
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The first task of the Triwizard Tournament is a large-scale improvised venue made up of planks and rocks. It looks very simple.

Of course, this humble is based on the Quiddich world cup stadium as the object of comparison.

With the help of magic, in fact, this venue looks a lot like that.

At the very least, both the semi-circular staircase and the commentary stand are very good.

In the innermost part of the field below, the Dragon, whose golden egg was stolen by Krum, is still in a state of extreme rage. At this moment, he is engaged in the final battle with the dragon trainers who rushed over.

To subdue an angry Dragon, this is definitely not a difficult task for trained dragon trainers.

But perhaps there are audiences. Driven by their powerful expressive desires, these dragon trainers also started to engage in flower work, playing with the poor Dragon with chains and spells made of special metals. .

Bagman is a guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic. Seeing the dragon trainers so hard, he simply explained the battle between them.

The audience also gave a lot of face, and every time the dragon trainers dodge the dragon’s breath skillfully, they will elicit a big cheer.

This makes the dragon trainers even more excited.

If no one stops, they might be able to play here all day.

Fortunately, Bagman still remembered that the protagonists of this game were the champions, and finally urged the dragon trainers to drive away the dragon and brought a new Hungarian Shufeng dragon up.

“Let’s finally thank the dragon trainers for their wonderful performance! At the same time, we also want to praise Durmstrang’s Champion. He performed really well! Then, let us have the champion of Hogwarts—— Link-Foley!”

Bagman roared with excitement, judging from his flushed cheeks and violent throat, he should have tried his best to shout.

It’s a pity that even with the help of the spell, this volume is still not enough.

Because of the next moment, the cheers and whistles erupted from the stands immediately covered his voice.

The previous three games have made all the audience understand that although the organizing committee of the tournament has brought in such a dangerous creature as Dragon, it has indeed put a lot of effort in difficulty control.

Because the previous three champions were a little embarrassed, but at least they all completed the task!

Even Harry, the youngest and recognized as the weakest, used an unimaginable method to get the golden egg guarded by Dragon. .

And this makes everyone look forward to Link’s performance even more.

After all, in the hearts of many people, Link is the strongest of all champions!

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

Emily was very worried at this time, although as Link’s closest person, she has a clear understanding of the terrifying power Link holds.

But that is Dragon after all!

And what Link has to deal with is the Hungarian Horntail dragon, which is much larger than the other three Dragons and has stronger fire-breathing ability!

In the face of such a monster, can Link really succeed?

Emily suddenly felt that she was having difficulty breathing.

She did not cheer like the others around, but closed her eyes and silently began to pray for Link.

It’s just not long after she closed her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked down as if she realized something.

At this moment, Link is walking into the venue from the corridor.

The rare sunshine in the winter in Qiguo casts on him, shining his blond hair, and even dyeing his handsome face with a layer of golden.

Such a good look, anyone who sees it will have a secretly thought in his heart!

But such a beautiful boy appeared in front of Dragon at this time with an extremely leisurely, tired pace like a walk after a meal.

There was even a smile on his face.

That kind of laughter, coupled with his current pace, gives people a very leisurely and confident feeling.

It’s easy to feel and even a little arrogant!

Because of the existence of the magic telescope, most people on the scene really felt the strong contrast between Link and the previous ones.

Although the first three champions have also completed their tasks.

But the tension they showed can be seen without magic Telescope!

Link is completely different!

Another burst of eager cheers that could almost shatter the glass blew up!

Among them, the voices of the Slytherins are the loudest.

At this time, they were so excited that almost all of them wanted to jump off the stands and replace them.

To be honest, Link’s relaxed attitude of nonsense and demeanor should be placed in normal times, and it is definitely the most despised of the Slytherins.

But right now, it shows powerful confidence and pride!

This perfectly hit Slytherin’s G spot!

After all, after all, most Slytherins are a group of patients with secondary disease!

“…Link · Foley players are really popular! Then, let us watch the performance of Link · Foley players! Please remember! Your goal is to take away the golden protected by Dragon egg, and don’t let the golden egg be damaged! Now, the project begins!”

