
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Looking at the Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon falling below the lava, Cedric began to understand why Link was so confident that he would be Hogwarts’ champion.

“Link is too strong, right?”

In a daze, Cedric said in a daze, he even felt that Link no longer needed to continue school in Hogwarts.

Because of the power that Link has mastered, all the students of far surpasses Hogwarts have been.

The volume he used is not too small.

At this time, he was the only one who could hear.

Because John and other Hufflepuffs around him have already fallen into a state of madness and began to shout hysterical!


Link! !

Link! ! !

Gradually, this crazy state gradually spread to the stands in other directions.

At the end, all the students in the Big Four houses were shouting the name of Link!

And Link is.

At this time, he has returned to the original state of leisure and self-confidence that is almost arrogant.

He stepped on the scorched body of the Hungarian tree peak dragon all the way to the dragon’s nest, but did not rush to pick up the golden egg, but made a quiet gesture to all the audience who were shouting in the stands.

Not only Hogwarts, but also thousands of spectators in the three major houses, and even the commentators on the referee’s stand, Bagman and Dumbledore and the others, couldn’t help holding their breath!

In the silence, Link raised high a golden egg:


The roar echoed over the empty field.

“Ah! ~”

“Hogwarts! Hogwarts! Hogwarts!”

The cheers like mountain cry out and sea howl once again!

On momentum alone, it is even worse than before!

There are many people in Hogwarts who have a dull relationship with Link, and even a few people who hate Link.

But at this moment, under the influence of Link’s strong personal charm, under the atmosphere of the scene!

All the Hogwarts students on the scene stood up excitedly and roared with all their strength!

“Synonymous with smart, handsome, powerful, and perfect, there are such outstanding people in this world!”

At the referee’s bench, Ms. Maxime sighed.

At this time, her expressions all looked towards Link were a little straight.

Because to be honest, Link really fits the image of the husband she fancied in the heart when she was fifteen!


It should be said that it is not just her. For all the women on the scene, Link can be regarded as the perfect companion in fantasy!

But when Maxime’s gaze accidentally swept to the group of Beauxbatons students who were also following the shouting at the edge of the stand, the little expectation and fantasy in her heart instantly turned into bitterness.

She really regrets now.

If you had known that Link was such a gifted child, she had agreed to Mrs. Foley’s request to send Link to Beauxbatons for school.

In this way, it should be Beauxbatons who are shouting in unison now.

It’s a pity that Regret Medicine is definitely not available for this regardless of whether it is muggle world or wizard world.



Maybe there is really Regret Medicine to eat!

Madam Maxime’s eyes flashed brilliantly, and his gaze quickly fell on Gabrielle’s tiny silhouette.

She remembered very clearly that the relationship between Delacour sisters and Link was pretty good, and their own conditions were also very good.

So is it possible to trick Link into Beauxbatons by the fetters of love?

As soon as this idea appeared, Ms. Maxime’s breathing became a little quicker.

She thinks this plan is very feasible!

What a great deal, give the Delacour sisters to Link!

Anyway, the two sisters are also willing.

At the same time, Dumbledore, who was on the same table with Maxime, hadn’t realized that someone was planning to dig his corner.

At this time, all his attention was on Link.

He also agreed with what Ms. Maxime said just now.

Link · Foley, really is the kind of perfect genius that is rare in a century!

In comparison, Harry Potter, who was also trained with all his strength, is far inferior.

Although Link is a bit too smart.

My mind is also smaller.

He is often persecuted because of self-interest and a little bit of hatred.

But after seeing Link’s performance today, Dumbledore really has a desire to reset his plan and use Link as the core.

After all, powerhouse is always treated preferentially.

And the powerful, handsome, and ruffian look of Link right now really resembles the silhouette that often appears in Dumbledore’s dreams.

This makes Dumbledore’s affection for Link inexplicably increase!

The cheers over the arena have not been extinguished for a long time.

The narrator Bagman also forgot to announce the end of the game when he was upset.

But the dragon trainers can’t wait any longer.

