
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Compassion is actually a very lasting emotion, especially when I can see a large group of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students silly hehe wandering around in Hogwarts

Every time they appear in front of Link, it is tantamount to remind Link of how hard their lives are.

So, even though it has been more than a month since the end of the Dragon project, Link will sigh sincerely as long as they see these two schools.

To lament the misfortune of these people.

At the beginning, John and the others around Link were somewhat ignorant, but after a long time, they and even the other students of Hogwarts began to learn Link and sighed to those Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.

This made Link thought that the secret conspiracy of the Ministry of Magic was reported.

As a result, when I asked, I realized that John’s idlers who had nothing to do took the sigh as a new way of mocking invented by Link!

A group of bear children!

Link scolded them in his heart and walked quickly to the library.

Today is the weekend, and he plans to go to the library to review his transfiguration experience.

There are not many people who are as diligent and studious as him, so the library is empty at the moment. As soon as Link comes in, he sees Hermione and Krum who is like a bear next to her.

The two of them still keep a certain distance, but they still feel closer.

Hermione even put down the thick book in her hand unprecedented, and kept talking to Krum.

However, from the fact that Hermione and Krum waved their arms twice from time to time, it can be seen that the conversation between them was not smooth.

After all, Krum’s English is very poor, and communication needs body language assistance.

This situation has actually been going on for several days.

It was Krum’s first hand.

He seemed to have some unfathomable mystery feelings for Hermione, and began to talk to Hermione intermittently.

And Hermione is also worrying about the expansion of “house elf and Dragon Rights Promotion Association” recently. After encountering a guy like Krum who has a reputation and appeal and is very good for the promotion of the development of the association, Hermione as it should be by The rights holders regard Krum as a necessary solicitation object.

Now, she basically talks to Krum a lot about house elf and Dragon rights.

In order to make Krum understand, she even taught Krum English and taught herself Bulgarian.

Link did not know how to evaluate Hermione’s frenzied approach to promote the expansion of the club’s enrollment.

But it is undeniable that after the scene before him, Link’s mood became a little bad, and even the last trace of pity for Durmstrang students also disappeared.

He took a deep breath, then took the book and sat on the seat farthest from Hermione.

This is useless, Link still looks up at Hermione from time to time.

Then Link made up his mind.

Hermione must not be with Krum!

Of course, Ron can’t be with Hermione either!

This is for sure! !

To be honest, Link feels very shameless.

Obviously I think Hermione character is not good, not my good match.

But she still refuses to let go, to fulfill her and other people’s feelings.

Link didn’t intend to find any high-sounding excuses to convince himself, he directly attributed all of this to his own possessive desire for beautiful things.

This is the instinct of male creatures!

After all, Hermione is very beautiful, and for a transmigrator like Link, Hermione has other important meanings, which is a kind of obsession.

In short, things are set!

Link made the final decision and only then began to concentrate on reading.

It’s a pity that God seems to be a little upset with Link’s shameless decision just now.

So not long after Link calmed down, a familiar scent floated from the side.

Link twisted his body to the other side, deliberately ignoring Fleur who came suddenly.

Fleur didn’t feel annoyed when he saw it, so he put his hands on his chin and watched Link read.

After a long time, Fleur said to Link while playing with his hair:

“You are the only heir of the Foley family. Even if the owl exam is messed up, you can become a master. As for studying so hard?”

Knowing that Fleur is trying to persuade myself to go out of the library and talk to another place, Link curl one鈥檚 lip, disdainfully said:

“What do you know? Just because I am the heir of the Foley family, so I have to work harder! Otherwise, how can I become a qualified heir, a qualified patriarch in the future? How can the Foley family continue Keep it going?”

Seeing Fleur hearing this a little confused, Link continued:

“It’s not just me, the children of the real Great Family are like this. The more family property the children of the rich family, the more they will work hard, otherwise the family will fall, this is the rules of our this world! Don’t believe you Go and see Draco Malfoy. No matter how stupid and bad this guy is, his grades in Hogwarts are very good!”

Link no longer paid attention to Fleur, turned his head and looked towards an owl that flew into the library hastily and was being chased by the administrator Madam Pince.

This is the owl of the Forli family. It is big and strong. Even if someone is chased by it, it still successfully handed the letter to Link and finally escaped without paying attention to Madam Pince.

Also not paying attention to Madam Pince is Link.

He didn’t have the slightest intention to explain or apologize to Madam Pince. He directly gestured to Madam Pince with a 鈥榟urry up鈥?sign, and then opened the letter in Madam Pince鈥檚 furious eyes.

The letter was sent by Old Klie.

He stated in the letter that he had already followed Link’s instructions and assembled his hands and started to approach Hogwarts.

These fierce magical creature hunters will be assembled before the start of the third task at the latest, and will be on standby near Hogwarts, waiting for possible orders from Link until the end of the semester.

This is the benefit of growing up.

If you want to change to Link a few years ago, there is absolutely no way to mobilize such a large force. After all, the labor of Magic World is very expensive, and the cost of mobilizing so many hunters is even more expensive.

But now Link has proved that he has grown up and has strong abilities through the Hungarian Shufeng dragon that was killed by him.

So, Link just sent two letters, explaining that he needs to use some external power,

A large group of fierce hunters who depended on the huge magical creature business of the Foley family to eat were called in and waited for his orders!

In this way, even if the result becomes bad, he will have enough strength to deal with it.

Link clicked nodded with satisfaction, and then stuffed the letter into his arms.

Fleur seems to have been fooled by Link’s words just now, and he is still in a state of almost trance.

80% of this state is pretended. After all, Fleur is a very close woman, and she can’t and dare not read Link’s letters.

Link dared to open the letter in front of Fleur precisely because he understood this truth.

Of course, it would be better if Fleur’s current state of daunting was real.

Because Link did not intend to stay here to accept the double torture of Fleur and Krum, he quickly sorted the books and quietly left the library.

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