Bagman’s weak voice, backed by cheers, reached Link’s ears.

Link then continued to walk towards the Hungarian Horntail dragon, his gait was still so loose, but a blue glow flashed in his eyes.

With the help of the Super Sense Charm, all the details of the Hungarian Horntail dragon on the opposite side were revealed in front of Link.

I have to say, this is really a very beautiful Dragon.

It is almost the size of the 5-Layer building. The black scaly armor covering the whole body is shining in the sunlight. The neck is covered with a lot of bronze spikes all the way up to the forehead, and the tail section is even more long. Two extra huge and terrifying hammer stings!

At this time, it is half closing its wings, crouching and guarding the nest of dragon eggs behind it, and the pair of orange-yellow vertical pupils that hide the killing intent are staring at Link.

The mother when guarding the cubs is always exceptionally powerful, and in order to stimulate the motherhood of the dragons, the dragon trainers wickedly piled the real dragon eggs in the temporary nests built on the court.

As for the golden egg that Link will take this time, it is stacked on top of the real dragon eggs.

This means that if Link wants to get the egg, he must first deal with the eager mother Dragon!

Of course, those dragon trainers and staff are not demons.

In order to reduce the difficulty of the game, but also to ensure safety.

They were very considerate and did not remove the special metal chain that was nailed to the ground on Dragon.

The Hungarian Horntail dragon nowadays is bound by the chain on its neck, and its range of movement is only a small circle near the dragon egg.

Calculating the range of movement and fire attack distance of the Hungarian Shufeng dragon, Link stopped at the critical distance, and raised wand without the slightest hesitation thought:


The invisible blade whizzed away, accurately hitting the eye socket of the Hungarian Horntail dragon, but was blocked by the opponent’s eyelid closed in time, only causing a scratch on the opponent’s eyelid.

But this blow seemed to completely anger the Hungarian Horntail dragon.

It roared hysterically, but was dragged back by the chain.

Wants to breathe fire, but Link stands out of attack range.

“This is really terrifying.”

Link said nodded with a relaxed face.

The defensive ability of dragon skin is indeed amazing. A thin layer of eyelid blocks the erosion attribute, which can be called the curse magic with the strongest armor piercing ability, Sectumsempra.

The dragon skin and dragon scales of this defense level, the other parts of the Hungarian Treefeng Dragon in front of me are even thicker, the most exaggerated place, even reaching close to 2 meters.

Such defensive power is coupled with tyrannical physical power and fire breathing.

It is indeed only by relying on crowded tactics and special magic props to subdue it.

But so what?

The corner of Link’s mouth has become more brilliant.

This time he didn’t recite the spell.

Just lift the wand, and then fall again and again!


An invisible hammer dropping from the sky condensed by countless curses!

Fiercely’s hammer hit the head of the Hungarian Shufeng Dragon, smashing its entire dragon head directly on the ground!

“It’s just a tortoise with a harder shell that’s all, and it’s done with a blunt object!”

Link said disdainfully, and while speaking, he kept waving wand up and down.

The hammer of cursing power also smashed again and again, and the Hungarian Shufenglong who was struggling and roaring about to get up gradually smashed the entirety into the ground.

The cheers and commentary that echoed on the field suddenly disappeared, and only the muffled percussions resounded through the sky along with the vibration of the ground.

All the spectators, Dumbledore and the others on the referee stand were speechless in surprise at this time.

No matter how much they overestimated Link’s strength, they didn’t expect the game to become so dramatic!

The Hungarian Shufeng dragon, the largest and strongest of all the four dragons, turned out to be as weak as a dog in front of Link!

“Link ……”

Emily murmured unconsciously, and her tight heartstrings had relaxed at this time.

At the same time, the Hungarian Horntail dragon, whose body had been smashed into the ground, was not struggling much anymore.

But Link still hit with one hammer at a time.

It’s like trying to smash the opponent to death.

This brutal posture made the audience in the stands dare not speak even if they reacted from the initial shock.

But Link sees it very clearly.

