirius has extensive experience in facing the rumors.

Shen I have been meditated. Link recalls that Hermione is often visiting when he is hospitalized, so he says:

“I will see Hermione with you.”

Due to the previous two people, they still did not stop, so they have come to the medical room at this time.

Harry stunned, looked up at the door of the eye medical room, and finally said:

“Is it still?”

“What?” Link frown, “Do you not say that she is only a long? Madam Pomfrey should not let us go in.”

“Amount … I estimate that Hermione wanted to see you, she didn’t even want to see it at this time.”

link: “?”

“You want,” Harry spreads his hand, “Hermione is also a female Child, do you think she would want us to see this ugly now?”

Harry let’s let Link somewhat saying.

His first discovered that Harry is also emotional.


In the next few days, LINK was re-entered into the campus learning life.

Every day, in addition to class learning, it is with Emily tired.

Of course, LINK has not forgotten Hermione.

2nd day link after Hermione, I went to GryffInDor, and I sent a fully automatic quill of the rooted tail feathes to Hermione as a gift.

This entirely visited process can be described as a guest.

Just think about the scene at the time, LINK will thank Harry in your heart.

Because of Harry, he was hit by Alone went to the medical room to visit Hermione.

and on the fourth day after the end of the photo, the article written by Rita Schtt is also finally used through “Daily Prophet” and “International Wizard Joint”.

Rita Scht is fully appreciated by Link to his hint, or a warning.

In that article, she blew the Link into the only winning candidate of Triwizard Tournament, and used gorgeous but actually no significant flattery words directly filled with the content of LINK to the entire article. Seventy!

The remaining 30%, Fleur Alone accounted for half.

This is also light with LINK.

Because Rita Scht is published in the article, Fleur has Veeera bloodlines in the article.

simultaneously mold it into a rush, and fascinating with LINK’s heart and talent.

Most importantly, under the rendering of Rita Skit, anyone who has seen this article will have Fleur that has already basically succeeded, successfully chase LINK, and let Link immersed in land of The feeling of WARMTH AND TENDERNESS.

This is actually a public opinion attack on Fleur and Beauxbatons schools. After all, this will inevitably trigger readers’ auction on Fleur.

as Krum and Harry are tied by a stroke.

Even, Rita Schitt also spells the name of Krum.

European and American worships for celebrities are actually very wonderful.

They seem to feel in their bones, if they can know a celebrity, it will be a very worthy of showing off and honored things.

Therefore, after this newspaper is issued, Link will soon usher in a new wave of fans.

A large number of low-grade students will automatically get gather to the door of Hufflepuff Common Room every day, waiting for the appearance of LINK, and then over.

This situation is still not serious inside Hufflepuff. After all, everyone is very basic for Dai, which is familiar with each other.

But when Cedric really cuts down, posted in Hufflepuff, the light bald hall, the last pure land of Link has finally fallen.

Now, he will be surrounded by a crowd every day.

Those fanatics will even connect to the Snape a few want to kill people in the Potion class.

Link is unbearable soon made a decision.

Go to HOGSMEADE village with Emily.

This minues can also enjoy a clean and leisure weekend.

then his Absolutely Didn’t Expect is that Triwizard Tournament servir is the absolute theme of this year’s hogwarts, and also received enthusiastic attention from HOGSMEADE village residents.

After all, the villagers do is the business of Hogwarts students.

What students like, what will they come to attract guests.

So, the store of Large and Small in Hogsmeade village is also attached to the report of LINK!

On the streets of People Coming, People Going Hogsmeade, LINK’s expression is somewhat entangled, and a little bend is stranded with Emily entered Puddifoot Tea House.

I want to come in Link, this quiet couple teahouse IT Shouldn’t BE is as boring to use his photos as outside the ordinary stores.

but he is still too late.

Pa Madam Puddifoot teahouse not only posted Rita Scht’s articles.

and is still super zoom!

is posted on the ceiling of the teahouse!

Everyone walking into the teahouse can see the article and the full Champion and referee with the articles with a photo.

“pu 呲! ~”

Looking at LINK, there is a no more loveless expression, and Emi can’t help but laugh.

then seems to feel a little over, touching the hair:

“Don’t be tangled, at least they take you good.”

This is a big truth.

Since Rita Scht, the first thing is to shoot the LINK as the protagonist, so whether it is the best position, the photo taken is naturally perfect.

The only somewhat twisting is that the Fleur on the side is very close. From the photos, she seems to be the same as the entire person.

Look carefully for a while, Link this only asked:

“Are you not angry?”

“angry?” Emili’s eyes outlined a good look, it seems to be laughing, and some means deep, “Do you mean that you and Fleur don’t worry about you? What is I secretly visually visit Hermione? “

Hearing this link’s body is stiff, just want to argue, listen to Emiti to continue:

“In fact, I am not a small gas, after all, you are also a normal male Child, I can understand, no accounting.

but ah. After this semester, we have to engage it. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed after two of our two engagement. Otherwise … “

Emili did not continue to say, but the hidden murderous aura in the words made Link couldn’t help but bumpy.

immediately nodded, such as a mysterious garlic.

I want to know that Emisi is studying from the sidelief.

Although it will be stupid, it will be the presence of PEAK in the country of the country and Very Ruthless.

LINK is confident that even what Emili is not willing to do anything to him.

but the girl who happened to him can be miserable.

Emily estimation will peel off their bones!

Seeing the LINK and the reaction is so big. Amy Lijia smiled and hugged the arm’s arm. It looked with the other girls who came with the boyfriend in the teahouse.

At this time, LINK saw a somewhat familiar silver bun Young Girl suddenly walked into the teahouse, and rigid toward Towards he and Emily came over.

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