One by one, they rushed to the field like a madman, and began to check the condition of the Hungarian Shufenglong.

This dragon is an important asset of their dragon farm!

The economic value that can be created is comparable to a small trading company!

If you really die here, no matter whether the Ministry of Magic will compensate the loss of the dragon farm, at least their accompanying dragon trainers will probably lose their jobs!

Fortunately, the life force of this Hungarian Shufeng dragon is really terrifying.

Even though it was hit so badly, it still hangs a breath.

This makes the dragon trainers relaxed.

Link turned a blind eye to the hatred and awe of the dragon trainers.

Holding a golden egg, I’m going out of the arena.

This time he has perfectly demonstrated his own terrorist power.

In this way, the secret mastermind hidden in the dark will probably converge a bit, right?

Just as Link was thinking about it, a purple black barrage suddenly appeared on his retina.

[Temporary Emergency Mission-Glory and Relief]

[Task requirements: Kill the Hungarian Shufeng Dragon! ]

[Task Reward: Title-Dragon Slaying Champion, Free Skill Points*1]

Link is a little confused.

Because this is the first time in the history of his own system that he proactively promulgated such an outrageous task.

The outrageous here refers to the difficulty and reward of the task.

Killing the Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon is as easy as lifting one’s hand for the current Link.

But system not only gave a free skill point, but also gave the title reward for the first time!

This makes Link very entangled.

The reward he really wanted, but the Hungarian Shufeng dragon was already very pitiful.

Link can’t bear it.

After hesitating, he turned his head and glanced again.

And this look happened to meet the orange-yellow vertical pupils of Hungarian Shufenglong.

At this time, the Hungarian Shufeng Dragon is receiving the diligent treatment of the dragon trainers.

With the help of potion, Link expects that it will soon escape the mortal danger.

But at this moment, Hungarian Shufenglong’s eyes are no longer ferocious and hatred, instead there is only a heavy sorrow.

It seemed that he had noticed Link’s sight, and there was another hoarse roar in the throat of Hungarian Shufenglong.

The emotion in the eyes has changed into begging.

It is begging Link to grant it the glory of being able to die in battle!

It is begging Link to help it escape from this endless slavery and exploitation!

It is begging Link to kill it!

This is what Link read from its eyes through the Legilimens curse!

“Really? I understand.”

After a long silence, Link said to himself.

Hungarian Shufenglong’s eyes suddenly burst into joy. It exhausted its last strength and lifted the dragon trainers around it, and then moved towards Link rushed towards it!

The magic power is surging violently on the tip of Link, its concentration is high, the activity is violent, and even a whirlwind blows on the venue!


A bright blade that was tens of meters long was suddenly swung out!

It penetrated the neck of the Hungarian Shufenglong without a pause, and then went straight into the sky, splitting a white cloud that happened to float over the arena!


The body fell to the ground!

The expected blood spurting scene did not appear on the neck of the Hungarian Shufeng Dragon.

Its blood has long since drained.

Only the pair of vertical pupils who have lost their glamour are still staring at Link, with a little gratitude remaining in them.

[The mission is complete! ]

[Achieved the title-Tulong champion]

[Get free skill points*1]

[Title-Dragon Slaying Champion: As the champion who killed the Hungarian King of Tree Peak Dragon, Dragons have a high probability of being shocked by your power! ]

The title will automatically take effect after it is obtained.

With an invisible imposing manner slowly spreading, the dragons who were still roaring and roaring off the court instantly disappeared, and one by one buried their heads in the ground like ostriches, shiver coldly.

This amazing effect should be changed to the usual, Link will surely laugh out proudly.

But at this moment, he is not happy at all, he just walks out with his head covered.

The hungarian tree peak dragon’s hopeful eyes just gave him a great shock.

What kind of torture did it suffer in the dragon farm before it was willing to give up the desire to live?

Link is not known, but this does not prevent his mood from becoming very bad.

“Hey! You guy can’t go!”

A dragon trainer with thick eyebrows hurriedly caught up with Link.

He was really angry.

Reach out to grab Link’s shoulder.