This Hungarian Horntail dragon did not give up resistance at all.

It just puts the center of gravity of resistance from the surface to the ground.

Its hideous dragon head buried in the ground has actually been breathing fire and burning underground rocks.

Link was very curious about its behavior, so it didn’t stop it, but continued to keep the pressure on it.

And soon, he knew what the purpose of the Hungarian Horntail dragon was.

Because of the heat of the opponent’s dragon’s breath, large areas of the game ground were melted into ashes and molten slurry.

Among them, it also includes the area nailed to the other end of the dragon’s chain.

The Dragon Chain itself is made of a special alchemy alloy and is not afraid of dragon inflammation.

But the rock it nails is different.

Under the scorching heat, the rock quickly melted, and the rivet deeply pierced into the stone was also dragged away.

“roar! “

With a roar of excitement, the lost Hungarian Horntail dragon fluttered from the lava!

It is wrapped in the howling wind, hovering over Link and staring at Link. In the orange-yellow eyes that were originally cruel and killing intent, there is a bit more crafty and joy at this moment.

This is a Dragon whose IQ far exceeds other similar ones.

Link made this judgment.

Gradually, the joy in its eyes began to be replaced by hatred.

Its gaze swept across the audience in the stands, and finally fell on Link.

The flame is condensing in its mouth.

As a celebration of regaining freedom, it decided to teach the humans who imprisoned it a bitter lesson!

And all of this must start on the Link Mountain!

The audience in the stands finally could no longer remain silent.

Each of them exclaimed that they wanted to leave, but they were blocked by the Prefects.

Unfortunately, the number of Prefects is too small.

They were so weak that they were soon overwhelmed by the panicking crowd.

Emily is one of the few spectators in the stands who did not escape.

But what she does speaking from a certain perspective is more impulsive than other runaways.

Because at this time, she had already taken out the wand and was ready to rush to the arena to help Link.

Fortunately, Snape had been paying attention to the situation on her side and dragged it back.

Unlike everyone else, Link still has a smile on his face at this moment.

He stared at the Hungarian Horntail dragon with his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, condensing flames and preparing to use the dragon’s breath on him, and swung the wand very casually.

Renew the curse-steam explosion!

A large group of clear water filled the mouth of the Hungarian Horntail dragon, and soon came into close contact with the condensed flame under Link’s control and compression.

The flame of the Hungarian Horntail dragon is definitely one of the very best in Dragon.

Not only did it have an extremely long range, but the temperature also reached more than two thousand degrees.

In the face of this high temperature, most metals currently known in the muggle world will be melted instantly.

Only by this hand did it melt the ground and get out of trouble.

Once the extremely compressed water ball envelops such a flame, the result is very simple.

chi chi chi ~~~Boom! ~

The highly concentrated steam exploded in the mouth of the Hungarian Horntail dragon!

In the thick white mist that quickly rolled and spread, Link vaguely discovered that the poor Dragon on the opposite side seemed to have lost its jaw forever.

The miserable and weird howl of the Hungarian Horntail dragon caused everyone present to cover their ears in pain and forget to escape.

The Hungarian Shufenglong in the thick fog seems to have lost its mind.

It completely ignored that its exposed wound was spraying blood with its roar, and stubbornly swung the hammered tail to Link.

Link still stood there and didn’t move.

At this time, he somewhat wanted to take back his smart judgment about this Dragon just now.

It turns out that wild beast is wild beast after all.

Doesn’t it understand Link, since it dares to stand here, does it mean that it has the confidence to control everything?

wand waved again.

The Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon was knocked out at a faster speed than before.

At the same time, all the water mist that erupted from the surrounding area condensed on the head of the Hungarian Shufenglong, turning into a large black cloud.

In the end, after a magic power bead glowing with fiery-red rays of light was thrown into the clouds by Link, a thunder slammed straight into the Hungarian Shufenglong!

The dazzling electric light burst like a flash bomb over the arena.

The fierce and clever Hungarian Shufeng dragon finally did not do anything else, and fell into the cooling lava with black smoke.

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