But just as soon as his hand stretched out, he was stared back by Link’s killing intent Ling Ran’s eyes!

Only then did the dragon trainer remember.

The young man standing in front of him, but just slaughtered a dragon alone!

If the other party wants to kill him.

Maybe it’s easy too, right?

“We bought this Dragon from the Foley family and the Victoria family! Hurry up and get out of here!”

I don’t know when Emily has come to Link.

She ignored the dragon trainer brow beaded with sweat and walked out of the field with Link.

“Link! Are you okay?”

She said with concern.

“It’s okay, it’s just that I am in a bad mood.”

Link looked at the group of dragon trainers again and said, “That group of guys are really annoying!”

As one of the people close to Link, Emily naturally knows what is really upsetting Link at this moment.

She lightly patted Link’s back and comforted:

“Don’t be angry. Both of us are in the business of magical creatures. Don’t you know how cruel the hands of those grand-sounding dragon trainers are? It’s not worth it to be angry for this kind of garbage!”

Link did not answer, but he also started to take a deep breath to regulate his emotions.

At this time, John, Cedric and the others in the stands also rushed down.

They surrounded Link with excitement, you shouted and shouted.

It’s really hard to describe their excitement at this moment in words.

If it weren’t for Link’s strong opposition, I’m afraid they have already started throwing Link repeatedly.

“Link! You are the best! No one can compare to you!”

John posted to Link’s ear and yelled loudly. Only in this way could he be sure that Link could hear him amidst the cheers around him. “Harry Potter used the Accio curse summon to come to his Firebolt and used his mobility to grab the golden egg! But he himself suffered some minor injuries!

The girl named Fleur used a strange magic, probably trying to hypnotize Dragon! In fact, she did succeed! It’s a pity that Dragon snored when she stole the eggs, and the flames from Dragon’s nostrils directly lit her skirt, making her more embarrassed!

As for Krum, it is probably the second only to your existence! He used Conjunctivitis Curse to blind Dragon’s eyes and successfully got the golden egg!

I have to say that they are all very good, but you are the strongest!

You just slaughtered the Dragon! “

When it comes to the end, John is a little broken.

It’s a pity that the surrounding voices are too noisy, and Link, who was forced to turn off the Transcendent Charm, still couldn’t hear what he was saying, it was only perfunctory nodded.

“…Then next, we have to ask our referees to rate Hogwarts’ champion-Link Foley!”

Bagman gasping for breath in the commentary booth.

The previous continuous roar has made his voice a little hoarse.

However, after he finished speaking, the noisy audience finally stopped what they were doing, and focused their attention on Dumbledore and other judges.

The first referee-Ms. Maxime.

She wand raised high, and a strand of silver white ribbon was sprayed from the tip, forming a 10 in the air.

10 points!

Full marks!

“This is as it should be by rights!”

John said with his chest straight.

His appearance at this time looks more proud than Link himself.

Next came Dumbledore, Bagman, old Barty, and Karkaroff.

They didn’t do what Maxime did, but obediently and honestly used wand to hit the flame numbers.

As for the score.

All 10 points!

Applause and cheers haunted the sky again.

Cedric was clearly relaxed and said to Link aloud:

“This guy Karkaroff also gave you full marks. This is really rare. You have to know that in the previous champions, except for Krum, he gave everyone a very low score! Now everyone knows that he is favoring himself. Students!

But it’s mainly because of your very good performance! It is normal for him to give you full marks. After all, if he can give you a low score in this situation, he will be really shameless! “

hearing this everyone nodded in agreement and regarded this as a matter of as it should be by rights.

Only Link frowned.

Because he knows very well that people like Karkaroff don’t care about face at all.

As long as the score is allowed by the rules, he can definitely play as low as he can, regardless of Link’s performance.

But Karkaroff is now so abnormally giving such a high score.

Link instinctively guessed that there are other reasons hidden in it.

Was it Mrs. Foley and Snape who gave Karkaroff pressure beforehand?

Or what kind of conspiracy is this guy Karkaroff secretly plotting?

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